Two million crimes went unsolved in a single year in Britain, according to the latest Home Office data, while offences like knife crime and shoplifting soared in the same set of stats.
00:002 million crimes went unsolved in a single year in Britain, according to the latest Home
00:08Office data, while offences like knife crime and shoplifting soared in the same set of
00:12stats. 2.3 million criminal investigations were dropped by police in the year to last
00:17September. That's the equivalent of around 6,300 each day. The number of offenders that
00:23reached court was as low as 5.9%. Looking at specific offences, knife crime saw an incredible
00:28rise of 77% since 2015, while shoplifting cases are at a 20-year high amid a surge in
00:34theft overall. The number of recorded crimes was up 1% on the previous year, hitting 6.7
00:40million, while the number of abandoned police inquiries sits at around 40.3% of reported
00:46crimes. That's an increase on the 36.8% recorded last year. Those are the figures, but what's
00:52about the impact of so many crimes going unsolved? Are you more fearful of becoming a victim
00:57of crime than you were 10 years ago? What would make you feel safer, and how should
01:00the government crack down on increasing crime levels?