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Gunna | Train Like | Men's Health
00:00What's up men's health is gonna and I'm about to show you what my workout look like
00:18So my workout journey started after my release was working out in jail a little bit
00:23But like when I got out I started doing runs like three mile run trails in the back of my house
00:28As I started kind of like getting in the groove with it
00:31I went and got my trainer and then we've probably been at it about a year three months four months now
00:38so today I'm gonna be showing you a few of my workouts view of my core cardio and a few of weights and
00:45Little here and there's my routines. I get in let's get into it. Let's roll
00:52You always got to start with a good warm-up get your blood flow oxygen, I mean
00:58my inspiration
01:00Was my career when I started working out was kind of to help my mind just kind of clear up
01:05So I can record and just do like better music and put me in the headspace of where I've been
01:11So that had to be my biggest inspiration just like getting on track with the career
01:16So basically after we mobilize stabilize anchor, she's just mobilizing the joint stabilizing it and now we're activating his muscles
01:24I played sports, but wasn't athletic. I played basketball majority and then a little bit of football
01:34Is a simple kettlebell pull through
01:36So this is considered an anti-rotation. He has to stabilize his glutes and his core together
01:42So therefore it's a he's basically just firing up his core as much as possible keeping his body
01:56Worked out at the science facility
01:59One of the players of Bobo that we worked out with it
02:02She's my boy with him and the Patriots and I went down
02:05They were just open arms to just come in and get it in pictures facility. It was just a different experience
02:10So all of them had special gyms. It was cool. It was a good experience
02:17So these are hanging knee raises first lower abdominals and it's a hip core correlation
02:22So, you know just so you guys understand hips and your core is connected. So we're focusing on that right now
02:27I would do about 12 or 15 reps. We've got about maybe four sets in usually I
02:31Prioritize fitness on tour. So I got my train on the road with me
02:36He did a whole bit of sweet told me the first leg and he's gonna be doing the second leg with me
02:41I just working out every day in the morning
02:44Even when we get to a city three or four in the evening
02:47We work out even on the off days for sure for the shows the dive is to compare it to my last two was
02:55big difference
02:57This next exercise caught renegades in a push-up position
03:07I'll eat a lot of like junk food or even like I used to eat cereal a lot. That was my favorite
03:13He's here and chips
03:15Yes, I took out I'm like off of my rider so like I don't eat so like after my first after my workout
03:22That's probably might be like six eggs
03:25Of my shelf come I might have rubbing fruit, you know Caesar salad dinner
03:30It just depends on what I feel like like last night. I had Branzino. I love grilled salmon grilled wings
03:39steak and like vegetable
03:42So this right here is basic triceps, this is what I would think I'm touching right here
03:46It's trash. I think Stan feet and working out helps me as a performer with win
03:54my breathing
03:56my endurance
04:00Move more engage more tee up more
04:05Get on the best of like full energy
04:10This what we're doing is simple curls shrugging on my biceps these 10 to 12 reps knock about
04:21It's a process we kind of be getting through it so it's not every day but like some of the routines are like
04:28Every day especially like warm-ups
04:31those every days I
04:35Appreciate y'all coming out and checking out my workouts. Hopefully it was helpful
04:39Be sure to look out for me on the next tour about to go overseas
04:43Look forward to doing a second leg on a bittersweet tour. We will be active check us out this role
