• last year
The Seventy Weeks Prophesied in Daniel Tell of the Birth of Christ and of the Last Days. Besides Wars and Weather, Here's a Short List of Heretofore Unknown Inventions or Discoveries Including: AI, Genetic Manipulation, CERN, and Dark Matter. The Solution and Personal Solace for All of These Alarming Threats and Events Is Still--As It Ever Was--Salvation by Faith in Jesus Christ.


00:00Daniel is one of the most maligned prophets in the Bible because he has
00:07some of the most powerful prophecies in the Bible. Quite remarkable that some of
00:12the things that Daniel says chapter 9 verse number 24. But always remember that
00:18the Lord Jesus Christ called Daniel a prophet. Amen. He did and since my dear
00:24friend he is God Almighty manifest in the flesh I fully receive what he has to
00:29say. Daniel chapter number 9 and verse number 24 here's what it says.
00:35Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people upon thy holy city to finish the
00:40transgression to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity and to
00:44bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision of prophecy and to
00:50anoint the Most Holy. Father bless this word now in thy name. Amen. Then he
00:56continues on with the definition of this and it's quite a remarkable thing when
01:00you think about the fact that 500 years before the Lord Jesus Christ showed up
01:05here we have a prophet prophesying to the very day that he rode that donkey
01:11into Jerusalem. So how do you get that? How many has ever heard of Sir Robert
01:16Anderson? Sir Robert Anderson was a British intelligence officer. He would be
01:24what you would call a Sherlock Holmes. He was in Scotland Yard. He wrote a
01:30number of books. One was called The Coming Prince and Sir Robert Anderson
01:35was very good with mathematics. As a matter of fact he has and I have
01:39his paper here all the calculations and formulas he used to come to the date of
01:45April the 6th AD 32 as the date that the Lord Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem.
01:52Which of course would bring you to the time of the cutting off of the Messiah
01:57the Mashiach. Now I'll leave this up here and if any of you'd like to see this and
02:02some of you might be good at math you'd like to work through this and make a
02:06copy of it and work at the information you're certainly welcome to. Let me say
02:11this to you and I've said it a thousand times say it again. The archaeologist is
02:16your friend. History is not your enemy. Science is not your enemy. Science
02:24falsely so-called which this world worships today has a big problem. Amen.
02:30But I believe the Bible and my friend I believe it from cover to cover and it
02:36does not make me think of myself as stupid and ignorant. I believe the Bible.
02:41So 70 weeks the 70 weeks of Daniel's prophecy we find in the book of Daniel
02:45chapter number nine. Now on Wednesday night you folks been coming you've been
02:49listening to some of the teachings that I've given. I told you how from the book
02:53of Daniel chapter number one we have Hebrews little young teenage boys that
02:57were carried away into Babylonian captivity 586 BC but Nebuchadnezzar and
03:02four of them we have Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. They changed their
03:08names and tried to change their identity. They changed their diet and they wanted
03:11to change their gods and yet they refused for that to happen to them. Amen.
03:16Now make no mistake about it that's exactly what they're trying to do to you
03:20today. They want to change your identity. They want to change your name. They want
03:23to change your God and this is something that you need to be aware of because the
03:28Bible says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge in the book of Hosea.
03:33So the ninth chapter of Daniel deals with the 70 weeks of Daniel's prophecy
03:37and just to accept this is a fact that said that 500 years before Christ was
03:43born this comes out and it can be traced right down to the very birth of our Lord
03:47Jesus Christ is an astounding thing. This is prophecy fulfilled and I won't leave
03:52it up here for you because some of you may be interested in seeing that. We read
03:57in the book of Daniel of four successive Gentile kingdoms 606 BC in the plains of
04:01Dura Daniel had a vision he interpreted the vision for the king and it started
04:06with Babylon then it went to the Medes and Persians the Grecians and finally
04:10the Romans and we know the Roman Empire was split in two. You had the eastern
04:15section and the western section and to this day we still are dealing with the
04:20issue of the Roman Empire and its effect on what we what we do today in our lives
04:26on this earth. So in the book of Luke chapter number 21 I want you to turn
04:30there with me this morning and we're gonna jump forward quite a few years and
04:34the book of Luke chapter number 21 in verse number 25 now I with no apology
04:40say that I am a dispensationalist and the reason I am one of the reasons is
04:44because the Apostle Paul said if you have heard of the dispensation of the
04:48grace of God a dispensation is a period of time where God deals with men
04:52according to a set standard rule a covenant or whatever it is and so these
04:58dispensations are crucial in understanding the Bible in rightly
05:03dividing the word of truth because if we do not deal in the scripture in
05:07dispensations then we have scripture sometimes butting heads appearing to
05:11counteract each other or you know what you have what have you all kinds of
05:16problems begin to develop and friend the problems not the Bible the problems in
05:20me. Luke chapter number 21 verse 25 now look at this carefully with me
05:24and there should be signs in the sun the moon and the stars upon the earth
05:29distress of nations with perplexity the sea and the waves roaring now note
05:35carefully verse 26 men's hearts failing them for fear why what should answer it
05:41and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers
05:47of heaven shall be shaken obviously then the scripture says that something is
05:54going to be happening that causes men to fear and quake to such an extent that
06:01they would have a heart attack or heart failure and this is what's coming now
06:05you know as well as I do in 2019 COVID-19 came out most say that it came
06:12from a from a laboratory in Wuhan China now who am I I just read the news you
06:18know I read the papers like you do so forth and so on but the truth of the
06:22matter is millions of people died because of this plague that came on the
06:26earth millions and it was quite a thing at the time for them telling you of all
06:32that were dying and showing you throughout the world the the you know
06:36the what it was happening what it was doing to nations and from that certain
06:40things were put down upon this nation and causing people to do certain things
06:45and jobs were lost kids were taken out of school some of them are still behind
06:50and various things happened because of this but what what what what I marvel at
06:56to this day and still do and I hope maybe some of you do is why that there
07:01was no really there was real really no concerted effort to find out where this
07:06came from and why it came upon us if you have millions of people dying don't you
07:12think that's worthy of checking into that's a lot of people so it causes me
07:17to believe that there might be a cover-up involved in this and of course
07:22if we have that then we get into the issue of conspiracy they've already
07:25demonized the word conspiracy so if you are a cons if you believe in conspiracy
07:30theories you're a nutball and they and they and they and they push you out in
07:35the peripheral but the bottom line is I will not let the news media I will not
07:40let the government I will not let it this culture of today define terms to me
07:45and hang names on me I'll still read my Bible and I'm gonna believe what I read
07:50in the scriptures that plague came from somewhere it had a reason in its
07:56existence and maybe in time we might find out but as they look at the Bible
08:01and we read in the book of Luke chapter number 21 we ask ourselves this question
08:05where does this fit what are we talking about here Matthew chapter 24 the
08:09counterpart to it where does this fit how does this fit in the Bible does that
08:13apply to us well the scriptures pretty clear about us when I say us I'm talking
08:18about the Church of God the Lord Jesus is going to come back and he's going to
08:22get us and he tells us in the book of first Thessalonians that we are not
08:26appointed into wrath but to obtain salvation he's going to come and get us
08:30and carry us away the Apostle Paul said I show you a mystery we shall not all
08:35sleep but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye so this
08:39change has to do with something that's different 1st Corinthians chapter 15 the
08:44Apostle says it's a mystery I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep so this
08:50mystery that the Bible is talking about in the New Testament I told you I am a
08:54dispensationalist and this has to do with mysteries revelations from God and
08:59so I'll accept what the Lord says about his body his church the Church of the
09:04Living God now let me explain to you what the church is not the church is not
09:08a building and the church is not a bunch of physical bodies we got a bunch
09:12of bodies in here this morning how many is in a body in here this morning raise
09:16your hand how many not sure you see this is 2024 we got people don't know if
09:20they have a female or a male or what they are somewhere in between headed
09:24from one to the other what have you in other words we're headed off the deep end
09:28folks that's insanity okay get a hold of that all of this transgender stuff and
09:33and and and and and fluid trend fluid identity fluid genderism and all that is
09:39insanity I don't know if you'll buy it I don't know if you believe me or not but
09:45you're all you've lost it you've lost it and so we're dealing with an issue of
09:50who we are where we are what's going to happen to us and what what the future
09:55holds now how many of you in this house today feel inside your soul that that
10:00it's just not the way it used to be now we we look at the signs of the coming of
10:05the Lord and one of the signs he said there shall be wars and rumors of war
10:10well we know that we know right now that Israel's being threatened by Ron we know
10:13that and I don't know what's going to happen Iran says they're going to strike
10:17them somewhere somehow when I don't know but we do know this we do know that
10:22America has moved warships Mediterranean and they are moving toward that area we
10:27understand that and so we know that at any moment a war can break out that's
10:31been my life my lifetime been through that I was in the military during
10:35Vietnam so I understand all about wars but there's got to be more there's got
10:41to be more specific things that we can look at to to identify the culture that
10:46we're living in today that would give us reason for concern to say you know what
10:51these are things that are not common in history we cannot go back in history and
10:57pinpoint this and I want to give you a few of them this morning and I hope you
11:02listen to me first of all is artificial intelligence okay so what is artificial
11:08intelligence well here's what they say it refers to computer systems capable of
11:13performing complex tasks that historically only a human could do such
11:17as reasoning making decisions or solving problems another says artificial
11:22intelligence is referred to as a machine intelligence and it is rooted in binary
11:27codes and mathematical algorithms let me tell you something about an algorithm I
11:32don't have you use computers I don't know how many of you use you do search
11:37you search engines and you search the web but I noticed in doing this that I
11:42typed in some phrases and some words to search on the internet and I could not
11:48pull them up now how many of you are computer literate today you're following
11:53what I'm saying an algorithm has kicked them out in plain words the search
12:00engines have come along and said that's not important anymore and so when you
12:05run your search criteria we're not going to give you a response to that somebody's
12:09made a decision now I'm not saying that all search engines are like that didn't
12:13have time get into all of that download a bunch of search engines but you could
12:18not find them it began to dawn on me that somebody was controlling access to
12:24information digest that for a moment amen they're controlling access to
12:33information and so we have a situation going on here that artificial
12:39intelligence one definition or another definition another definition and the
12:43truth of the matter is I've run I've read a half a dozen of them or a dozen
12:46studied them prayed over them and the truth is I'm still at a loss and a lot
12:51of what artificial intelligence really is it's bigger than a computer it's
12:56bigger than software it's more than simply binary code it has to do with
13:01something that is up here in the in the mystery realm artificial intelligence is
13:06something that I think that even the creators of it are beginning to wonder
13:10maybe they created something that's just a little beyond their ability to control
13:15and that's the issue that's facing us this morning this is why you get this
13:19warning this is the report released this week by Gladstone Alabama now this week
13:24March 12 2024 that's pretty current Gladstone Alabama flatly states the most
13:30advanced AI systems could in a worst-case scenario pose an extinction
13:36level threat to the human species now some fellow down on hey boy corner
13:42didn't say that folks this was said by the movers and shakers here's another
13:48one a eyes quote a eyes could be used by malicious actors to design novel bio
13:54weapons more lethal than natural pandemics you just went through a bio
14:00weapon that's exactly what happened that's right increase the ability I
14:06forget the terminology they use gain of function thank you gain of function gain
14:12of function gain of function in other words make it much much much much
14:15stronger than its normal state what does that mean that you're making a weapon
14:20out of it we're making bio weapons today artificial intelligence now here's
14:25some of the warning now the date on that June 5th 2023 here are some of the
14:30dangers of artificial intelligence automation spurred job loss in other
14:34words you may lose your job to a robot we have this who's this man who builds
14:39the cars of from South Africa Musk Musk is telling people now he says get ready
14:46for artificial intelligence will take care of the manufacturing and the jobs
14:50and all of that and this is what's facing people today you realize what us
14:55what that's going to do to the culture your culture buying and selling your
14:59foods where you live artificial intelligence therefore can be used for
15:03deep fakes what's a deep fake a deep fake is a photograph of you with a bunch
15:08of prostitutes and sent out to people and say I'm gonna I'm gonna blackmail
15:12you if you don't pay X number of dollars this is a photograph of you with
15:17these prostitutes now wait a minute I haven't been with any prostitutes you
15:20say I have anything to do with any of that you don't have to artificial
15:24intelligence has the ability to put you where they want you artificial
15:28intelligence can take your voice and recreate your voice where even your wife
15:32or your husband cannot tell the difference artificial intelligence can
15:36put you in a video and we're just at the beginning of it you wait till they
15:39perfect it it's coming to the point now we're in a court of law and I know
15:44lawyers have been thinking about this the rules of evidence as they say what
15:49are they going to do in a court of law when you can no longer accept a
15:53photograph or a video or an audio recording that's where we're coming to
15:58that's artificial intelligence I'm not talking about Disneyland I'm not talking
16:04about theoretical I'm telling you it's concrete right now I'm talking about
16:09control he makes those on the face of the earth that buy or sell to receive
16:15his mark in the right hand or their forehead where the whole world's being
16:21set up folks for the mark of the beast I don't know what the mark of the beast is
16:26when we find out who the beast is we'll get his mark amen I don't know what it
16:33is but I'm not worried about it because he's taking us away from here
16:38hallelujah to God artificial intelligence privacy violations privacy
16:44violations you see all of these things that can be used for good can all be
16:48also be used for bad and for the sake of time I mean take me all day to go through
16:52all this stuff I think I'm getting the message over to you I'm not algorithmic
16:57bias caused by bad data socioeconomic inequality market volatility weapons
17:03automization and uncontrollable self-aware AI that's scary what's that
17:08mean sentient it means that the artificial intelligence reaches a state
17:13to where it realizes it is an entity and it begins to make decisions on its own
17:18for itself yes all you say preacher that's wild no it's not wild I'm telling
17:25you if you'll do just a little reading and research on your own you'll find out
17:30now here's what Stephen Hawking said and by the way Stephen Hawking he died
17:34with ALS they told him when he contracted it in the 60s he only had two
17:37years to live obviously he lived for decades after that and he was considered
17:42by many to be second only to Einstein in his intelligence a very brilliant man he
17:48said this he repeatedly warned about the threat of climate change artificial
17:53intelligence population burden now listen to this one and hostile aliens
17:59now listen to this a study by Harvard social science researchers suggest that
18:04aliens may have been living on earth for a while didn't come from hey boy corner
18:09this came from Harvard scientists and they say that aliens are possibly living
18:16on this earth now another research paper says we're just to be it's yet to be
18:21peer-reviewed suggest that life-forms from other worlds could be living
18:25underground on earth or within the moon and that UFOs and other unidentified
18:32anomalous phenomena may be evidence of them getting around now let me say this
18:37about little green men on Mars there are definitely aliens out there but they are
18:45not from another planet they are demons posing as these creatures you said well
18:52I don't that's archaic that's anomalous preacher what are you talking about
18:56didn't don't you know we passed that well the Lord believed in them and he
19:01cast them out and I certainly do and the truth of the matter is if you pastor a
19:06church for 48 years you're gonna look at a bunch of them sitting right up there
19:09looking right at you amen I see you out there oh yeah don't kid me I've been at
19:16this too long you better believe it sometimes I can see somebody come in and
19:21I can feel a cold wind coming off of them I'm really dead as they can be cold
19:27not just indifferent the enemy of the gospel cold so aliens oh yeah do you
19:34believe aliens exist preacher sure they do but they're not what they think they
19:37are there they are they are spirit beings now how many of you know what an
19:43old old-fashioned ladder looks like just two poles with the rungs on how many
19:48know what I'm talking about just old ladder a lot of them are handmade take
19:54that ladder and twist it all right all right and then take it and twist it up
20:00like this as long as you could possibly get it continue to twist it until you
20:07come to the point to where throughout that ladder you have genetic structure
20:11developing that genetic structure produces building blocks that literally
20:18make up what you are so what am I talking about I'm talking about DNA the
20:26code of life how many has ever heard of CRISPR-Cas9 good a lot of you to read
20:32you check things out what is CRISPR-Cas9 it is gene editing
20:37what is gene editing gene editing is the ability to go into that ladder all right
20:43each one of those rungs the rungs can't just go this in a way they have to go
20:47exactly with their counterpart and connect to the other side all right so
20:52they take that twist it and here you have a length of DNA and this length can
20:58be starting point stopping point and they can change the DNA sequence what
21:04have you done you've edited it what are you doing that for well I want a child
21:08with blue eyes or I want a child who's a basketball player or I want a child
21:12who's big in math I want this I want that I want this I want that a man wrote
21:16a paper 20 years ago and he said the day will come when very few people have
21:20children the way they past generations have had them they'll go down to the
21:26local to the local laboratory and they'll order up what they want and
21:30they'll get exactly what they're asking for now listen what your Bible says
21:34about that listen what your Bible says about it I want you to listen to this
21:38this is important in Daniel chapter number 2 and verse number 43 and whereas
21:44thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay they shall mingle themselves with the
21:52seed of men but they shall not cleave one to another even as iron is not mixed
21:59with clay years ago I've been I've been at this a long time preachers would
22:04preach on that and they weren't too sure exactly what's going on with it but can
22:08you see gene editing in this can you see mixing human can you see the possibility
22:15that this could be used for something like we're talking about here this
22:19morning yes you can artificial intelligence it wasn't around a hundred
22:24years ago when I came to ministries it came here years ago there wasn't anything
22:28about artificial intelligence in fact there wasn't anything about DNA DNA was
22:33discovered back in the 50s but I didn't hear it mentioned one time in school
22:38because they didn't know anything about it but DNA now and artificial intelligence now
22:43it's part of the culture it's part of what you're talking about and the kids
22:47growing up today it's all they've ever known if you're these kids that are in
22:51this house this morning I'm not giving you anything new when I talk about
22:55artificial intelligence but what I am giving you is the possibilities of what
23:00lies ahead what lies ahead you see the good thing about seven about being about
23:06being 77 years old is like our sister said a moment ago heaven is growing
23:11sweeter every day I could hear a shout at any moment amen and they can't touch
23:17me because I'll be leaving out of this world now so artificial intelligence is
23:23definitely a marker for me that the Lord Jesus Christ may very well be
23:28coming soon are you listening it's not something that's been in every
23:33generation what's the other well CERN for example CERN a large Hadron
23:38Collider it's it connects it connects to Switzerland with France CERN quite a
23:45remarkable thing as a matter of fact they're shooting they're shooting a
23:49substance particle around and around at past the speed of light in an
23:57environment that is over 400 degrees below zero Fahrenheit we're talking
24:05about and there's a point I don't know where it is maybe you do I've heard it
24:09said that you can reach a point below zero where all molecular activity ceases
24:16you might know what that point is well I know this I know that over 400 degrees
24:21it is in other words it can't stream there so what's the point they want to
24:26get it going around and around and around and around and another one around
24:30and around and around until bang they bring them together and it's at that
24:35moment that they come together the great bang they feel like they think that it
24:40all started with a bang the Big Bang Theory well let me tell you something
24:45how God did it's his business the Bible said in Genesis 1 Barah all right God
24:51created all right Barashith Baral Elohim Hashamayim Ha'aretz God created from
24:58nothing he brought it into existence he spoke it into existence and that's
25:03exactly how we got here but it's quite a thing because when you look at CERN you
25:08say to yourself what are they really going after how many of you believe what
25:11the government says right off the bat on surface got some smart people in
25:17hallelujah amen so you've learned the hard way that it gets filtered down to
25:23you but it may not be necessary there may be a little bit a little bit here a
25:27little bit there the truth but it's mostly just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo and
25:30the truth of the matter it is but you see CERN was built for a reason what
25:37that reason is I'm not sure but I know this I know that it has a potential and
25:41that potential is out there the man one of the one of the first directors of
25:46CERN said this he said we are opening a door all right we don't know what's
25:51going to come through or we don't know what's going to leave here and go over
25:54there all right now this is that thing I was telling you about a few minutes ago
25:58the algorithms try to find that on the internet try to find that man making
26:04that statement now you might you may have to get a different you know there's
26:08all kinds of search engines so you may have to find the right search engine to
26:13find that statement now don't you think that's remarkable don't you think that
26:18they've got a new head of CERN I'm not accusing her of anything or anybody
26:22anything but don't you think that's remarkable for them to take that down
26:26where you can't find that because something may come from over there or go
26:31from here to over there that's kind of scary isn't it in plain words something
26:36we don't know what we're opening a door into another dimension into another
26:41place and we don't know what's liable to come over here where we are that's
26:45interesting don't you think yes yes did you know they have a statue of Shiva in
26:50front of CERN it was given to them by the state of India Shiva is one of the
26:55Hindu trinity Brahma Vishnu and Shiva Shiva is the great destroyer it's
27:01dancing the Nataraj the Nataraj is the dance of destruction circle here's
27:07Shiva in the middle of it dancing the Nataraj the Nataraj is the destruction
27:12the Nataraj has to do with the rebirth of Shakti so what's Shakti it's a Hindu
27:18word that has to do with life Shakti life did you know that when someone goes
27:24into Kundalini yoga they get into the yoga trance they go into Kundalini yoga
27:30that a serpent begins at the base of the spine and it raises all the way up and
27:35puts its head over the top of their head and once it reaches the top Shakti comes
27:41about you realize that oh yeah yeah Shakti is a force of life do you realize
27:48that there's a lot of other things that have to do with this life that comes
27:52forth from the occult world are you listening to the fact that there is a
27:57lie of life out there somewhere that is not the true life in him was life the
28:02life was the light of men do you realize the Bible said the book of Revelation I
28:06saw three unclean spirits like frogs go out of the mouth of beast the false
28:12prophet do you realize the Bible said in the book of Revelation chapter number
28:16nine an angel with the key to the bottomless pit comes down he opens that
28:20pit and out of that pit comes Apollyon and Abaddon both names mean destroyer
28:28Shiva the destroyer they come upon the earth they open up the gates of hell and
28:34the spirit begins to come out did you know the Bible says he that let us will
28:38let till he be taken out of the way did you know the Bible says that the Holy
28:42Ghost and I believe that's the one doing the letting letting in the sense of
28:47hindering okay let the word let you have to get your dictionary and you
28:51understand how let can also mean a give a you know approval but it also can mean
28:56a hindrance he that hinders will hinder till he be taken out of the way do you
29:03understand that you've been given and this is the grace of God God is like
29:07this I've learned a little bit about him he doesn't just spring it on you all of
29:11a sudden he'll give you just a little bit of taste just a little bit of
29:15forewarning just a little bit to get your attention to and say look look wake
29:19up wake up have you ears to hear than here you've got eyes to see see if you
29:23got a heart listen open I'm showing you something that's going to happen that
29:29you've never seen before here's what it says in 1st Corinthians chapter number
29:3410 but I say the things with the Gentile sacrifice they sacrifice to idols not to
29:44God did I get that right no they sacrifice it to devils well what's the
29:53difference between a devil and an idol or a stone or the devil is alive the
30:01stones dead so what that means is that what's going on with Shiva what's going
30:07on with when they reach Samadhi that's where they the Shakti life force brings
30:11them to that point whether it be Kundalini yoga or whether it be through
30:15that or any other thing they have reached a point where they are communing
30:20with devils if I don't preach the gospel to you which I preach how Christ died
30:29for your sins according to the scriptures that he was buried and that he
30:33rose again the third day according to the scriptures this is what the Apostle
30:37said in 1st Corinthians 15 I declared you the gospel Christ died for your
30:42sins according to the scriptures he was buried and then he rose again the third
30:46day victor over death hell in the grave rose from the dead he said that's the
30:52gospel I've preached that gospel now for 48 years in this church and I'll preach
30:56it till I drop dead or till I'm gone from here that's the gospel of Christ
31:01not the gut not my gospel the gospel of Christ and one of the reasons I preach
31:06that is because it is it it is it is the power of God against a demon evil
31:12wicked spirit that wants to add anything or take anything from it it's the gospel
31:17of the grace of God how Christ died for your sins so they sacrifice to devils
31:22and not to God 2nd Thessalonians chapter number two now here's what it says know
31:27ye what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time look at the
31:32revelation for the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth
31:37will let till he be taken out of the way and then shall that wicked be revealed
31:42whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy
31:47with the brightness of his coming even him who's working whose coming rather is
31:54after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and
31:59with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish
32:02because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved and for
32:06this cause now this is one more of the things that tell me that I'm living in a
32:15generation that has not been before and for this cause God shall send them
32:21strong delusion that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned who
32:27believe not the truth but at pleasure and unrighteousness John said these
32:34things are written that you might believe neither cometh they to the light
32:37why because their deeds are evil do you want the light if you want the light the
32:43light is there you live in a country where the light is so bright and blazing
32:47in this house anyway you're preaching Christ and him crucified oh how sad for
32:54you to come in here week after week and for the people that are watching and for
32:57those who watch it later you know I'm thankful anytime whenever I'm preaching
33:02Christ I may not be around he may come and get me we'll be gone then who's
33:09gonna preach what's gonna happen you're hearing the word this morning I'm trying
33:15to lay a foundation for you I'm trying to get you to wake up and understand I
33:19know you they use the term comfort zone and a lot of people like to stay in
33:24their comfort zone I understand all that but the truth is you better look out for
33:29things are changing now that are out of your control and they're changing
33:34rapidly now how many's ever heard of dark matter I better not get up here and
33:44flim-flam around mumble why don't you listen to something this is by dr. Danny
33:50Faulkner he's on the staff of answers in Genesis for more than 26 years he was
33:57professor of physics and astronomy at the University of South Carolina
34:01Lancaster he's written numerous articles in astronomical journals his books
34:06include universe by design let's talk this man says about dark matter look
34:12around at the water rocks plants animals other humans grab a telescope take a
34:18peek at the planets galaxies other stellar wonders now squint through a
34:23microscope at the infinitesimal world of bacteria fungi and other organisms you
34:30could look for a lifetime and still not see everything that is there to see but
34:35incredibly astronomers now listen carefully incredibly astronomers believe
34:41that about 90% of matter in the universe is invisible they call it dark
34:50matter and you know when I read that I just said praise be to that almighty
34:55eternal being he's got a universe out here that you can't even see it's right
35:01here where you are because you see the Large Hadron Collider is trying to find
35:07dark matter that's one of his jobs dark matter now here's what he says and I
35:13like honest people and this is a brother this is a creationist physics he said so
35:19what is dark matter I don't have a clue if I did I'd have a Nobel Prize wouldn't
35:26I digest that the more we learn about creation it seems the less we know dark
35:34matter is just one of the universe's mysteries we have to figure out and
35:39there's no reason that a creationist might not uncover the answer starting
35:43with God's Word as their foundation such mysteries about the physical world
35:48should cause us to realize how deep the mysteries of God go we will have all
35:54eternity to probe and continually discover more about God's attributes for
35:59now our attempt to learn more about his glory by studying his creation is just
36:05peering through a telescope glass darkly a dim picture of the majesty that lies
36:11ahead for God's people I don't have him figured out I don't I was thinking this
36:23morning I'm sitting on the back porch watching the squirrels play listening to
36:28the birds and I thought what if that's just invisible like that right there
36:35for a moment and then coming from that invisible world steps of being a spirit
36:43being pure spirit and he steps into the womb of a virgin and in the womb of that
36:54virgin he becomes a man and then he is born nine months later like all the rest
37:02of men yet he did not come from here he came from above he's the Lord of heaven
37:10and to the angels the Almighty says now do you see what you saw listen to Paul
37:19listen to him there is one God and one mediator between God and men the man
37:27Christ Jesus right here's what he says which in his time he will show who is
37:35that blessed and only potentate the king of kings and Lord of Lords who only hath
37:42immortality dwelling in the light which no man hath seen which no man can see to
37:48whom be glory honor forever and ever and ever
37:54amen that means Satan has never seen God in his full true essence that means had
38:01he not stepped from that invisible world into this world of creation that we know
38:06we would never have seen him but now all we can know of that eternal being is in
38:13his son the Lord Jesus Christ who has revealed that father to us and to him I
38:20say this morning blessed be our Lord Jesus Christ bless his holy name
38:26hallelujah to God anything else it's just pure speculation forget it you're
38:32not going to impress anybody nobody knows the essence of God but he's a
38:36spirit being he's a pure spirit being but we do know this we do know he became
38:41a man and 2,000 years ago that man went to a cross and he died for us and there
38:47he suffered my hell and my torment and took it into his body and he's laid in
38:52the grave and on the third day he arose from the dead amen I know God because I
38:57know his son father bless your word thank you for a little time we've had in
39:03your house Lord let my life glorify thee Oh God let that have let that be let that
39:09be Lord that would be my highest aspiration let my life glorify the Oh
39:14Holy One you know I'm a believer from the top of my head to the bottom of my
39:18feet I believe I believe I believe and Lord help me now help me preach your word
39:23help me minister of the word open the hearts of the people maybe they heard
39:27something this morning that sparked just a little bit of interest in their soul
39:32that they want to get dig deeper and go further with it I pray they have I pray
39:36this in Jesus name now for Jesus sake I ask it a man any man any man
