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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Go Rush!! EP 124 ENG SUB


00:00The Stars of Nevo
00:16It seems to have gone away...
00:20Seven stars!
00:22It's going to be alright!
00:27The light is getting weaker...
00:28The Dark Matter particles are gradually weakening the Zammamoon.
00:32Both of you, pull yourself together!
00:34We have to find a safe place to rest.
00:36But where?
00:38M.I.K. and U.T.S.
00:40They're watching over the places that come to mind.
00:43What about the Sougetsuke?
00:45It's marked right there.
00:49Ah, I got in touch with Kirishima!
00:52I'm so useless!
00:56Oh no!
00:57Oh no!
01:25This planet that has everyone on it
01:28is like a huge duel.
01:30It's called the Advanced Shogun.
01:34The voice that needs someone today
01:38resounds in the galaxy.
01:41No matter how fragile the falling cards are,
01:44they all have a role.
01:47Even the smallest of us
01:50has a destiny.
01:54So let's duel!
01:57Beyond space and time.
02:01Come on, it's our time.
02:03So let's go, always.
02:07So let's duel!
02:10There's no time to worry.
02:13It's your turn. You should go too.
02:16Go, go, go!
02:18Go Rush!
02:20You too, let's go Rush!
02:23You too, let's go Rush!
02:26You too, let's go Rush!
02:28You too, let's go Rush!
02:33This program is brought to you by Konami.
02:38The End
02:43Everything you see from here
02:45is now ours.
02:47You can say that,
02:52I didn't know it was this small.
02:56Until a little while ago,
02:58Mutsuba-cho looked so big.
03:01You didn't come all the way here to be scared, did you?
03:05No way.
03:06Do you know how hard it was for me to get here?
03:10That's why you're Darkmeister.
03:13Just a little longer,
03:15and Yuga's class will have a future.
03:18For that to happen,
03:20we need to find the dead as soon as possible.
03:24The Dark Matter Empire has already taken over the underground residential area.
03:28We're monitoring where we can hide Damamu.
03:31And the Kawaii Cleaning Shop, Kamijou Gear Company.
03:35Or is it the furniture store, the card shop, the bakery?
03:38Could it be the Umai Restaurant?
03:41I feel like I'm forgetting something.
03:44I'm surprised.
03:46You're not at all attentive.
03:49It's okay, it's okay.
03:51I'm mostly attentive.
04:00I have something to do.
04:03It's a small matter.
04:08I haven't found the dead.
04:11But someday...
04:15Stop, stop, stop!
04:17I have no idea what to do!
04:20Reset! Reset my brain!
04:23Something's coming!
04:25It's Seiyuu!
04:27Huh? Uso?
04:32Discovered. Target discovered.
04:35You can't stand it anymore?
04:40I don't get it.
04:42I feel like Yuamu is getting farther and farther away.
04:46Farther away?
04:48He has a strong sense of responsibility.
04:51That's why he's doing what he has to do.
04:54He's trying to do something that no one else can do.
04:58It's like he's become an absolute existence.
05:04It's very strange that Yuuhi would say that.
05:10Darkmeister is an absolute existence for us Darkmen, but...
05:15Yuuhi and Darkmeister are brothers and sisters.
05:20That's why Yuuhi is also an absolute existence!
05:24Me too.
05:32All units.
05:33Yes, sir!
05:34The Darkmeister has given the order for us to join the search.
05:40Let's go.
05:41Yes, sir!
05:42I'm coming too!
05:46I didn't notice, I didn't notice.
05:51Medias-chan is more important than my life!
05:58Damamu, over here!
06:00Piccolo, Piccolo!
06:02It's not Mama.
06:03Find Damamu.
06:05Or maybe he's hiding somewhere.
06:07Seven-star Ran-Ran.
06:10This is a blind spot.
06:12Who are you guys?
06:13Get out, Medias-chan!
06:18I found you, Yudias.
06:24I found you!
06:25It's been a while, Mama!
06:27I'm not Mama!
06:30I found you!
06:38I am Seven-star Ran-Ran.
06:40I'm glad you found me.
06:42You're a fake!
06:44Seven units?
06:46Are you trying to buy time by hiding here?
06:49That's not what I meant!
07:11I knew it.
07:12So you were here.
07:14Is it wrong for me to be here?
07:16No, not yet.
07:18But it's only a matter of time
07:20before this Mutsuba Card Plant
07:22becomes ours.
07:24I won't let you have it!
07:29I knew it.
07:31I knew you'd say that.
07:33Then why don't we have a Rush Duel?
07:36For what?
07:38For this plant, of course.
07:40For what we both have.
07:42Let's have a Rush Duel.
07:44All of us?
07:45I've lost all of my Mutsuba.
07:47Isn't that too bad for me?
07:50Isn't it worth a bet?
07:53All of us.
07:55All of you.
08:01Goha Yuna!
08:02Mutsuba Asaka!
08:04I'll bet everything on this!
08:06Go Rush!
08:09I'll start with Jinarasu.
08:11It's my turn!
08:15Limit Soldier, Taikanbo!
08:17I summon Limit Soldier, Sakaiya!
08:22Advance Summon!
08:28Dragon of Kurogane!
08:32Explode Kakouga!
08:35Blow away Genbutsu!
08:38Limit Dragon, Bakuhamut!
08:47Equip Limit Sword, Chukueria on Bakuhamut!
09:01Limit Sword, Chukueria on Bakuhamut!
09:07Bakuhamut's attack increases by 500.
09:11Also, equip Limit Shatter on Bakuhamut!
09:25Bakuhamut cannot be destroyed in battle!
09:29Turn end!
09:31So, where's the real one?
09:36I'm sorry.
09:38Yuna and Asaka...
09:40I have an idea.
09:43Yuna knew about this.
09:47Let's go.
09:50She said Asaka.
09:52Did she find out?
09:53Us too.
09:56It's my turn.
09:58I draw.
10:00I summon Celebrose With.
10:03I activate Celebrose With's effect by showing my hand's Luminous Lady.
10:08I send 4 cards from the top of my deck to the grave.
10:11I add Fusion to my hand from the cards I send.
10:17I release Celebrose With.
10:19I advance summon Celebrose Moloch!
10:24I send 4 cards from the top of my deck to the grave.
10:28I activate Moloch's effect.
10:31I special summon Celebrose Magician.
10:42I also special summon Witch.
10:46I use Witch and Magician as material.
10:53I draw.
11:04I play with the flower of light.
11:09I fusion summon Celebrose Fabulous Magician.
11:14I send one card from my hand to the grave.
11:17I activate Celebrose Fabulous Magician's effect.
11:21I destroy both Explosion Root and Equipment Spell.
11:27I set two more cards.
11:32Go, Celebrose Fabulous Magician!
11:35I direct attack Asaka and Dareka.
11:43No way!
11:50Oh no!
11:57It's no use.
11:58Go back.
11:59Go back, Damamu!
12:07They found us.
12:09You guys!
12:12And Eudeus!
12:16Get inside me right now!
12:27Are you all right?
12:29It feels strange.
12:31All right!
12:32Ranran, go to a safe place!
12:34But where?
12:36I have an idea!
12:41As I thought, you are Damamu.
12:46My turn is over.
12:48It's my turn!
12:52I summon Limit Soldier, Nikka and Limit Soldier, Pokka!
12:56I activate Nikka's effect by showing the Explosion Root of my hand.
13:00I send three cards from my deck to the grave.
13:05I activate Pokka's effect.
13:07I activate Pokka's effect.
13:08I send three cards from the top of my deck to the grave.
13:10I recover the field spell and equipment spell from my grave.
13:13I release two monsters.
13:15I summon Advance!
13:21I send Chiriaster to the grave.
13:23I destroy everything!
13:26Limit Dragon, Explosion Sword!
13:31And I send the Explosion Sword to the grave.
13:34Field spell!
13:35I activate Limit Dragon, Scrap Gate!
13:38I sacrifice the top-tier monsters.
13:41What kind of effect does it have?
13:44I'll show you!
13:45I'll show you the power of the field spell that has a new power in this magic card!
13:52There are no monsters in your field.
13:57That's right.
13:58Due to Scrap Gate's effect, I can Fusion summon monsters from my grave!
14:06That's a nice effect.
14:08I return the Explosion Root of my grave and Toby Shock to my deck.
14:13Fusion Summon!
14:28The soul-inhabiting building blocks of Black Metal will bloom forever!
14:34Limit Dragon, Crisis Bakuhades!
14:43A new ace?
14:45Crisis Bakuhades' permanent effect!
14:48If there are two or more normal monsters in your grave,
14:51it increases your attack by 500!
14:54If there are two or more normal monsters in your grave,
14:56it increases your attack by 500!
14:59Witness the power of the field spell!
15:02I equip Limit Dragon, Chikuedia with Bakuhades!
15:08Bakuhades' attack increases by 500!
15:12If there are five or more normal monsters in your grave,
15:15it increases by 500 even more!
15:18No matter how much you equip it, it's just a pathetic scrap.
15:22Why are you trying to protect it so much?
15:25If you just give up, it'll be easier.
15:33Not yet...
15:34Not yet...
15:35Just a little more...
15:38I set a card!
15:39Crisis Bakuhades!
15:41Explode Fabulous Magician!
15:43At this moment, I return four monsters from my grave to my deck,
15:47and activate Dark Liberation!
15:50I'll destroy all the monsters in my opponent's field!
15:54Too bad.
15:56Bakuhades can't be destroyed by effect.
15:59What did you say?
16:17How does it feel to be turned into scrap by a pathetic scrap?
16:22Turn end.
16:33It's my turn.
16:35I draw!
16:38I summon Celebrose Enchanter!
16:41I return two cards from my hand to my deck,
16:44and activate Enchanter's effect!
16:46I special summon Celebrose Witch from my grave!
16:52If I special summon a monster with a level 5 or higher,
16:56I can add Fusion from my grave to my hand!
17:01Due to Bakuhades' effect,
17:03the attack and defense of the Witch I special summoned from my grave
17:07are reduced by 3,000!
17:09What did you say?
17:11That's amazing.
17:13She didn't give me a chance.
17:16I return Enchanter to the bottom of my deck,
17:19and activate Celebrate Privilege!
17:21I send three cards from my deck to my grave,
17:24and two equipment spell cards to my hand.
17:27In addition, I special summon Fabulous Magician from my grave
17:30to the back of my deck!
17:32She strengthened her defense.
17:35Yuna's real goal is to recover her equipment spell cards.
17:39And to equip them...
17:41I send one monster from my hand to my grave,
17:44and activate Enchanter's effect!
17:46I special summon Celebrose Magician from my grave
17:49to the back of my deck!
17:53Due to Bakuhades' effect,
17:55the attack and defense of the Magician are reduced by 3,000!
18:00Now all I have to do is fusion these two...
18:04At this moment!
18:05I activate Limit Seal!
18:07I banish all of my opponent's cards!
18:11And I destroy all of their Magic Trap Zone cards!
18:19I don't have any set cards in my hand.
18:22That's right.
18:23I fusion summon Fabulous Magician,
18:25strengthen her with two equipment spells,
18:27and surpass Bakuhades.
18:29All of your goals have been fulfilled.
18:42You seem to be mistaken.
18:45Now I have everything ready.
18:48I use Celebrose Magician and Celebrose Witch as my material.
18:52Contact Fusion!
18:56Be careful, Bakuhades.
18:58I'm aiming for you while you're unconscious
19:01by the power of this beautiful spell.
19:11Celebrose Incognito Magician!
19:18Contact Fusion!
19:21But Bakuhades has more attack power!
19:24I send a monster to the grave,
19:26and activate Incognito Magician's effect!
19:29Bakuhades only reduces the original attack power of Fabulous Magician,
19:32who was sent to the grave.
19:39So this is Yuna's...
19:42It's wrong to live to recreate the future that has been decided.
19:48Doing the wrong thing doesn't suit you!
19:52We should do the right thing now!
19:57That's what Yuga wanted!
20:01Isn't that right, Yuga?
20:04We're wrong?
20:07That's right!
20:09If that's what you're going to say,
20:11then I'll tell you.
20:14Your true intentions.
20:17You didn't want to be Yuam,
20:20but you wanted to be Ortis.
20:24It doesn't matter what's right.
20:27You were jealous of Yuam,
20:30who was trying to be Ortis with everything he had.
20:33You were jealous of Yuam,
20:36who was trying to stop us.
20:39That's your true intentions!
20:43My true intentions?
21:03Back Hardness attacks!
21:06Celebrose, Incognito Magician!
21:11Slime Noble, Action Mode!
21:26It's decided.
21:32I knew it.
21:34I knew everything about you.
21:59I finally got it.
22:18Yobareta you ni sora wo miagete wa
22:22Waratte kuchizusanda
22:26Kimi ni sasotte okuru kibun de
22:33Kokoro no naka afuredasu melody
22:37Narande aruku mitai
22:41Nee kimi mo utatteiru kana
22:48Uchuu no hashi to te wo tsunagu nda
22:55I think you're the
22:58Kikoetara ichiban boshi hikatte yo
23:03Hamoru kodou ashitori konoyakari
23:08Aruku michinori nigiyakari
23:13Utau azayakana moinichi
23:17Mimi wo tsumatteba
23:20Hitori janai to wakaru
23:25Kira kira kirasu akashi
23:29Uchuu no hashi to te wo tsumatteba
23:34Hamoru kodou ashitori konoyakari
23:41UDS Belger's UTS Report!
23:44This time, it's a report on Magician and Witch's contact, Celebrose Incognito Magician!
23:50If you use the effect of the Witch, you can immediately connect to the contact fusion!
23:54And if you send your field monsters to the grave, you can reduce the attack power of your opponent's monsters!
24:02Next time, Road Holiday!
24:04A date with Yuuhi?!
24:06No way...
24:07Go Rush!
24:11This program was brought to you by Konami.