• last year
Shortland Street 7967 19th July 2024


00:00Previously on Shortened String
00:02There's no record of the illegal transplant in the system.
00:05It's up to me to put it there.
00:06He's decided not to report you.
00:07Do you understand how much of a big deal this is for him to break the rules?
00:10Leading man material.
00:11Well I am done.
00:12Done with me enabling you.
00:14I'm loving Edie.
00:15I think I've found my happy place.
00:16You two look brilliant together.
00:17Drew doesn't need to be worried, does she?
00:18Edie is not the place for her right now.
00:20She should be operating.
00:21That's her happy place.
00:22You have been promoted upstairs.
00:23I will miss you.
00:24Phil, you've been so amazing.
00:31Well, it's a promotion.
00:33You didn't want to tell me first in private?
00:35I thought it might be a nice surprise.
00:37I just feel like I've done something wrong.
00:39Not at all.
00:40But you like it here in Edie?
00:42Yeah, it's my happy place.
00:46It doesn't remind you of your hire?
00:48No, why would it?
00:50I mean, it's a job that I love.
00:52So you're over everything?
00:54A hundred percent.
00:55Why? Has someone said something?
00:58Nothing bad.
00:59Just concerned for you.
01:01What did she say?
01:03Edie's a pressure cooker.
01:04It's really fast.
01:05Yeah, that's why I like it.
01:06Well, you can't let it affect you personally, though.
01:09I don't.
01:11You're a good surgeon.
01:12You have a lot of potential.
01:13Thank you.
01:14And I want you to rebuild your confidence in theatre.
01:16You're not going to let me stay here, are you?
01:18Drew's a good teacher.
01:19You already know this.
01:20Drew's amazing.
01:22You're right.
01:23It's a good move.
01:25You're right.
01:26It's a good move.
01:29I knew it.
01:36That looks delicious.
01:38It's terrible.
01:46Okay, yeah.
01:47Need some salt and some tomato sauce.
01:50A whole bottle.
01:51Oh, God.
01:52It's not that bad.
01:55I should have known the pirate novel was trite garbage.
01:57Do you know how much they offered me for it?
01:59They accepted it.
02:01I mean, of course they did.
02:04Look, art is subjective, and you know what they say?
02:07One man's trash is another man's treasure.
02:10No, that's...
02:11I didn't mean...
02:12Like, I meant that it was trash.
02:14Hey, I bet it's great.
02:15I can't wait to read it.
02:17Well, it's never going to see the light of day again.
02:19I'm going to throw it into the river along with myself.
02:21Okay, calm down, Virginia Woolf.
02:23I'd like to read it.
02:24I haven't read a book I haven't liked.
02:26I'm sorry, Madonna, that just won't be possible.
02:29But you let Selena read it.
02:31Yeah, something I deeply regret.
02:38Okay, what was that about?
02:41Should I just order us something?
02:43Maybe some pizza?
02:44No, don't do that.
02:46Thaddeus makes another bad decision, right?
02:48Like trying to channel an unwieldy muse onto the page.
02:53It's about her.
02:55No, it's not.
02:56Oh, my God!
02:58You're wrong. It's not about...
02:59The low bun? The tight walk?
03:01Well, Madonna's walk is stiff. I wouldn't call it tight.
03:04No, it's totally her.
03:06She's headstrong, devout, short.
03:10It's not her.
03:11But it is, Thad, and I see it.
03:14And that's the part that really shines.
03:18The way that you write about her, her good heart.
03:23If you breathe one word of this to Madonna,
03:25I will never speak to you again, I swear.
03:28Okay, I'm sorry to rock the boat.
03:39You shouldn't be here.
03:40Oh, you're telling me off for me making your life easier.
03:43I just thought you'd be with your mother.
03:46Um, you have shifted Phil to surgical, yeah?
03:50And who's going to be her replacement in ED?
03:56No more questions?
03:58I'm good.
04:00Moira probably needs your support.
04:02I do not need to be with her every second she is a grown woman.
04:07I just...
04:08I mean, she probably doesn't need me to be, like, hovering.
04:12Yeah, I get it.
04:13I mean, Marty's been on the edge of his seats since I recovered.
04:15Well, Marty is your husband.
04:16It's his literal job to worry about you.
04:18Oh, and I can't worry about you as your boss?
04:21Should you be here with your weak little heart?
04:23You need to go lie down.
04:24Yeah, okay, I get it.
04:26Look, I promise not to wrap you in cotton wool
04:28if you promise to never mention Moira again.
04:31Like, ever.
04:33She's my mother.
04:34Nothing I can do to change that.
04:43Hey, you.
04:44You're late.
04:46What are you going to do?
04:47Send me away?
04:48I'm supposed to be celebrating.
04:49Celebrating what?
04:51You got a promotion.
04:52You got me kicked out.
04:53Don't even try to deny it.
04:55So, congratulations to you for using your power to mess with my career.
05:00I was trying to help you.
05:02You don't want me in your orbit.
05:03That is not it.
05:04Don't lie to me.
05:05Okay, let me explain.
05:08Esther already told me you think I'm struggling,
05:10so you don't need to go over it again.
05:12But thanks for making me look incompetent.
05:13Esther is moving you upstairs because you're talented.
05:16Yeah, I know I am.
05:17So what is the issue?
05:18The issue is I don't like being passed around.
05:20I didn't choose it.
05:21You did.
05:22Phil, you got a promotion.
05:23Anyone else would be thrilled.
05:24Yeah, people keep telling me that.
05:26So why are you moaning?
05:27Because you sent me straight into the arms of your husband.
05:31Esther's thrilled for him to be mentoring me again,
05:33spending time with me,
05:34so he's going to be all up in my life 24-7.
05:39Well what?
05:41You can't even admit you're wrong.
05:44I didn't know you were such a control freak,
05:46but hey, good to know.
06:00That's not her name.
06:01Well, what is it?
06:03You sure?
06:06Flora, no wonder she never talks to me.
06:11It's getting to be a habit, having breakfast out.
06:16I mean, it's good that you're getting out and about,
06:18mingling with the common people,
06:19and this is a pretty good place to have business meetings, yeah?
06:23What business meetings?
06:24You know, Brook Freeman, all those head honchos.
06:29If you don't want to work at Shortland Street,
06:30you have to do something else.
06:32You can't just sit in the cafe all day.
06:34I do things.
06:35Like what?
06:36Walking to the deli, watching Housewives of Ferndale?
06:41Table for two, please.
06:42Sure thing.
06:43Thank you, Janine.
06:46I mean it.
06:47We need to find something for you to do,
06:48something real and useful.
06:55Tate, hurry up.
06:57Can you slow down?
06:58Not all of us are built for the runway.
06:59I've got work to do.
07:00You are going to go see Moira, right?
07:03And she starts dialysis today, doesn't she?
07:05Yeah, I guess.
07:06She's going to be okay, don't worry.
07:08I know.
07:09So what's wrong?
07:13Oh, nice.
07:17So we're taking you two back to square one?
07:19I don't want to talk about it.
07:20Yes, you do.
07:21You always do.
07:22No, seriously.
07:23There's nothing to say.
07:24It's done.
07:25I've heard that before.
07:27I give it a wink.
07:28He met my mother.
07:30No one sticks around after that.
07:31Well, he doesn't want to date her.
07:32He wants to date you.
07:34Okay, we are done.
07:35Can we please just go to work?
07:40Tell him.
07:41Chris can do what he wants.
07:43Thank you.
07:44Who made you boss of people?
07:45I don't want him going backwards, bored out of his mind, playing that game all day.
07:49He's sitting right there.
07:51He can hear everything.
07:52I don't care.
07:53How about a holiday?
07:54Oh, now you're talking.
07:57Do a world trip.
07:58You know, go see the kids.
07:59Sass, Finn, Trinity, and what's his name?
08:04They'd love to see their old man.
08:05I thought I might take up a hobby.
08:12Don't touch it.
08:13Step back, please.
08:15Get your first aid kit.
08:16Can we move her?
08:18The shard looks like it's embedded in the corded artery.
08:21I'll call an ambulance.
08:22Janine, it's Chris.
08:23I'm a doctor.
08:24I'm going to take care of you.
08:27Now, I just need you to lie very still.
08:30Hello, ambulance, please.
08:32That's it.
08:35Oh, the CEO herself.
08:38Just checking in.
08:40Well, you're kinder than my daughter.
08:42Monique hasn't been in?
08:44Well, I'm sure she'll be here soon.
08:46I doubt that.
08:47No, I just spoke to her last night.
08:49She seemed to think that maybe you needed a little time for yourself.
08:52A bit of time for myself.
08:54Is everything okay?
08:56Oh, no, fine.
08:57It's just typical Monique.
08:58She's probably worried about my ordeal.
09:02She's easily overwhelmed, always has been.
09:04Well, I can let her know that you asked after her.
09:06Oh, no, no.
09:07No need.
09:08She'll be in once she's done with the dramatics.
09:11She seemed fine last night.
09:13Well, I know her better than you,
09:15and she's clearly making this all about herself.
09:18I'm the one stuck in the hospital bed.
09:20You'd think a bouquet of flowers or a hello from your only child
09:23wouldn't be too hard.
09:24Yeah, well, I'm sure we can arrange that.
09:26Only if it's not too much trouble.
09:28I don't want to be a pain.
09:31I've got my potties all loaded up for tonight.
09:33Can't wait to go home, snuggle up.
09:35Whose potty?
09:36We've talked about this in that podcast.
09:38He knows.
09:39What's the podcast about?
09:41True Crime.
09:42Ooh, sounds grim.
09:43No, just try one.
09:44I'll send a link.
09:45Nah, best not.
09:46I'm very sensitive.
09:47I scare easily.
09:49You joined the paramedics now, Warner?
09:51This is Janine.
09:52She fell and hit her head.
09:53Glass shard in her neck.
09:54Moderate blood loss.
09:55Any room in resuscitation?
09:57I can take her straight up to radiology.
09:58We'll take her from here, mate.
09:59I was first on the scene.
10:00I've studied the angle of the shard.
10:01I just need to get her x-rays done.
10:02Grab a bed.
10:03Yeah, just wait.
10:04Thank you for everything you've done.
10:05Chris, but we can take it from here.
10:06Call the theatre manager.
10:07Theatre 6.
10:09I'm not leaving this patient.
10:10Don't even try kicking me out.
10:11Um, resuscitation's free.
10:12Let's go.
10:13Dad, I win!
10:14Only because I let you.
10:15Hey, I've got to go.
10:26Hey, um, you two, I just need to have a quick chat to Phil.
10:30So could you go and buy something?
10:32Anything I want?
10:34Healthy options only, and you monitor the lab.
10:41You're courageous, handing over your card.
10:43Yeah, it's just easier that way sometimes.
10:45Bad, I know.
10:46Lovely kids.
10:49You're different with them.
10:51I just mean that you're a lot of things to a lot of people.
10:55Look, I'm sorry.
10:57Which part?
10:59Interfering with your career.
11:01So you're going to go tell Esther you made a big mistake?
11:04I still think it's a good move for you.
11:06You're the boss.
11:07Hey, don't start that.
11:08I'm not.
11:09But it's true.
11:10You're part of management, so I go where you tell me to.
11:12So you're not angry anymore?
11:16Okay, so what's wrong then?
11:17You don't know me.
11:19Harper, you don't want to know me because it's easier for you.
11:21Okay, that is not true.
11:23It is, because if you did know me, you wouldn't mess with my career because you're scared.
11:34Please come back to ED.
11:36No, I'm very happy in my department.
11:38We miss you.
11:40That's all.
11:41And you know, systems, they are really smooth at the moment.
11:44Tell the truth.
11:46The place is leaving.
11:47I barely have time to think.
11:48I'm sending thoughts and prayers.
11:51Eddius, your flatmate is being mean to me.
11:54I don't believe that for a minute.
11:56Actually, while I've got you, what's up with the delay from the pharmacy?
12:00My team is going as fast as they can.
12:02Well, I need you to go faster.
12:03Rushing is when mistakes happen.
12:05Oh, come on. Surely you can help out a neighbour.
12:09Not you, her.
12:10Who, me?
12:12It had to be done. I must finish.
12:15Get back. It's my manuscript.
12:17I am fascinated. I have to finish it.
12:19I'm fascinated. I have to know how it ends.
12:21Madonna, please.
12:22You gave Selina...
12:23You ask too much of me. I can't give you what you want.
12:26I am finishing this story.
12:28I'm sorry, Maeve. We shouldn't air our dirty laundry at work like that.
12:32Oh, no. Don't mind me.
12:34Yeah, finish your tea, Maeve Mullins.
12:42It's none of your business.
12:44Of course it is if it's happening in my hospital.
12:46I am busy.
12:47Come on.
12:48Can I please just get on with my job?
12:49Why would I need you?
12:50You promised you'd never say her name.
12:52I know it's hard.
12:53You don't know for how dear you say that.
12:55OK. I don't, but I'd like you to tell me.
12:58It's not what you think.
13:00All I saw was a distressed mother who wants to see her daughter.
13:03And you do not know her.
13:05What family's hard?
13:06But she needs you.
13:08She said that, did she?
13:09She didn't have to.
13:10That's a no.
13:13Patient recovery is a lot faster when they have support.
13:16You have no idea how much of myself I have given her.
13:19And the hell that she puts me through.
13:20Come on.
13:21She's vulnerable.
13:22Are you two done?
13:24Believe me, I understand difficult parents.
13:26But sometimes it's easier to grin and bear it,
13:28especially in moments like this.
13:30Cool. That might work for you, but I am done.
13:32She is responsible for herself.
13:34OK, you're not working?
13:36Until you go and see her.
13:37Are you kidding me?
13:38No, I'm not.
13:39You'll get this back after you go and see her.
13:41She's manipulating both of you, yeah?
13:45Hold bus, T.
13:47Views show the depth of the shard to be at least three centimetres.
13:50Yeah, I've read the notes. Thank you.
13:52I've asked for theta-6.
13:53I heard.
13:54I was first on the scene, so I'm scrubbing it.
13:56No, you're not.
13:57I did try to tell her.
13:58I have assessed her throughout her admission.
14:00I don't care.
14:01Another surgeon will scrub it.
14:02You know, I am more than capable of doing this.
14:04Do I?
14:06I'm sorry, but you don't work here.
14:09You're right.
14:11I'll hand over on the way.
14:16You can let go now. They've got her.
14:18I know that.
14:19OK, I'm sorry.
14:20You're just doing your job.
14:22Well, it used to be your job.
14:24But she's going to be fine and you'll get free lattes at Lola's for the rest of your life.
14:29So you can go home now.
14:32Yeah, I will.
14:33Thank you.
14:43I need to sort this.
14:44Oh, great. Another thing you need.
14:46But this has gotten bigger than I thought.
14:48So you got rid of me?
14:49Well, I was scared.
14:50Of what?
14:51Harper, you've always been in control of everything.
14:54I'm losing my family.
14:56I would never take you away from your kids.
14:58Just that.
14:59Don't you think I've earned the right to have a bit more trust?
15:03I feel stuck between you and my family.
15:07That makes me feel great.
15:09No, hey.
15:10Let go.
15:12Someone might see.
15:13I don't care.
15:14I was scared of losing you.
15:16That's why I moved you.
15:19If you're mad at me, say what you want. It's selfish. I know.
15:21You did it to protect us.
15:24You could have just told me that.
15:26Yeah, probably.
15:29I don't want to lose you either.
15:38Well, look who decided to show up.
15:41Can't stay long?
15:42Oh, no.
15:43We wouldn't want you to feel like you were enabling me.
15:46How are you?
15:47Well, much better now you're here.
15:49Just had my dialysis.
15:53Could we have a moment alone, please?
15:55Of course.
15:59Quit it.
16:01Quit what?
16:02Quit manipulating people into thinking you're a victim.
16:04What are you talking about? I'm not manipulating anyone.
16:06Esther literally took my laptop off me until I saw you.
16:08Don't be a brat.
16:09I'm serious.
16:10You need to stop messing around and realise what's important.
16:12And what is that?
16:13I'm all you've got.
16:14Oh, yes. You tried to make sure of that, didn't you?
16:17How can you be so cruel?
16:18Look, I have never wanted to hurt your mother.
16:21But I am allowed my own life outside of the chaos you cause.
16:24And I will never have that as long as I am looking after you.
16:27So you'd push me out?
16:28I have to.
16:29You really want me gone then?
16:32Yes, I do.
16:34What about my dialysis?
16:36I don't want to go through that alone again, Monique.
16:40My monster, please.
16:42You're doing it. You're doing it again.
16:44No, I am not. This is real.
16:47I'm... I'm... I need you and I'm... I'm afraid.
16:50Please, sweetheart.
16:53You ungrateful, spiteful, nasty little...
16:55I want you out by the end of the day.
16:56You don't care where I go?
16:58You don't care if I die?
17:00I will call the police and I will tell them about your transplant.
17:04I mean it.
17:14Oh, hey. Have you seen Billy?
17:16Oh, I thought you were supposed to be looking after them.
17:18I can't find them anywhere.
17:20Oh, maybe they're in the fridge.
17:22Or on the moon.
17:24Could have taken me for a ride.
17:27There's my Billy.
17:29Oh, you gave yourself away, silly.
17:31They're bored.
17:33Are you able to take them outside for a bit?
17:35Give them a run around?
17:36Yeah, yeah, sure.
17:38No, because she has to talk to Phil again.
17:41What's with the attitude, champ?
17:43She's always talking to Phil.
17:45Good. That means better care for our patients.
17:48Isn't that right, Harper?
17:50Yes, that is right. Lots of talking.
17:53But she's always talking to Phil.
17:55That's not true.
17:57It is. And I don't like Phil.
18:01Hey, she's a friend of ours.
18:03It's not polite to talk like that.
18:06Hey, Esther's looking for me. Sorry, I can't take the kids right now.
18:11Oi, oi.
18:13What's got into him?
18:14Oh, I don't know. He's tired and bored.
18:16Do you think we're giving them enough time?
18:18I mean, here we are playing tag, babysitting at work.
18:20OK, well, we don't have any more hours in the day.
18:22It's really not like that.
18:24Yeah, I know.
18:26I don't want our kids to look back and just remember vying for our time.
18:29And I'm not having a go at you. It's on me as well.
18:32You're right.
18:33We need to make time. Family first.
18:45So I finished it.
18:49And it's definitely about me.
18:52No, it's not.
18:53Lady Mary is Catholic.
18:56She has straight dark hair.
18:59She's not tall.
19:01She used to be a nurse, for goodness sake.
19:03OK, so maybe sometimes I take some light inspiration.
19:07Light inspiration?
19:09It's not about you.
19:11Lady Mary crashing her ship and breaking both of his arms?
19:15How stupid do you think I am?
19:17I don't think you're stupid at all, Madonna.
19:22You wrote love scenes, Lady Mary and Cassius.
19:27I would never dream to think of you in such a light.
19:31The thought never even crossed my mind.
19:33It's really not about you. You have to believe me.
19:36OK, my mistake.
19:40But, um, you liked it.
19:43I loved it.
19:45And I might read it again.
19:47You don't mind?
19:48Of course.
19:50Now that I know it's pure fiction?
19:57Hey, has the doctor seen you yet?
19:58OK, won't be long.
20:03Deep down, I just want to say I will always pledge my fealty to you.
20:08Well, you're still co-head of ED, right?
20:10Yeah, but yeah, need to respect Harper too.
20:12Yeah, but now we've got the all-stars team.
20:14What are you talking about?
20:15King Kong, Godzilla, Wonder Woman and Lesbian Storm.
20:19That's you, babe.
20:21King Kong? Who was that?
20:23Chris Warner, of course.
20:24OK, you're not making any sense.
20:26He's on the team now.
20:28So how are you going to feel, bossing him around?
20:30Well, he put in a random member of the public, so he actually doesn't work here.
20:34Oh, you guys don't know.
20:38Maeve, Emmett.
20:41Breaking news.
20:43I've been offered a position in ED and I've accepted.
20:47Esther, make the offer.
20:49Welcome aboard.
20:50Thank you.
20:51Chain of command?
20:52Business as usual.
20:54You're going to love it here, Warner.
20:56Maeve gives feedback at the end of every shift.
20:58Principal Whitley is excellent at stern looks of disapproval.
21:01At this stage, Chris will be consulting, only nothing hands-on.
21:04Oh, a couple of hours a day then, swanning about.
21:06All done. I can do it. It's great.
21:10I look forward to working with you all.
21:12Same goes for us.
21:14Just felt a warm wave of collegial respect wash over me.
21:18Do you guys feel that?
21:19See what I mean?
21:20The egos have landed.
21:22The MVAC up.
21:24I'll take the head injury.
21:25I'll have the next one.
21:26Billy, you're with me in recess.
21:28Billy, check in with me when you're done, yeah?
21:30I'm over here.
21:32Okay, I'm going to need some help here.
21:34Dr. Warner, Whitley Whitley's pregnant and her blood pressure's dropping.
21:37I'm not really sure what to do.
21:39Dr. Warner?
21:42I think she's septic. What do we do?
21:45Uh, yeah, just let me check my notes.
21:51She what?
21:52About an hour ago.
21:53And she asked that her dialysis be at Central's renal unit from now on.
21:57Well, at least she's not ignoring her treatments, no?
21:59I'd like to call her and ask why.
22:00No, she can discharge herself. It is her decision.
22:05Did you know?
22:07Your mother, she's gone.
22:10Really? That's it?
22:11What did you say to her?
22:12Look, you're not going to understand.
22:14Abandoning a parent in a time of need? No, I don't.
22:16Okay, well, you practically live on the other side of the world to your parents.
22:20You have no idea what she is like.
22:22Mine aren't perfect either, but if they needed me, I'd be there in a heartbeat.
22:25Okay, well, I guess that makes me a terrible daughter.
22:28No, I know you love her.
22:30She is toxic.
22:32Wherever she goes, I'm the one picking up all the pieces.
22:35And it has been like that for as long as I can remember.
22:38As a child, I was the responsible one.
22:41I had to put my needs second to her.
22:43So I'm not going to stand here and I'm not going to apologise for protecting myself
22:47because this is my life, okay? So I won't.
22:49So you can call me selfish, you can call me careless, you can call me cruel.
22:52No, Monique, you're none of those.
22:53I'm all of those things. I'm all of them.
22:55Please, please, please just leave me alone, okay?
23:05Wait, you and Naz are finally hooked up?
23:07Yes, actually, we did.
23:09He wants to keep it a secret.
23:11Why doesn't he want anyone to know?
23:13Can you give me the lowdown on Phil?
23:15Emmett's asking questions.
23:17I just don't know why Phil would leave him.
23:19Phil, stop it.
23:20If I've done something wrong, I just want you to come clean with me.
23:25Harper will lose her mind.
23:27You are a sociopath and you should never have come back!
