00:00Come on, we love the Word of God around here at People's Church. We're in our
00:06Series called more and we've been talking about Ephesians chapter 3 and verse number 20
00:12And I hope that you commit that portion of Scripture to memory and we're talking about how God wants to do more
00:19Than we can ask or even think
00:23Did you realize that God has more for your life?
00:26More for your marriage more for your relationship. Did you realize that God has more for your finances more for your career?
00:33Did you realize God has more for your children for your grandchildren for your friendships?
00:38God has more for your relationship with him and God not only has more for your life
00:43But we're talking about how God has more for our church
00:47And we're in a season of stepping into the more that God has for us
00:52And if you're new around here today at one of our locations or if you missed one of the last two Sundays
00:58You want to be sure to go to people's dot church slash more?
01:03People's dot church slash more today and see the last two sermons
01:09You can see the small group videos
01:11You can see the small group questions as we're all doing the same small group together as a church
01:17And I'm leading you via video. There's the testimony videos on there
01:22And there's details about the 45,000 square foot Edmund building project that you can see at people's dot church
01:29Slash more and you will also want to be sure to get one of these more
01:35Guides before you leave the building today
01:38So if you have not received one of these guides you can get one in the lobby
01:43After service at guest central in the main lobby in Oklahoma City or down this hallway here are in your lobby at your location
01:50Be sure to get one of these more
01:52Guides commitment cards that you can go on the journey with us
01:56And then also be sure to pick up week three on the daily devotionals anybody enjoying these devotionals
02:02I've been reading them every day. It's been really good Monday through Friday the devotional
02:06So you want to be sure pick up on page?
02:0856 and you can start the devotional with us and bring this with you to church as well
02:13Because you can take sermon notes bring it to your small group because the questions are there
02:17So this guide is helping us grow deeper in our faith through this
02:23series and one of the things church that excites me about this spiritual journey is
02:29How you're going to learn so many spiritual lessons that you're going to be able to pass on to your children
02:36You're gonna learn spiritual lessons to pass on to your grandchildren
02:39To your co-workers to your employees at your business to the students at your school to your friends to your family members
02:47And today I'm going to teach you one of the key components to a spiritual journey that you have to possess
02:55So that you can step into the more that God has for your life and so that you can pass it on to those
03:00That you love and that's how to hear the voice of God
03:06one of the biggest keys to winning in life is learning how to communicate and
03:13Communication has changed so much in our generation. How many of you would agree with me communications changed a lot
03:20Back in the day. There wasn't near as much communication as there is today
03:25Come on back in the day. We didn't have our own cell phones
03:29We had a home phone
03:32with a cord
03:34One of them
03:36Pull that thing cord in the corner to talk to somebody come on, you know what I'm saying?
03:40To have a private conversation
03:42It was a phone with a cord and then man, I just thought
03:46Technology massively advanced when we got wireless home phones. Come on, so buddy, you know what I'm talking about
03:52Make sure the antenna on that phone is working, right? You know what I mean?
03:55But today we all have our own personal cell phones
04:00We all have emails on our phones. I don't know about you, but I have like 15,000 emails in my inbox. That's no joke
04:08We got text messages, I mean so much communication now we got emojis
04:14You have to learn to interpret emojis nowadays
04:17If you want to communicate well, and it's really awkward
04:21When you get a text from somebody that you don't know
04:26Especially if they act like they know you
04:30Hey, just checking on you
04:35How's everything
04:37You're trying to figure out what do I say back? I don't know you am I supposed to know you
04:43You're like do I text back? Do I know you question mark question mark?
04:47Who is this question mark question mark? I don't know you and a lot of times people communication with God is very similar
04:56God is sending people text messages from heaven
05:01He's speaking to people and they're like, who is this?
05:04Do I know you
05:07God is that you talking to me?
05:10Is that you speaking to me about the business deal is is that you telling me to sell the house or to buy the house?
05:16Is that you telling me that my kids need to go to a different school?
05:19Is that you telling me to date that person or to marry that person? Is that you telling me to take that job?
05:24Hello God, is that you?
05:27How do you know when it's God?
05:31When it's God
05:34Speaking to you
05:36Today, I'm gonna give you some lessons. You're gonna be able to pass on
05:38Let me give you six lessons on hearing the voice of God
05:43Somebody today is gonna learn how to hear the voice of God for yourself. Number one is this realize God?
05:49Wants to speak to you
05:51John chapter 10 in verse 27. This is what Jesus said. He said my sheep
05:57Listen to my voice. I know them
06:01and they follow me my
06:05Listen to my voice means God
06:08Speaks to his people. Did you realize that God is a speaking God?
06:14He is always speaking to his people matter of fact all throughout
06:19Scripture God spoke to his people because he is a
06:24speaking God in
06:26Genesis chapter 3 God spoke to Adam and Eve
06:29Genesis chapter 6 verse 13 God spoke to Noah
06:33Genesis chapter 12 verse 1 God spoke to Abraham Genesis chapter 26 verse 2
06:38God spoke to Isaac Genesis chapter 35 verse 1 God spoke to Jacob Isaiah chapter 6 verse 8
06:45God spoke to Isaiah
06:46These are just examples just all throughout your Bible
06:49Even if you flip over to the New Testament Acts chapter 10 verse 13
06:53God spoke to Peter Acts chapter 13 verse number 2 God spoke to the disciples Acts chapter 23 verse number 11
07:00God spoke to Paul. We see a pattern in Scripture that God speaks to his people and
07:06God's people were able to hear his voice
07:12Here's what I want you to know every follower of Jesus can hear God's voice a
07:18Lot of people think God only speaks to really spiritual people
07:24God only speaks to pastors
07:27But God speaks to every Christ follower. Here's what Jesus said. He said my sheep know my voice not my pastors
07:35Know my voice
07:37You see back in that culture in Jesus's day
07:40There were a lot of shepherds and the sheep would follow the shepherds
07:45Voice reminds me and we woke up growing up
07:48My daddy would have lots of cows over a hundred head at times
07:51And he would call those cows those cows would know my dad's voice and my daddy always said sogs ogs ogs ogs
07:58so we
08:00Sweet. I think I'm doing it right daddy. He's in heaven right now. Hope I'm getting closer
08:04I saw those cows knew my daddy's voice
08:07They would come running and and what Jesus was saying is the same way that sheep
08:12Recognize their shepherds voice is how God wants us as his sheep to recognize his voice and
08:19I believe many of you today. You really want to follow the voice of God, but you're not hearing his voice
08:29Because you never obey what he says
08:32Why would God keep speaking to you if you won't ever do what he tells you
08:38So so today if you're not hearing the voice of God
08:41I want you to go back to the last thing God told you to do and do it
08:48Let me give you a tip on hearing the voice of God
08:53Predetermined that when God speaks to you you're going to do whatever he tells you to do
08:58This will make you stay connected to the voice of God
09:03And then there are some of you today that you will say pastor, I really don't know how to discern God's
09:12That there are so many voices coming at me, and I'm not sure which one is God
09:18I don't know if it's the devil's voice if it's the flesh speaking to me if it's culture if it's
09:26People or if it's God
09:29Speaking to me pastor. How do I know?
09:31Number two eliminate the wrong voices
09:36We have so many decisions to make on a day-to-day basis
09:40So we have to learn to eliminate all the wrong voices
09:46One thing I'm constantly doing is eliminating all the wrong voices that I know are not God
09:54Now now because I've walked with God for a little while. I know his character
09:58So so I can quickly eliminate a lot of voices
10:02You see when you spend time with someone you get to know their nature
10:07Their character you start to recognize
10:10their voice
10:12After being married to the love of my life Tiffany Marie Cooper for almost 27 years. I know her
10:20We've had thousands of conversations
10:24lots of dates
10:26Lots of dates
10:28trips good days
10:31Bad days. I've spent so much time with my wife
10:35I know when she's happy when she's sad when she's angry
10:40When she's frustrated and know what she's frustrated to me glory to God. I
10:46Know her character. I know her wisdom. I
10:51Know the decision she would make in a lot of situations
10:54Why because I spent so much time with her and what I'm saying is if you want to know the voice of God
11:01You have to spend time with God back in John chapter 10 in verse 14
11:07Jesus said I am the Good Shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know
11:16When you spend time with God you get to know his character his ways
11:21His nature and it helps you to eliminate all the wrong voices
11:26Because you know those voices don't align with who God is and throughout this series
11:31One of my goals is I want your relationship with God to grow so you can know him so that you can know his voice
11:39Better. That's why I'm asking you to keep this guide with you and to read the daily devotionals
11:45I want you to know God better so you can hear his voice and a big part of
11:52Spending time with God and knowing the voice of God is found in point three
11:57God speaks through scripture
12:00One of the primary ways you get to know God you get to know his ways and his character is by reading the Bible
12:07You have to read the Bible for yourself because it's a direct line to God
12:12The entire Bible is God breathed. It's God
12:17Inspired 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 and 17 says all come here by the shout all all
12:24Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching
12:30Correcting and training and righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good
12:39some of you today
12:41You are not thoroughly equipped. You're struggling to hear the voice of God because you don't consistently
12:48Read the Bible you won't be able to clearly discern the voice of God
12:54If you don't spend time in the Word of God a major key a major key
13:00To discerning God's voice is to read the Bible and do what it says. I want you to think about this
13:08How often are you reading the Bible?
13:11Do you do what it says you want to hear the voice of God are you reading the Bible?
13:17Do you do what it says?
13:18That's how you get to know the character of God the ways of God and the voice of God
13:24It's key if you want to clearly discern the voice of God. You have to read the Word of God
13:31Number four is this God speaks through trusted voices who know the Bible in?
13:38Scripture you see God using his people to speak to his people
13:43There's also a spiritual gift called prophecy
13:46Where God will use one of his people to speak a word from God to you
13:52The big thing I want you to understand is that God uses his people to speak to us
13:58And whenever a Christian gives us a word from God
14:02It will always be in alignment with the Word of God the Bible and it will also confirm
14:09What God is speaking to our heart?
14:12and throughout my time of serving God I've had speak people speak a word of
14:20the Lord to my life
14:22Now I've also had people who missed it
14:25You know what? I'm talking about
14:27You know, someone tells me God said you're supposed to be single
14:31That's not God because it goes against God's Word the Bible and the covenant commitment of marriage you miss the Lord
14:38If someone says to me you and Timothy are supposed to have another baby. That's the devil
14:45I'm almost 50. I got a vasectomy, honey. No, I'm not. I'm not having no more kid. My oldest is 16
14:51I'm getting that joker raised glory to God
14:53I'm no more babies
14:56If someone tells me God said you're supposed to move to Africa, that's not God
15:01God isn't speaking to me. He has to confirm that in my heart. I'm moving to Africa
15:07But here but but but but here's key you got to understand this but here's what I've learned
15:12That one of the best things that you and I can do for our spiritual development is to get some trusted voices in our life
15:21people who have a history of following God and
15:25Obeying the Word of God people who know the Bible and who live the Bible
15:30Proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 says walk with the wise and become wise
15:36That's why being in a small group is so vitally important
15:40That's why attending brotherhood and sisterhood on Wednesday night is so important matter of fact
15:44We had on I don't know at 1800 or so people across our campuses this past Wednesday night and brotherhood and sisterhood
15:52And youth service and kids environments you want to be here on Wednesday night get in a small group pastor
15:59Why why you will never be able to discern the voice of God as clearly as you should all by yourself
16:07You need some trusted voices who know the Bible in your life
16:12Number five is this pastor. How can I hear the voice of God? You need to know God speaks through peace
16:19One of the ways that I discern the voice of God is
16:25Understanding that God leads through peace
16:30Colossians chapter 3 verse 15 says let the peace of Christ
16:38govern your hearts
16:40Since as members of one body you were notice you were called to peace and be thankful
16:47Well, whenever I'm trying to make a decision about my life make a decision about my children my my marriage the church
16:53I'm always listening for the peace of God
16:57I know God is going to lead my heart with his peace why?
17:03God speaks by leading us not driving us. That's important for you to hear
17:09Let me say that again. God leads us
17:12He leads us. He does not drive
17:17Romans chapter 8 verse 14 says for those who are
17:22Did you catch that?
17:23Led by the Spirit of God are the children of God
17:28God is a good shepherd and he does not drive us
17:32He leads us so I'm always listening for the Holy Spirit's voice to lead me with his peace
17:40Now understand this church
17:42some of you are newer to the faith and newer to the things of God when you read the Bible and
17:47Follow God for a little while you realize that God's leading through peace doesn't mean it won't require faith
17:54following God's voice
17:56Always requires faith the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 11 verse number 6 that without faith
18:02It's impossible to please God Romans chapter 1 verse 17 says the just will live by faith
18:09We live by faith. We walk by faith
18:11This is a faith walk following the peace of God and the voice of God always
18:18requires faith a
18:21great example of this a great picture of this is when Jesus told Peter to come and
18:28Walk on water
18:30It was the voice of Jesus come come Peter
18:35It was the voice of Jesus, but it was still scary
18:39It was dark outside
18:41The disciples thought they saw a ghost
18:44Peter had never walked on water before it didn't make any sense to get out that boat and to walk on that water
18:52But it was the voice of Jesus
18:55Peter had to get out that boat afraid
18:59And start to walk on that water
19:01What I want you to understand is following the voice of Jesus
19:05Oftentimes means you follow Jesus
19:08Afraid the peace and the leading of the Holy Spirit the peace and the leading of God
19:14Doesn't mean you won't have to do it afraid
19:18It's been my journey
19:20It's my life story
19:22Tiffin and I followed the voice of God afraid when we left, Missouri. I
19:27Was 26 he's 24 we moved to Oklahoma City to start People's Church
19:35We moved here afraid didn't know where we were gonna meet didn't know where we're gonna have church
19:39We just knew God said go
19:41It was scary for Tiffin and I obeying God
19:45Spending thousands of dollars out of our savings account to buy all of the equipment to start the church in the AOMC theater
19:52It was we did it afraid. We just knew we heard the voice of God and we need to obey
19:58It was scary that first year of People's Church when God spoke doesn't say I do not want you to take a salary from the
20:06church trust me
20:08I'm scary
20:11It was scary the second year of the church and God said invest back into the staff you got to have more people
20:16I've got big vision for you. Go take a very part-time salary from the church
20:21I'm going to provide for you and we stepped out in faith. We faith we did it afraid. I mean, it's my life story
20:28Hear the voice of God. It doesn't mean the peace of God doesn't mean that you don't have to do it afraid
20:32And then in 2004 when God spoke to us to build this first building on Britain Road
20:4118,000 square feet
20:43first phase on 50 acres
20:45God spoke to Tiffany and I to make a commitment of
20:49$20,000 to the because spiritual journey campaign in a two-year campaign
20:54We just barely taken a salary God
20:56We don't know how you're going to do it
20:58But we did it afraid every time the hearing the voice of God doesn't mean that it's easy and won't require faith
21:06Every time it's always required faith. And can I tell you something about God every time?
21:10We followed his voice God has showed up and showed out. I mean, I'm just uh, that's what God has done
21:17And now Tiffany and I were at this place again
21:20We're listening for the voice of God God is speaking to us and I'm telling you it's some stuff to be afraid what he's speaking
21:27To us about like it's big stuff that for Tiffany and I what he's speaking
21:31But we're making our largest financial commitment to the more spiritual journey campaign that we've ever made
21:37We're giving the largest miracle offering that we've ever given. We're simply hearing the voice of God
21:43It requires faith, but God's always
21:47faithful when we follow his voice
21:51And so a church as you're praying
21:54About your three-year commitment and your miracle offering that goes towards your three-year commitment
22:00You may have to follow Jesus afraid. I
22:03Want you to hear the voice of God and to do what God tells you to do
22:09Over the years Tiffany and I have learned that there are three levels of giving as we listen for the voice of God
22:15Let me teach this to you
22:16Let me pastor you well today as you listen for the voice of God. The first level is what can I afford?
22:23This level is what can I give without giving anything up?
22:28There is very little faith at this level of giving
22:30I believe God wants all of us to move beyond the what can I afford to give and the second level of giving is
22:39What can I sacrifice?
22:41This level is what can I give only if I give something up
22:47It's it's more like logical giving
22:50I'm going to give up maybe buying coffee at the coffee shop, or I'm going to give up going out to eat as much
22:56I'm going to
22:58take a smaller vacation that I normally would take or I'm going to hold off on buying the new car or
23:03Buying the new house or I'm not going to retire right now so that I can give more to the Lord
23:08It's it's more of a logical
23:11Sacrifice that's that's level two, but then there's this third level and that is what can I trust God to do?
23:19through me
23:20This level is what can I give if I give up something and then I trust God to be my source
23:28This is what I call the faith level
23:31It's the stepping out the boat and trusting God to help you walk on the water
23:36It's where you see the supernatural power of God show up in your life
23:40It's it's where you see God come through and he does more through you than you ever thought possible
23:47I like to call it
23:48It's leaving room for God to show up and my prayers that we'll all pray
23:52Seek the face of God and we'll step out in faith and leave room for God to show
24:00Pastor what do I do? I?
24:02Pray I hear the voice of God and I do what God tells me to do
24:07How do I hear the voice of God number six is this this is key set time aside
24:13to hear the voice of God
24:16John chapter 10 verse 27 Jesus said and I catch this my sheep
24:22Listen, if you have a paper Bible circle, listen, come on. Everybody shout listen, that's key my sheep
24:32To my voice I know them and they follow me my sheep
24:38Listen to my voice and they follow me. It's important to take time to listen
24:44for the voice of God and
24:46Jesus modeled this for us before he Jesus selected the 12 disciples in Luke chapter number 6 verse 12 and 13
24:54It says that Jesus pulled away and he spent all night
24:58Praying to God before he made that important decision to select those disciples and church if Jesus needed to pull away from
25:06Everyone to spend time with his father before making an important decision. I think it's critical
25:13For you and I as well
25:15it will change your life if you will make this a practice if you will get along with God and pray and
25:23Listen for the voice of God before you make a big decision in life. I'm telling you don't change your life
25:29I'm gonna pray and get along with God before I make big decisions in life at this point in the spiritual journey
25:36Here's what I'm asking you to do
25:38over the next two weeks before
25:41commitment Sunday October the 6th
25:43Would you set aside some specific time to pray and to hear the voice of God?
25:49Would you get along with God and ask him to speak to you?
25:53So many people don't hear the voice of God
25:57Because they don't make room in their schedule to hear his voice to listen for his voice
26:03Some of you need to take off an afternoon from work and pray to hear his voice
26:08Some of you need to spend an entire Saturday with a television off and listening for the voice of God
26:15Some of you need to spend three or four evenings reading your Bible and praying for three to four hours
26:20so you can hear his voice if you're married spend time alone praying and then come together as a
26:26Married couple and share what God is speaking to you and you'll probably have different numbers
26:31So go pray alone again and then come together and talk a second time or a third time
26:37It may take you a few hours over a few days to hear the voice of God
26:44And I know what some of you are thinking pastor. That sounds crazy. I
26:49Can't give up that much time. Well, the question is how bad do you really want to hear the voice of God? I
26:57Want to help you hear the voice of God
26:59I want you to be able to pass this on to your kids to your grandkids to your friends to your
27:04co-workers and we're in every one church and we want everyone praying and learning how to hear the voice of God
27:11I'm asking everyone to pray say pastor. I want to hear the voice of God. He's a speaking God
27:18If you'll set time aside to hear his voice, it will all be committed to these four things
27:23Everyone committed to attending the next few Sundays in a row
27:28Three more Sundays left in this spiritual journey the 29th October the 6th October the 13th
27:34Would you be committed if you missed one week go back to back and watch it on YouTube or at people's church slash more and then
27:40Everyone committed to attending a small group. It's gonna help you hear the voice of God
27:44I'm asking you would you be committed to October the 31st to being in a small group is key to hearing the voice of God
27:51Everyone committed to making a three-year commitment on October the 6th
27:57So everyone tithing when everyone church everyone tithing and then everyone making a three-year financial
28:03Commitment over and above your tithe to build Edmund its first
28:10Home, I'm so excited. We're gonna reach more people far from God
28:14And then number four, I'm asking everyone committed to giving in the miracle offering October the 13th through December the 31st
28:21Everyone giving your best
28:23Offering that goes towards your three-year commitment your best offering may be 10% or 20% or 30 or 40 or?
28:3250% of your three-year commitment and we're gonna all do it together because we're at everyone Church
28:38Now, let me say to all of our guests today if you're a guest, please
28:42Feel no obligation to make a commitment or to give
28:46But our church is doing this because we want to see more change lives
28:51We want to reach more people who don't know the love of Jesus Christ
28:57Can I tell you that Jesus is changing lives at People's Church?
29:02He's changing so many lives. I want to remind you
29:08Why we do what we do it's more change lives, that's why we serve
29:15That's why we pray. That's why we give that's why we expand because Jesus changes lives check out this short life
29:22change story I
29:25would just find myself always in that space of am I good enough and
29:31You know that can lead you to some dark dark places
29:35My lowest point I had just been dumped from a four-year relationship
29:41I had a lot of debt. I'm holding a 40 caliber pistol in my hands
29:48Thinking that I'm ready to check out
29:52Right before turning my phone off, but my phone started to ring sure enough. It was one of my teammates
29:59He's crying
30:00He don't know how much longer he could do it and I started to talk about God the little that I knew it felt like
30:07Everything I was saying. It's like God was sitting on the hood of my car
30:11They're here and you have purpose and you need to be here
30:16My friend Kayla and I began to date I felt a shift
30:22From sending me scriptures first thing in the morning and from there that turned into
30:29You know, I'm moving to Oklahoma City. Okay. Well, I want to see you
30:35She's told me I want my husband to be the
30:40Spiritual leader of our household. So it's like hey, what church are we visiting? We visited People's Church Midwest City
30:47Mr. Thomas greeted me as as soon as we came in and from introducing us to people in the church and
30:54Making sure we had coffee. I gotta get emotional now, but I felt like I
31:00Belong somewhere and I was welcome to be somewhere
31:05This is different
31:08This is different
31:11Pastor comes on the screen
31:12The first thing he's talking about is Shane everything he hit on was everything I was feeling
31:18I got tired of holding on to all of that worry, you know, you're so much more than your worst day
31:25You're so much more than your worst second
31:28You're so much more than your worst thought. I
31:31Raised my hand for that altar call at the end
31:35With pastor and I just remember telling my wife like I think we found our church home
31:40I think this is this is where we want to go for sure and that turned into going
31:46Every Sunday, I was serving on the production team. There were times I'd be on camera
31:53Like holding the camera with tears running down my face
31:56I know he's wanting more and I need this public declaration
32:01So going into the baptism, I went out into the lobby
32:05The sign-up sheet was there and I remember writing my name in
32:09Getting into the water putting my feet in and and it was as though
32:13Like weight was just falling off of me and I closed my eyes as tight as I could. I just remember saying thank you
32:25And coming out of the water and I felt like God has washed away my sins
32:35And has given me an opportunity to be the man
32:42He needs me to be in the man that I'm destined to become
32:48That's why we do what we do
32:53That's why I'm asking you to pray to hear the voice of God
32:58we're in every one church and
33:01Many of you today are sitting in a seat
33:05Somebody years ago sacrificed gave
33:09To put locations to build buildings to renovate buildings so that we could reach you your friends your family
33:17And now we're doing it again
33:19To reach more people to reach more dress. That's the heart of this church
33:25Father, I love you. I give you praise. I
33:29Thank you that you're speaking God and Lord what we're learning
33:33Today is something we can pass on in our companies with our families with our friends
33:40To teach others how to hear the voice of God
33:43Lord, we're an everyone church and I think that everyone is committed
33:47to hearing your voice
33:50Doing their part
33:51stepping out in faith
33:54God I give you praise
33:56That more lives are gonna be changed
33:59even today in
34:01Jesus name his eyes are closed and heads are bowed right now
34:04I'm talking to some people that you're here today and you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You're far from God
34:11You're not living for God. You're not serving God
34:14You you don't know this Jesus that I'm talking about and you hear this story about Dre and that's gonna be your story today
34:21God's gonna wash away your sins gonna change your life
34:24You're gonna become a child of God a son of God a daughter of God
34:27I'm talking to some people that used to walk with God, but you drifted away
34:30You're back in the world. You're back hanging with your old friends
34:34You're back living that old lifestyle and today you need to rededicate your life back to Jesus
34:38Oh, I sense the presence of God today is somebody's moment
34:42To come home and to surrender fully to God
34:45If that's yours, I count to three you want your sins to be washed away?
34:48You really want your life to be changed. You want to be different?
34:51You don't want to continue to live for yourself the devil in this world
34:54I want you to shoot your head up high and I want to lead you in a prayer to say yes to Jesus today
34:58Today is your day. One, two, three, just lift it now. Just lift it now. That's it
35:03Others today others today others see your hand see your hand see your hand others today
35:08See your hand others see your hand others today. Come on Midwest City lifted high. Come on Northwest lifted high
35:13Come on Edmond lifted high right now. There's somebody right now God speaking to you today is your day
35:18This is your moment right there online. Click the raise your hand button. I write yes in the chat line
35:22This is your moment to say yes to Jesus
35:24I'm gonna ask for every hand that's raised around this place at every location to pray this prayer and God's gonna wash away your sins
35:30Right. Now, would you pray with me right there in your seat? Just pray Heavenly Father. I
35:34Turn from my sin and I turn my life over to Jesus. I
35:41Confess that Jesus is the Son of God
35:43Died on the cross rose again and today I receive him as
35:49Savior and Lord
35:51Thank you, Jesus for forgiving me of all of my sins in Jesus name. I pray amen