• last year
Menteri Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan (Menko PMK), Muhadjir Effendy mengungkapkan, bahwa upaya konvergensi penanggulangan kemiskinan ekstrem antar kementerian dan lembaga, harus dilakukan secara komprehensif dan masif. Menurut Muhajir penghapusan kemiskinan ekstrem, bukan hanya sebatas pada intervensi namun juga harus dilakukan pengawalan dan monitoring intensif.


00:00The Minister of Human Development and Culture, Muhajir Effendi, said that the efforts to
00:12convergence the extreme poverty among ministries and institutions must be done comprehensively
00:18and massively.
00:19According to Muhajir, the elimination of extreme poverty is not only limited to intervention,
00:25but also must be done intensive control and monitoring.
00:29To do that, convergence, integration and collaboration efforts are needed to improve the quality
00:35of the implementation of the extreme poverty alleviation program by utilizing the data
00:40of the Extreme Poverty Elimination Acceleration Target, or P3KE.
00:46In addition, the role of regional governments is also very important in absorbing the HPBD
00:52for extreme poverty alleviation.
00:54The efforts to convergence, synergy, and integration have shown good results.
01:06Since the implementation of P3KE, extreme poverty has significantly decreased from 2.14 percent
01:15in 2021 to 2.04 percent in 2022, and then decreased again to 1.12 percent in 2023, and in March
01:312024, it decreased again to 0.83 percent.
