• last year
AI Global Summit in Hyderabad 2024 : విప్లవాత్మక మార్పులకు హైదరాబాద్‌ మాదిరిగా ఏ నగరం సిద్ధంగా లేదని ముఖ్యమంత్రి రేవంత్‌రెడ్డి అన్నారు. హైదరాబాద్‌ హెచ్ఐసీసీలో ఏర్పాటైన రెండ్రోజుల అంతర్జాతీయ కృత్రిమ మేథ సదస్సుకు ముఖ్య అతిథిగా హాజరైన సీఎం హైదరాబాద్‌లో ఏఐ సిటీ ఏర్పాటుతో కృత్రిమ మేథ భవిష్యత్తుకు బలమైన పునాది వేశామని పేర్కొన్నారు.


00:00Today, a greatest of technology innovation is here, artificial intelligence.
00:10When any new technology comes, it brings both hope and fear.
00:15Hope of how it will make our lives better and fear of disruption of jobs.
00:22If we think of India's future, no city is as perfectly ready for a revolution as Hyderabad.
00:32In our city, we not only embrace future, but we also create it.
00:37Our commitment to artificial intelligence is not now.
00:41We have already taken big steps for AI.
00:44We want to lay a strong foundation for our future.
00:49Telangana AI Mission or T-AIM in partnership with NASSCOM will help us implement AI framework in Telangana.
00:58We will continue to bring government and industry experts together to drive innovation.
01:04The AI Summit today in Hyderabad is our declaration.
01:08We are ready for AI.
01:10We will create AI's future and set standards.
01:14I welcome all of you to the city of the future.
01:19Let us all come together and script a great new future.
01:24Our state of Telangana with its unwavering commitment to technology and innovation is not just participating in this revolution.
01:33We would like to lead and we are going to lead it.
01:37We would like to also see, you know, not only Hyderabad, our Chief Minister Mr. Ravindra Reddy and our government vision is to see that we make all our 33 districts in Telangana as growth engines,
01:51which shall be contributing to our overarching goal of becoming a $1 trillion economy in the near future and $3 trillion economy in the next decade.
02:03This is not just a vision, not a dream.
02:05It is a plan backed by strategic investments, robust infrastructure and unyielding focus on innovation.
02:13This is our goal. It is our collective destiny.
02:16A future where every citizen benefits from advancements we pioneered and where Telangana stands as a global beacon of progress and innovation.
02:26We are establishing the AI city, artificial intelligence city on a 200 acre site near Hyderabad.
02:34Dedicating an ecosystem for AI research, development and also this is an ambitious project. I do agree.
