• last year
00:00Releasing this fall, The Coming Golden Age,
00:03a new prophecy book by Dr. David Jeremiah.
00:06Inside, he reveals 31 fascinating biblical insights
00:09into the millennium, a future era of 1,000 years of peace
00:12on earth, which could be closer than you think.
00:14Pre-order The Coming Golden Age before its worldwide launch
00:17on October 1st when you give a gift of any amount
00:19to Turning Point.
00:20Plus, you'll receive early digital access to Dr. Jeremiah's
00:23entire The Coming Golden Age teaching series.
00:26Pre-order The Coming Golden Age today.
00:30There are more than 45,000 self-help books published
00:34each year, over 200,000 podcasts in the personal
00:38development category.
00:40But what if I told you all pale in comparison
00:43to the spiritual development one small book can have
00:46on your life and faith?
00:48Just six chapters, 2,000 words, and 20 minutes of your time,
00:52yet its impact lasts a lifetime.
00:56It succinctly and powerfully explains what it means
00:59to believe and how to discover God's calling for you,
01:03how to find purpose, overcome obstacles, connect with others,
01:07claim a life you love, endure difficulty, experience
01:12the fullness of life, love without limits,
01:15and ultimately be the follower of Christ
01:18you've always wanted to be.
01:20Join me in God's Word as we find the proven way
01:24to build a belief that thrives, impacts, and endures,
01:28a belief that behaves.
01:30It all starts with the book of Ephesians.
01:37Coming up on Turning Point.
01:39We should be the greatest encouragers on the planet.
01:42We know the ultimate answer.
01:45We don't live in the fear of death.
01:47We know that God has created for us a way to heaven
01:51and a way of life as we go to heaven.
01:54And of all of the things we should be,
01:56we should be encouraging other people.
02:00Discover a belief that restores, relates, rejoices, and behaves
02:04in Dr. David Jeremiah's new book,
02:06Belief That Behaves, The Book of Ephesians.
02:09In this rich study of Paul's beloved epistle,
02:12Dr. Jeremiah explores what it means to be a follower of Christ
02:15in practical terms and how we should act
02:17or behave as believers.
02:19Through 19 chapters, you'll discover
02:21God's how-to guide to the Christian life,
02:23including resolving conflict with others,
02:25successful marriage and parenting,
02:27finding purpose, overcoming spiritual attacks,
02:30and praying effectively.
02:32Ephesians has the power to change your life
02:34at home, at church, and at work.
02:37Request Belief That Behaves by Dr. Jeremiah
02:39when you give a gift of any amount
02:41in support of Turning Point.
02:43Or if you give a gift of $75 or more,
02:45Dr. Jeremiah will send you in appreciation
02:47the Belief That Behaves set,
02:49which contains his new book,
02:51his complete two-volume teaching series
02:53on your choice of CD or DVD,
02:55and two correlating study guides.
02:57From the first verse to the last,
02:59the truths contained in Ephesians
03:01will fill your heart with joy
03:03and strengthen your relationships with others.
03:05Request the Belief That Behaves book or study set,
03:07new from Dr. Jeremiah,
03:09when you contact Turning Point today.
03:14Thank you for watching Turning Point.
03:16And now, here is Dr. Jeremiah
03:18with his message,
03:20A New Lifestyle.
03:24The term lifestyle was introduced
03:26by an Austrian psychologist
03:28by the name of Alfred Adler
03:30in a 1929 book called
03:32The Case of Miss R.
03:34It simply refers, the term,
03:36to interests and opinions
03:38and behaviors of an individual
03:40group or culture.
03:42And that brings us to the last
03:44portion of Ephesians 4,
03:46where Paul wants to talk with us
03:48about the lifestyle of a Christian.
03:50What should a Christian look like?
03:52What should his lifestyle be like?
03:54It's interesting
03:56to note how Paul talks about a Christian lifestyle.
03:58He doesn't talk about
04:00financial wealth or physical health
04:02or geographical location.
04:04Paul instead
04:06describes what we would call
04:08character or integrity,
04:10the ability to live with others
04:12in a virtuous and honorable way.
04:14The qualities
04:16of character that Paul writes about
04:18in this section are necessary
04:20qualities, according to him,
04:22that you have to
04:24have in order to function within a group,
04:26within a church.
04:28They show us how it's possible to get along
04:30with one another, and they represent
04:32in essence the character
04:34of Christ.
04:36Paul is going to call out five areas
04:38of life in which you and I
04:40have the opportunity to demonstrate
04:42our Christianity.
04:44So, let's go through them one at a time.
04:46First of all, we can demonstrate
04:48our Christianity
04:50in a lifestyle of morality.
04:52He says in
04:54verse 25,
04:56therefore, putting away
04:58lying, let us
05:00each one speak truth
05:02with his neighbor, for we
05:04are members of one another.
05:06Now, of course, we're sitting there
05:08today thinking, I'm sure
05:10somebody needs that, but I'm not a liar.
05:12I don't lie, so this is not for
05:14me. Surprising how
05:16we all, if we're honest,
05:18find ourselves,
05:20we don't call them lies, we call
05:22them fibs.
05:24We have little ways of decorating
05:26up our untruthful
05:28ways. Maybe you've
05:30heard the story of the baker who suspected
05:32that the farmer who was
05:34supplying his butter
05:36was being dishonest with the short
05:38weight. The baker's suspicion were
05:40confirmed when he carefully checked
05:42the weight of the butter for several days.
05:46he had the farmer arrested.
05:48And the judge threw the case out
05:50when the farmer explained that
05:52he had no scales, so he had
05:54used a one-pound loaf
05:56of his friend's bread as
05:58the baker's counterbalance.
06:02the culture of Ephesus,
06:04lying was very much a part
06:06of everyday existence, even
06:08as it is today. As someone
06:10has said, lying for the Ephesians was a
06:12very present help in the time of trouble.
06:14They used lies
06:16like they used the truth until most people
06:18couldn't hardly tell the difference.
06:20Does that sound familiar?
06:22But Paul's admonition
06:24to us as Christians is
06:26that we put off lying
06:28and speak the truth.
06:30Speaking the truth to one another
06:32is so important because
06:34there can't be any meaningful exchanges
06:36in life apart from
06:38honesty. And that should
06:40tell you why in our culture today,
06:42we're going nowhere. We're going
06:44nowhere because we haven't even found out
06:46how we can tell the truth about anything.
06:48So, everything is a
06:50mirage. Everything is somebody's
06:52idea of what we would like to
06:54hear, and none of it has anything to do
06:56with reality. Paul says
06:58the reason we are to put away lying
07:00and tell the truth to one another is because
07:02we are members of one another.
07:04That's what the Bible says.
07:06Listen to what John Mackey
07:08has to say about this in his commentary
07:10on Ephesians. He said,
07:12A lie is a stab
07:14into the very vitals of the body
07:16of Christ. How strange
07:18that one part of the body
07:20would deceive another part
07:22as if the eye were to lie
07:24to the foot about some danger
07:26it sees.
07:28In speaking the truth to one
07:30another, we are saying you can
07:32trust me. You can rely on me.
07:34I will not mislead you
07:36or use you or cause you harm.
07:38I will help you, and what I
07:40say will match what I
07:44How very important it is that you
07:46and I, who are Christians, who are part of
07:48this culture, stand up for the
07:50truth. Can I get a witness
07:52for the truth this morning? Amen?
07:56Paul moves
07:58from our
08:00morality and telling the truth
08:02to our moods.
08:04We are to be angry
08:06and do not sin.
08:08That'll come as a surprise to
08:10a lot of you. Did you know that you don't
08:12have to be sinful when you're angry?
08:14That is surprising to so
08:16many Christians because we've kind of grown
08:18up believing that anger is
08:20always bad, that anger is always
08:22sin, and we know that can't
08:24be true because Jesus was angry.
08:26One of my favorite
08:28episodes in the life of Jesus
08:30while he was on this earth is when he made
08:32a whip and cleared out the money
08:34changers in the temple. Do you remember that
08:36story? That's one of my favorite
08:38stories because it's important to know
08:40the background, what was going on.
08:42We can tell that story, and if we don't know the background,
08:44we won't understand why he's so angry.
08:46But what was going on was this.
08:48People were bringing sacrifices to
08:50the temple as part of their worship,
08:52but the priest had to determine
08:54whether the sacrifice was acceptable.
08:56You can probably guess
08:58what happened. Some entrepreneurial
09:00thief convinced the priest,
09:02most likely through bribes, to
09:04declare many of the animals brought
09:06by the people as unacceptable.
09:08Then those scoundrels set up
09:10a booth where travelers could purchase
09:12acceptable sacrifices
09:14at a huge profit.
09:16In short, there was fraud
09:18and greed and dishonesty
09:20right in the outer court of the
09:22temple. And when Jesus
09:24saw that, we read
09:26in John 2, 15,
09:28when he had made a whip of cords,
09:30he drove them out of the temple
09:32with the sheep and the oxen
09:34and poured out the changers' money
09:36and overturned the tables.
09:38And it doesn't say that he got
09:40his guys together and did this.
09:42He did it all by himself. You can see
09:44him walking through the temple with
09:46anger, seeing how they had distorted
09:48the purpose of the temple.
09:50And he's pushing over the tables.
09:52And he's angry.
09:54The same should be true of you
09:56and me. It's wrong for us
09:58to be angry with one another.
10:00But men and women, we should be angry
10:02about some things that are going on right now.
10:04We should be angry about
10:06child abuse. We should be angry about
10:08domestic violence and drugs.
10:10We should be angry about a lot of things.
10:12It's not wrong to be angry at what's
10:14wrong in culture, but it
10:16is sinful to be angry at
10:18somebody, somebody else.
10:20Paul says we are to be
10:22angry, and then he qualifies the command
10:24with three negatives.
10:26Do not sin, don't let the sun
10:28go down on your wrath, and don't give
10:30a place to the devil.
10:32You know, the old idea is for couples,
10:34don't get mad at your spouse,
10:36don't go to bed angry.
10:38And I've heard of some people that have stayed up for
10:40two or three weeks because they didn't
10:42want to get things right, I mean.
10:44So, John
10:46Phillips gives us this advice.
10:48If you have to be angry,
10:50if the cause is righteous and the
10:52provocation is severe,
10:54then let the storm burst, but make sure
10:56the expression of your anger is not
10:58promiscuous or prolonged.
11:00Let calm follow the storm and be
11:02sure that your fellowship with God is not broken.
11:04If you get so
11:06angry about something that you can't pray,
11:08you're too angry.
11:10If you get so angry about something,
11:12you can't come to church, you need to deal with your anger.
11:14We need to
11:16put off the old way of life,
11:18reactionary anger,
11:20and put on the new way of life, which is
11:22self-control. I wrote this
11:24down, I read this someplace this week.
11:26It goes like this,
11:28the more you grow up, the less you blow
11:32That's all about your Christian growth.
11:34When you grow up, you end up
11:36being in control of anger.
11:38So, Paul says
11:40the Christian lifestyle is
11:42tell the truth, control your
11:44anger, and here he's going to
11:46talk about money.
11:48Verse 28, he says,
12:00I remember
12:02reading a story about a Soviet factory
12:04worker who attempted to steal items
12:06from his workplace.
12:08Every day he filled his wheelbarrow
12:10with cylinders and iron and ore
12:12and tools, and every day as he left,
12:14he got caught
12:16and the stuff was taken away from him.
12:18Finally, he was fired.
12:20And on his last day, the
12:22commissar waited for him to come out
12:24with his contraband, and when he
12:26arrived at the door, the commissar
12:28pulled back the cover from the wheelbarrow
12:30and there was the usual stuff.
12:32He confiscated everything
12:34and he said to the thief,
12:36Mr. Commissar, you are the fool.
12:38We caught you every single day
12:40and you got away with nothing.
12:42Mr. Commissar,
12:44he said, you are the fool.
12:46I've been stealing wheelbarrows.
12:54There's such a thing as stealing
12:56because there is such a thing as ownership.
13:00dignifies us as his children
13:02by giving us work to perform,
13:04property to maintain,
13:06and rights to uphold.
13:08There are only three ways to acquire
13:10property, to work for it,
13:12to receive it as a gift, or to steal it.
13:14And in verse 28, Paul addresses
13:16all three of those things.
13:18He says, let him who stole
13:20steal no longer,
13:22but rather let him labor, working with
13:24his hands what is good,
13:26that he may have something to give him
13:28who has need.
13:30Some of the Christians who first read this letter
13:32came to Christ
13:34from a background of thievery.
13:36They were shoplifters and cheaters and burglars.
13:38And Paul was saying that if they stopped stealing
13:40and instead worked hard with their hands
13:42to earn a livelihood,
13:44they'll have something of their own to share
13:46with others. And I wrote this down
13:48because I think this is a really cool thought.
13:50This verse is a
13:52striking description of the conversion
13:54of a new believer.
13:56The thief
13:58becomes a philanthropist.
14:00Look at the verse.
14:02Do not take what is not
14:04yours, but work so
14:06hard that you may be able to give to others
14:08what is not theirs. You get it?
14:10Don't take from somebody
14:12what you don't have the right
14:14to take, but work hard and make
14:16money and give something to somebody
14:18who may not be able to get it.
14:20Don't be a thief, be a philanthropist.
14:22That's the style of a
14:24Christian. That's what a Christian is like.
14:26The person who did wrong in order to
14:28meet his own selfish desires
14:30before he became a Christian now
14:32has to work in order to contribute to someone
14:34who needs it. What a reversal.
14:36I mean, instead of stealing from others,
14:38the former thieves were to give to others.
14:40Based on this verse, I
14:42advise all of us to work hard to earn a living
14:44and then use some of what we earn to help
14:46other people. The Christian life
14:48is about the aggressive pursuit of
14:50what is productive and beneficial.
14:52Are you getting this picture
14:54that Paul is painting for us as Christians?
14:56Don't be messing around with the truth.
14:58Don't get overly angry and not
15:00in control. And if you're not
15:02being honest,
15:04stop stealing.
15:06He's not done, and we're
15:08not done. Here's one that you probably wish
15:10I wouldn't talk about.
15:12After our money comes our mouths.
15:14We can demonstrate
15:18godliness through our mouths
15:20through the way we speak, and this is what Paul says.
15:22Let no corrupt
15:24word proceed out of your mouth,
15:26but what is good for
15:28necessary edification,
15:30that it may impart grace
15:32to the hearers.
15:34The word corrupt in this verse is
15:36very picturesque.
15:38It's almost too picturesque
15:40to talk about. The word
15:42corrupt describes the decaying
15:44body of an animal.
15:48Paul was saying, get rid of your
15:50putrid words.
15:52Get rid of that junk before it stinks
15:54up your life.
15:56If you want an example
15:58of unwholesome talk, just watch television.
16:00Listen to the conversations around
16:02you. Even better, listen to your
16:04own words for a day and evaluate them
16:06through the grid of Ephesians
16:10The Bible is filled with verses about how we
16:12speak, the words we say, the tone
16:14we employ, but Ephesians
16:16429 is probably the most
16:18practical and helpful passage in all
16:20the Bible when it comes to the subject
16:22of our tongues. Nothing we
16:24say should be corrupt, which means unholy,
16:26unhealthy to others,
16:28destructive or detrimental.
16:30Instead, our words should benefit others
16:32and build them up. Many
16:34people are standing out in the rain of
16:36discouragement. Their hearts are
16:38soaked with heavy drops of disappointment
16:40and pessimism, and they need somebody
16:42to come along and say a word of
16:44encouragement to them. And of all the things we
16:46should be as Christians, men and women, we should
16:48be the greatest encouragers on the planet.
16:50We know the ultimate
16:52answer. We don't live
16:54in the fear of death. We know
16:56that God has created for us a
16:58way to heaven and a way
17:00of life as we go to
17:02heaven. And of all the things we
17:04should be, we should be encouraging other people.
17:08that doesn't always happen.
17:12underestimate the power
17:14of a kind word.
17:16One way to practice this is to make a
17:18habit of complimenting at least one person
17:20every day. As you
17:22start your day in the morning, ask yourself,
17:24who can I compliment today?
17:26You'll be amazed at the gratitude that flows
17:28your way and fills your heart over
17:30time. People crave
17:32positive reinforcement.
17:34All of us do, no matter
17:36who we are.
17:38Abraham Lincoln wore a
17:40Brooks Brothers overcoat when he and his wife
17:42Mary attended a performance at Ford's
17:44Theater in April of
17:461865. Shortly
17:48after 10 p.m., John Wilkes Booth
17:50crept up behind him and fired the fatal
17:52shot that killed the president.
17:54Afterwards, his personal
17:56belongings in his coat pockets were collected
17:58and given to his son, Robert
18:00Todd Lincoln, who put them in a
18:02box, and they were later passed
18:04down to Robert's daughter,
18:06who donated them to the Library
18:08of Congress. And that box
18:10was not opened
18:12until 1976,
18:14all those years.
18:16You know what was in the box?
18:18Listen to this. He had a
18:20couple of pairs of eyeglasses,
18:22a pocket knife, a gold watch
18:24fob, a white handkerchief, a
18:26cufflink, a $5 bill,
18:28a brown leather wallet, and several
18:30newspaper clippings.
18:32One of them extolled his
18:34accomplishments and began with the words,
18:36Abe Lincoln is one of the greatest
18:38statesmen of all time.
18:40Though he was truly one of the
18:42greatest statesmen of all time,
18:44Abraham Lincoln endured unceasing
18:46criticism. As you
18:48remember if you've read your history book, he
18:50was not always appreciated.
18:52He needed encouragement
18:54and affirmation as badly as his most
18:56beleaguered soldiers, and he was
18:58carrying an article that
19:00reassured him of his worth
19:02in his pocket
19:04when he died.
19:06From the greatest
19:08of us to the smallest of us,
19:10we all crave words
19:12of encouragement, and we
19:14as members of the body of Christ, we should
19:16be purveyors of
19:18encouragement wherever we go.
19:20The Bible says when you go to church every
19:22week, you should have a word of
19:24encouragement in your mouth. Find
19:26somebody that you know that might need a
19:28word of encouragement and encourage
19:30them. Proverbs
19:3218.21 says this,
19:34Death and life are in
19:36the power of the tongue.
19:38Let's make sure as believers
19:40that only life is in
19:42the power of our tongue.
19:44Put off destructive words, put on
19:46encouraging words. Sometimes
19:48it really is just that simple.
19:50And then
19:52number five,
19:54our lifestyle is conditioned
19:56by our morality and our
19:58moods and our money and our
20:00mouths and our manners.
20:02How do we enable the
20:04holy man who lives within us
20:06to demonstrate holiness
20:08in our morality?
20:10Look at
20:12verse 30 and 31, and do not
20:14grieve the Holy Spirit of God
20:16by whom you were sealed
20:18for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness
20:20and wrath and anger and
20:22clamor and evil speaking be put
20:24away from you with all malice.
20:28verse 26 and 27,
20:30Paul said that when we stay
20:32in slavery over a period of time,
20:34we give place to the devil.
20:36And in verse 30,
20:38he says that when we let bitterness grow
20:40in our hearts, we grieve the Holy
20:42Spirit. The two
20:44things that jump out at me when I read
20:46these verses is that we have the possibility
20:48in our lives
20:50to give place to the devil
20:52and grieve the Holy Spirit by what we
20:54do. As one
20:56famous country singer has said,
20:58bitterness is when we bury
21:00it and leave the handle sticking out.
21:04Brooks wrote that.
21:06One New Testament scholar
21:08challenges us with these stinging words.
21:10Hostile Christian
21:12is an oxymoron.
21:14We must replace
21:16hostility with helpfulness.
21:18The primary place hostility
21:20and cynicism appear is in our
21:22families, and the assumption being that
21:24those closest to us are responsible for the
21:26problem or have failed to solve it
21:28or are easy targets for our
21:30revenge. Where families are marked
21:32by bitterness, anger, shouting, or
21:34worse, no one should ever say
21:36anything about them being involved
21:38in the Christian faith
21:40because it is so opposite of what
21:42a Christian should be.
21:44Paul tells us to replace our anger
21:46and clamor and evil speaking in malice
21:48with kindness and forgiveness.
21:50And be kind
21:52one to another, tenderhearted,
21:54forgiving one another
21:56even as God
21:58in Christ forgave
22:00you. Notice how
22:02these terms fit together. Put off
22:04bitterness and wrath, put on
22:06kindness. Put off anger and
22:08clamor, put on tenderheartedness.
22:10Put away evil speaking,
22:12put on forgiveness.
22:14Followers of Christ should
22:16be exceptional forgivers because
22:18we know that we've
22:20been forgiven.
22:22He forgave us.
22:24He forgave us freely. He didn't say,
22:26I'll forgive, but I won't forget.
22:30The Bible says he forgave. He threw
22:32our sins into the deepest part of the sea.
22:34He put our sin behind
22:36his back. He put our sin as far
22:38as the east is from the west
22:40and that's how we are to
22:42forgive others. None of this
22:44crazy forgiveness
22:46that Christians like to employ.
22:48I will forgive you, but I cannot forget
22:50what you did.
22:52You know, it's not a matter of not forgetting.
22:54It's a matter of choosing not to remember.
22:56Whole different story.
22:58Oh, you can't erase
23:00something from your memory bank,
23:02something that happened. You can't make that go
23:04away. Nobody has that power.
23:06But you can decide not to
23:08remember it. You can determine
23:10in your heart that you won't let that ever
23:12be something that you use against anyone
23:14because you have put it behind you.
23:16You have forgiven
23:18and your forgiveness is
23:22Let me ask you something.
23:24Have you been forgiven by God
23:26through Jesus Christ?
23:28Out of the reservoir of
23:30your forgiveness from God,
23:32you have enough forgiveness
23:34for anything anyone
23:36has ever done to you, no matter what it is.
23:38Because nothing
23:40anyone has ever done
23:42to you could even compare
23:44to the way
23:46you have offended the God
23:48who created you before
23:50you became one of his children.
23:52To forgive
23:54someone is not to endorse or
23:56excuse their behavior.
23:58Many people have experienced terrible
24:00trauma in their lives.
24:02Perhaps you've suffered at the hands of someone
24:04else and you've never been able to make
24:06peace with what happened to you.
24:08I don't want to be simplistic. I mean, sometimes
24:10we need lots of time and counseling
24:12and help, but I believe
24:14with all my heart that the basis
24:16of all emotional turnarounds
24:18is found in the grace of Jesus Christ
24:20and the power of the Holy Spirit.
24:22That's your foundation.
24:24When you experience his forgiveness,
24:26it changes you.
24:28It enables you to understand forgiveness
24:30and it gives you the power to forgive
24:32others, even as God has
24:34forgiven you.
24:36Paul encourages us to think of
24:38kindness as a lifestyle,
24:40like a piece of clothing
24:42we wear. It's the attitude of
24:44wanting to bless others and to
24:46lift their spirits and meet their needs
24:48and do so in Jesus' name.
24:50You say, well,
24:52I always forgive first.
24:54It's always your
24:56turn. You always
24:58take the initiative. It doesn't matter
25:00who did what, when, or where. If there's
25:02a breach in your relationship,
25:04seek forgiveness
25:06and offer it before you seek it
25:08for yourself. When you
25:10do, the same joy
25:12that you had when you found
25:14that you had been forgiven by the Lord
25:16will once again fill your spirit
25:18as you experience
25:20the divine joy
25:22of personal
25:26Many of us know what it's like to be
25:28forgiven by God.
25:30He stands ready to
25:32forgive any who will come to him, but he doesn't
25:34force his forgiveness on anyone.
25:36If you want to be forgiven by God, you have to
25:38accept his forgiveness.
25:40You have to ask him to forgive
25:42you of your sin and
25:44know in doing that that he
25:46will respond with
25:48forgiveness, and you can become
25:50a new person.
25:52You can become a Christian.
27:34Something's wrong in your life and you have conviction about it. You come back to God
27:37Do you know what you'll find when you come back to him? He's standing here like this. He wants you back. He loves you
27:43He's your father
27:46Thank you for being with us today join, dr. Jeremiah next time for his message walking in love
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