Hay preocupación por la salud del músico Brian May, aunque el artista británico se encargó de tranquilizar parcialmente a sus fans. El guitarrista de Queen contó, a través de un video publicado en su cuenta de Instagram, que sufrió un derrame cerebral. May, de 77 años, padeció un accidente cerebro vascular que le impidió, por un tiempo, utilizar su brazo izquierdo. Con el correr de los días, el derrame fue cediendo y el músico comenzó a recuperar sus funciones motoras. En el video, May evidenció su habitual buen humor, pero se puso serio para informar: “Tengo buenas noticias. Es que, después de lo que ocurrió en los últimos días, puedo volver a tocar la guitarra”, señaló May.
Crédito: @BrianMayForReal
Crédito: @BrianMayForReal
00:00hi folks I hope you're all well out there I'm here to bring you first of all
00:05some good news I think good news is that I can play guitar after the events of
00:11the last few days and I say this because it was in some doubt because that little
00:16health hiccup that I mentioned happened about a week ago and what they called it
00:22was a minor stroke and all of a sudden out of the blue I didn't have any
00:27control of this arm so it's a little scary I have to say I had the most
00:31fantastic care and attention from Frimley Hospital where I went blue
00:38lights flashing a lot very exciting I might post you a video if you like I
00:42didn't want to say anything at the time because I didn't want anything
00:45surrounding you know I really don't want sympathy please don't do that because
00:49it will clutter up my inbox and I hate that so good news is I'm okay I'm just
00:55doing what I'm told which is basically nothing I'm grounded I'm not allowed to
00:59go out well I'm not allowed to drive not allowed to get on the plane not allowed
01:04to raise the heart rate too high not allowed to have planes flying over which
01:09will stress me but I'm good the other news is our documentary has been very
01:16much in our minds and we had some great reactions from farmers particularly also
01:25from wildlife people of course because we're very much in that corner still but
01:30the the documentary was really about farmers as people discovered to their
01:33surprise I think and it's no surprise to me that we are not at odds at all with
01:41the farmers we are at odds with the people who have been feeding them the
01:45wrong information which excuse me is the whole deal really and we've been
01:53attacked very strongly from some quarters and you have to look very
01:57carefully because the people who are shouting the most of course are the
02:01people who feel most threatened so I'm just gonna leave you that thought