• last year
Viajar al espacio es un sueño que ha fascinado a la humanidad a lo largo de la historia. Desde los relatos de Lucien de Samosata sobre el viaje de Ulises hasta los avances tecnológicos de la era moderna, la exploración espacial ha capturado la imaginación de generaciones. Con el auge de la carrera espacial durante la Guerra Fría, donde Estados Unidos y la URSS competían por el dominio del espacio, se lograron hitos impresionantes que sentaron las bases para el turismo espacial actual.

Hoy en día, las misiones espaciales ya no son exclusivas de astronautas. Gracias a empresas privadas, como SpaceX y Blue Origin, viajar al espacio se está convirtiendo en una posibilidad real para aquellos que pueden costearlo. Las experiencias suborbitales permiten a los pasajeros experimentar la ingravidez y ver la curvatura de la Tierra, algo que antes solo era accesible a unos pocos elegidos.

Este acceso creciente al espacio abre un nuevo capítulo en la historia de la exploración humana. La posibilidad de viajar al espacio no solo satisface la curiosidad innata del ser humano, sino que también plantea preguntas sobre la sostenibilidad de la vida en otros planetas y el futuro de la humanidad fuera de la Tierra. En este contexto, el turismo espacial se perfila como una industria en auge, que promete experiencias únicas y memorables.

Si te interesa saber más sobre las últimas innovaciones en viajes espaciales y cómo puedes formar parte de esta emocionante aventura, sigue leyendo nuestro contenido.

**Hashtags:** #ViajarAlEspacio, #TurismoEspacial, #ExploraciónEspacial

**Keywords:** viajar al espacio, turismo espacial, misiones espaciales, tecnología espacial, empresas privadas, experiencia suborbital, Guerra Fría, exploración humana, vuelos espaciales, acceso al espacio.


00:00After this space adventure, humanity has meaning for me.
00:05Claudie Heckner, astronaut.
00:26Imagine floating in ingravity.
00:29Discovering the depth of the cosmos.
00:33And that your planet is slowly turning before your eyes.
00:40Living in space for a few hours, or a few days, in a hotel in orbit, is no longer a dream.
00:48It is our future.
00:53To prepare that future, we, the astronauts, explore this new frontier.
01:13I am Thomas Pesquet, astronaut.
01:18At the moment, I am training for my six-month mission at the International Space Station.
01:30The space exploration of the future is important, and it concerns us all.
01:36The more we investigate space, the more we investigate our past.
01:40When we get to Mars, we also want to see our future.
01:47We are moving in a complicated medium, but we are moving fast.
01:51It is an incredible journey, and those who embark on it will never regret it.
01:59Space future.
02:07Living in space.
02:19I have been training for seven years.
02:21Seven years to get myself out of planet Earth, and live six months at 400 kilometers from our planet.
02:29To prepare a mission like this, I am traveling around the world,
02:32and I meet the best specialists in the aerospace sector,
02:36especially in Russia, in the city of stars off Moscow.
02:44This ancient secret city, where all the pioneers of space exploration passed,
02:49is also an important center for astronaut training.
02:55It is legendary, and we see that there are many things that are original.
02:58In fact, we recognize sculptures from the 60s that we saw in the photos with Yuri Gagarin.
03:03It always impresses a little, and then there are the people who have been there since the beginning.
03:07There are instructors that we all know.
03:11Nothing should be overlooked.
03:13We need to know in depth the management of each of the facilities of our transporter, the Soyuz.
03:21We see, learn and work a lot.
03:23There are many things to remember.
03:25Behind each panel like this, there are complex systems to purify the atmosphere,
03:29to exchange data, to communicate with the Earth, to keep people alive.
03:35And since the distances are large, like the center itself,
03:38I use my bicycle to attend my orbital physics classes, especially in winter.
03:55Everything that's green has been drawn by Andy, so it's obviously wrong.
03:58Everything that's green has been drawn by me, so it should be right.
04:01And what about all the black?
04:03All the black is all the stuff we don't understand so far.
04:06So we don't understand a lot.
04:10But there's some green here, so we're on the right track.
04:15We also have to be prepared to withstand the acceleration forces during takeoff.
04:19The centrifuge allows us to adapt to this incredible pressure.
04:24Look straight ahead.
04:25Let's go.
04:351G is the acceleration of gravity.
04:37Under 1G, things weigh their normal weight, the weight we're used to feeling.
04:422G weighs twice as much.
04:44We train up to 8 or 9G.
04:46You have to breathe with your belly because we can no longer expand the chest.
04:49It's like having an elephant sitting on top of you.
04:52The skin on your face stretches in both directions, and you have to hold your breath.
05:04End of rotation. How do you feel?
05:10It's not a particularly pleasant experience,
05:12but it's very similar to what a combat pilot can experience.
05:16Sometimes they get to experience 3G accelerations.
05:19Nightlife in the city of stars is also a study.
05:23We're in Star City in the evening.
05:25So what do you do in Star City in the evening?
05:27You study.
05:28That's right.
05:29What do you study?
05:31You study Soyuz.
05:32And then?
05:33And then what do we do?
05:34Well, hopefully we find a space.
05:36You mean the flight data files.
05:38So this is really important stuff.
05:40This is what flies through space with us.
05:43And hopefully keeps us alive.
05:44All right.
05:46Everything we learn here could save our lives there.
05:50As astronauts, we have to fully master the space transporter that will take us to space.
05:57In real conditions, equipped with my spacesuit,
06:00I learn to pilot Soyuz inside a simulator
06:03and to respond to the situations and incidents that the trainers pose.
06:16Even in the simulation of the most serious cases,
06:18like a fire,
06:19I have to apply the procedure very calmly.
06:35With the heat of the spacesuit and the tension of the simulation,
06:38the exercise has been very demanding.
06:41Now when I see a launch,
06:43especially when it's about colleagues or friends,
06:45it's no longer the same.
06:47When you have someone close in a rocket that is taking off,
06:50the experience is different.
06:52The more you train, the more aware you are of everything that can go wrong.
06:59Space is a hostile environment for humans.
07:02The dangers are constant.
07:04Like on July 16, 2013.
07:09At 9.41, Houston time,
07:11my colleague the Italian Luca Parmitano went into space
07:14and 44 minutes later the control center announced that he had a problem.
07:44I can feel it in the back of my head.
07:48His helmet continues to fill with water.
07:50The water gets into his nose and eyes.
07:54I'm making the decision to end today's EVA early.
07:59Luca sees nothing and hears nothing.
08:02He can hardly breathe.
08:04I've got the airlock.
08:06Coming off on the wing.
08:10I've got a lot of water.
08:12Shane, I don't know if you can hear him.
08:14He's at the airlock with a lot of water.
08:18He has only a few minutes to reach the airlock.
08:23A few minutes that can cost him his life.
08:27I can get out a little bit back to the airlock.
08:30Two minutes later,
08:32the control center lost all communication with the astronaut.
08:43After 14 minutes, without panicking,
08:46Luca managed to enter the station
08:48guided only by his memory.
08:52His colleagues hurried to remove the spacesuit
08:55that could have been his coffin.
08:58He could finally breathe.
09:01It's about learning to handle incidents like this
09:03that occurred during a spacewalk.
09:06To do this, I train at NASA's space center in Houston, Texas.
09:17Here is the largest covered pool in the world.
09:21It's the largest in the world.
09:23It's the largest in the world.
09:25It's the largest in the world.
09:27Here is the largest covered pool in the world.
09:3023 million liters of water to test my spacesuit.
09:36Training with the spacesuit is also difficult.
09:38When you've been in the spacesuit for six hours,
09:40everything hurts.
09:41It's like the spacesuit is fighting against you
09:43and resisting the movements because it's pressurized.
09:48You have to remember the pressure inside.
09:50When you move your arms or your feet,
09:52it's like crushing a tennis ball.
09:55There are movements that can't be done
09:57without a little shoulder pain.
09:59It's a little annoying.
10:03In a submersible model of the space station,
10:06I train for different missions in emergency situations.
10:11Are you all right, Andy?
10:15Oh, God damn it.
10:18I could have lost... I seem to have lost com with him.
10:22I'm making my way out of the truss.
10:25That's the end of the aircraft.
10:31This is gate two, slider locked.
10:33Black on black.
10:36When I activate the black code,
10:38I indicate that there is a medical emergency.
10:40The scenario has changed.
10:42It's a situation similar to the one
10:44that Luca Parmitano experienced in space.
10:46My goal is to take my partner to the station as soon as possible,
10:49where he can be treated.
10:52Between the pressure of the water and the suit,
10:54taking Andy safely becomes a painful exercise.
11:02OK, so Andy is there.
11:06Is that good?
11:07Good job.
11:08It's 26 minutes,
11:11which is a pretty difficult starting position,
11:13so good job.
11:17This training is repeated over and over again
11:19until everything becomes easy and natural.
11:22Because once we are there,
11:24suspended in the void of space,
11:26there will be no room for error.
11:28In case of problems,
11:30we can rely on ourselves.
11:32The risk is to think during the training.
11:36As the instructors are perverse,
11:38they cause situations with very complicated combinations.
11:43In the end, one is like Superman.
11:45As a team, we face all kinds of situations
11:49and we always come out on top.
11:51We know that we are taking care of a ship
11:54that should be like an extension of our body
11:57and that the team should be a single entity.
12:00In the end, a problem is no longer an obstacle,
12:03but an opportunity to find the solution.
12:06We do not believe that the danger is to lose life.
12:09The danger is to make mistakes that sabotage an experience.
12:12The obsession of astronauts
12:14is to successfully carry out any commissioned mission.
12:20On November 15, 2016,
12:23in the middle of the cold of Kazakhstan,
12:26the day of my great trip will come.
12:30That day I will follow the steps of the man
12:32who opened the space for humanity, Yuri Gagarin.
12:38On April 12, 1961,
12:41after writing a farewell letter to his wife,
12:44he went to the control of the take-off platform,
12:47called Tania.
12:52He does not know if he will return alive
12:54from the first trip to space.
12:58All these moments,
12:59all the actions carried out by our icon,
13:02have become immutable and mandatory rituals
13:04for all astronauts.
13:08Among the gestures that Gagarin made
13:10before his first flight
13:12and that are repeated today
13:14are planting a tree,
13:16watching the film The White Sun of the Desert,
13:19visiting the places where he was.
13:24In Russia, in Baikonur,
13:26it will soon be my turn to sign
13:28at the door of my hotel room.
13:30Before the trip I will be blessed by an Orthodox bishop
13:33and I will say goodbye to my family from behind a glass
13:36to avoid any risk of disease transmission.
13:44The atmosphere in which one is completely immersed
13:47and that is the space adventure
13:49that is going to be lived in a few hours.
13:57You are a professional, a professional,
13:59you are prepared.
14:01And then you become an astronaut,
14:03you are already an astronaut.
14:07The atmosphere in which one is completely immersed
14:10and that is the space adventure
14:12that is going to be lived in a few hours.
14:18After Yuri Gagarin
14:20and the 558 men and women
14:22who have followed his footsteps,
14:24on November 15, 2016,
14:26I will finally be an astronaut.
14:42The first sensation of space flights
14:44is the great gunshot in the ass.
14:46It is not as powerful as in some of the attractions
14:49of Disneyland, but it lasts longer.
14:51We know that we are at the top
14:53of a large rocket full of explosives
14:55and when the fuel rockets are lit,
14:57a phenomenon of low-frequency vibrations occurs
15:00that make you feel like you are riding a horse.
15:03These are vibrations of several centimeters in amplitude
15:06and, depending on how you feel,
15:08it is possible to go up and down
15:11and, depending on the temperature
15:13or the wind outside,
15:15you may have problems
15:17to read the control screens.
15:19That is the first sensation,
15:21the one of the force you feel in your back.
15:25The second sensation that occurs
15:27one or two minutes later
15:29is that the sky turns black like ink
15:31in broad daylight.
15:35My first memory
15:37is when I tried to look out the window
15:39after removing the protective cover
15:41and I saw that we crossed the atmosphere
15:43at a height of 70 kilometers
15:49and that the Earth was moving away.
15:59This incredible human adventure
16:01allows me to discover the beauty of our planet
16:03during the six-hour trip
16:05in orbit around the Earth.
16:09The Space Station Intercontinental
16:11The Space Station Intercontinental
16:25My capsule arrives
16:27as I did in 1996
16:29to what will be my home
16:31during the six months of the mission.
16:35The Space Station Intercontinental
16:39The Space Station Intercontinental
17:09The Space Station Intercontinental
17:11The Space Station Intercontinental
17:31Did the first impressions
17:33that you had
17:35correspond to the expectation
17:37of this first experience
17:39and this first contact with space?
17:41It is a thousand times more beautiful
17:43than I could have imagined
17:45and I am very lucky to participate
17:47in such a mission.
17:49I hope to be able to convince everyone
17:51of the beauty of what we are doing
17:53and the usefulness of what we are going to do
17:55during these 15 days.
17:57But it is really a show
17:59of sensations,
18:01absolutely fabulous emotions.
18:03It is a real dream that I live now.
18:05If the engine turns off,
18:07it stays in orbit forever
18:09until we do something to move it.
18:11And there we are,
18:13pregnant forever, floating.
18:25We do not make efforts
18:27to stand up, to move.
18:29We do not feel the weight.
18:31If you look out the window,
18:33you remember that you have a body.
18:35You can even forget
18:37that you have a body.
18:39You are floating as consciousness,
18:41which is reflected in that
18:43you can focus more on work.
18:47It is a very strange feeling.
18:51In space there is no up or down.
18:55Man discovers the third dimension.
18:59You see astronauts floating
19:01like Captain Haddock's whiskey ball.
19:03The liquids float.
19:05Microgravity movements
19:07are conquered little by little.
19:11At first you are a little clumsy,
19:13you feel uncomfortable,
19:15it is difficult for you to concentrate
19:17while you push the wall of a propeller.
19:19But there comes a time
19:21when you can orient yourself
19:23in the three dimensions
19:25with a module above,
19:27a module behind, one below.
19:29We can move loads of 700 kilos
19:31only with our hands.
19:33Both in scientific or medical experiments
19:35or in maintenance and repair operations,
19:37gravity complicates things a bit.
20:00Hey, Aki, what are you doing down there?
20:05This is one of the cool things
20:07about space too.
20:09It sort of looks like there is a big old hole here,
20:11but you don't even think twice about it.
20:13You can just jump over the hole
20:15or, if you want,
20:17you can go jump into the hole.
20:19I am coming down.
20:27The second feature
20:29of gravity
20:31when you are not used to it
20:33is that you lose things.
20:35All astronauts have lost articles,
20:37batteries, batteries, watches.
20:39One lost his watch
20:41and found it
20:43floating another crew
20:45two flights later.
20:47It was trapped in a corner
20:49and found by another crew.
20:51The two main tools
20:53in spaceships
20:55are adhesive tape
20:57and Velcro.
21:01The absence of gravity
21:03also requires
21:05that we adapt our way of eating.
21:07What's on the menu tonight?
21:09Strawberry shortcake
21:11with these butter cookies
21:13and some strawberries
21:15with a little bit of milk on top.
21:17Because, as everything floats,
21:19you have to find a way
21:21to keep it under control.
21:23Otherwise, things get a little complicated.
21:25For example,
21:27bread shouldn't make crumbs
21:29because they get in your eyes
21:31and get to the ventilation ducts
21:33or stay behind the panels
21:35where there are electronic devices.
21:37So it's not a good idea.
21:39In space, the kitchen is not equipped
21:41to prepare meals
21:43and the space oven
21:45Attach it to the water distributor,
21:47choose the right quantity
21:49and push the button.
21:59There are spinach,
22:01honey pies,
22:03or chocolate cake.
22:05The meals have been diversified
22:07with the space missions.
22:09The tubes and cans of canned food have run out.
22:11European astronauts
22:13go through NASA's food laboratory
22:15where they taste and taste
22:17all the dishes
22:19that are prepared for astronauts
22:21and give them a score.
22:27It's here,
22:29in the Houston Space Center,
22:31where everything is prepared.
22:33Once cooked in the laboratory,
22:35all the dishes are liophilized.
22:45It's going to be about the same amount today.
22:47I know.
22:49So just take small bites.
22:51Fruit juice,
22:55shrimp curry or chili with meat breakfast.
22:57In total, I try about 50 dishes
22:59and different drinks.
23:01Some will be handled
23:03with caution in space.
23:05If you inadvertently cut that oxygen scavenger,
23:07you'd have little particles
23:09going everywhere.
23:11So it's probably better
23:13to try to tear that pouch open
23:15at the notches rather than
23:17cutting it.
23:19That's just on the bread products.
23:21In space, the gills are a problem,
23:23but so is the taste.
23:25When you don't have weight,
23:27you don't necessarily maintain
23:29the same tastes.
23:31With pregnancy, all the body fluids
23:33rise and you feel
23:35as if you had a cold.
23:37I have a colleague
23:39who said he loved shrimp,
23:41so he brought a lot of them.
23:43Then on board,
23:45it was impossible to eat them.
23:47He wasn't lucky.
23:49The taste changes.
23:55Finally, of the 50 dishes,
23:57there is none that has given
23:59a negative score.
24:01I think I'm a bit of a glutton.
24:03At least I know
24:05food won't be a problem for me.
24:07The taste changes too much,
24:09which I don't expect it will.
24:11It might change slightly.
24:13I don't think it will change.
24:15I hope the party food
24:17keeps its flavor there.
24:19I'll have the chance
24:21to spend Christmas,
24:23New Year's Day and my birthday
24:25at the space station.
24:27So I thought I'd invite my colleagues
24:29with a bit of gourmet French food.
24:31Chef Thierry Marx
24:35Thomas has two chefs.
24:37A more historical chef,
24:39who has been working
24:41with CNE for a long time,
24:43Alain Ducasse,
24:45and a chef
24:47that Thomas has recently hired,
24:49Thierry Marx.
24:53In the Mandarin Oriental-style kitchen
24:55of Chef Thierry Marx,
24:57I come up with a terrifying recipe.
25:01Chef Thierry Marx
25:07When the menu
25:09Thomas Pesquet was designed,
25:11the goal was very simple.
25:13Pleasure above all.
25:17We were told
25:19about a chicken with white wine.
25:21He was ecstatic
25:23about a chicken with white wine,
25:25so we prepared it
25:27for him.
25:29Then we thought
25:31about a traditional French dish,
25:33little known,
25:35and we looked for
25:37a traditional French recipe,
25:39the lamb tongue
25:41in the Lucula style.
25:43And for dessert,
25:45something with ginger,
25:47candied apples,
25:49roasted apples,
25:53That made us think
25:55about ginger bread
25:57as one of the dishes he wanted to take.
25:59While he made us dream
26:01and remember Julio Verne,
26:03thinking that our food
26:05could be shared
26:07by other astronauts
26:09400 kilometers above
26:11our heads.
26:13It's almost incomprehensible.
26:15It's something that seems to belong
26:17to the field of fiction.
26:19In practice, it's like sharing
26:21a little experience of orbital flight.
26:23For Thomas,
26:25it will be a French adventure
26:27and he could share it
26:29with his foreign colleagues.
26:31Thierry March
26:33is not only a stellar chef,
26:35but an innovator.
26:37With the chemist Raphael Hommond,
26:39he has created what will be
26:41tomorrow's food,
26:43both in space and on Earth,
26:45for everyone.
26:47The idea, ultimately,
26:49is to observe nature.
26:51When we observe a fruit like a tomato,
26:53it has a thin skin,
26:55which is an edible membrane.
26:57So we thought about doing laboratory tests
26:59to reconstruct the skin
27:01of fruits and vegetables
27:03and we managed to encapsulate the products.
27:05We realized that
27:07when we eat a membrane,
27:09it is pierced and releases
27:11the aroma that is inside.
27:13Now it is covered
27:15by an orange membrane
27:17that retains the aroma inside.
27:19We can eat it all,
27:21but on Earth,
27:23after three days,
27:25everything has disappeared.
27:27On the other hand,
27:29this format facilitates
27:31the ingestion of food.
27:33You can eat and do something
27:35at the same time.
27:37This could be interesting
27:39in the food on board the station.
27:41What has interested us,
27:43both Thierry March and me,
27:45is to share our fascination
27:47for space.
27:49To do this,
27:51the chemist and the chef
27:53used Jean-François Clervoy's
27:55zero-gravity aircraft
27:57to carry out their experiment.
27:59The zero-gravity flight
28:01was absolutely necessary
28:03to prove
28:05that our technical knowledge
28:07could have
28:09a large-scale
28:11operational result.
28:13We went with our capsules,
28:15with a water capsule,
28:17and we gave it to Jean-François
28:19to test it
28:21in zero-gravity conditions.
28:25It's drinking water,
28:27but with an orange taste.
28:29I feel the taste.
28:31The taste is spread in the liquid.
28:33He told us,
28:35this investigation seems very interesting.
28:37It seems that when the membrane is pierced,
28:39the water will escape.
28:41That's why we say
28:43that maybe these are the cans of tomorrow.
28:45These are not aluminum cans
28:47or plastic bottles.
28:49However, they can be for immediate consumption,
28:51and it's a shame to generate waste.
28:53The success of this experiment
28:55and the objective of this laboratory
28:57is to generate zero waste,
28:59and we have achieved this
29:01but only with plant contents.
29:03We hope that this technology
29:05will not only be applied to astronauts,
29:07but will serve as a model of distribution
29:09for future companies,
29:11for example, in offices.
29:15The first test
29:17of the new technology
29:19In the hope of making
29:21our own water cans,
29:23we have our water and lemonade distributors.
29:25And sometimes we can fill
29:27our water bottles
29:29with something else.
29:31It goes without saying
29:33that alcohol is prohibited
29:35on board the space station.
29:37But in my first mission
29:39I found cognac flavor.
29:41It was a very low dose
29:43and it did not have the flavor
29:45that it has on Earth, unfortunately.
29:47However, in a moment of change,
29:49a moment to share,
29:51a moment of coexistence,
29:53and that is important.
29:55A space mission is, of course,
29:57a scientific and technological mission
29:59of operational performance,
30:01but it is also an extraordinary adventure
30:03with international teams on board,
30:05and wine was part
30:07of that bond.
30:11in space there are also
30:13small moments of madness.
30:19They are small differences
30:21in the middle of a tight
30:23work schedule.
30:25Days start early,
30:27and in space,
30:29like on Earth,
30:31the first thing we do
30:33is use the bathroom.
30:35Only in ingravity, again,
30:37can we use the bathroom.
30:41You moisten yourself with towels
30:43and you have taken a shower.
30:45You can even bathe
30:47in a water bubble,
30:49which is very fun.
30:57Wash your hair
30:59or use shampoo,
31:01everything can be done
31:03with wet towels.
31:07And I have a mirror here
31:09so I can kind of watch
31:11what I'm doing.
31:15Sometimes the water gets away from you
31:17and you try and catch
31:19as much as you can.
31:21Then I just work the water
31:23up through to the ends
31:25of my hair.
31:27Then I take my
31:29no-rinse shampoo
31:31and squirt it also on the scalp
31:33just a little bit
31:35and rub it in.
31:37Again, kind of working it up to the ends.
31:39And that is how
31:41I wash my hair in space
31:43on the International Space Station.
31:47And that's it. Thank you.
31:57Hello, and welcome
31:59to the toilet of the International Space Station.
32:01Let's say you're up here
32:03and you need to go to the restroom.
32:05You want to come to this cabin
32:07and the first thing you want to do
32:09is grab this piece of equipment
32:11and turn this rotary switch
32:1390 degrees to the open position.
32:15What that does is
32:17it turns on a fan,
32:19which creates a suction effect in this hose
32:21so that you can use this
32:23yellow element for your
32:25number one.
32:27For number two,
32:29the principle is actually exactly the same.
32:33We have a solid waste container here
32:35and on top of it is this
32:39And the solid waste container is connected
32:41via this hose to the same fan
32:43so that, again,
32:45the same suction effect allows you
32:47to do your number two
32:49in weightlessness.
32:53In fact, there is a bag in there.
32:55It looks like this.
32:57And when we are done with our business,
32:59we close the bag and we push it down
33:01into the solid waste container
33:03and then, of course, as a courtesy to the next person,
33:05we put a new fresh bag inside.
33:29So you put on a shirt for a week
33:31and maybe you've been doing sports
33:33every day.
33:37Weightlessness allows
33:39all movements,
33:41or almost all.
33:43In space, sport is
33:47Once zero gravity,
33:49the muscles no longer work at all.
33:51Even worse, our heart has more
33:53to pump because it has a hard time
33:55carrying blood from the lower part of the body
33:57to the upper part of the body.
33:59The treadmill and the fixed bike,
34:01always tied together,
34:03are an integral part of the day-to-day
34:05in orbit.
34:07Performing two and a half hours of exercise
34:09a day helps us maintain the level.
34:11We have a machine of weights with
34:13automatic cylinders that allows
34:15many different movements,
34:17even for the muscles of the back.
34:19It keeps the spine straight.
34:21On Earth, we do it constantly
34:23without realizing it,
34:25but astronauts grow up to five centimeters
34:27because there is no weight to compress
34:29the vertebral discs,
34:31the spine lengthens.
34:33This high-tech equipment
34:35has very little to do with what
34:37the first astronauts used.
34:39It allows a freer style.
34:41For example,
34:43my British colleague Tim
34:45will run the London Marathon
34:47live from the Space Station on tape.
34:49We can do things like that.
34:51While in London there were
34:5340,000 runners taking the exit
34:55to do the 42 kilometers of the Marathon.
34:57At the Space Station,
34:59Tim Peake achieved the record
35:01of the fastest marathon in orbit
35:03with a time of three hours,
35:0535 minutes and 21 seconds.
35:17At night, I retire to my cubicle,
35:19my bedroom.
35:23Here there is no bed or pillow,
35:25but a simple sleeping bag
35:27tied to the wall
35:29to avoid ending up in the morning
35:31on the ceiling.
35:33For example,
35:35when we sleep at the Space Station,
35:37people sleep with their arms
35:39like this in front
35:41because there is no weight
35:43to take them to one side of the body
35:45and each joint has a certain angle.
35:47It is surprising at first
35:49people wake up
35:51with their hands in front of their face
35:53without realizing that they are their hands.
36:21Although sleep is crucial
36:23for astronauts,
36:25we have to know in detail
36:27our abilities,
36:29so every night
36:31the pattern of sleep
36:33is controlled and analyzed.
36:47In California,
36:49at NASA's Ames Research Center,
36:51Dr. Erin Flynn Evans
36:53conducts sleep studies
36:55of astronauts in her laboratory.
37:01It is impossible
37:03to perform this experiment
37:05in space with an encephalogram helmet.
37:07It would be too complicated.
37:09There we simply monitor
37:11sleep with a watch.
37:15This is the device
37:17we use in field studies,
37:19both if it is people
37:21here on Earth
37:23and astronauts in space.
37:27And the reason we use it
37:29is that it allows us to study
37:31many people
37:33without having to make a great effort
37:35using an activity monitor.
37:37And yet it offers
37:39a lot of information
37:41about their sleep patterns.
37:43By studying the data
37:45of sleep patterns,
37:47this scientist wants to know
37:49if people sleep as well
37:51in space as they do on Earth.
37:53The quality of sleep
37:55in space is quite good.
37:57In fact, people sleep
37:59much better than before
38:01in the space station.
38:03However, they don't sleep
38:05as much in the station
38:07as they do on Earth,
38:09although astronauts
38:11have the opportunity
38:13to sleep on Earth.
38:15And they are not training
38:17for the flight.
38:19And although the workload
38:21contributes a bit to this,
38:23because sometimes it takes
38:25them time to sleep,
38:27it is probably a consequence
38:29of microgravity.
38:31For now, we don't know
38:33why gravity affects our sleep.
38:35We may simply need
38:37to sleep less in space.
38:39It is not a complete certainty,
38:41but it is a possibility
38:43that we are contemplating
38:45in our studies.
38:57Although we don't need
38:59to sleep so much,
39:01Sunday is a sacred day
39:03of rest.
39:05In the ISS, we work
39:07six or five and a half days.
39:09In the afternoon, we clean
39:11and then we have Sunday rest.
39:13Some people listen to music
39:15and there is even a guitar
39:17and a keyboard.
39:19I have decided to take my saxophone
39:21because I am a saxophonist.
39:23My rest day allows me
39:25to follow what is happening
39:27on Earth and communicate
39:29with my family via the Internet,
39:31like astronaut Michael Hopkins,
39:33who saw live the hockey game
39:35in which his son played
39:37Where is Lucas playing?
39:39I can't tell.
39:53We keep in touch
39:55with our Earth,
39:57without looking away
39:59from the sublime spectacle
40:01that each moment offers us.
40:03The most moving and dramatic experience
40:05of our days is to contemplate
40:07the Earth.
40:09We go around the Earth
40:11sixteen times a day.
40:23You contemplate the signs
40:25of life on Earth,
40:27the lights at night
40:29that outline the coasts.
40:31It is clear that a significant percentage
40:33of the population of the Earth
40:35lives on the coast of the continents.
40:37Natural phenomena are also observed
40:39with a vision
40:41that is hardly imaginable.
40:43Therefore, from there you feel
40:45the strength of nature
40:47and you also feel the fragility
40:49of life.
40:55Imagine contemplating
40:57the eye of a hurricane
40:59or the Italian boot.
41:13It is a spectacle
41:15that seems like a dream.
41:25I think I will not escape
41:27from the rule.
41:29I will be like everyone else,
41:31fascinated by this spectacle
41:33of nature and the fragility
41:35of the Earth.
41:37I would like to see northern lights,
41:39storms, volcanic eruptions,
41:41geometric shapes in the Sahara
41:43or in the centre of Australia.
41:45You can see the mountains
41:47of the Himalayas.
41:49It is an incredible journey.
41:51I really try to document it
41:53by taking photos to share them
41:55with you during the space station.
42:01The next day,
42:03thanks to social media,
42:05everyone can see
42:07what I have the opportunity
42:09to see from my window today.
42:11But soon, you will also be able
42:13to enjoy space
42:15and perhaps even become
42:17a true astronaut.
42:19We are moving forward
42:21in a difficult environment
42:23for the first time in 15 years
42:25with a permanent human presence
42:27in the low orbit of the space station.
42:29What will happen when astronauts
42:31take a step back
42:33and the general public
42:35can access space?
42:37The pioneer of space tourism
42:39is Dennis Tito.
42:41At 60 years old,
42:43the multi-millionaire American
42:45has managed to integrate
42:47into a Soyuz team
42:49after months of conflict
42:51in the space station.
43:05In the end,
43:07on April 28, 2001,
43:09he traveled for an eight-day stay
43:11at the space station.
43:13I think the price of the flight
43:15was about 20 million dollars.
43:17For now,
43:19access to space
43:21is limited to a few privileged millionaires.
43:25I think the average price
43:27is still about 30 million dollars.
43:29It is not mass tourism.
43:39So far,
43:41five men and a woman
43:43have paid between 25 and 35 million dollars.
43:48In fact,
43:50to enter this new El Dorado,
43:52you have to be rich.
43:56But you also have to be very motivated
43:58and in good physical shape
44:00to support the same training
44:02as us, the astronauts.
44:04I don't think it's dangerous
44:06to send normal people,
44:08but for medical reasons,
44:10you still have to control it a bit.
44:12This is perhaps the problem.
44:14Why can't we send someone
44:16who has a good physical shape?
44:18It is very demanding for the participant.
44:20He has to train for three months
44:22in the city of the stars,
44:24near Moscow,
44:26just like the real astronauts.
44:28He has to learn all the security protocols,
44:32It is a hard training.
44:34There are also several candidates
44:36who have tried it and have failed.
44:38They have not surpassed the training.
44:40The trip to space must be won.
44:42And the Holy Grail for all space travelers
44:44is the astronaut.
44:46To achieve it,
44:48you just have to do one thing,
44:50be more than 100 km above the ground,
44:52on the space border.
44:56Remember that the space border
44:58is 100 km away.
45:00So at kilometer 99,
45:02one is still terrestrial.
45:04From 101,
45:06you become an astronaut.
45:08The new border
45:10does not attract only billionaires.
45:12In Marseille,
45:14a man also intends
45:16to become an astronaut.
45:18Yves Blandou is not a millionaire.
45:20He is a businessman
45:22and, above all,
45:24an aviation enthusiast.
45:26First of all,
45:28it is a kind of personal challenge
45:30to go into space
45:32and have the extraordinary privilege
45:34of seeing the Earth from above.
45:56Space is a dream of my childhood.
45:58Since childhood,
46:00I wanted to fly
46:02with my own wings.
46:26It is a dream that has become possible
46:28thanks to a historic achievement.
46:30The success of the 21st of June 2004
46:32of the first two spaceflights
46:34carried out by a private ship,
46:36the Spaceship One.
46:44For Yves Blandou, it was the trigger.
46:48I saw it on television
46:50and I said to myself,
46:52maybe it is becoming possible
46:54to become part of the small
46:56club of people
46:58and pioneers
47:00who embark on space.
47:04The commercial space age has begun.
47:08Several companies are entering
47:10the space race for the general public.
47:16And in 2010,
47:18Virgin Galactic sells tickets
47:20for space.
47:22For 150 times cheaper,
47:24the space is available
47:26for 200,000 dollars.
47:28At the end of 2010,
47:30I sold my house
47:32and with what I earned,
47:34I bought a ticket
47:36from Virgin Galactic.
47:40it would not have been possible for me.
47:48This space transporter
47:50was designed to get closer to the stars.
47:54It is the suborbital plane
47:56VSS Unity of Virgin Galactic,
47:58developed by its founder
48:00Richard Branson.
48:20The plane has four reactors
48:22to gain altitude.
48:24Yves Blandou will feel
48:26the acceleration of the rocket
48:28that will take him
48:30up to a vertical of 110 km
48:32above the ground.
48:42Then he will live five minutes
48:44of ingravity admiring the Earth.
48:50Before returning to Earth
48:52floating three hours later.
49:20For now, Yves Blandou
49:22is still waiting for the flight date,
49:24delayed by the accident
49:26of the first model of the launcher.
49:30It was October 31, 2014.
49:34In full test flight,
49:36the spacecraft disintegrates
49:38at 13,700 meters high.
49:40The first officer had time
49:42to launch in parachutes,
49:44but the pilot died on the spot.
49:46The investigation concluded
49:48that the accident was due to a human error.
49:50But this type of technology,
49:52propulsion, is not without risks
49:54to dominate.
49:56And so far, no system
49:58has been validated yet.
50:00The inherent reliability
50:02at present is that we can
50:04expect a serious accident
50:06every 1,000 flights.
50:08But if there are 10,000 flights a year
50:10and your device explodes
50:12every 1,000 flights,
50:14it does not work.
50:16The reliability of the
50:18propulsion system of the rockets
50:24is a risk that Yves Blandou
50:26is willing to accept.
50:30No, never.
50:32If they don't stop it,
50:34I'm not going to back out.
50:36We can stop having expectations
50:38if it is said that it will not be
50:40before 30 years.
50:42If tomorrow is impossible,
50:44they will give us the money.
50:46It would be one of the causes of return.
50:48But I trust that they can
50:50correct their mistakes.
50:52The pioneering spirit is based
50:54on trust.
50:56Richard Branson has reacted
50:58immediately by saying,
51:00we are moving forward,
51:02we are going to investigate the problem
51:04and we will find a solution soon.
51:08I can continue to trust the system.
51:10Meanwhile, from the air,
51:12Yves Blandou contemplates his region.
51:16What I like is the freedom
51:18that is felt.
51:20It is an extraordinary privilege
51:22to see the earth from above
51:24and contemplate the wonders
51:26of our country.
51:28It is a beautiful landscape.
51:32I think it is good to be part
51:34of the pioneers,
51:36of those who have sacrificed
51:38a little time,
51:42of those who have made
51:44some sacrifices too,
51:46and who have
51:48got on the train.
51:54It is interesting to observe
51:56the parallelism.
51:58At the beginning of aviation,
52:00fashion was spoken,
52:02it was said that it was dangerous.
52:04Over time, it has become
52:06accessible to almost everyone
52:08and connects people
52:10all over the world.
52:12I believe in an optimistic vision
52:14of a future space exploration
52:16similar to the evolution
52:18of aeronautics on Earth.
52:24And if we have ships
52:26to go to nearby space,
52:28why not develop hotels
52:30for a few days of vacation
52:32in orbit around the Earth?
52:36Is it science fiction?
52:38No, it is the daring idea
52:40of an American businessman
52:42of hotel chains,
52:44Robert Bigelow.
52:46The idea that is considered
52:48today is that of the
52:50Robert Bigelow Hotel.
52:52The first hotel that is planned
52:54to deploy in space
52:56would consist of three modules
52:58connected to each other
53:00in the shape of a star.
53:02In each of the modules
53:04there is a bathroom,
53:06a kitchen block and a place
53:08to relax, watch movies
53:10and communicate with the Earth.
53:12You can exercise in a treadmill
53:14and wear space suits
53:16for an emergency exit.
53:18Each module is autonomous.
53:20This means that it has gas,
53:22water, electricity,
53:24air conditioning, etc.
53:26It helps comfort independently.
53:28They are insulable in case of problems.
53:30It allows astronauts,
53:32astronauts and tourists
53:34to survive for a long time
53:36while someone comes to help them.
53:42On April 8, 2016,
53:44the first module, Team,
53:46takes off inside a SpaceX
53:48and the launch takes place
53:50from a ship in the middle of the ocean.
54:02The BEAM module
54:04will be implemented and used
54:06at the International Space Station
54:08to subject it to a real
54:10two-year test.
54:14For now it is empty,
54:16but it could be arranged
54:18in the way of a hotel room
54:20with the added advantage
54:22of incredible views
54:24of our planet.
54:26It's good, it's positive.
54:28This shows that what we do
54:30is for something
54:32and not for fun,
54:34that there is a real interest.
54:36The private company
54:38will be on this new space frontier.
54:44But we will go further.
54:46Surely one day there will be humans on Mars.
54:48It's just a matter of time.
54:50It's not a matter of whether we get it,
54:52but of when we will do it.
54:54When we can go somewhere
54:56where man has never set foot,
54:58we will be willing to do it.
55:02If access to the near space
55:04for the whole world
55:06takes place tomorrow,
55:08astronauts will be ready
55:10to go further.
55:12To Mars.
55:28To Mars.
55:32To Mars.
55:40To Mars.
55:46To Mars.
55:50To Mars.
55:52To Mars.
56:00To Mars.
56:06To Mars.
56:12To Mars.
56:18To Mars.
56:22To Mars.
