• 5 months ago
00:02Kolay gelsin.
00:04Müfit usta.
00:06Müfit Bey.
00:08Kolay gelsin.
00:10Müsaade var mı?
00:14Bir acı kahvenizi içmeye geldim.
00:16Oğlum bize iki kahve söyle, dışarıya geliyoruz birazdan.
00:18Hemen usta.
00:20Keşke önceden haberim olaydı.
00:22Eşim ayla gelecek şimdi.
00:24Özel bir işimiz var.
00:26Ne güzel.
00:28Nasıl iş oluruz böylece, ben zaten merak ediyordum.
00:30Siz niye benim eşimle görüşmeye çalışıyorsunuz beyefendi?
00:34Benimle görüşmek yeterli, ben demek o demek.
00:36Ama siz demek de biz demek, öyle değil mi?
00:38Bakın ben isterim ki birbirimizi daha yakından tanıyalım, sevelim.
00:42Yo yo yo, mesafe iyidir.
00:44Uzaktan seviniz.
00:46Tabii, şüphesiz.
00:48Bakın bizim tüm çabamız sadece Hilal'le Onur'un mutluluğu için.
00:52Kimse pek mutlu görünmüyor ama.
00:54Nasıl işse.
00:56Neyse, Onur nasıl istiyorsa öyle olur.
00:58Kahve gelir şimdi, buyurun dışarı çıkalım.
01:00Buyurun Ömer Bey.
01:02Yok, lütfen.
01:04Rica ediyorum.
01:06Lütfen, lütfen.
01:08Peki, peki.
01:10Sağ ol.
01:16Kızım sen neredesin ya? İki gündür aklım çıktı, yakalandın zannettim ya.
01:18Yakalandım zaten ama şu an buradayım.
01:20Tamam, sakin ol.
01:22Yakalandın mı?
01:24Yüzüğü buldum.
01:26Şaka yapıyorsun demek ki.
01:28Evet, kardeşim o evde. Elif benim kardeşim olabilir.
01:34Nihayet, nihayet.
01:36Peki ne yapacaksın?
01:38Konuşacak mısın hemen Elif'le?
01:40Yok, hemen konuşamam. Önce emin olmam lazım.
01:42Onun psikolojisini az daha bozamam.
01:44Ayrıca, yani şu herif beni yakaladı.
01:46Hapis yapmamak için onlara yardım etmem gerekiyor.
01:48Hapis mi? Hapiste kızım ne diyorsun?
01:50Ya, ajan var ya.
01:54Onur Karasu.
01:56İşte Hilal'in sevgilisi olan.
01:58Hilal'in sevgilisi mi?
02:00İşte Onur Karasu diyorum ya.
02:02Ne olmuş Onur Karasu'ya?
02:04Ajan o işte. Ajan o. Beni yakalayan o.
02:06Ne? Ajan neymiş?
02:08Çok soru soruyorsun arkadaşım ya.
02:10Kızım niye kızıyorsun?
02:12Her şeyi anlatınca benim kafam karıştı.
02:14Karıştırdım her şeyi.
02:16Bak şimdi şöyle oldu. Ben hani gittim ya kasayı açmak için.
02:18Kasayı açarken yakalandım.
02:20Arkadaşım her şey halloldu. Onur beni yakaladı ve
02:22işte hapis atmaya çalışıyor falan filan.
02:34Kardeşim bulmuş olabilirim.
02:36Bulabilirsin canım benim.
02:38Onca kasayı boşuna açmadığınızı biliyordum.
02:42Hemen hazırlanıp açmam lazım.
02:44Her şeyi iyice anlatacağım ben sana.
02:46Tamam, tamam.
02:50Nefis Bey duyduğuma göre
02:52siz maddi manevi
02:54Onur'un babası olmuşsunuz.
02:56Ayla Hanım da annesi.
02:58Eşim Ayla sağ olsun bana dair olan her şeyi
03:00kendisininmiş gibi
03:02benimser, özümser.
03:04Onur'u kendi yeğenin
03:06yeğeni geçtim.
03:08Öz be öz oğlu gibi bastı bağrına.
03:10Amcamız siz de Onur'a gel,
03:12burada benim dükkanda bu işi öğren sonra da
03:14burada çırak olarak kal dememişsiniz.
03:16Yani kendi ayakları üstüne durmak istemiş.
03:18Bizi genellikle okuyamayan haytaları
03:20gönderirler buraya bari bir meslek,
03:22zanaat öğrensin diye ama Onur
03:24bambaşka biri. Muhayilesi güçlüdür.
03:26Hem sanatkar hem zanaatkar.
03:28Evet artık öyle
03:30her işini kendi gören donanımlı ustalar
03:34Onur her zaman çok özel bir çocuktu.
03:36Kafasına koyduğu her şeyi
03:38tek tek nasıl elde ettiğini gururla izledim.
03:40Ne yaptıysa kendi başına yaptı.
03:42Boynuz kulağa geçti çoktan.
03:44Ne güzel ne güzel ama zor iş.
03:46Bizim de olduğumuz için biliyorum.
03:48Yok öyle değil.
03:50Sizin bildiğiniz dünya başka.
03:52Onur kendi tırnaklarıyla
03:54kazıyarak geldi buralara Civan Bey.
03:56Kimsesi yoktu.
03:58Beş kuruşu yoktu. Hep bursla okudu.
04:00Baba parası diye
04:02bir şey görmedi yani.
04:04İnsan ailesini
04:06seçemiyor Mufit Bey.
04:08Benim şansıma babam kuyumcuydu evet.
04:10Ben İngiltere'de okudum
04:12mesela babam sayesinde.
04:14İngiltere'de okudu demiştiniz.
04:16Ben bir şey dememiştim.
04:18Siz de pek meraklısınız.
04:20Önce aile sonra Onur hayırdır?
04:22Kız kardeşim kiminle nişanlanmak istiyor
04:24bunu bir abi olarak
04:26öğrenmeye çalışmak en doğal hakkım herhalde.
04:28O zaman ne yapacaksınız?
04:30Gidip kendisine soracaksınız.
04:32Hayırlı günler.
04:40İyi günler.
04:44İyi günler.
05:14Şarkı söylüyor.
05:36Bana bak Onur duyuyor musun beni?
05:38Bu danser benim gözümden fırlamaz değil mi?
05:40Ayrıca kulağım çok çınlıyor.
05:42Şimdi beni iyi dinle Maviş.
05:44Bana bak bana bir daha Maviş dersen
05:46yemin ediyorum yürüdüğüm onca yolu
05:48geri dönerim senin.
05:50Baktığın her yeri görüyorum.
05:52Kalp atışına kadar takibindeyim ona göre Maviş.
05:54Gerçekten mi? Anlaştık.
05:56Anlaştık süper şeyler söylüyorsun
05:58hiç akıl etmemiştim.
06:04Başladım ben.
06:42Hoş geldiniz Ece Hanım.
06:46Hoş bulduk.
06:52Handan Hanım nerede acaba?
06:54Kim soruyor beni?
06:56Merhaba Handan Hanım teyzeciğim ben soruyorum.
07:00Bir dakika bir gol veriyor.
07:02Ben Hilal'i merak ettim de.
07:04Hilal'in yalnız kalmaya
07:06ve düşünmeye ihtiyacı var.
07:08Tabii bizim de öyle.
07:12Bu evde yalnız kalmak bir lüks maalesef.
07:16Senin gözlerin mavi miydi?
07:18Yok değildi de
07:20renkli gözlüler özellikle mavi gözler
07:22daha zeki oluyormuş diye ben.
07:26Çok zekisin ya gerçekten.
07:28En son Handan'a takılma dedim şu an ne yapıyorsun?
07:30Çabuk ol.
07:32Ben bir gelmişken size merhaba diyeyim dedim.
07:34Bir de odama uğramam gerekiyordu.
07:36Birkaç parça eşyayı almak için.
07:38Tabii tabii.
07:48Gerek bir şey yok.
08:10Tamam çabuk ol.
08:12Yere bakma önüne bak.
08:14Senin baktığın yeri görüyoruz biz.
08:16Sus be dinleniyorum iki saniye.
08:30Bunlar olabilir mi?
08:32Hayır değil.
08:34Ortalık yerde bırakılacak bir şey değil o.
08:36Kasadan daha güvenli daha gizli bir yer düşün.
08:46Pardon şefim bitmiş.
08:50Ya sen ne yapıyorsun?
08:52Yoga için biraz geç kalmadı mı sence de?
08:54Çabuk ol.
08:56Ya şefim şu gergin ortamda var ya
08:58iyice gelmeyeyim ortama.
09:02Sence yoga mı yapıyorum ya?
09:04Beyninizi kullanın birazcık.
09:06Belki gizli bir şey vardır
09:08kapı açılır falan diye zorluyorum her şeyi.
09:10Oha çok iyi kafa ya.
09:12He çok iyi kafa.
09:14Hollywood filminde mi izmeli?
09:16Ben bu odada bir şey olmadığına eminim.
09:19Civan geliyor çabuk ol çabuk ol.
09:21Civan mı geliyor?
09:27Çık hadi.
09:29Çıkacağım kaçacak bir yer büküyorum.
09:33Kahretmesin be.
09:48Ne oluyor ya?
10:34Müsait miydin?
10:36Ben böyle çat diye geldim ama.
10:38Ben sana her zaman müsaitim tabi.
10:40Bir dakika ya gözlerin yalnız.
10:42Ya çok güzel olmuş bu gözler.
10:44Bir mavi göz bir insana bu kadar mı yakışır ya?
10:46Adama bak ya eridi eridi eridi.
10:52Çok teşekkür ederim.
10:54Sen bu arada ne konuşmak istiyordun?
10:56İstersen şurada dışarıda konuşalım.
10:58Bana galiba artık.
11:00Evet ben zaten bunu sana teklif edecektim.
11:04Kendime de bir tane.
11:06Lütfen lütfen Ece.
11:08Nasıl beğendin mi?
11:17Hilal nasıl?
11:21Dün geceden sonra kimseyle konuşmak istemiyormuş.
11:25Yani valla işte nasıl olsun?
11:27Dün gece olanlardan sonra.
11:29Neyse sen ne hakkında konuşmak istiyordun?
11:33Hilal hakkında de.
11:35Hilal hakkında konuşmak istiyorum de.
11:39Onur hakkında konuşmak istiyorum.
11:41Ne konuşacaksın dinliyorum evet.
11:43Ya ben ilk andan beri gerçekten bu adamı hiç sevmedim.
11:46Ya gittim Hilal'le de konuştum ama tabi ki dinlemedi.
11:48Şimdi gidip onunla tekrar konuşsam desem.
11:50Kızı korktuk aşık.
11:54O yüzden de sana geldim.
11:56İyi yaptın bakar mısın?
11:58Bakar mısın nasıl aşık olduğunu gör.
12:00Şu bakar mısın bak.
12:02Bana attığı mesajı gördün mü?
12:04Mavi beni seviyorsan onu da sevmeyi öğrenmek zorunda senin.
12:06Tehdit gibi tehdit şimdi.
12:08Valla bilmiyorum.
12:10Ee Onur diyordum.
12:12Bir şey mi öğrendin onunla ilgili bakayım?
12:15Yani bir şey öğrenmedim tabi ki.
12:17Ne öğrenebilirim?
12:19Ama nasıl derler altıncı his.
12:21Gözlem tabi ki birazcık.
12:23Böyle Onur biraz şey bir adam değil mi?
12:27O kala kendini beğenmiş.
12:29Böyle fazla özgüvenli.
12:31Böyle her şeyi ben bilirim ben yaparım.
12:35Bu özgüven nasıl insanlarda olur?
12:37Problemli insanlarda.
12:39O kadar doğru şeyler söyledin ki ya.
12:41Herkes sanki Onur'u çok seviyor.
12:45Bence Hilal daha iyisine layık.
12:47Benim gözüm Onur'u tutmadı ya.
12:51Ya ne yapıyorsun sen ya.
12:53Ne yapıyorsun çık artık hadi.
12:55Bak daha bugün Kadir'e aynı şeyi söyledim.
12:57Dedim ki Onur belli ki Orta Evi'ye bakmış.
12:59Hilal de Orta'ya gelmiş.
13:01Değil mi?
13:03Ayrıca nerede yüzük?
13:05Yüzük nerede yüzük yüzük dediler.
13:07Gördün mü o yüzüğü?
13:12Onur bir kuyumcu.
13:14Bir tek tış eğer sakınıyorsa Hilal'den.
13:16Ben daha ne diyeyim.
13:18Ben sana bir şey söyleyeyim mi?
13:20Ben bir kuyumcu olarak bir yüzük taksaydım.
13:22Yemin ediyorum uzaydan göreyim daha.
13:32Kabahat bende ya.
13:34Bir hırsızla iş birliği yaparsam böyle olur tabi ki.
13:36Belge melge de bulamadı zaten.
13:38Tamamen bir zaman kaybı.
13:41Onur Bey'e bakmıştım.
13:43Onur Bey şu an buradaydı efendim.
13:45Ben yardımcı olayım size.
13:49Bilmiyorum maalesef.
13:51Bu ne biçim ustalık canım.
13:53Çok boşluyor dükkanda.
13:55Bu kadarı da olmaz.
13:57Bu ne biçim ustalık canım.
13:59Çok boşluyor dükkanda.
14:01Bu kadarı da olmaz.
14:11Gene neyi beğendiremedik Müfit?
14:13Sen işine bak ben ilgilenirim.
14:17Halam dükkanı ayda yılda bir uğruyor demişti Onur.
14:19O yüzden bu kadar rahat davrandım.
14:23Sadede gelecek misin Sadeker?
14:27Artık o kelimeyi kimse kullanmıyor.
14:29Artık o kelimeyi kimse kullanmıyor.
14:31Tamam tamam hoş geldin.
14:33Neden buradasın?
14:35Onur'u görmeye geldim ben.
14:37Ne diyeceksin Onur'a?
14:39Siz beni nasıl bir işin içine soktunuz ya?
14:41Siz beni nasıl bir işin içine soktunuz ya?
14:43Hani bir gecelik bir işti.
14:45O Civan Bey denen o herif atölyeme geldi.
14:47Giyinmiş böyle bayramlık koçlar gibi.
14:49Ne ağzından laf mı aldı yoksa senin ne dedin?
14:51Ne ağzından laf mı aldı yoksa senin ne dedin?
14:53Onur çok fakirdi dedim.
14:55Müfit ya adam sormadı mı bu kuyumcu dükkanı nasıl yaptı diye?
14:57Müfit ya adam sormadı mı bu kuyumcu dükkanı nasıl yaptı diye?
14:59Sordurtmadım tersledim gitti.
15:01Niye tersliyorsun ki adamı?
15:03Sana ne yaptım?
15:05Son derece kibar ve saygılı bir adam.
15:07Son derece kibar ve saygılı bir adam.
15:09Senin aşk hayatın beni zerre kadar ilgilendirmiyor Ayla Hanım.
15:11Senin aşk hayatın beni zerre kadar ilgilendirmiyor Ayla Hanım.
15:13Ama o yeğenine söyle.
15:15Beni bu kumpasın içine nasıl soktuysa öyle çıkarsın.
15:17Beni bu kumpasın içine nasıl soktuysa öyle çıkarsın.
15:19Ben dünden bugüne iki arada birerede onca uydurduğum yalanı ömrümde söylemedim.
15:21Ben dünden bugüne iki arada birerede onca uydurduğum yalanı ömrümde söylemedim.
15:23Ben dünden bugüne iki arada birerede onca uydurduğum yalanı ömrümde söylemedim.
15:25Benimde bir sınırım var ve siz çoktan açtınız.
15:27Benimde bir sınırım var ve siz çoktan açtınız.
15:29Diyeceğim bu kadar.
15:31Telefon açsaydın keşke Müfit.
15:33Telefon açsaydın keşke Müfit.
15:35Ya niye buralara kadar yoruldun ki?
15:37Ya niye buralara kadar yoruldun ki?
15:49Bir saniye.
15:59Nereye gidiyor bu ya?
16:01Orayla bir işimiz yok geri dön.
16:03Seni bekliyoruz hadi gel artık.
16:05Bir susar mısın ne kadar gerginsin kafamın içinde bir sus.
16:07Kafamın içinde bir sus.
16:09Kafamın içinde bir sus.
16:11Kafamın içinde bir sus.
16:19I hope.
16:34May I come in?
16:34Sure. Come in!
16:38Wow, what a colourful and sweet room.
16:46Your eyes?
16:47Huh, does it look good on me?
16:49It's incredible!
16:51Things got a bit complicated last night, so I was worried about you. Are you okay?
16:55I'm fine. I don't have a fiancé. No one told me anything.
16:58Why didn't they tell you?
17:00I don't know. I mean, I don't know.
17:02Anyway, forget it. Don't worry about it.
17:04It'll work out somehow. You'll have a fiancé.
17:06What's a fiancé anyway? Which era are we living in?
17:09Uh-uh. How do you say it in an era, girl?
17:18What does it mean?
17:19It means fluid.
17:22So, according to the flow.
17:24You live your life according to the flow.
17:26I have a lot to learn from you. I wrote this down.
17:29Write it down.
17:35Then I'm running away, because according to the flow.
17:38It's not like that, but...
17:43It's not like that.
17:45According to the flow.
17:47You know...
17:48What did I tell you?
17:49I said I have a lot to learn from you.
17:53Be careful.
17:54You take care of yourself.
17:59Shall I close the door?
18:06Okay, go on. Come on.
18:08Oh, please. Calm down.
18:14Where is he going?
18:16Where are you going?
18:18Not from the garden door.
18:20Can you get out of the door like a man?
18:23What's it to you? You're questioning everything.
18:25Are you mad? I'm trying to come.
18:27What do you mean?
18:28This is my operation.
18:29Come on.
18:35Oh, my God.
18:37Very good.
18:38You were missing.
18:44I'm here.
18:47But you found time to wear blue lenses.
18:50I'm not interested in this restaurant.
18:52Are you cheating on me?
18:53What are you doing?
18:54I've been looking for you since yesterday.
18:55My dear friend.
18:56Don't be ridiculous.
18:57Am I such a person?
18:58Why would I cheat on you?
19:00It was a hard night last night.
19:02When I saw my family and my arms...
19:04I thought I couldn't do it.
19:06I questioned my life.
19:08I got up in the morning.
19:09I put on blue lenses.
19:10Does it look good?
19:11Then I dropped the phone.
19:13I was in a hurry.
19:15Come on.
19:18What are you doing?
19:19Where are you going?
19:22I was...
19:24I panicked when I saw you.
19:26I was trying to see you.
19:29I came to see you.
19:31Hilal, are you okay?
19:32I'm not.
19:33With a big smile on my face right now...
19:35I could be looking at the ring on my finger.
19:37Look at me.
19:39Don't you think it's time to question some things?
19:42Maybe it shouldn't be.
19:44That's the good thing.
19:46You haven't stopped saying you haven't since you met him.
19:48You even called him Şaşı.
19:55Or at least Şehla.
19:57I mean...
19:58How can your lover not notice?
20:00I read that he was Şehla at first sight.
20:04Şaşı Anya Şehla Konya.
20:07Am I Şaşı?
20:08No, no, no.
20:09I'm telling the truth.
20:10No, no, no.
20:11I'm telling the truth.
20:12No, I'm not.
20:13She's lying.
20:16Honey, you're acting weird.
20:18What's wrong with you?
20:19No, I'm fine.
20:21The usual Ece.
20:23No, no, you're not fine.
20:25Are you hiding something from me?
20:30I really thought you wouldn't ask.
20:32I was even thinking about ending our friendship.
20:34Yes, I'm hiding something from you.
20:36Don't say anything.
20:37Don't say anything.
20:38Don't say anything.
20:39I will.
20:44Don't say anything.
20:54I stayed at Mursi's place last night.
20:58Who's Mursi?
20:59His ex-girlfriend.
21:02What are you doing?
21:03Were you still seeing this guy?
21:05You were supposed to stay away.
21:06I was supposed to stay away.
21:07I couldn't.
21:12I want to meet this guy.
21:14We're having breakfast tomorrow.
21:15We'll meet.
21:19What do you mean, what?
21:20What is it?
21:21Your case is important.
21:22Isn't my case important?
21:23It's important.
21:25We're all together tomorrow.
21:26You, me, Musti, Onur.
21:29A four-day date.
21:31A four-day date.
21:32That's great.
21:33That's great.
21:34Don't meet.
21:35I mean a date.
21:37Chief, we were going to interrogate Herzog in the morning.
21:44What should I have done, Selvi?
21:47Okay, I'll take care of the rest.
21:52I couldn't say no.
21:58Where are you going in such a hurry?
22:00To Civan?
22:01Selvi, the opposite.
22:02Look at me.
22:03Am I as naive as you?
22:06I wish I were a little bit, Selvi.
22:08I wish I were a little bit.
22:10Oh, come on.
22:11Your naivety is enough for all of us.
22:17Look, don't say anything wrong to Civan.
22:20Oh, what am I going to do with Civan?
22:23Mother Handan.
22:25Yes, Selvi.
22:28I have great news for you.
22:30You know, I had aunts.
22:31Kindness, nobility and dignity.
22:33Do you remember?
22:34You loved it too.
22:36Don't I remember?
22:37Those sweet aunts who never shut up.
22:40Here they are.
22:41They're coming to Istanbul in two days.
22:43They say they couldn't fit three women into their homes.
22:47I invited them to our house because it would be a word of honor.
22:50You invited us?
22:52How long will they stay?
22:55Well, now whatever I say to my mother, it would be a lie.
22:57You know they like hospitality.
23:01Actually, I said don't come first.
23:03Murat is very busy these days.
23:04He's taking care of the interview.
23:05I said I was helping him.
23:07But thanks to Civan, we got out of all the work in the morning.
23:12I'm bored at home too.
23:15What do you mean?
23:17Civan can't get out of them alone.
23:20You will definitely have work.
23:22Work first, Selvi.
23:23Work first.
23:25Anyway, you tell your aunts.
23:27It's not destiny.
23:28Let them come another time.
23:30I'll tell them, of course.
23:31They won't come when they hear we have work.
23:35Of course, I'm talking to Civan right now.
23:39Oh, I can't tell you how happy I am.
23:41Normally, Murat has been dealing with this interview for months.
23:44Civan would have come and put it on him.
23:49I'm taking off the hat, Selvi.
23:51I'm taking off the hat.
23:52I'm taking off the hat, Selvi.
23:53I'm taking off the hat.
23:57A cup of coffee, please.
24:12I'm here.
24:13I'm here.
24:19What is it?
24:20Why are you looking at me like that?
24:24Are you waiting for applause or something?
24:26You couldn't find documents.
24:27You broke a lot of pots.
24:29On top of that, you made me breakfast among all my work.
24:32It will be a hassle for you to come to breakfast.
24:36Why are you setting up this operation to be in love with Hilal?
24:41I couldn't find anything more logical.
24:42You should have gone and been a business partner with him.
24:44You should have gone and been a driver.
24:45But you should have done something else.
24:48I'm so sorry.
24:49We planned the whole operation without asking you.
24:51I'm so sorry.
24:52We couldn't take advantage of you.
24:53I'm sorry.
24:54I'm going to ask you something.
24:56What exactly is your job in this operation?
24:58Is it to be Onur's volunteer lawyer?
25:00What's happening to you?
25:01Why do you say every word when I'm talking to this guy?
25:04Okay, that's enough.
25:05Come on, get in.
25:07Come on.
25:09Melih, can you hold me?
25:10I can't get out of there alone.
25:12I won't sit next to you.
25:14Come on, I'll sit.
25:16My boss.
25:17It's obvious that you will be very busy in the morning.
25:19Let me go to the right now.
25:22Melih, do you want to go to the right?
25:25Then make me believe that you deserve it.
25:27Make me believe, Melih.
25:28Come on.
25:29Come on.
25:31He couldn't say you're fat.
25:33He's a very noble man.
25:34You're fat.
25:35Get in.
25:36I'm asking you.
25:39You're very fat.
25:42Get in.
25:44Get in.
25:49If he's not in his room, where are these documents?
25:52In the basement?
25:53In the city where the dollar is?
25:56Document now.
25:57There's not much time left to waste with documents.
26:00Meet with Herzog tonight.
26:01What are we going to do?
26:02We'll use Herzog.
26:05Givan's men will bring documents that we are searching.
26:07We will accuse them during the exchange,
26:10and someone from Civan will be in our hands.
26:12I'll make that guy sing a nice song.
26:15Civan, Mivan, whatever he knows.
26:22Of course, it's in line with the tactics Ayla taught me.
26:25I don't have the audacity.
26:27So, boss, how are we going to trust Herzog?
26:29That son of a bitch is definitely going to sell us.
26:31We need a trump card to corner Herzog.
26:33No one has contacted him yet.
26:35No, boss, no.
26:36No message, no phone, nothing.
26:38There's something wrong here.
26:40We shouldn't have met so long ago.
26:42Everything should have been clear by now.
26:44We're missing something.
26:51Nothing came out of that guy's phone yet.
26:54Zero, boss.
26:56Boss, no photo, no message, no suspicious phone.
26:59He's been downloading ridiculous games.
27:01Give me that phone.
27:04I'm in the well.
27:06We can't see.
27:07There's something we can't see, I know.
27:11What's the well, Ayla?
27:12It's a thinking room.
27:13When he can't figure something out, he locks himself in there.
27:16Oh, is that so?
27:24Where are you?
27:25I'm looking for you.
27:26Why are you wandering around here?
27:28I'm hungry.
27:29I'm wandering because I'm hungry.
27:31I found Melih.
27:32Thanks to him, he gave me a slice of his big pizza.
27:36Are you depressed?
27:38Why is it so dark in here?
27:41Where's the light?
28:05This is what happens when you talk while eating.
28:07I think you should try to be quiet.
28:13We called him Mr. X.
28:15He's a kind of robber.
28:17I got a few shirts from you.
28:22So, what does this Mr. X do?
28:24This Mr. X goes into the houses of the robbers, opens their safes, doesn't take anything,
28:28and then leaves, like he's making fun of us.
28:31What do you mean?
28:32Doesn't he steal anything?
28:36Maybe you're seeing something I haven't seen.
28:38Or you've heard something from the mosque.
28:40You want to share it with me, right?
28:42Yes, Onur.
28:43I know, you're really smart.
28:45Do you know what we do?
28:47All the robbers get together at 3 p.m.
28:49We give each other information about our activity reports.
28:56Call me next time, too.
28:58I'll say something.
28:59So, don't you know that Mr. X is a kind of robber?
29:03I mean, don't you know who this Mr. X is?
29:05What does he look like?
29:07If we knew, we wouldn't call him Mr. X, right?
29:12You're very interested in this.
29:14Is there anything you want to tell me?
29:16Do you know him?
29:20How would I know him?
29:22I mean, when he came up to me like that,
29:24I got curious and asked him.
29:29Excuse me.
29:33I have to work a little.
29:37Are you going to send me to play a game?
29:40Yes, I'm going to play a game.
29:42Just because I have a job.
29:44By the way, I found your partner.
29:46He's playing the same game.
29:48Good job.
29:58Of course.
30:01They're messaging through the game.
30:03Of course.
30:22Break all the codes of all the games in that phone.
30:24Tell me if there's a message.
30:27Is Herzog communicating with someone through the game?
30:30Very likely.
30:32Come on, come on, come on!
30:34I'm on it.
30:38Civan is calling.
30:40If Mufit hasn't forgotten, he'll ask them now.
30:44Yes, Mr. Civan?
30:46Honur, are you available?
30:48I'm available.
30:50Look, there's a fisherman by the sea in Sarıyer.
30:52Let's meet there for half an hour.
30:54Let's get some sea air, man to man.
30:59Let's go.
31:11Do you know what I like most about this place?
31:13I know it's famous for its ring.
31:17Its view?
31:19You still don't know?
31:21You're going to make me count all the points one by one now.
31:23Okay, I'm watching, I'm watching.
31:25Its bread, its bread.
31:28I love its bread.
31:30Look, there's a bakery in Kirecburnu.
31:32They buy it from there.
31:34It's so delicious.
31:36It doesn't look like sourdough bread.
31:38Try it.
31:40I'm not very fond of dough business.
31:42But it looks good, yes.
31:44So you're not very fond of dough business.
31:48Then you must have had a hard time in Italy.
31:54Hilal told me that she studied in Italy.
31:56I talked to Mr. Müfit about it.
31:58When he told me that he studied in Bursa all his life,
32:00I thought that you were calculating three cents.
32:02Therefore, since you can't eat steak,
32:04slice pizza first.
32:08You did a pretty good research about me.
32:12Well, you know very well that half of our job is to research.
32:16Where's the best glitter?
32:18Whose stuff is fake?
32:20You have to research all of these very well.
32:22Then you look at it, you eat a lot.
32:25Then you're left in the middle.
32:27You have no money with fake goods.
32:29I understand.
32:31You like to touch words.
32:33I like to be a little more direct.
32:39Now you're saying that
32:41the five penniless honors who studied in Bursa in Italy
32:43came to my brother when he became a man,
32:45didn't he?
32:47In fact, you probably think
32:49that I'm after Hilal's money.
32:51Well, ten points for your frankness.
32:54Which money did you open a shop for yourself
32:56in the middle of Galata?
32:58If you did it with debt and expense,
33:00now you want to marry Hilal
33:02and pay those debts to Hilal.
33:04Look, I'll put you
33:06on a leash.
33:12I don't need Hilal's money,
33:14don't worry.
33:18Besides, I have an offer for you
33:20if you want to hear it.
33:23I'm listening, yes.
33:25If everything goes well
33:27and we get married to Hilal,
33:29then we'll make a marriage contract.
33:31You will determine your assets,
33:33and I will sign.
33:35It will be over.
33:37Is it appropriate?
33:41So you love my brother so much, huh?
33:45I'm ready to do whatever it takes
33:47to keep Hilal out of my life.
33:52Oh, what a beautiful thing.
33:54Enjoy it.
33:56You too.
34:08I think he hung up.
34:10I found it, Melek, I found it.
34:14Herzo's transcripts.
34:16Oh, man, man, man.
34:18Good for you.
34:20You won't find it.
34:22Who will?
34:24You're the brain of this organization.
34:26And you're so sweet.
34:30Did it work?
34:36He's communicating with the accountant
34:38through the game.
34:40All the transcripts, accounts,
34:42deposits are here.
34:45Well done.
34:47Well done.
34:49You did a great job.
34:51He can't afford to lose so much money.
34:53Now he's going to cooperate.
34:55Well done.
34:57Go on.
35:07You're my brain.
35:09I'm just a brain.
35:11Mr. Yuvan,
35:14I was concerned that there was no sound from the meeting.
35:16Should I call?
35:18Call him of course.
35:20Leave a proof on the phone.
35:22There's a game.
35:24Send a message through the game.
35:32You did a great job.
35:34I mean,
35:36noone has ever done this work in Turkey.
35:38Yes, he was very busy when I was away.
35:40Why didn't he come?
35:42I thought it would be better for me to take care of myself while Hazal is here.
35:45Yeah, but wouldn't it be better if she came to my future?
35:50Hilal, you know what they say, right?
35:52Two horses don't sing in a herd.
35:56I guess I'm going to be a chicken again, as usual.
35:59A showcase.
36:01But my brother, I mean, look, you're breaking my heart by saying that.
36:04I made so many investments in London.
36:07I said, who will come to me?
36:09Then who is the only person in this company who has a signature effect other than me?
36:14It's you, it's you.
36:15Isn't that right, my dear, my beautiful brother?
36:17Brother, I can't even sign a coffee bottle without your approval.
36:21My dear, these are details, details, details.
36:24This is what happens in details.
36:28This is nice.
36:29Look, write this down, you can use it later.
36:36By the way,
36:38I met with Onur.
36:42Brother, you didn't say anything to break Onur's heart, did you?
36:45Please look.
36:46Like what?
36:47For example, like a fortune teller?
36:50Brother, I can't believe you.
36:52Look, please don't say such a thing.
36:55Okay, calm down, champion.
36:56Oh my God.
36:58Onur came from the defenseless side.
37:00He offered a marriage contract.
37:05Marriage contract?
37:07Did you talk about our marriage when you met?
37:12Look at those moves.
37:15You started whining right in front of my eyes.
37:17Oh my God.
37:19Don't try to look at the wedding and spoil my morale.
37:21Calm down.
37:22Everything has a turn, brother.
37:25Don't make me mad.
37:26Orhan is playing here.
37:29Come in.
37:31Mr. Civan, Mr. Cameraman is here.
37:34Take the meeting room, we're coming.
37:39Come on, come on.
37:41Okay, brother.
37:42We're brothers now, right?
37:43Take these files and let's go.
37:49Should I let him in?
37:50I didn't know.
37:51We told him to convince him, but he misunderstood again.
38:03It's so hot.
38:06What happened, Ali?
38:07I convinced him, boss.
38:09He will cooperate with us to deliver the documents.
38:12There is also a historical dagger in the case.
38:13It belongs to the law.
38:15We will make it a crime.
38:16In short, Mr. Civan is with us tomorrow evening.
38:21Okay, very good.
38:29What's going on? What's the problem?
38:33Boss, there's a new message from the game, from Kadir.
38:35Okay, what does it say?
38:36They took the meeting to a hotel tomorrow morning.
38:49Here's what we're doing, guys.
38:50Melih, you hack the hotel's camera system.
38:53Okay, boss.
38:55Ali, we need your staff clothes.
38:57Count it ready.
38:59Aunt, housekeeping.
39:02Don't take your eyes off Herzog.
39:03Let us know as soon as you suspect anything.
39:08Come on, where's the crocodile?
39:09I'm here, I'm here.
39:13I'm going to cover them up this time.
39:17Oh, this guy.
39:19The guy on the sideboat, the diamond maker.
39:23Let me guess.
39:24You're hungry again, and Melih didn't feed you, huh?
39:28Thank you.
39:29He's a good guy.
39:30Yes, he didn't feed me, so I left.
39:34What happened, what are you doing now?
39:36It doesn't concern you at all.
39:40Actually, it does.
39:43You were on that sideboat that day to steal Herzog's diamonds, right?
39:47Admit it.
39:49I know this isn't a coincidence.
39:51Prove it.
39:52Do you have proof?
39:53Do something other than slandering me.
39:55Show me your proof.
39:56But I have enough proof to put you in jail, right?
39:59Are you really going to put me in jail?
40:00What happened to the thing that makes you think the opposite?
40:03I mean, I don't know.
40:06Maybe it's a common point.
40:10I mean, I don't know if it's a common point with a criminal.
40:13Why would I try to find something like that?
40:16Besides, I did what I had to do.
40:17I kept my word.
40:18You're not going to put me in jail.
40:20I mean, my punishment is a little less.
40:22First of all, thank you.
40:24You're ruthless.
40:28If you leave this blue room again, I'll lock you up.
40:33Melih, thank you.
40:42Why is it still blue?
40:44It's because of the dress, right?
40:45What does it have to do with anything?
40:47The woman's name is Blue.
40:48Ece, Blue Yilmaz.
40:49Don't be crazy.
40:50What's going on?
40:58Come on, what's going on?
40:59Come on, Ali.
41:00I'm wearing it, boss.
41:01Son, stop.
41:02I'll beat you.
41:07Ready, boss.
41:10Ready, boss.
41:12Okay, come on.
41:13We're going over the plan for the last time.
41:15You're in reception.
41:16Aunt, you're a cleaning officer.
41:18The corridor is yours.
41:22You're going to stay in the bathroom.
41:23When the guy gets in...
41:24I'm going to whisper in his ear.
41:33I know where I am, boss.
41:34I'm on the bus with the outside door.
41:37You're not on the field.
41:38You're taking your job very lightly.
41:40All our coordination is entrusted to you.
41:42So get a grip.
41:47When it comes to you...
41:50Do I have to say what's going to happen in the slightest mistake?
42:00Come on, everyone to their positions.
42:02I'll take care of breakfast.
42:04I'll catch up with you.
42:05I hope so.
42:10Don't be shy.
42:13Sit down.
42:15Sit down.
42:20What are we going to do?
42:21I'm so bad.
42:22What if we miss something?
42:23What if they find out we're not in love?
42:25What if they find out we're not in love?
42:30What are you doing early in the morning?
42:33Please calm down first.
42:37How many years do you think I've been sleeping?
42:39I don't know.
42:40Three or five years, I guess.
42:43I was wandering around the organization yesterday.
42:45I entered a room.
42:47Do you know what was in that room?
42:49All the robberies I've done so far.
42:51They hung me on the walls.
42:53They hung you on the walls?
42:55And they did a lot of research.
42:58I said, what am I?
42:59What have I done all alone?
43:02What do you mean all alone?
43:07Honey, it's you and me.
43:08We're not alone, of course.
43:11Onur hung me on the wall.
43:13He never solved this case.
43:15The only case he couldn't solve was me.
43:17He hung me on the wall.
43:18He hung me on the wall in every way.
43:21Ece, come on.
43:23He'll tie you up for three or five years.
43:25He won't stay there.
43:26He'll follow me.
43:27What are we going to do?
43:28Calm down.
43:29Would I let you follow me?
43:30Ece, we're here.
43:31If you're nervous, don't be nervous.
43:33You're my love.
43:34You're my love.
43:35I love you.
43:46We're here.
43:50How are you?
43:52I'm Musti Hilal.
43:53Nice to meet you.
43:54My love.
43:55Why did we meet here?
43:58Surprise, honey.
43:59I planned a beautiful day.
44:00You know what?
44:01I'll call Onur.
44:02I'll fix my relationship with him.
44:04That would be great.
44:07Let's go.
44:09Come on, honey.
44:10Come on.
44:21Since we're here, I'll call Onur.
44:23He should come before it's too late.
44:25You call him.
44:35Hi, Onur.
44:36How are you?
44:37How are you?
44:38I'm fine.
44:39Thank you.
44:40We went to that place.
44:42We didn't like it.
44:44There's a beautiful hotel next to it.
44:46We came there.
44:47It has a pool.
44:48We wanted to swim in the pool.
44:50Come here.
44:56What pool?
44:57What are you trying to do?
45:00Don't shout.