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From friends to lovers. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re looking at popular TV couples who started out as friends before embarking on a romance.


00:00I realized something.
00:04I'd do anything for you, Jess.
00:06Welcome to Ms. Mojo.
00:08And today we're looking at popular TV couples
00:10who started out as friends before
00:12embarking on a romance.
00:14There are other reasons to go to Ohio.
00:16We're getting married today.
00:20Number 20. Stephan and Caroline.
00:22The Vampire Diaries.
00:24The show might have started with the
00:26Stephan and Lana dynamic, but over
00:28time, more organic romances evolved.
00:30I can come in if you want me to.
00:32I'm fine, Stephan.
00:38You don't have to pretend with me.
00:40In Stephan's case, Caroline
00:42remains the one person he can lean
00:44on while most of his other relationships
00:46fail. Unlike other couples
00:48on the show, Caroline and Stephan's
00:50romance takes years to build up
00:52as their friendship remains firm
00:54throughout twists and turns in their vampiric
00:56lives. It's only after going
00:58through thick and thin that feelings begin
01:00to develop, as Stephan and Caroline
01:02realize how much they need each other.
01:04I miss Mystic Falls.
01:06I miss her old life.
01:08I miss...
01:16Yeah, I miss Stephan.
01:18For a show about supernatural creatures
01:20and world-threatening events,
01:22this pairing gives a surprisingly
01:24realistic portrayal of friendship
01:26blossoming into love.
01:32A common trope in police procedurals
01:34is the pairing of partners who
01:36can't stand each other. Of course,
01:38when it comes to designated romance,
01:40it's all about when they'll fall in love.
01:42I love you, Richard Castle.
01:46And I want to live my life in the warmth
01:48of your smile and the strength
01:50of your embrace.
01:52Stephan and Beckett start out at odds,
01:54mainly because of his smug attitude.
01:56However, once Beckett sees
01:58how much Castle loves his family
02:00and the genuine care he has for her,
02:02she views him in a new light.
02:04Their friendship never quite loses its
02:06banter, but it's the trust they have
02:08in each other that becomes its defining
02:10factor. After constant
02:12will-they-won't-they vibes, the two
02:14finally acknowledge their feelings.
02:16I almost died,
02:18and all I could think about was you.
02:22I just want you.
02:24By the end, this crime-fighting duo
02:26comes a long way from where they started.
02:32Another police procedural
02:34couple with a lot of baggage,
02:36Bones and Booth couldn't be more
02:38different. While their initial
02:40antagonism doesn't last long,
02:42it takes a while before they accept
02:44each other's differences and form a
02:46friendship. As they solve crimes and
02:48defeat bad guys, their contrasting
02:50personalities begin to make sense.
02:52Bones and I are pretending to be interested in the case.
02:54Why? They're hitting on you.
02:56Are you sure? Yes,
02:58I'm sure. You're the hottest thing this town
03:00has seen in a long time.
03:02Check out the competition.
03:04It becomes clear that there's something there,
03:06even if they avoid addressing it.
03:08Over the show's first six seasons,
03:10the tug of war between wanting
03:12and not wanting to be together keeps us
03:14hooked. Their eventual relationship
03:16is far from easy, but the
03:18pair shows us why their love runs
03:20so deep. I've been
03:22afraid, I've been
03:26and I've been in love. Whether as friends,
03:28lovers, or parents,
03:30Booth and Bones are a constant work
03:32in progress, and we're all here
03:34for it.
03:36Leopold Fitz and Jenna Simmons,
03:38agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
03:40We've mentioned couples that fit the opposite
03:42to track trope, but these two
03:44are peas in a pod.
03:46Why would you make me do this? You're my best friend in the world!
03:48Yeah, you're more than that, Gemma.
03:54Fitz and Simmons are
03:56introduced as best friends, having
03:58met back in S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy.
04:00Everything about their connection makes sense,
04:02from pals to lovers. Their brilliant
04:04minds are complimented by their
04:06adorably nerdy personalities,
04:08at least when the show begins.
04:10Battles against aliens and monsters,
04:12and being separated by time itself,
04:14take a heavy toll on the duo.
04:16You guys are constantly torn apart.
04:18Cursed, as he would say.
04:20Well, I'm not afraid that he isn't here.
04:22I'm thrilled. He's
04:24no doubt working this problem, probably trying to
04:26get a message to us right now. However,
04:28their trials and tribulations push
04:30Fitz and Simmons to take the next step,
04:32as their love proves boundless.
04:34In a show where characters routinely
04:36fight for their lives, Fitz Simmons
04:38is unbreakable.
04:40Number 16. Michonne and
04:42Rick Grimes, The Walking Dead.
04:44When it comes to romance, both
04:46Rick and Michonne have had it bad.
04:48After losing their previous partners,
04:50the two have no intention
04:52of getting involved. Still,
04:54their hard-hitting personalities
04:56and survivalist natures spark
04:58mutual respect. Taking on the
05:00undead and human enemies is
05:02easier when each has the other by their
05:04side. I know you see things.
05:13I used to talk to my dead boyfriend.
05:15Before they know it, these
05:17zombie fighters give in to an
05:19unspoken attraction. The pair
05:21becomes The Walking Dead's primary
05:23couple, after Glenn and Maggie
05:25meet a tragic end. But
05:27Rick and Michonne's dynamic goes beyond
05:29simple action. The strength
05:31of their relationship survives through
05:33a near-decade separation,
05:35before finally finding their way
05:37back to one another.
05:40I found you!
05:45Number 15. Penny and
05:47Leonard Hofstadter, The Big Bang
05:49Theory. The first two seasons
05:51of this sitcom revolve around
05:53Leonard's hopeless feelings for Penny.
05:55And while it was love at first sight,
05:57he does build a genuine friendship
05:59with her over time. Penny's
06:01outgoing nature and social skills get
06:03Leonard out of his shell, while his
06:05care and support help Penny through her
06:07struggles to make it on her own.
06:09Okay, listen to me. This is just a minor
06:11setback. No, it's not, okay?
06:13I've been out here for like ten years. I have
06:15nothing to show for it.
06:17Well, you have me. Although initially
06:19hesitant, their relationship progresses
06:21naturally over the long-running
06:23show, as the two overcome
06:25individual commitment issues together.
06:27Sure, their relationship is unorthodox
06:29on paper, and the show
06:31makes a lot of jokes at their expense.
06:33But Leonard and Penny ultimately
06:35complete one another, finding
06:37the kind of happiness that none of their
06:39other relationships could provide.
06:41Leonard, I...
06:43You're not only the love of my life, but you're my
06:45best friend. And...
06:49got a friend in me.
06:51Number 14. Eric Foreman
06:53and Donna Pinciotti. That
06:5570s show. There's nothing
06:57like young love, even one that
06:59starts with a literal punch to the gut.
07:01Although she's the tough girl of Point
07:03Place, Donna has a soft
07:05spot for Eric, the resident nice
07:07guy. By the way,
07:09thanks for the ride.
07:15While the rest of their friends engage in
07:17kooky antics, Donna and Eric serve
07:19as the mature ones of the group.
07:21The pair spends most of the series as a
07:23couple, yet it feels more like
07:25two friends who happen to be dating.
07:27I love you.
07:29I love you too.
07:33Alright, thanks.
07:37Despite a few bumps on the road,
07:39we know that Eric and Donna are meant
07:41to be together. This is confirmed
07:43in the sequel series, where they show
07:45up as a married couple still going
07:47strong. Number 13.
07:49Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt.
07:51Parks and Recreation. Based
07:53on their first interaction, it's a
07:55wonder how these two ever became
07:57friends, let alone a couple.
07:59But there's a fine line between love and
08:01hate, and this pair defines it.
08:03Oh, hey. Chris just wanted me to drop
08:05off these receipts. Oh, well, he's not
08:07here. He took off. Okay.
08:11Initially butting heads because of their
08:13job roles, Leslie and Ben
08:15grow to admire each other's dedication.
08:17The switch from antagonism
08:19to friendship is surprisingly easy,
08:21paving the way for a romance.
08:23As with many other sitcom
08:25couples, misunderstandings and
08:27miscommunication threaten their relationship.
08:29Fortunately, they overcome
08:31these issues and are obviously
08:33in it for the long haul. Along with
08:35marrying and having children, their
08:37relationship changes the course of the
08:39country's future. Ben and I have an announcement.
08:41Leslie's running for governor of Indiana.
08:45What? What?
08:47Not bad for two people who couldn't stand each other
08:49when they first met. Number 12.
08:51Freddie Benson and Carly
08:53Shea. iCarly.
08:55For younger audiences, this was arguably
08:57the biggest live-action pairing
08:59that everyone shipped. Is it too late for you
09:01to love me? What? Nothing.
09:03Did you
09:05just say? No. They're great as
09:07best friends and as a potential
09:09romance, and iCarly keeps
09:11this energy going throughout its run.
09:13Freddie carries the torch for Carly
09:15through most of the show, while she
09:17sees him more as a friend. Whether
09:19used as the setup for a joke or
09:21a serious storyline, Carly and
09:23Freddie's dynamic just works.
09:25The tension between them goes beyond
09:27the confines of a sitcom, as
09:29the show keeps teasing an official relationship
09:31for the pair. Because of this,
09:33the smallest of interactions
09:35carries weight. The original series
09:37ends with yet another hint at
09:39a possible future, and the sequel
09:41cements it. Carly and Freddie
09:43were always endgame.
09:45I didn't expect to fall for you,
09:47but you were right there all
09:51I can't
09:53wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
09:55Number 11. Dawson Leary
09:57and Joey Potter. Dawson's
09:59Creek. Everyone loves a good
10:01will-they-won't-they couple, right?
10:03As the definitive teen soap of the late
10:0590s, one should note
10:07to expect the theme of forbidden love
10:09to pop up sooner or later.
10:11Joey. Joey.
10:17These two have been friends
10:19since childhood, and it's pretty
10:21early on in the show's run that they must
10:23confront their feelings for one another.
10:25I've known you forever, but
10:29I feel like I'm seeing
10:31you for the first time tonight.
10:33The relationship brings all the complicated
10:35feelings that can come from dating
10:37a friend, with the added strain
10:39of the show's dramatic themes.
10:41Through ups and downs, the relationship
10:43ends multiple times. But
10:45by the show's end, they are still close
10:47friends. That counts.
10:49I love you, Dawson. I love you too, Joey.
10:51Number 10.
10:53Mindy Lahiri and Danny Castellano.
10:55The Mindy Project.
10:59We're family.
11:01If you ever have two characters
11:03who are friends, co-workers,
11:05and share great chemistry,
11:07you can bet they won't be friends for long.
11:15Such is the case
11:17with these two leads from the Mindy Project.
11:19During the show's first season,
11:21the titular OBGYN
11:23searched for love while trying to
11:25ignore the sparks she shared with her
11:27co-worker and close friend. But
11:29it's hard to resist your heart, and the two
11:31would become entwined in a rocky
11:33relationship lasting nearly half
11:35of the show's run.
11:37After years of dating losers and sociopaths,
11:39I'm now happily dating the man of my dreams.
11:41They would break up, have
11:43a baby, become engaged,
11:45and break up again before finally
11:47committing for good in the show's series finale.
11:57Better late than never.
11:59Number 9.
12:01John J.D. Dorian and Elliot Reid.
12:15The attraction that these two new doctors
12:17felt for each other was almost
12:19immediate, though they'd go
12:21through several ups and downs before
12:23starting a healthy relationship.
12:25During their early years at Sacred Heart,
12:27J.D. and Elliot would struggle
12:29to commit to one another.
12:39They eventually formed
12:41a strong friendship instead,
12:43often helping each other with work
12:45and even romance. It wasn't
12:47until they both grew as individuals
12:49that they were able to begin the relationship
12:51they both deserved, which eventually
12:53led to marriage and a family.
12:55Their own strange and neurotic
12:57personalities always complimented
12:59each other, so it was only
13:01a matter of time before they wound up together.
13:14Number 8.
13:16Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago.
13:18Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
13:20Before they're friends, Jake
13:22and Amy are rivals, and we
13:24get plenty of hilarious back and
13:26forth out of it early in the series.
13:36Underneath all the insults and shows
13:38of one-upmanship, they respect each
13:40other's passion for seeking justice.
13:42Once their emotional vulnerability
13:44is out in the open, Jake and Amy
13:46can't deny their feelings.
13:58For a relationship whose foundation
14:00is based on a silly rivalry,
14:02it really brings the best out
14:04of them. They push each other to be
14:06better without compromising their quirks
14:08and habits. Watching them progress
14:10from rivals to friends and ultimately
14:12a married couple is heartwarming.
14:14Number 7.
14:16Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable.
14:18Kim Possible.
14:26This relationship goes a bit
14:28further than best friend territory.
14:30She's an awesome crime fighter
14:32and he's her bumbling sidekick
14:34who she's known her whole life.
14:36As this was a kids' show, we really
14:38wouldn't have been surprised if their relationship
14:40was kept platonic. But Disney decided
14:42to include the emotions and feelings
14:44that can come from two friends
14:46spending so much time together.
14:54While most of their missions were spent focusing
14:56on the tasks at hand, they were
14:58forced to examine their real feelings
15:00during the show's third season.
15:02Their vastly different personalities
15:04always played well off each other
15:06and their romance during the fourth and final season
15:08felt completely natural.
15:16Number 6.
15:18Robin Scherbatsky and Barney Stinson.
15:20How I Met Your Mother.
15:22We're still upset about this one.
15:24Over the course of the show's nine-year run,
15:26these two formed a strong bond
15:28through their lack of wanting to settle down.
15:30It was touching to see
15:32Barney go from untethered bachelor
15:34to romantic lead through his complicated
15:36feelings for his best friend's ex-girlfriend.
15:38They're both so attractive
15:40that even they can't help but smile.
15:42They're also so cute
15:44that even when they're not together
15:46they can't help but smile.
15:48It was touching to see Barney go from untethered bachelor to romantic lead through his complicated
15:57feelings for his best friend's ex-girlfriend.
15:59Their fiery personalities may have resulted in some bumpy situations when they first dated,
16:05but when it came time to confront their feelings, they couldn't deny them.
16:09The show's final season took place over their wedding weekend and explored all the
16:13nooks and crannies of their relationship.
16:16That's why it came as such a gut-punch when the finale revealed that it didn't work out.
16:21We got divorced.
16:28Number 5.
16:29Cory Matthews and Topanga Lawrence – Boy Meets World
16:32Will you marry me?
16:34Yes, Cory.
16:35Yes, I will.
16:37If you grew up watching ABC's TGIF lineup in the 90s, chances are your view of love
16:43was defined by this adorable couple.
16:46When the show begins during their final year in middle school, childhood friends Cory and
16:50Topanga are harboring some serious crushes for each other.
16:54It isn't until high school that they begin dating and eventually embark on the love of
16:59a lifetime.
17:00If I had to dream up the perfect woman, she wouldn't even come close to you.
17:10Would you be my girlfriend?
17:11Throughout the majority of the show, their relationship is shown to be pure, heartwarming
17:17The couple continued to grow together through college, and the recent spin-off series showed
17:21them happily married with a family.
17:24Sometimes, it really is that simple.
17:31Number 4.
17:32Lorelai Gilmore and Luke Daines – Gilmore Girls
17:36In the cases of these two lovebirds, opposites definitely attract.
17:41In the close-knit town of Stars Hollow, the quirky single mom became great friends with
17:46the town's grumpy yet lovable diner owner.
17:49Her bubbly charm paired well with his curmudgeonly demeanor, and fans ached to see them end up
17:54together for four years.
18:02But adult life is complicated, and the two would have many hurdles to go over, such as
18:08her ex-husband, before they could truly be together.
18:14It may have taken some time, but the Netflix sequel series showed the two finally getting
18:20Number 3.
18:21Jessica Day and Nick Miller – New Girl
18:24Since this show about the quirkiest woman ever is essentially a rom-com in TV form,
18:29it was only a matter of time before she ended up with one of her male co-stars.
18:34Though she formed strong bonds with each of her new roommates, the chemistry between Zooey
18:38Deschanel and Jake Johnson was too fantastic to resist.
18:46Jess would often push Nick to confront his fear of responsibility, as a friend and later
18:51as a girlfriend.
18:53The two would go through a breakup, though they would reunite after realizing there was
18:57no one else for them.
19:04Their weird personalities complemented each other perfectly, and the two were married
19:08by the end of the show.
19:20Number 2.
19:22Jim Halpert and Pam Beasley – The Office
19:25Well, we wouldn't have this couple without the UK's Tim and Dawn.
19:34It's the US version that we really fell in love with.
19:37Jim actually had to settle for being just friends with Pam, as she was engaged to Roy.
19:42That wouldn't stop them from having obvious feelings for one another.
19:46And in the show's season 3 finale, we would all get what we wanted.
19:58Their friendship laid the groundwork for one of the best relationships seen on television.
20:03Both characters are incredibly charming in their own right, and it was an absolute joy
20:07to watch them grow from co-workers to so, so much more.
20:24Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
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20:40Number 1.
20:41Monica Geller and Chandler Bing – Friends
20:55Ross and Rachel are the it couple, but Monica and Chandler have a better story.
21:01These two friends had seen many relationships fail before they got together, and they were
21:05all the better for it.
21:07Throughout the show's first few seasons, we watched as they hilariously maneuvered
21:11through life's ups and downs.
21:13It came as a surprise when they first got together, but their relationship would soon
21:18become the heart and soul of the show.
21:27Not only do they accept each other's weaknesses, but they love each other because of them.
21:32He would grow from his fear of commitment while she would become more accepting of change.
21:37It's now impossible to think of this groundbreaking sitcom without also remembering the love of
21:42Monica and Chandler.
21:53Which TV couple do you love to ship?
21:55Let us know in the comments.
22:06Do you agree with our picks?
22:08Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
22:10And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.