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Sigh, all the good ones are psychopathic murderers... Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the hottest movie characters with murderous tendencies.
00:00Did you know I'm utterly insane?"
00:01Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the hottest
00:05movie characters with murderous tendencies.
00:07We were professionals, civilized. Do I look civilized to you?
00:1310. Maxine Minx and Pearl, X Trilogy
00:17I'm insane.
00:20Do you want to know what this life means?
00:22Time to turn our backs on sin and make a commitment.
00:26I'm nothing like you.
00:27Technically, these are two different characters, but they're both played by Mia Goth,
00:31and they have a lot in common. Both Pearl and Maxine dream of being movie stars
00:35and are willing to do whatever it takes to get there.
00:38I'll do anything you want.
00:40It's not about what I want anymore, Minxy. It's about making the best of what I have.
00:47Although Maxine mostly only kills in self-defense, Pearl is less innocent.
00:51She shows a disturbing penchant for slaughter early in life,
00:55which continues well into her senior years.
00:57Mia Goth is stunning no matter which decade she's murdering people in,
01:01but there's something particularly charming about Pearl's bright smile and turn-of-the-century style.
01:11I'm so happy you're home.
01:199. David, The Lost Boys
01:21Initiation's over, Michael.
01:24It's time to join the club.
01:28This movie made vampires hot decades before Twilight.
01:31For those too young to remember, Kiefer Sutherland was quite the heartthrob back in the 80s.
01:36His character David is the leader of a California biker gang who turn out to be bloodsuckers.
01:42He's also the quintessential bad boy, charming and totally irresistible,
01:46even though you know he'll be trouble.
01:48I can't beat your bike.
01:50You don't have to beat me, Michael.
01:52You just have to try and keep up.
01:53The motorcycle, the jacket, and the hair all come together in an unforgettable look
01:58that's both retro and timeless, even in his monster form.
02:02David is still one of the sexiest killers to hit the big screen.
02:06Now you know what we are, and now you know what you are.
02:11You'll never grow old, Michael.
02:14And you'll never die.
02:18But you must feed.
02:19Number 8.
02:20Xenia Onatopp.
02:22That's close enough.
02:25Not for what I have in mind.
02:26Famke Janssen is beautiful but deadly in this mid-90s James Bond film.
02:31As the top henchwoman in a Soviet crime syndicate,
02:34she enjoys stealing helicopters, beating guys at cards, and killing people.
02:40I have a small surprise from your friends back at the barracks.
02:44You think I've gone to heaven?
02:46Not yet.
02:46Her favorite method of murder is squeezing a man to death between her thighs,
02:51which she almost manages to do to Bond, twice.
02:54Based on her reaction, it's obvious that she's enjoying herself, maybe a little too much.
02:59Glamorous yet sadistic, Xenia steals the spotlight every time she's on screen.
03:04Janssen always looks amazing, but this is arguably her hottest role.
03:08This time, Mr. Bond, the pleasure will be all mine.
03:13Oh, God!
03:16Number 7.
03:17Robert Dubois, Bloodsport, The Suicide Squad.
03:20Idris Elba has played plenty of killers, and he's one of the most beautiful men in Hollywood,
03:25so you probably guessed he'd show up on this list somewhere.
03:28I am aware of the effect I have on women.
03:30Dubois is a high-tech mercenary who lands in prison
03:34and gets blackmailed by Amanda Waller into joining Task Force X.
03:38He might not enjoy killing quite as much as Xenia Onatopp,
03:42but he's certainly good at it.
03:43Here's to being alive in three hours.
03:46I'll be alive if you speak for yourself.
03:48The squad makes quick work of just about every ordinary human they encounter,
03:52and lucky for us, Bloodsport doesn't usually wear his helmet,
03:55so viewers can appreciate Idris Elba's perfect face throughout the movie.
04:01He always wants to be near you.
04:03I think he senses good in you.
04:05Yeah, there's no good in me.
04:07Number 6.
04:08Jennifer Check, Jennifer's Body.
04:10I am a god.
04:12In her defense, she didn't choose to become a killer.
04:15After a band attempts to sacrifice her to Satan,
04:18Jennifer becomes possessed and has no choice but to feed on the living to survive.
04:22She was already sexy before the failed sacrifice,
04:25but Jennifer really thrives in her demon era.
04:28She can fly?
04:29She's just hovering. It's not that impressive.
04:32God, do you have to undermine everything that I do?
04:36You are such a player hater.
04:37And since she looks like Megan Fox,
04:39she has no trouble luring and seducing her victims.
04:42Even her best friend Needy almost falls for her.
04:46You were never a good friend.
04:48Even when we were little, you'd steal my toys and pour lemonade on my bed.
04:52And now I'm eating your boyfriend.
04:55See? At least I'm consistent.
04:57Getting consumed by a succubus would be a pretty horrific way to die,
05:01but at least your last vision would be of Jennifer.
05:04Number 5.
05:05Billy Loomis, Scream.
05:07Stu Macca's goofy manic energy has its own charm.
05:10Never, ever, ever under any circumstances say,
05:13I'll be right back, because you won't be back.
05:15I'm getting another beer. You want one?
05:17Yeah, sure.
05:18I'll be right back!
05:22But the killer who stole our hearts in this classic slasher was Billy.
05:26In the mid-90s, Skeet Ulrich and his plain white t-shirt
05:30became the stuff of a lot of young people's fantasies.
05:32The fact that he's a murder suspect only makes him more attractive,
05:36since it adds an element of danger.
05:40Stu's flipped out. He's gone mad.
05:45We all go a little mad sometimes.
05:47Sidney is taking a risk just by being in the same room with him.
05:51Billy seems to know he's hot,
05:52but that attitude and swagger are all part of the appeal.
05:56Hear that, Stu? I think she wants a motive.
06:00I don't really believe in motives, Sid. I mean, did Norman Bates have a motive?
06:04Did they ever really decide why Hannibal Lecter liked to mute people?
06:07Don't think so.
06:08You see, it's a lot scarier when there's no motives.
06:10Even though he gets killed off, the writers were nice enough to bring him back as a hallucination
06:15for the fifth and sixth movies. And he still looks so good.
06:20Number four, O-Ren Ishii. Kill Bill, volume one.
06:23You may not be able to fight like a samurai,
06:29but you can at least die like a samurai.
06:32The Deadly Viper Squad is full of drop-dead gorgeous assassins,
06:36including the bride herself, Beatrix Kiddo.
06:38However, we vote for O-Ren Ishii as the most stunning of them all.
06:43You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you?
06:48For a second there?
06:50Yeah, I kind of did.
06:52It helps that Lucy Liu is one of the most beautiful people alive.
06:56After leaving the Deadly Viper Squad, Ishii becomes the leader of the Tokyo Yakuza.
07:01When she murders the gang's boss,
07:03she maintains her power by brutally killing anyone who dares to disrespect her.
07:07If you're unconvinced a particular plan of action I've decided is the wisest, tell me so.
07:12But allow me to convince you, and I promise you right here and now,
07:15no subject will ever be taboo. Except, of course, the subject that was just under discussion.
07:22When she and Kiddo face off in a quiet, snow-covered Japanese garden,
07:26the scene is practically a work of art.
07:30Number 3. Patrick Bateman, American Psycho.
07:33He might not have the highest body count, but he's probably one of the scariest killers on our list.
07:38Ask me a question.
07:41So what do you do?
07:43I'm into, uh, murders and executions mostly.
07:46Christian Bale goes full psychopath in this movie.
07:49His performance holds absolutely nothing back.
07:52We have to assume that Patrick is only able to charm people because of his good looks.
07:57He certainly doesn't have many social skills to speak of.
08:00I have all the characteristics of a human being.
08:04Flesh, blood, skin, hair.
08:07But not a single clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust.
08:12Yet with the exception of one savvy detective,
08:15no one around him suspects that he likes to chop people up in his free time.
08:19Throughout the movie, women, and occasionally men, fall all over him.
08:23Apparently that strict morning routine really pays off.
08:26And though I can hide my cold gaze,
08:29and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours,
08:32and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable,
08:37I simply am not there.
08:40Number 2. Catherine Tramiel, Basic Instinct.
08:43What's your new book about?
08:48A detective. He falls for the wrong woman.
08:51Sharon Stone plays a successful novelist with a propensity for
08:55killing her characters with an ice pick.
08:57Are the murder mysteries she writes just inspired by real life?
09:00Or is she actually confessing to her crimes in her own books?
09:03That's for Detective Nick Curran to find out.
09:06I'd have to be pretty stupid to write a book about killing
09:09and then kill somebody the way I described it in my book.
09:12I'd be announcing myself as the killer. I'm not stupid.
09:15Unfortunately, he gets a little distracted when he falls for Catherine
09:19during the investigation.
09:20But who can blame him?
09:22After all, she is spectacularly beautiful, and she clearly knows it.
09:26You have something against ice cubes.
09:29I like rough edges.
09:31Stone oozes sexuality in this movie.
09:33Her iconic look and show-stopping performance
09:36made Basic Instinct an instant classic.
09:39Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
09:43J.D. Dean, Heathers.
09:45Christian Slater plays a new kid at school
09:47who gets a kick out of dispatching his classmates.
09:50Today was great. Chaos was great.
09:54Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling.
09:56Asami Yamazaki, Audition.
09:59Don't let her innocent appearance fool you.
10:01Asami is sadistic and deadly.
10:17Adrian Veidt slash Ozymandias, Watchmen.
10:20He's the smartest man alive,
10:22but that doesn't stop him from committing mass murder.
10:24So in order to save this planet, I had to trick it
10:30with the greatest practical joke in human history.
10:34Killing millions.
10:35To save billions.
10:38Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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10:53Number 1, John Wick.
10:55John Wick franchise.
10:57It's Keanu Reeves at the height of his powers.
11:00What else do we need to say?
11:02People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer.
11:07But now, yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.
11:10John is a retired hitman who's just trying to live a normal life.
11:14After a group of thugs kill his puppy,
11:16he sets off on the ultimate revenge quest.
11:19We can't blame him.
11:20We'd probably do the same.
11:22Under the circumstances, your privileges are reinstated immediately.
11:25What do you need?
11:29Lots of guns.
11:30The 2014 film kicked off a Keanu comeback that's still going strong, for good reason.
11:36Whether he's murdering people with guns, knives, books, or a horse,
11:40John looks fabulous doing it.
11:42And in that classy black suit, he's always dressed to kill.
11:47Tell them.
11:50Tell them all.
11:52Whoever comes, whoever it is, I'll kill them.
11:59I'll kill them all.
12:00Which murder makes your heart skip a beat?
12:02Let us know in the comments.
12:04I've killed for you.
12:06Who else can say that?
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