• last year
These kittens were rescued using a Popeyes box! Wait until they get older and turn that same box into their favorite jungle gym


00:00These kittens were tiny little nuggets, eyes closed, no sense of where they were or what
00:08was going on.
00:09Brooklyn Animal Action was alerted to this mom of newborn kittens stuck behind a fence.
00:14That's where she gave birth.
00:15We cut the fence because they were all tangled in it.
00:18But first we tried to trap her, tried to get her out with food and we could not lure her
00:22out so we realized, okay, we're actually going to have to cut more holes into the fence and
00:27grab them one by one.
00:31We ended up transporting them home in a Popeye's box because that was all we had at the time.
00:36We'd actually used the fried chicken to try and lure mom out, didn't work, but the box
00:40came in super handy because we were able to just stash all of these kittens in the box,
00:45close it and keep them warm.
00:49Right after the rescue, we took everyone to my house and the first thing we had to do
00:53was assess was mom feral or was she friendly and it became pretty clear quickly that she
00:58was friendly.
00:59Good job, mama.
01:06Initially the kittens were pretty small for their age and so we had to do some supplemental
01:16For several days, mom actually had to get more care than the kittens.
01:20It made me feel really sad to see that she had this bad cold because she was caring so
01:25well for her kittens.
01:26After a while, she got better so it was really nice that I was the one being able to care
01:31for her because she really deserves it.
01:33Oh, you're so sweet after everything that happened to you.
01:37After four weeks, I noticed that everyone was doing much better.
01:40The kittens are just complete balls of energy.
01:43It's just constant running around, wrestling.
01:46The Popeye's box still has a lot of appeal for them.
01:48Whether it's climbing into it, whether it's chasing each other through it, they absolutely
01:53still love playing with it.
01:56The Dodo was nice enough to send us some chicken play toys and I think it's really sweet because
02:03I like to think that it reminds them of where they came from.
02:08Kittens will do best in kind of any family as long as they go in pairs because they really
02:14are bonded with each other.
02:16I just think they're going to make a wonderful addition to any family.
02:21For anyone looking to adopt Mama Olive Oil, she's an amazing cat.
02:25It sounds hippy-dippy, but I feel like she's wise beyond her years.
02:29She's so calm.
02:30She is so easygoing.
02:35She might require some additional care because she has some issues that we're working on
02:41remedying, but she might just have one eye in the end.
02:45But even a one-eyed cat is a perfect cat.
02:48It's been amazing for me to watch them grow up and it's hard to remember sometimes that
02:52it was only a few weeks ago that they were these tiny nuggets that fit into the Popeye's
02:56box because now they're kittens.
02:59They run around, they jump, they talk to me.
03:03It's amazing.
