• letztes Jahr
Der Dokumentarfilm 13 Steps widmet sich dem Ausnahme-Sportler Edwin Moses. Als dieser in Atlanta sein Physik-Studium absolviert, bringt er sich die vielleicht schwerste Leichtathletik-Disziplin selbst bei: den 400-Meter-Hürdenlauf. Seine Technik, mit 13 Schritten zwischen den Hürden, beschert ihm daraufhin Rekorde und Olympia-Siege. Fast 10 Jahre bleibt er ungeschlagen. Zugleich setzt er sich hinter den Kulissen auch für Gleichberechtigung und strengere Doping-Kontrollen ein und wird so zum Vorbild der Fairness. In Interviews mit Moses selbst sowie Sportlern und Stars wie Samuel L. Jackson und Spike Lee gibt Regisseur Michael Wech Einblicke in das Leben und die Karriere des Athleten.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/13-steps-die-unglaubliche-karriere-von-edwin-moses
00:00You know, he was like Superman in real life.
00:08The ability to overcome and produce your best for years, it's unbelievable.
00:16A hundred plus races, one in a row.
00:19Who's doing that?
00:20I won 58 races in a row and I'm second.
00:24Edward Moses is the greatest of all time as the 400 meter hurdler.
00:30He had tended to become an engineer.
00:33He was going to approach the whole thing using the physics and mathematics.
00:38Trying to figure out how to get from point A to point B while jumping over C, D, E, F
00:43and G.
00:44With his glasses, if you didn't see him run, he might have been the only person who believed
00:50he could do that.
00:53He looked unbeatable.
00:55Edward Moses.
00:58Who wants to be second?
01:01Once my winning streak began to increase, my role was to continue winning.
01:06When you're an African-American athlete, you are carrying that double burden of athletic
01:11excellence, but also the meaning that you bring to the African-American community.
01:18I'm driving down Sunset, stop at a light.
01:21When I was solicited by an undercover cop, I knew that it was a trap from the beginning.
01:28The accusation was that I asked this lady to have sex.
01:32There were a lot of things about this case that struck the racial justice nerve.
01:37They don't want you to have a voice.
01:39Above entitled cause, find Edward Moses, not guilty of it.
01:43I fought it because I wasn't guilty.
01:46The way he had to find solutions gave him the attitude of a champion.
01:51Watch out for me.
01:54Keep your eyes on me.
01:56I believe in principles of fairness and equity.
02:02A legend.
