• vor 2 Monaten
Queen of the Ring ist ein Biopic über die Wrestlerin Mildred Burke. Burke trieb den Frauen-Wrestling-Sport in einer Zeit (zwischen den 1930er und 1950er Jahren) voran, in der er in den USA fast flächendeckend verboten war und erreichte als erste weibliche Sportlerin die 1-Million-Dollar-Marke.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/queen-of-the-ring


00:03Honey I have a dream only dreams that we may come true. Are we we're gonna wish away
00:09all those bad dogs
00:14I promise you my son our lives together will be special
00:20Where's your little boy's father anyway, mr. I ain't gonna marry no circus freak. He don't let me over this
00:26Billy wall, I'm really curious to see what you can do with her. You barely know him
00:31He's the only man that's ever believed in my dream
00:34We got a job to do tonight. You're out there you wrestle your heart out
00:49Really good hairline arenas. I know that we can I
00:54Want to talk to you about putting two of my girls on your car, my main event is heavyweights and their name
01:01Why would anyone want to limit the spectacle of competition based on gender?
01:07Looks like we're cleaning up every night of the week now. It's got me thinking Billy. I want to secure as equal part
01:14Then do what's right for business
01:16Are the dealer we shoot?
01:19You will do what I say or you will find yourself cleaning toilets in some arena after my show comes through
01:28Come on all the tickets you two ever sold had your name on them not his
01:42Mr. McMahon, how can I get a guarantee that my ladies can wrestle in the state of New York?
01:47Let's show them how we do it in the South
01:57One two
02:00Oh get up remember one
02:17I'm actually the highest paid female athlete in Washington in history
