• last year


00:30I look good.
00:32Yes, beautiful.
00:35I've never been so nervous in my life.
00:38You don't have to.
00:40Look, if you ever feel uncomfortable,
00:42tell me and we'll go.
00:44Thank you.
01:01Bienvenidos, Gabriela.
01:05Muchas gracias por aceptar la invitación.
01:08Gracias por venir.
01:19¿Todo bien?
01:20Así es. ¿Tú? Bien.
01:22Y para acabar, me dijo que iba a prescindir de mis servicios
01:25porque ya no confiaba en mí.
01:26Esa decisión no está en sus manos.
01:28Se lo dije y me contestó.
01:30Me asustó por verse.
01:31Papá, es que es insoportable, de verdad.
01:34Nunca había conocido a alguien tan prepotente
01:37y al mismo tiempo tan inepto.
01:39Te faltó decir ególatra.
01:42Hazme creer que mandó a llamar a la prensa
01:44para vanagloriarse con la captura de Laura Rodríguez.
01:47Por favor, si se llega a filtrar
01:50que la detuvieron unos patrulleros, vamos.
01:52Vamos a quedar ahí ridículos todos.
01:54Si eso pasa,
01:56el fiscal Domínguez se va a arrepentir
01:58de haberlo puesto a cargo del caso.
01:59Deberíamos ampliar nuestra red de investigación
02:02e interrogar a otras personas relacionadas con las prófugas
02:05porque el tiempo pasa y no hemos logrado capturar a nadie más.
02:10¿Cómo no se me había ocurrido?
02:46No, mijita.
02:48Ahorita no puedo darte la receta.
02:51Don Arturo quiso desayunar con su familia en el jardín.
02:55Te contesté de milagro porque vine al baño.
02:58En cuanto me desocupe, te marco.
03:11¿Ya te dijo tu mamá cuándo se va?
03:13No, desde que hablé con ella no la he visto.
03:16Ya ni siquiera sé si se va a ir.
03:18No se tiene que ir, en esto quedamos.
03:20Si hace falta, se lo vuelvo a decir.
03:22No, no lo hagas.
03:23Entre más la presiones va a ser peor
03:25y capaz que por llevarnos la contra decida quedarse.
03:28Yo lo único que quiero es verte bien.
03:31Desde que tu mamá llegó andas de malas
03:34y no era así el Darío que yo conocí.
03:37No puedo negar que mi mamá vino a remover toda mi vida.
03:41Sacó a la luz un pasado que hubiera querido
03:43mantener guardado para siempre.
03:47Ojalá pudiéramos borrar el pasado de un plumazo.
03:51Pero bueno, no nos pongamos melancólicos.
03:53Vas a ver que ahora que tu mamá se vaya
03:55todo va a volver a la normalidad.
03:57Si es que se va.
04:21¿Y este quién será?
04:51Dime que encontraste la maleta.
05:09No, estoy en el cuarto de Charo y aquí no está.
05:11Busca en la despensa, en el closet de blancos,
05:13en las recámaras.
05:15Acuérdate que es una maleta mediana con dos asas
05:17y es de color como naranja entre naranja rosa.
05:20Voy a ver cómo le hago porque está toda la familia
05:22en el jardín.
05:24Tú me dijiste que no iba a estar más que Charo.
05:26Bueno, mientras siguen en el jardín aprovecha, ándale.
05:33Quiero que sepan que estoy muy contento de tener
05:35a mis dos hijos aquí, conmigo.
05:39Pero también estoy encantado de recibir en la casa
05:41a Gabriela e Ismael.
05:43Por cierto, no pensé que venías ya, ¿eh?
05:45Últimamente he estado más soldado de tiempo
05:47porque dejé a Nicolás a cargo del asunto de las prófugas.
05:51Y yo estoy feliz porque así puedes pasar más tiempo conmigo.
05:54De hecho, les tenemos una noticia.
05:58A ver, ¿de qué se trata?
06:00Diles tú.
06:03Estamos pensando en crecer la familia.
06:07Queremos tener un hijo.
06:09Qué bien, los felicito.
06:12No, pues entonces me van a hacer el hombre más feliz
06:14del mundo porque voy a ser abuelo.
06:16Mi hijita, por favor.
06:21Disculpe que haya venido sin avisar,
06:24pero se me ocurrió pasar a saludarla.
06:29¿Tiene tiempo para que conversemos un rato?
06:31Ay, claro, claro que sí, pero siéntese, por favor.
06:35Gracias, por favor.
06:37Y dígame, ¿cómo ha estado?
06:40Pues, con mucho, mucho trabajo.
06:44No hemos avanzado gran cosa en la captura de las presas
06:47que se escaparon del penal de Santiago.
06:49No, debe ser fácil.
06:51Se fugaron muchas, ¿verdad?
06:57¿qué le parece que vamos a tomarnos un cappuccino
07:01y platicamos con calma?
07:02Hay una cafetería muy cerca que tiene unos roles de canela
07:05muy buenos.
07:06¿Ah, sí?
07:09Vamos por esos roles.
07:11¿De acuerdo?
08:08¿Qué pasó?
08:15Me cayó algo en el pie.
08:17Creo que lo tengo roto.
08:20Que no puedo caminar.
08:21Tienes que entrar para que me ayudes.
08:23¿Dónde estás?
08:24Subiendo las escaleras en el segundo cuarto.
08:26Pero apúrate.
08:28OK, voy para allá.
08:29No te muevas.
08:35tengo un libro para ti que me entregó Paco López.
08:38Voy por él antes de que se me olvide.
08:40Te acompaño.
08:47Lo dejé en la sala.
08:50Aprovechando que estamos solos,
08:52¿me podrías decir cuál es el motivo de este desayuno?
08:55Bien, Mara, esperes a centrar la familia.
08:58Supongo que ya estás enterado que Vicente
09:00está viviendo en casa de esa muchacha.
09:02Sí, Florencia me lo dijo.
09:04Entenderás que no me agrada nada
09:06que tengamos que convivir con la hermana de la asesina,
09:09de Juan Pablo.
09:10Pero siempre he pensado que es mejor
09:12tener al enemigo cerca.
09:13Gabriela es una buena persona.
09:15No tuvo nada que ver con lo que hizo su hermana.
09:17Quizá tenga razón.
09:18Pero a mí el solo saber que Vicente anda con ella
09:20me pone muy mal.
09:22Solo a él se le ocurre dejar todo esto
09:24para irse a vivir a un departamento
09:26en la colonia Escandón, por favor.
09:28Espero que pronto se le pase el capricho.
09:30Mientras tanto voy a tener que recibirla
09:32con una sonrisa cada vez que venga.
09:36Ah, mira, aquí está.
09:39¿Regresamos con los demás?
09:40Sí, gracias.
09:53Ay, ¿cómo te tardas?
09:54Ya casi acabo.
09:55Ah, es que no tienes idea
09:56cuánta gente había en la tlapalería.
09:58Bueno, no sabes el susto que me acabo de llevar.
10:01¿Por qué?
10:02Apareció el comandante de la policía
10:03buscando a Marta.
10:04Por poquito y me cacha.
10:06Ay, no me digas.
10:07Bueno, me alcancé a regresar
10:08porque la superiora me vio
10:09y levantó la voz diciendo,
10:12Y me fui de volada.
10:13¿Y él?
10:14¿No te vio?
10:15No, gracias a Dios,
10:16estaba sentado de espaldas.
10:18La superiora se lo llevó quién sabe a dónde.
10:21Buenas tardes.
10:23Hola, mira lo que compré.
10:25Vamos a dejar el piso brillante.
10:27Les agradezco mucho.
10:29¿Y las demás?
10:30Ah, tuvieron que salir.
10:32No me parece justo
10:33que las dejen todo el trabajo de limpieza a ustedes.
10:35Ay, no, no hay problema.
10:37Nos vamos turnando cada día.
10:39Unas hacemos una cosa y otras hacen otra.
10:42Hoy nos tocó a Cecilia y a mí la limpieza.
10:47A ver, ¿qué le parece?
10:55Está buenísimo.
10:57Qué razón tenía.
11:00¿Y usted cómo ha estado?
11:02¿Cómo va la relación con su hijo?
11:04Lamentablemente las cosas no han sido fáciles.
11:07Darío no me perdona que por mi culpa haya muerto su padre.
11:12He entendido que no fue premeditado.
11:16Pero no me cree que fue un homicidio imprudencial.
11:20No lo acepta.
11:22Siente mucha rabia contra mí.
11:25Yo no puedo vivir con su desprecio.
11:28¿Y qué va a hacer?
11:30Me voy a ir a vivir a otro lado
11:32y a buscar un trabajo para mantenerme.
11:34Lamento mucho lo que me está contando.
11:38Jamás me imaginé que su hijo la iba a rechazar.
11:41Usted vio la ilusión con la que yo salí de la cárcel.
11:45Solo quería recuperar el tiempo perdido.
11:48Pero bueno, ya no hablemos de cosas tristes.
11:52Joven, por favor.
11:56¿Qué quiere de tomar?
11:58Yo quiero un café.
12:00Y para mí una Coca-Cola sin azúcar, por favor.
12:07¿Y a usted cómo le va?
12:09Bueno, tampoco a mí me ha ido bien.
12:12Pusieron un nuevo fiscal a cargo del caso de la fuga
12:16y lo voy a decir con todas sus letras.
12:19Es el hombre más bruto y más terco que he conocido en mi vida.
12:23Ha convertido nuestro trabajo en algo insoportable.
12:33Cuánto lo siento, de verdad.
12:36¿Y qué pasó con el fiscal anterior?
12:39Estaba muy a gusto con él, ¿no?
12:41Gracias. Muy, pero muy a gusto.
12:44Usted no sabe cómo lo extraño.
12:47Es juicioso, equilibrado, sencillo.
12:52Todo lo contrario del nuevo fiscal.
12:55Pero una decidió retirarse de este caso para atender otras cosas.
13:04Riquísimo todo. Muchas gracias.
13:06No saben cómo extrañaba los desayunos mexicanos.
13:09Me imagino. Se extrañan cuando uno está fuera del país.
13:12¿Por qué? ¿Cómo son en otros lados?
13:14En la mayoría de los países occidentales el desayuno es muy simple.
13:17Es té con café, a veces con leche, pan tostado con mermelada y pan dulce.
13:22¿En serio?
13:24Sí. Olvídate de los chilaquiles, los huevos a la mexicana,
13:28los molletes, las enchiladas.
13:30La variedad de frutas solamente en México.
13:32Así es.
13:33Charo, ¿me regalarías un poquito más de jugo de tomate?
13:35Claro que sí, por favor.
13:40¡Ay, perdóname!
13:42No me di cuenta. Discúlpame, por favor.
13:45No, no te preocupes. Fue un accidente.
13:47Vamos a mi cuarto para que te cambies.
13:49No, no.
13:50No te molestes, no es necesario.
13:51¿Cómo no? No te puedes quedar así.
13:53Vamos, ándale.
13:54Está bien, gracias.
13:55Perdón, perdón.
13:56No, no pasa nada.
13:59No, no te preocupes.
14:12Aquí estoy.
14:14¿Cómo estás?
14:15Me duele mucho y yo no aguanto.
14:18Tenemos que salir de aquí.
14:19A ver, te ayudo a levantarte.
14:23¿Caminar de brinquita?
14:24Eso, pero...
14:25Así, de brinquita, para que no vayas de aquí.
14:27Muy bien, muy bien.
14:28Por acá.
14:31Vamos al baño, ya.
14:43Pasemos al baño para que te lo des.
14:54Ay, qué pena contigo.
14:56No, no te preocupes, no pasa nada.
14:59Te traigo algo para que te cambies.
15:05Ábrele, ábrele, ábrele.
16:41Hello, Luis.
16:46How are you?
17:00Look, this will look great on you.
17:04I'll leave it here for you to change.
17:09Lisette hurt her foot.
17:11We need you to help us get out.
17:13How can I help you?
17:15Do you have your cell phone?
17:17When you think you're sure we can get out,
17:19send a happy face to Lorena.
17:23I'm going!
17:35You look great!
17:37Thank you.
17:39When you smile, you look like your sister.
17:42I used to appreciate Lorena a lot.
17:44A lot.
17:45I don't understand how from one night to the next
17:48she became a murderer.
17:50Lorena is not a murderer.
17:52What can you tell me? You're her sister.
17:55Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
17:57It's better not to talk about this.
17:58Shall we go? They're waiting for us.
18:10You were right.
18:12Those cinnamon rolls are delicious.
18:16I'd like to invite you again.
18:19I don't think she'll live here much longer.
18:22Let me know where she's going to live and I'll pick her up.
18:25The cinnamon rolls will stay there.
18:31I gave her a card, but if she lost it,
18:34here's another one.
18:36Call me to give me her new address.
18:39You know, I really enjoy your company.
18:43Thank you.
18:44Me too.
18:58Everything okay?
19:00Well, I have to go now.
19:02I need to get to the DA's office.
19:04Let's go.
19:05Wait, don't leave yet.
19:07Even if it seems strange to you,
19:09I wanted to say a few words.
19:12You too, please stay.
19:24I want to take this opportunity to thank you
19:27for having opened up to me
19:30Let's go.
19:38There you are.
19:46I understand that the situation is complex,
19:49but you have made me feel welcome.
19:52Thank you.
19:53Thank you.
19:54Thank you.
19:55Thank you.
19:56Even so, you have made me feel welcome.
19:59Thank you, Mr. Marquez.
20:01You have been very kind.
20:02And thank you, Florencia,
20:04for being so nice to me.
20:06And, Charo,
20:07thank you for making us such a delicious breakfast.
20:12And thank you for sharing with us.
20:15And thank you, my love,
20:17for making me very happy.
20:23can I give you a hug?
20:26Thank you.
20:29I want you to know
20:30that you will always be welcome in this house.
20:32Right, dear?
20:33It's your house.
20:35Thank you.
20:36You are wonderful.
20:46are you always leaving?
20:47Yes, dear.
20:49When the time is right, I will hurry.
20:52Why do I stay in this house anymore?
20:55Yes, the only thing my son does is reject me.
20:57Besides, Carmen also asked me to leave.
21:00What is that woman doing?
21:01I'm going to talk to her.
21:02No, no, please don't.
21:04This is not about Carmen,
21:05but about Dario and me.
21:08It's better for everyone that I leave.
21:10It seems to me that you are rushing.
21:12Dario is still very hurt
21:13because of what happened years ago.
21:16Give him a chance to heal.
21:18That's why I have to leave him.
21:21Without hoping that one day he will forgive me.
21:24It hurts me a lot to leave,
21:25but not so much as to continue allowing him to mistreat me.
21:29And where are you going to go?
21:30I'm going to look for a pension.
21:32No, but how, how are you going to live in a pension?
21:35Having a tremendous house.
21:36The house is the least I care about.
21:39I was so excited
21:40to recover the time lost with my son,
21:43but being here everything becomes very difficult.
21:47Well, if you are leaving, so are we.
21:49Why are we not going to leave you alone?
21:50No, no, for no reason.
21:53You have a job here
21:55and a safe place to live.
21:57Don't forget that you are fugitives.
21:59I am free.
22:00I have papers.
22:02I can get a job.
22:03But you are still looking for it.
22:05Commander Rojas was here and he just told me.
22:09Yes, yes, Monse told me.
22:11And he is desperate
22:13because he has not been able to catch the fugitives.
22:16Soon he will see Monse.
22:18And if you had arrived,
22:19only God knows what would have happened.
22:22I'm very worried about leaving you alone.
22:25Promise me you won't expose yourself
22:28and don't do anything to get Dario in trouble.
22:33I promise you.
22:35I take very special care of Lorena.
22:38She is so determined to prove her innocence
22:41that she risks a lot.
22:42And if she is discovered,
22:44she will take them all between the legs.
22:47Don't worry.
22:48I will take care of her.
22:52But nothing will be the same without you.
22:54I will miss you too, but I have to go.
22:57But don't worry, we'll be seeing each other.
22:59I love you very much.
23:10I love you very much.
23:11I love you too.
23:16Grandma, do you want to play in Chemita's kitchen?
23:18We can win new...
23:23Why are you packing?
23:26I'm leaving you alone so you can talk.
23:33Are you leaving?
23:43Where did you hide the suitcase?
23:44In the warehouse.
23:46As soon as I have the opportunity,
23:47I will come to her to get rid of the things.
23:51Did you throw the juice at Gabriela on purpose
23:53because she is the sister of the murderer Juan Pablo?
23:55But how do you think?
23:56I would never do something like that.
23:58Juan Pablito was everything to me,
24:00but I would never hurt anyone in his name.
24:02Well, I'm leaving.
24:05We are in contact.
24:06Yes, of course.
24:11Why, Grandma?
24:12Why do you have to go?
24:14Because I only came a few days of visit.
24:17I can't stay to live here.
24:19Don't lie to me.
24:20Tell me the truth.
24:21You're leaving because you fought with my dad.
24:25The relationship with your dad is not good.
24:28That's why it's better for me to leave.
24:31I don't understand.
24:32Why can't he get along with you?
24:34He doesn't forgive me for leaving him
24:36when I had to go to La Paz to work.
24:38I don't want you to leave.
24:40I really like that you live with us.
24:42But your dad and I can't keep living together.
24:47I'm very sorry, son.
24:49And it hurts me to leave them.
24:51But I have to do it.
24:53I really enjoyed the days I've spent with you.
24:57And I'm very proud to have a grandson
25:01so smart, nice, affectionate, fun and very handsome.
25:07Thank you for teaching me to play video games.
25:10Now I'm a very cybernetic grandmother.
25:13Where are you going to live?
25:15I don't know yet.
25:17But I promise you that as soon as I settle down, I'll let you know.
25:21Because I want to visit you.
25:23I'm going to buy a cell phone
25:25so we can be in touch, okay?
25:35I'm going to miss you a lot.
25:37Me too.
25:43Is what you said true?
25:45You are no longer in charge of the case of the fugitives?
25:50That's right.
25:51Why did you do it?
25:55I was demanding too much time.
25:58And I was neglecting important matters.
26:00So you didn't do it for my sister.
26:04What happened between us
26:06has nothing to do with the job I was assigned.
26:09I feel that...
26:11I feel that Lorena didn't mean anything important in your life.
26:15Or you wouldn't be thinking about having a son with Florencia.
26:21I came to think that you were really in love with Lorena like she was with you.
26:25Look, Gabriela.
26:28Now we're going to have to live together.
26:31And the best thing would be
26:33that you never mention your sister again.
26:36Are we leaving?
26:41See you later.
26:43See you.
26:44Have a good day.
26:45You too.
26:52Everything you told Gabriela about you was to put her against you.
26:55I don't understand.
26:57I don't understand how she became a murderer overnight.
27:01What worries me is that Gabriela will believe that you're all good people.
27:05That's what happened to me.
27:06You were very nice to each other and she ended up stabbing you.
27:10I went through the same thing.
27:12Let's hope she doesn't believe you.
27:14Be careful!
27:16I'm sorry.
27:18We have to go get a x-ray.
27:20How could you? We can't go to a hospital.
27:24It's very expensive.
27:27Let's call Eric.
27:29He must know where we can go.
27:34This is good, this is good.
27:37What's up, princess? Did you miss me?
27:40It's Lorena.
27:41Lizette hurt her foot and it hurts a lot.
27:43We have to get a x-ray.
27:44Don't do it.
27:45I'll fly over there.
27:46No, we're not in the oasis.
27:48We're going in a taxi.
27:50She asked me to call you to ask you where I can take her.
27:53Something safe. You understand me.
27:55Yes, yes, of course I understand you.
27:57Tell the taxi driver to take them to the Galvan labs.
28:00They're in the Doctor's Colony.
28:02I'll see you there.
28:12Where are you going with that suitcase?
28:15I'm leaving.
28:16I'm not going to live here anymore.
28:18But why?
28:19This is your house.
28:21I need to stay away from Dario.
28:23We can't keep living under the same roof.
28:26We haven't managed to get along.
28:28Superior, what a shame.
28:31And what do we do?
28:33Keep working.
28:35This is none of your business.
28:37What I do ask of you is that you behave very well.
28:40Don't expose yourselves to being discovered.
28:42Don't get my son in trouble, please.
28:45No, no, don't worry, Superior.
28:47That's how it will be.
28:50We're going to miss her a lot.
28:52Me too.
28:54And do you know where she's going to live?
28:56No, not yet.
28:58But as soon as I know, I'll let you know.
29:01And come visit us.
29:03I will.
29:04Say goodbye to Lorena and Lisette, please.
29:08Thank you for everything, Superior.
29:23I wanted to say goodbye.
29:26So she's leaving.
29:28I'm glad I was right.
29:31Well, it's the best for everyone.
29:33I need you to sign some papers.
29:36It's for the mortgage of the house.
29:40I'm going to take them to read them calmly.
29:43Open a bank account.
29:44When you have a number, give it to me.
29:46And so I can deposit a monthly rent.
29:48No, it's not necessary.
29:50Yes, it is.
29:51It's better to do it that way
29:53so you don't have legal problems in the future.
30:06Here, you're going to need it.
30:08Accept it.
30:09Because no one is going to rent you anything
30:11if you don't pay in advance.
30:14Okay, fine.
30:17Thank you, Eva.
30:20As soon as I have work, I'll give it back to you.
30:29Don't forget me.
30:30Never, never, never, my love.
30:34I'm going to think about you every day.
30:39I love you so much, my love.
30:43You're fine.
30:44Me too.
30:45Take care of yourself.
30:47Take care of yourself, my love.
30:53I love you.
31:01Take care of yourself, son.
31:04And thank you for everything.
31:15She's gone.
31:16You see?
31:18In the end, your mother turned out to be a sensible woman.
31:22Go on.
31:37I love you.
31:53What do you want?
31:54I've told you many times not to call me.
31:56Don't pressure me.
31:57I've never let you down.
32:01Don't call me again.
32:03If you need the laundry service, I'll get it for you.
32:07That technique is like a can.
32:15You're nobody to tell me what to do.
32:27How did you feel about my family?
32:30It's very nice.
32:33I didn't imagine that Florencia would be so nice to me
32:36after what happened at the club the other day.
32:39Apparently, she realized that you're not to blame
32:41for what happened to your sister.
32:48Enjoy your family.
32:51You're very lucky to have it.
32:53You think?
32:56You don't value what you have until you lose it.
32:59I'll stay because I have my parents and my sister with me.
33:04It must have been very difficult for you to be alone.
33:08But now you have me.
33:19Princess, how are you?
33:21It hurts a lot.
33:23Jorge, get a x-ray.
33:25Yes, wait here.
33:26I'm going to ask for a shift to load the store.
33:34I already miss my boss.
33:37Me too.
33:38We're going to miss her a lot.
33:40As soon as we know where she's going to live,
33:42we're going to visit her, okay?
33:43Yes, yes.
33:44Hey, do you know anything about Lorena and Lisette?
33:47Yes, Lore.
33:48She told me that Lisette hurt her foot
33:49and that they were waiting for her to get a x-ray.
33:53No, hey, what if they don't get there by the time the bar opens?
33:56Don't worry.
33:57There's still time for that.
33:59What happened?
34:01Something fell on my foot.
34:03Thank you.
34:04Fortunately, it didn't break.
34:05Let's go, let's go, let's go.
34:06Thank God.
34:07Well, they didn't even find the suitcase they were looking for?
34:11We took a risk and we didn't get it.
34:13Oh, look, I found this.
34:15I don't know if it's useful.
34:20Thank you for what you've done, old lady.
34:22I leave this to you to thank you for everything.
34:25Thank you for what you've done, old lady.
34:27I leave this to you to thank you for saving us.
34:30If it weren't for you, we couldn't be together
34:32and I'll never forget that.
34:35You two are the most important women in my life.
34:38See you tomorrow at the construction company party.
34:40Thanks again, Juan Pablo.
34:43This confirms that the lover is a woman.
34:45Oh, look, and I also took a picture of a photograph
34:49that was in Charo's room.
34:52It's Juan Pablo.
34:53Hey, let's see.
34:55Charo must have loved him a lot to have him in his room.
34:58Well, for some reason they were very close.
35:00Well, they couldn't find the suitcase,
35:02but they made some progress with that, right?
35:04Well, not much.
35:05Just to confirm what we already know.
35:07The Marquez family and Charo are involved
35:09in the murder of Juan Pablo.
35:11What worries me is that Gabriela is already very involved with them.
35:14We found her at home.
35:16She was having breakfast with Vicente.
35:18We found her at home.
35:19She was having breakfast with Vicente and the whole family.
35:22Wow, and could you talk to her?
35:24Yes, by chance.
35:25They stained her dress and Florey took her to change.
35:29She went into the bathroom and there we could barely exchange a few words.
35:32Oh my God.
35:34No, thanks to Gabriela we were able to get out
35:36because with the house full of people and me with the bad foot,
35:39we didn't know what to do.
35:41She told us when she saw the freeway.
35:43But if there were people in the house, why the hell did they get in?
35:46Because we realized when we were already inside.
35:48I thought they were going to be at the construction site.
35:51If they had discovered them, we would have all gone back to jail.
35:54Well, yes, but thank God it didn't happen.
35:57What worries me is Gabriela.
35:59That family is not to be trusted.
36:01They can do a lot of harm and she is increasingly involved with them.
36:04Well, yes, but if she is in love with Vicente,
36:06it will be very difficult for you to take her away from them.
36:08I know, but I can't sit idly by.
36:11But don't do any more crazy things, please.
36:14That's what the superior asked me before leaving.
36:16That we take care of each other,
36:18that we don't forget that we are fugitives and that they are looking for us.
36:21What do you mean the superior left?
36:23Oh, yes, Dario asked her to leave the house.
36:25That's right, Gacho.
36:27I told her that we would all go with her,
36:29but the superior said no,
36:31because finally she does have papers.
36:34What's up, Veronica? How are you?
36:36Very well, and you?
36:37With a lot of work.
36:39I imagine.
36:40But wouldn't you give yourself a little escape to see us?
36:45I'm going to go with some friends to Azucar.
36:47Do you want to come?
36:49So you can relax for a while.
36:52Yes, of course, I love that place.
36:54I know.
36:55Well, I'll see you there.
37:01Is beautiful.
37:02Do you know her?
37:03I know her.
37:04That's why I thought of inviting you.
37:06Very good idea!
37:07See you there.
37:10Builder Caracas
37:23How's your friend doing?
37:25We took her x-ray
37:26and fortunately her foot is only inflamed.
37:30I'll be able to support you in a few days, but that's it.
37:32I almost had a heart attack when I saw you in the bathroom.
37:35You can't be putting yourself at risk like that.
37:37I never imagined there would be a breakfast
37:39just today at the Marques' house.
37:41We thought we'd only find Charo.
37:43I'm so worried about you.
37:46I know you want to find, at all costs,
37:48something that proves your innocence,
37:50but please, be very careful.
37:52I will. Don't worry.
37:56I wanted to tell you that I heard the conversation
37:57you had with Florencia.
37:59You must be very careful with that family.
38:01They're very manipulative.
38:03They treated me wonderfully when I worked with them.
38:06Vicente is different. I swear.
38:09I trust that I don't have to go through what you did.
38:12Don't be naïve, Gaby, please.
38:14It's not naivety.
38:16I love you a lot, but we're very different.
38:18You're involved with very bad people
38:20who pretend to be kind and good,
38:22and those are the worst.
38:24Get out of there.
38:25Please, don't insist.
38:27I just want us to be fighting over this.
38:30Who are you talking to?
38:32Hello? Hello?
38:36I'm asking you who you were talking to.
38:40Answer me!
38:42Why won't you tell me who you were telling
38:44that you love him very much?
38:46Are you seeing someone else?
38:47No, of course not. How could you?
38:49Then tell me who you were talking to.
38:53What are you hiding from me?
38:55I'm sorry, but I can't tell you.
38:58No, wait!
39:02I'm going out to get some fresh air.
39:18I don't know why he hung up.
39:20We have to go.
39:21I'll see you tomorrow at the park.
39:23We always meet at 11.
39:33This is the newspaper's newsroom.
39:36The bed has blankets.
39:37There's a change of sheets and a pair of towels in the closet.
39:41That's fine with me. I'll take it.
39:43You have to pay me in advance for a month.
39:45Of course.
39:47Here you go.
39:49I'm sorry. Here you go.
39:51The bathroom is at the end of the corridor.
39:55Thank you. Have a good night.
39:57Thank you. You too.
40:04There you are.
40:06What happened to you?
40:08I went to deposit money in my dad's account,
40:10and when I got there, he was already dead.
40:13He was already dead?
40:15I went to deposit money in my dad's account,
40:17and when I got out of the truck, I hit my foot in a hole.
40:21That's bad luck. Where did they treat you?
40:23In the labs in the south.
40:25I'm sorry I won't be able to attend the tables,
40:28but I'm still in charge of the music.
40:30Yes, that's fine.
40:31Thank you.
40:33Put your foot up. That will help you get rid of the swelling.
40:36Yes, I'll read it.
40:38Let's go, let's go. Be careful.
40:40I can't believe Gabriela doesn't have any more family.
40:44Not even her sister's killer.
40:47Some aunt, cousins, I don't know.
40:50Believe it.
40:51She won't be the first or the last person to be alone in the world.
40:54I just hope it's not a wolf with sheep's skin,
40:57like Lorena.
40:59I say this for Vicente's sake. I see him so in love.
41:02Boss, you're going to have to tolerate it.
41:05Even if it's a torture for me,
41:07I can't help but think every time I see her
41:10that her sister killed Juan Pablo.
41:13I still remember the first day she came to the office
41:16and she looked so bad.
41:18Unable to hurt anyone.
41:21There's no doubt that appearances can be deceiving.
41:24Could you stop talking about Lorena?
41:27I'm going to make some tea.
41:41Hello, how are you?
41:43Very well, lawyer Castillo.
41:45I'm outside.
41:47Are you busy or can I come in?
41:50I'll open right away.
41:57Oh, thank you!
42:01After a busy day at work, a beer is a must.
42:05And what's this?
42:07The shirts you lent me when I was sleeping.
42:10Washed and ironed.
42:12Well, thank you.
42:14I'm going to put them away.