• l’année dernière


00:00I wanna talk to you about how do I know
00:03if I'm possessed or oppressed by demons.
00:07Just kinda look at your neighbor like this,
00:09just, it's you, not me, come on, somebody, huh?
00:13How do you know?
00:15Well, if you're new with us today,
00:17we've been in a series titled Angels and Demons,
00:22and we've been learning a lot about the unseen world.
00:25And last week, we learned what the devil
00:28doesn't want you to know.
00:30If you missed last week's message,
00:32please get on YouTube and watch the message.
00:35Matter of fact, watch this entire series.
00:37It's going to help you understand angels and demons.
00:41And today, we're going to learn about demon possession
00:44and demon oppression.
00:47And our world is highly intrigued
00:50and highly fascinated by the demonic,
00:53by wickedness and evil in our world.
00:57There are so many movies about the demonic,
01:01about wickedness, go all the way back to 1973.
01:05Some of you remember The Exorcist when it came out.
01:08And in the early 80s was Poltergeist.
01:11They got The Conjuring and Annabelle
01:14and The Blair Witch Project and Rosemary's Baby.
01:19You got Chucky, I don't wanna play with Chucky.
01:21Come on, somebody, some of y'all remember that?
01:23Get out!
01:24All kinds of movies, old school,
01:26A Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween,
01:30Friday the 13th.
01:32I'm still scared of Jason.
01:35Caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw.
01:39Lord, have mercy.
01:41And for many people, Hollywood has shaped their mind
01:46of what demon possession and oppression looks like.
01:50But today, we're going to find out
01:53what the Bible says about this subject.
01:56First, let me say this.
01:58The church, in many ways, has made talking about demons
02:02and casting out demons something
02:05that's for very weird people.
02:08Only crazy, wild, and weird Christians
02:12talk about demons or cast out demons.
02:15And that's such a wrong perspective
02:18that the devil wants you to believe
02:20so that you can stay uninformed about the demonic world.
02:26Here's what you have to understand,
02:28introductory thought.
02:29Casting out demons was a vital part of Jesus's ministry.
02:35Confronting and casting out demons
02:38was just normal for Jesus.
02:41It was just common for Jesus.
02:44It wasn't something reserved just for crazy
02:48and weird people.
02:50It was just a normal part of his everyday ministry.
02:56Jesus cast out demons so that people
02:59could experience freedom and true life.
03:03It was just a normal part.
03:04Let's look at it together.
03:05Just in the book of Matthew,
03:07you could go look at Mark and Luke and John,
03:10but just the book of Matthew,
03:11and just a few scriptures here,
03:12Matthew chapter four, and just verse 24.
03:15It says, people brought to him all who were ill
03:18with various diseases, those suffering severe pain,
03:21the demon-possessed, those having seizures
03:25and the paralyzed, and they were, he healed them.
03:29Matthew chapter eight, verse 16.
03:30Many who were demon-possessed were brought to him
03:34and he drove out the spirits with a word
03:38and healed all the sick.
03:39Matthew chapter nine, verse 32.
03:41While they were going out, a man who was demon-possessed
03:46and could not talk was brought to Jesus.
03:49Jesus healed him.
03:50In Matthew chapter 12, verse 22,
03:52then they brought to him demon-possessed man.
03:56He was blind and mute, and Jesus healed him
03:59so that he could both talk and see.
04:02In Matthew chapter 15, verse 22,
04:04a Canaanite woman said, my daughter is demon-possessed
04:08and suffering terribly, and Jesus healed her,
04:14casting out demons was a normal part of Jesus's ministry.
04:20And I want you to be aware of some of the symptoms,
04:24some of the characteristics of people
04:27who are possessed by a demon.
04:31They can have superhuman strength
04:34as you study the scriptures.
04:37Sometimes superhuman knowledge.
04:40Sometimes they speak with a different voice.
04:44Sometimes a symptom is a loss of voice.
04:48Or sometimes they seek isolation.
04:51Another symptom is they can't control themselves.
04:56Some of you starting to wonder
04:57if your child might have a demon, huh?
04:59No, that's sugar, that's an Oreo, that's all that is.
05:04Another symptom is erratic behavior or self-harm.
05:07Sometimes severe sickness, a hatred towards Jesus
05:12is another characteristic,
05:13and intent to disrupt anything godly
05:18is another behavior or characteristic.
05:20Casting out demons was also a regular part
05:25of the early church's ministry.
05:27Not just Jesus's ministry,
05:28but as you study the early church.
05:30I'll just give you some examples.
05:31Acts chapter five, verse number 16.
05:34Acts chapter eight, verse number seven.
05:36Acts chapter 16, verse 16 through 18.
05:39Acts chapter 19, verse number 12.
05:42It talks about the early church,
05:44and there are a whole lot more scriptures
05:46about the early church casting out demons.
05:49Why was this a part of their ministry?
05:52I think Timothy says it best in 2 Timothy chapter two
05:56in verse 25 and 26.
05:58He says, opponents must be gently instructed
06:01in the hope that God will grant them repentance,
06:05leading them to a knowledge of the truth.
06:07Verse 26 says, and that they will come to their senses
06:11and escape, here it goes.
06:13Escape from the trap of the devil
06:17who has taken them captive to do his will.
06:23The devil's goal is to take people captive
06:27to do his will.
06:29As Christians, we wanna see people set free
06:32by the power of Jesus Christ from the power of the devil
06:36so they can do God's will instead of the devil's will.
06:39Can I get a good amen?
06:43Here's the question I want to address,
06:45and that is, can Christians be demon-possessed?
06:53I wanna show you some biblical principles
06:56to answer this question.
06:59Here's the first biblical principle.
07:01Write this down, it'll help you.
07:03You need it for your neighbors, your friends,
07:04your kids, your grandkids.
07:05Drop this down.
07:05The first is, Jesus taught that demons look
07:09for unoccupied people, unoccupied people.
07:14Matthew chapter 12 verse 43 says,
07:17when an impure spirit comes out of a person,
07:21it goes through places, arid places, it's seeking.
07:25Notice the scripture, it's seeking rest
07:28and does not find it.
07:30Then it says, I will return to the house
07:32that I left.
07:33When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied.
07:37If you have your paper Bible with you,
07:39circle the word house unoccupied, unoccupied.
07:43Swept clean and put in order.
07:45Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits
07:49more wicked than itself and they go in and live there
07:53and the final condition of that person
07:55is worse than the first.
07:58That is how it will be with this wicked generation.
08:01Notice what Jesus teaches.
08:03Demons look for people who aren't occupied
08:07by the Holy Spirit.
08:08People who aren't occupied by the Holy Spirit
08:13are a candidate to be demon possessed.
08:18Let me keep teaching you here.
08:20Write this down.
08:21Christians are occupied with the Holy Spirit.
08:26So when a person gives their life to Jesus,
08:29when they make Jesus their savior and Lord,
08:33immediately the Holy Spirit occupies the Christian,
08:38lives inside of the Christian.
08:40Romans says it like this in chapter eight,
08:43verse nine and 10.
08:44But you are not controlled by the sinful nature,
08:47you are controlled by the spirit
08:50if you have the spirit of God living in you.
08:54And remember, I love that word.
08:56I could just probably teach for five or 10 minutes there.
08:58You're controlled by the spirit, by the spirit of God.
09:01And remember that those who do not have
09:03the spirit of Christ living in them
09:05do not belong to him at all.
09:08And Christ, catch this, Christ lives within you.
09:12So even though your body will die because of sin,
09:16the spirit gives you life
09:17because you have been made right with God.
09:21Corinthians says it like this
09:22in first Corinthians chapter three, verse 16.
09:24Do you not realize that all of you together
09:27are the temple of God
09:29and that the spirit of God lives in you?
09:35First Corinthians chapter six, verse 19 says,
09:38do you not know that your bodies are temples
09:41of the Holy Spirit who is in you?
09:45Everybody shout in you.
09:47Who's in you, whom you have received from God.
09:50You are not your own.
09:52So understand this.
09:54Christians have the Holy Spirit living inside of us.
09:58So we can't be occupied or possessed by a demon spirit.
10:03Demon spirits look for people.
10:07They wanna possess, they possess bodies
10:09that are not occupied by the Holy Spirit.
10:13Let's go a layer deeper here.
10:15And that is this, jot this down.
10:17Christians are instructed to resist the devil.
10:23So we're instructed as Christ followers to resist the devil,
10:27not to cast the devil out of ourselves.
10:31You can't resist the devil if you're possessed by him.
10:35But Christians can resist the devil.
10:37Why do we have that kind of authority and ability?
10:40Because we're not possessed by the devil
10:43so we can actually resist the devil
10:45because the Holy Spirit's living inside of us.
10:48James chapter four, verse seven speaks about this.
10:50Submit yourselves then to God.
10:52Everybody shout resist.
10:54Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
11:01First Peter chapter five, verse eight and nine,
11:02be alert and of sober mind.
11:05Your enemy, the devil prowls around looking
11:07like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
11:10I love verse number nine.
11:11Christ followers understand what you can do.
11:13Resist him.
11:15Standing firm in the faith, you can resist the devil
11:19because you're not possessed by the devil.
11:22You're possessed by the Holy Spirit of God
11:24that lives inside of you if you are a Christian.
11:30Let's go a little bit deeper here.
11:31Number three is this.
11:33Can Christians be demon oppressed?
11:38While Christians cannot be possessed by a demon,
11:42we can be tormented, harassed, or oppressed by demons.
11:48Even severely oppressed or harassed by demons.
11:52Now don't confuse demon oppression with demon possession.
11:58Simply put, demon oppression is a prolonged,
12:03consistent, outside spiritual attack from the devil.
12:09Demon possession takes place on the inside
12:13and the person is being controlled by the devil
12:17to do his will.
12:18Possession is about ownership.
12:21Oppression is about influence.
12:24But demon oppression can cause a person
12:28to have an extreme amount of fear, worry, anxiety,
12:35negative thoughts, feeling weighed down,
12:39heaviness, depressed, oppressed.
12:43And although demons don't possess Christians,
12:47but if a Christian continues to allow a demon
12:51to have access into their life,
12:53the demon can gain such access
12:56that it starts controlling the Christian's life.
12:59This is not possession, but it's severe oppression.
13:03And I know what I'm talking about, not just biblically,
13:06but also from personal experience.
13:08I have experienced oppression by the devil as a Christian.
13:14There have been times I have given the devil access
13:18into an area of my life.
13:21And I have felt such heaviness.
13:24I was weighed down.
13:27I was being influenced and oppressed by the devil.
13:29I knew I was.
13:31You see, the majority of time
13:34when someone is severely harassed or oppressed by the devil,
13:37it's because they're making poor choices
13:40and giving the devil access into their life.
13:44But there are times, understand this,
13:48there are times a Christ follower
13:51is being severely harassed by the devil
13:54and it's not because of their poor choices.
13:57Sometimes God allows a Christian
13:59to experience demonic oppression
14:02to keep them humble and close to Jesus.
14:05Let me give you one example.
14:07The apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 12, verse number seven,
14:12it says, oh, because of these surpassingly great revelations
14:16therefore, in order to keep me
14:20from becoming conceited, boastful, proud,
14:25Paul says, I was given a thorn in my flesh,
14:28a messenger of Satan to torment me.
14:33Church, understand, Paul loved God.
14:37He was following the Lord with all of his heart
14:40and yet he was being harassed.
14:42He actually used the word tormented by the devil
14:45and sometimes the Lord will allow one of his children
14:49to be harassed by a demon for their own spiritual benefit.
14:54It's a good thing to be harassed by the devil
14:58because you're following Jesus with all of your heart
15:01but it's a horrible thing
15:06to be harassed and oppressed by demons
15:11because you're giving the enemy access
15:14into your life by your own poor decisions.
15:20And most people who are severely harassed
15:25and oppressed by demons is due to their own poor choices.
15:32They're giving the devil,
15:33they're giving demons access into their life.
15:39Pastor, how do people, how do Christians
15:44give the devil access into their life?
15:49I'm so glad you asked me that question.
15:54Let me give you seven ways.
15:56I'm a Bible, if you're new with us today,
15:57I'm a Bible preacher, I preach the Bible.
16:01So let me give you seven ways you are giving demons
16:04access into your life, not from Hollywood, from the Bible.
16:11Number one is this, sinful anger.
16:14You give the devil access into your life
16:16through sinful anger.
16:19Ephesians chapter four verse 26 and 27 says,
16:22in your anger do not sin.
16:24Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry
16:29and catch this, and do not give the devil a foothold.
16:35Church, don't give the devil a foothold in your life.
16:41You might be asking, what in the world is a foothold?
16:46How many of you, you know, growing up,
16:48some of you still may be very youthful and young.
16:50How many of you have ever played a game of tag before?
16:53Come on, all locations, lift your hand.
16:55Come on, don't lie in church, go ahead and lift that hand.
16:56You play, all right, everybody, all right, all right.
17:00You've played tag before, maybe you were in the house
17:02and you were playing tag with a friend
17:04and you were running away from them
17:06because they're trying to tag you
17:07and you ran into the bedroom really quick
17:10and you got in the bedroom, you started to close the door
17:13because you didn't want your friend to come in and tag you
17:16and right before you got the door closed,
17:18your friend put their foot right in the crack of the door
17:23and the door stayed open so they could get in and tag you.
17:27That's a foothold.
17:29The devil wants to keep his foot
17:34in the door of your life so it's cracked open
17:39so he can have access into your life
17:42and one of the ways that the devil has access
17:48into your life is when your anger turns into sin.
17:54The Bible says the emotion of anger is not a sin
17:59but it can easily turn into a sin
18:03and when your anger leads you to sin,
18:06you're giving the devil a foothold into your life.
18:14So don't allow your anger to get out of control.
18:18Don't explode on people.
18:21Don't go around punching walls.
18:24Don't say mean and hateful things
18:26because you're giving the devil.
18:29Don't stay angry for days, weeks, months, cold soda.
18:41Your anger has to have an expiration date.
18:44The Bible says don't let the sun go down while you're angry.
18:50Scripture is giving us a principle
18:53that we need to deal with our anger quickly.
18:56Don't stay angry, deal with it quickly
18:59so you don't give the devil a foothold.
19:02Somebody today, come on, get over your anger.
19:05Slam the door closed on the devil.
19:08Stop giving him access into your life.
19:13Number two is this, how do you give the devil access?
19:17Ephesians chapter four in verse 26 and 27
19:21is also referring to unforgiveness.
19:24Deal with your anger by forgiving people
19:29so you don't give the devil a foothold.
19:31And some of you are giving demons access into your life
19:35because you won't forgive.
19:37Second Corinthians chapter two, verse number 10 says this.
19:41Anyone you forgive, I also forgive.
19:45Paul says in what I have forgiven,
19:47if there is anything to forgive,
19:49I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake.
19:53Catch this, why am I gonna forgive?
19:55In order that Satan might not outwit us
20:00for we are not unaware of his schemes.
20:03Hey, hey, church, church, church,
20:05Satan is outwitting some of you
20:10and he's destroying your relationships,
20:13he's destroying your peace of mind
20:15because you won't forgive.
20:18You have to forgive, you have to let it go
20:22because if you don't,
20:25you're giving the devil access into your life.
20:30He's outwitting you.
20:32He's going to keep wreaking havoc in your life
20:36and in your relationships, in your peace.
20:39Today, forgive and slam the door closed on the devil.
20:46Number three is this.
20:47How do you give the devil access into your life
20:49for him to cause oppression in your life?
20:53Exposing yourself to deceiving spirits.
20:58First Timothy chapter four verse one says,
21:00the spirit clearly says that in later times,
21:05some will abandon the faith.
21:07They were in the faith, they came to church,
21:11they sang the songs but they abandoned the faith
21:18and followed deceiving spirits
21:20and things taught by demons.
21:24When believers start participating in witchcraft,
21:28Ouija boards, the occult, cultic ceremonies,
21:33demonic sacrifices,
21:35they open themselves up to demonic spirits.
21:40Don't expose yourself to these deceiving spirits
21:43because they will have you believing a lie
21:46and they'll drag you far away from the Lord and church.
21:51You have to also watch out for false teaching
21:53and false religions because they can pull you away
21:57from Jesus.
21:58Second Corinthians chapter 11 verse three and four says,
22:02but I fear, Paul says, I fear that somehow your pure
22:07and undivided devotion to Christ will be corrupted
22:11just as Eve was deceived by the cunning ways of the serpent.
22:16You happily put up with whatever tells you,
22:21listen, you're putting up with it.
22:23Even if they preach a different Jesus,
22:26he says you're putting up with it.
22:28And then the one that you heard preached
22:29or a different kind of spirit than the one you received
22:33or a different kind of gospel than the one you believe,
22:36you're just putting up with it.
22:38Church, don't listen to people preaching a different Jesus.
22:42As Christians, we only follow the Jesus of the Bible.
22:46Don't follow any other spirit except the Holy Spirit
22:50who points you to Jesus.
22:52Listen, if that spirit is not leading you towards Jesus,
22:55it's not the Holy Spirit.
22:57Watch out for false teaching and false religion.
23:02You'll give the devil a foothold.
23:07Number four is this, movies, music, social media,
23:13internet, you have to be careful about the movies,
23:20music, social media, things on the internet
23:25that you watch and listen to.
23:28Some of you never knew this before.
23:31I've got to teach you for a moment.
23:33You can give the devil a foothold in your life
23:36by what you watch and listen to.
23:39You can give the devil access into your life
23:41by filling your mind full of sex and hatred
23:45and violence and wickedness
23:47and with demonic movies and music.
23:50When you pump your mind full of filth,
23:53you're opening the door to the demonic.
23:55I'm telling you, sometimes I'm at home,
23:58I'm watching television,
24:00and I can just feel the demonic on the television.
24:03I see one of those trailers of some horror movie.
24:07I'm like, what in the world is, I'm gonna hit mute.
24:10I'll turn the channel.
24:12I'm telling you, sometimes I'm in the living room
24:14and one of those trailers come on, I feel a presence.
24:18It's not the Holy Spirit.
24:20And I just mute that bad boy or turn it quickly.
24:24What I'm wanting you to understand
24:26is that what you watch or listen to
24:29can be demonically influenced.
24:32That's why the Bible says in Matthew chapter six
24:34in verse 22 and 23, let me give you some Bible here.
24:37The eye is the lamp of the body.
24:40So if your eye is healthy,
24:42your whole body will be full of light.
24:44But if your eye is bad, I just wonder today,
24:51how many people you're giving the devil
24:54access into your life and you never have realized it.
25:01He says that if your eye is bad,
25:03your whole body will be full of darkness.
25:08If then the light in you is darkness,
25:10how great is the darkness?
25:13Be careful what you watch.
25:14Be careful what you listen to
25:17so that your whole body isn't full of darkness.
25:20That's why the apostle Paul talks about,
25:22he knew our thought life, what we think on,
25:24what we watch, what we listen to,
25:26what is so important.
25:27So he says in second Corinthians chapter 10
25:29and verse number five, he says,
25:30we demolish arguments and every pretension
25:33that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.
25:36We take captive every, come on,
25:38every location, shout every.
25:40We take captive every thought
25:42to make it obedient to Christ.
25:44Take captive every thought and slam the door on the devil.
25:49Number five is this, being idle and a busy body.
25:55First Timothy chapter five and verse 13 says this,
25:58besides they get into the habit of being idle
26:02and going about from house to house.
26:04It was talking about the widows in those days
26:08and not only did they become idlers,
26:11but he says they're also busy bodies
26:14who talk nonsense, saying things they ought not.
26:18So I counsel younger widows to marry,
26:21to have children, to manage their homes
26:24and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander.
26:29Some have in fact already turned away
26:32to follow Satan.
26:36Some of those busy bodied women turned away from Jesus
26:41and started following Satan.
26:43Church, you need to be busy doing the work of the Lord
26:47rather than being idle, meddling in other people's business,
26:52talking nonsense, spreading gossip and causing division.
26:56The old saying, an idle mind is the devil's workshop,
27:00has some truth to it.
27:03God created you on purpose and for a purpose.
27:05You need to be busy doing God's purpose,
27:08working hard at your job in school,
27:10taking care of your family, sharing your faith,
27:14serving at church.
27:15Don't give the devil an opportunity
27:17to gain access into your life
27:19by being idle and meddling in other people's business.
27:24Today, slam the door on the devil
27:28by focusing on living out your God-given purpose.
27:32Number six is this,
27:33how do you give the devil access into your life?
27:36Lying and deception.
27:39Ananias and Sapphira gave the devil access into their life
27:42by lying and deceiving the church.
27:45Acts chapter five in verse three says,
27:47"'Then Peter said, Ananias, how is it that Satan
27:51"'has so filled your heart that you have lied
27:55"'to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself
27:58"'some of the money you received from the land?'
28:00And some of you find yourself like Ananias and Sapphira.
28:03You're constantly lying and deceiving people.
28:07You're giving the devil access into your life.
28:10He's causing chaos in your life
28:13because of the lying, the deception.
28:16Slam the door on the devil.
28:21Come on, in Jesus' name, stop lying and deceiving people.
28:26Come on, somebody's getting free right now
28:28as I'm preaching by the word of God.
28:29Come on, in Jesus' name, get free from lying and deception.
28:34Number seven is this, living in sin.
28:38Living in sin.
28:39James chapter four, verse seven says this,
28:41"'Submit yourself then to God.'"
28:44We just learned this.
28:45Resist the devil and then he'll flee from you.
28:49When Christians resist the devil, he flees from you.
28:52But if you don't resist the devil, he won't flee.
28:57He hangs around.
29:03And he gains access into your life
29:05and starts destroying your life.
29:07When you don't resist the devil, sin is so destructive,
29:11it takes you further than you want to go,
29:13keeps you longer than you want to stay,
29:16and costs you more than you want to pay.
29:21First Corinthians chapter five, verse one says,
29:24"'It is actually reported
29:26"'that there is sexual immorality among you.'"
29:28This is in the church.
29:30"'And of a kind that even pagans do not tolerate.
29:32"'A man is sleeping with his father's wife, his stepmom,
29:37"'and you are proud.
29:39"'Shouldn't you rather have gone into mourning
29:41"'and have put on your fellowship the man
29:45"'who has been doing this?'
29:48He says, "'For my part,
29:49"'even though I am not physically present,
29:52"'I am with you in spirit.
29:54"'As one who is present with you in this way,
29:56"'I have already passed judgment
29:58"'in the name of our Lord Jesus
29:59"'on the one who has been doing this.'
30:02He says, "'So when you are assembled,
30:04"'I am with you in spirit,
30:05"'and the power of our Lord Jesus is present.
30:08"'Hand this man over to Satan
30:12"'for the destruction of the flesh,
30:14"'so the spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord.'
30:19Sexual sin opens the door
30:23for Satan to work in your life.
30:25And some of you, the devil is wearing you out
30:30because of your sexual sin.
30:33You need to slam the door on sexual sin.
30:39It's important not only for you to understand
30:41that living with sexual sin,
30:43but living with any sin in your life
30:47opens the door for the devil to work in your life.
30:50First John chapter three, verse eight says,
30:52"'The one who does what is sinful is of the devil,
30:56"'because the devil has been sinning from the beginning,
30:59"'and the reason the Son of God appeared
31:02"'was to destroy the devil's work.'"
31:06Living in any type of sin
31:08gives the devil access into your life.
31:12Oh, today I believe as I'm preaching,
31:14God is setting people free,
31:16and I'm gonna pray right now
31:17for the Holy Spirit to flood every location right now,
31:20and I'm gonna pray right now
31:22for people to be set free from the demonic,
31:25demonic oppression, demonic possession.
31:28Come on, just right now, close your eyes with me
31:30just right there in your seat.
31:31Father, I pray right now in the name of Jesus,
31:34I pray that the Holy Spirit would move at every location.
31:38Father, I pray right now in Jesus' name
31:43for Satan to be cast out of people's minds and hearts,
31:46lives, I thank you right now
31:48by the power of the Holy Spirit,
31:50demonic oppression is being lifted off people's lives
31:54in the name of Jesus.
31:55There is power in the name of Jesus.
32:00We take authority over every evil spirit,
32:03and I just thank you right now.
32:05The chains are falling off people's lives.
32:07In the name of Jesus, I declare freedom over your life,
32:11the freedom over your mind, freedom over your heart.
32:14You will walk in victory from this day forward
32:17in Jesus' name, I pray.
32:21And as eyes are still closed and heads are still bowed,
32:23some of you today, the devil has been wearing you out
32:26because you are empty.
32:30Your body is not occupied by the Holy Spirit.
32:34And today, you need to receive Jesus
32:36as your Lord and Savior, and when you do so,
32:38the Holy Spirit is going to come and live inside of you.
32:43Your life is going to be changed.
32:45Some of you used to serve God, used to live for God,
32:49and you've drifted away, you've fallen into the world,
32:53and you need to come back home to Jesus.
32:55Today is your day to rededicate your life to the Lord.
32:58Don't let the devil talk you out of this moment.
33:00Today is the day for you to recommit your life to the Lord.
33:03If that's you, as I count to three,
33:04you wanna give Jesus your heart,
33:06you wanna have the Holy Spirit living inside of you,
33:09you want victory over the devil,
33:09you wanna recommit your life back to Jesus.
33:11As I count to three, shoot your hand high in the air,
33:13and I wanna lead you in a prayer today.
33:14One, two, three, just lift your hand high now.
33:18I see your hand there, see your hand there.
33:19Others, just lift it high now.
33:20There's somebody, I see your hand there,
33:21see your hand there, just lift it high now.
33:23Come on, Mayweather City, lift it high.
33:24Come on, Northwest, lift it high.
33:26Come on, Mabel Bassett, lift it high.
33:27Come on, Edmond, right now, somebody's saying yes to Jesus.
33:29Lift it high, there's victory for you today.
33:30Just lift it high, I'm gonna ask every hand that's raised
33:32to pray this prayer with me.
33:33Just confess this prayer with your mouth,
33:35believe it in your heart,
33:36and God's gonna wash away your sins.
33:37Pray with me just right now, Heavenly Father.
33:40I turn away from my sin, and I turn my life to Jesus.
33:46I confess that Jesus Christ is my Lord and my Savior,
33:52and I will live for Jesus the rest of my life.
33:56Thank you for your forgiveness.
33:58Thank you for the Holy Spirit that lives inside of me.
34:02In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
