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Ismael Cruz Córdova | Train Like | Men's Health


00:00Hey, my name is Ismael Cruz-Cordova, and I'm going to be showing you my workout routine.
00:16Some guys are like in love with weight training, and I used to not get it, I used to not get
00:21And then when I actually finally got to the gym and started properly doing weight training,
00:26I understood it.
00:27But I used to be cardio heavy, because I used to be a swimmer growing up.
00:30And then I did dancing as well, and then I had my stint of jogging, and I love spinning.
00:37I'm that guy in the front row that's like, going like that and going with the music,
00:42and like, ah!
00:43And like eventually take my shirt off, I'm like, let's go ladies, because it's mostly
00:47But now, I mean, I have to continue to do a mixture of both, because I need the stamina
00:51for the stunts that I'm doing.
00:55I'm quite fortunate to be working quite a bit, so I have to account for all the movement
01:02that I do across like time zones and hotels, and no hotel has the same kind of gym.
01:09Some of them don't have a gym, some of them just have dumbbells, some of them just have
01:13like a band in a dusty corner, so I have to consistently be thinking how to make my workouts
01:21As you guys are going to see, the workout that I'm going to do today, when I'm on the
01:24move, it's heavy on dumbbells and on body weight.
01:29Enough talking, let's just get into the workout.
01:35You have to get that body warm, you have to make your muscles, you know, pliable in order
01:40to like prepare your body for whatever exercise you're about to do.
01:45For my warm up, I do like to just start moving my body freely.
01:49For me, I mean, I like to box, so I start doing some shadow boxing, running a little
01:54bit and then I go into my stretches, working, I mean, all parts I have to do, neck, shoulders,
02:02spinal mobility as well, hips, opening the hips, knees, ankles.
02:08When you're stunting, you use your entire body to absorb, you know, all the whiplash
02:18or the impact or all those rolls, you know, break falls.
02:22So yeah, I'm going to do a full body, full body warm up.
02:27Extremely bored of getting on a treadmill or what are you, those little step ladder,
02:34the ladder thingies, anything like that.
02:37So if I can swim, I love capoeira, literally like a timer, 20 minutes, a little bit of
02:43like dancing for like 20 minutes, it's like moving, put some music, you start sweating
02:49and just dancing, dancing like nobody's watching, that whole thing.
02:52And barring that has actually helped me quite a bit and it helps me directly with my work
03:00on set.
03:05So the first move that I'm going to be doing, plyo push up, which strengthens your wrists,
03:11shoulders and core and it helps you with those muscles that you need to strengthen for a
03:15break fall, which are super important to be able to minimize injury and work your way
03:23up or however you feel that day.
03:25Sometimes you do 10, sometimes you do six and that's fine as well.
03:27So let's keep it real.
03:29All right.
03:30So the next move is going to be dumbbell squat jumps.
03:34The dumbbell squat jumps, they simulate the landing environment for a wire work.
03:39They increase ankle stability and bone density in your ankles, knees and hip joint.
03:46And it also challenges your core stability to maintain the body in an upright position.
03:57This exercise is the alternating dumbbell shoulder fly.
04:02And we use free weights and body weight and explosive movements for two reasons, you know,
04:07to create an environment for the body that mirrors the stunt and set work and because
04:12it just offers great flexibility in terms of location and equipment.
04:17My work in rings of power, all of the flying, all of the jumping, all of that, those turns.
04:25Now I'm going to be showing you a reverse lunge with jump.
04:31In stunts and fight choreography, most jumps and landings are happening on one leg.
04:38And a reverse lunge with a jump offers a great range of motion to increase mobility in your
04:43hip joint, but also strengthens each knee to support your body in a landing.
04:48For the stunt and wire to look natural, the more I can take the landing on my own legs,
04:55the better it looks because you can barely see the wire.
04:59These two following exercises are exercises that I use as well for bulking because for
05:03the next row, I said that I have to change the aesthetics and go a little bit bigger.
05:07These two exercises focus on hypertrophy and being able to handle heavier weights.
05:12So it will be the incline dumbbell chest press.
05:32And the bent over row.
05:37The visual, there's aesthetics involved, you know, so you're shaping your body also based
05:42on the character.
05:43Like right now, also the kind of exercises that you'll see that I do are a combination
05:47of like workouts that I need for, you know, to support my stunting, but it's also for
05:53the physicality of the next movie.
06:00And this one is the woodchopper, which, you know, I do struggle with, but it's definitely
06:06a great exercise.
06:09So I have to make sure that my fitness level is at the top of what I can do and my mobility
06:16as well, so that I can be supported and, you know, I have to do my stunts, but I have to
06:21make sure that I'm safe so that I can continue production.
06:25And also I want to make sure that I'm safe so that I can continue working and living
06:29and being healthy and enjoy my life.
06:31If you want to look good, that's also okay.
06:36It's also okay to work out and look good, you know, like take your shirt off, but all
06:41bodies are beautiful.
06:42Thank you so much for watching my workout routine.
06:46Working out has been a great asset for my mental health, and I hope that you all either
06:50keep at it or start at it.
06:52Thank you so much.
