Episod 596 My #QuranTime 2.0 Rabu 31 Julai 2024 Surah Al-A'raf (7: 164-166) Halaman 172
Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-A'raf ayat 164-166 halaman 172 ini adalah:
* Golongan yang menghina dan mengejek orang yang memberi nasihat (164)
* Keadaan Bani Israel yang mengabaikan peringatan dan melanggar syariat (165-166)
Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 164-166 halaman 172:
* Tidak putus asa memberikan teguran dan nasihat yang baik (164)
* Berani cegah kemungkaran dan tetap kuat semangat harungi cabaran dakwah (165)
* Tetap pendirian dan tidak terpengaruh dengan ajakan buruk (166)
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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-A'raf ayat 164-166 halaman 172 ini adalah:
* Golongan yang menghina dan mengejek orang yang memberi nasihat (164)
* Keadaan Bani Israel yang mengabaikan peringatan dan melanggar syariat (165-166)
Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 164-166 halaman 172:
* Tidak putus asa memberikan teguran dan nasihat yang baik (164)
* Berani cegah kemungkaran dan tetap kuat semangat harungi cabaran dakwah (165)
* Tetap pendirian dan tidak terpengaruh dengan ajakan buruk (166)
Untuk menonton episod sebelum ini, sila klik di link berikut:
YouTube: https://bit.ly/mqt2youtube
Ep 1-500: https://bit.ly/mqt2facebook
Ep 501-1000: https://bit.ly/mqt2facebook2
Untuk informasi terkini sila Like, Komen laman-laman rasmi kami:
Sumbangan Tabung Gerakan al-Quran boleh disalurkan ke akaun MAYBANK: 5642 7653 8528 rujukan: Tabung Quran atau terus ke website (https://quranhour.onpay.my/order/form/tgq24)
Dapatkan buku-buku Nota My #QuranTime secara online di: https://myqurantime.org/merchandise/ atau Whatsapp 019-229 7227 (Isnin-Jumaat 9pg-5ptg).
My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00The story of the Ashabat Sussabt is an important story to be a guide for us on how to respond
00:25to individuals or groups that do not follow the rules of Allah SWT.
00:32However, there is one side that feels that what am I denying because of the sins of each grave.
00:40How is the establishment for the people of heaven that refers to Surah Al-A'raf, we will follow the discussion in this episode.
01:25Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Sur
01:55Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Surah Al-A'raf, Verse 2, Kuran
02:14infa' kepada hari ini. Sama-sama kita ingin mendalami tiga ayat, yaitu ayat yang ke 164, 165 dan 166
02:22daripada surah Al-A'raf, surah yang membekalkan panduan untuk kita terus membina pendirian sebagai
02:28ahli syurga. Dan pada hari ini kita akan membaca tiga ayat ini bersama al-Fadil Ustaz Thirmiri Ali.
02:33Apa khabar Ustaz?
02:34Baik, alhamdulillah. Syafi'ah berkampung kita hari ini.
02:37Ayat macam mana hari ini? Ayat-ayat ini?
02:38Hari ini, kita baca dulu, Ustaz. Nak tengok macam mana apa yang disampaikan.
02:43Salah satu daripada interaksi dengan Qur'an ini, walaupun kita pernah terdabur, kita pernah dengar,
02:49kita anggap bahwa saya serah diri, dengar dulu, jangan ada apa-apa, karena di situ nanti akan ada
02:56kejutan demi kejutan datang daripada mu'jizat Allah SWT. Jadi kita mulakan, Ustaz.
03:02Tuan-tuan yang berada di rumah, yang berada di studio, dengan doa, subhanakallah.
03:06عِلْمَ لَنَا إِلَّا مَا عَلَّمْ تَنَٓا إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ رَبِّي زِدْنِ عَلْمًا
03:13Amin ya Rabbil Alamin.
03:14Kita saksikan apakah ringkasan bagi tiga ayat pada hari ini.
03:17Bermula pada ayat yang ke-164.
03:19Golongan yang menghina dan mengejek orang yang memberi nasihat dalam peristiwa Ashabus Sabt.
03:26Dan diikuti pada ayat yang ke-165, 166.
03:29Keadaan Bani Israel yang mengabaikan peringatan dan terus melanggar syari'at Allah SWT.
03:35Kita baca dahulu ayat 164 hingga 166 untuk melihat hidayah daripada Allah SWT.
03:43Silakan Ustaz.
03:44Baik. Alhamdulillah.
03:46Tuan Fazrul, penonton-penonton, sahabat-sahabat yang dikasih sekalian.
03:49Syukur pada Allah SWT dapat sama-sama kita meneruskan lagi intisari ataupun hubungan kita
03:57dengan Al-Quranul Karim, hubungan cinta kita.
04:01Kita sentiasa membina, menjalinkan hubungan kita dengan Al-Quran.
04:06Susah nak cari ayat.
04:08Menjalinkan hubungan kita dengan Al-Quran supaya kita rapat dan terus follow rapat-rapat.
04:15Itu ayat Ustaz Fazrul.
04:16Kita follow rapat-rapat Al-Quran.
04:18Dan insyaAllah mana lagi kitab yang sebaik daripada sebanding kitab Al-Quran.
04:23Tidak ada.
04:24Ini adalah kalam Allah.
04:25Hari ini jom sama-sama kita nak fokus ayat 164 hingga 166.
04:31Sama kita hayati bacaan.
04:33Kita melihat apakah kejutan yang seterusnya.
04:36Banyak kejutan dalam kehidupan kita tadi pun.
04:39Kita masuk ke sini pun ada kejutan tapi dengan bahasa isyarat tadi.
04:43Kejutan begitu-begitu.
04:44Oh ingat-ingat silap apa tadi.
04:48Walaupun macam-macam pun kita bimbang.
04:50Kalau kejutan syurga itu Alhamdulillah.
04:52Takut kejutan yang lain dari syurga itu takut juga.
04:54Baik kita hayati bacaan.
04:58Audhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
05:24SadaqAllahul Azeem.
05:54SadaqAllahul Azeem.
06:24SadaqAllahul Azeem.
06:54SadaqAllahul Azeem.
07:04SadaqAllahul Azeem.
07:05Kita bacaan daripada ayat yang ke-164 hingga ayat yang ke-166.
07:10Meneruskan kisah Ashab Sabt.
07:12Iaitu mereka Bani Israel yang terlibat dalam undang-undang tidak boleh menangkap ikan pada hari Sabtu.
07:21Dan ingatlah ketika suatu umat diantara mereka berkata,
07:24Mengapa kamu menasihati kaum yang akan dibinasakan atau diazab Allah dengan azab yang sangat kuat.
07:32Terus respon kepada mereka yang ingkar pada peristiwa hari Sabtu itu,
07:36apabila ada satu kumpulan di kalangan mereka yang tidak terlibat dengan keingkaran tersebut,
07:41bertanya, memberi komentar kepada orang-orang yang memberi nasihat.
07:46Jadi ada tiga golongan.
07:48Yang ingkar, satu orang yang salih, satu lagi adalah orang yang salih yang menegur kepada yang ingkar.
07:55Ada tiga golongan.
07:56Maka orang yang salih ini dia bertanya kepada orang yang teguh.
08:00Buat apa kamu teguh?
08:01Limata'idhuna qawmanillahu muhlikuhum au mu'adhibuhum.
08:06Yang qawman dengan Allah ini memang kita akan belajar nanti.
08:10Jaga baca saja.
08:12Kita fokus pada isinya, yaitu mengapa teguh?
08:17Mengapa memberi nasihat?
08:18Padahal Allah akan hancurkan mereka ataupun akan azab mereka dengan azab yang syadid.
08:25Ini adalah respon daripada orang yang salih tadi itu.
08:28Dia tak terlibat.
08:29Dia tak terlibat dengan kebungkaran tersebut,
08:31tetapi dia rasakan bahawa buat apa nak pergi teguh?
08:34Buat apa nak pergi nasihat kepada kumpulan yang berbuat ingkar tersebut?
08:39Maka orang yang menegur tadi,
08:41yang salih dan menegur tadi menyatakan apa?
08:45ma'adhiratan ila rabbikum
08:47yaitu ia menjadi alasan kepada Tuhanmu.
08:50Jadi ini sebab pertama,
08:52mengapa mereka menegur.
08:54Dan yang keduanya,
08:57agar mereka itu bertakwa.
09:00Moga-moga mereka itu bertakwa.
09:02Jadi sebenarnya apakah yang dipuji dalam ayat ini?
09:05Sebenarnya memang kena teguh.
09:07Dalam hidup kita, kita tidak boleh melihat orang lain buat salah.
09:10Kita rasa kubur masing-masing.
09:12Biarlah lantak dia.
09:13Dia jangan jaga tepi kain orang.
09:15Ini bukan pasal kain ke apa.
09:17Kita bercakap tentang kita.
09:19Kita ini kalau tidak menegur,
09:21kuatir perkara yang tak baik itu akan menjadi satu barah dalam masyarakat.
09:26Dia menjadi normalisasi.
09:28Kita rasa macam mula-mula tak suka,
09:30tapi lama-lama kita kata,
09:32alah biarlah.
09:33Sehinggakan orang yang berbuat maksiat lebih aktif daripada orang yang berbuat
09:38salih ataupun kebaikan.
09:40Dan akhirnya akan terbalik kehidupan yang ada ini dengan diisi perkara-perkara yang maus.
09:46Jadi dalam ayat ini, Allah menegur kepada kumpulan yang mempersoalkan,
09:50yang duduk diam-diam.
09:52Dan dia menyatakan Allah akan hancurkan.
09:55Allah akan azab.
09:56Ataupun orang ini kata,
09:58ini orang liberal ini,
09:59orang kufur ini,
10:00neraka ini.
10:01Itu perkataan-perkataannya.
10:03Dan rupa-rupanya,
10:04ini menjadi satu liability.
10:07Menjadi satu risiko.
10:08Walaupun berbuat baik,
10:09tetapi mengeluarkan perkataan,
10:11biarlah dia dihancurkan,
10:12biarlah dia diazab.
10:14Ini bukan ciri orang yang mulia,
10:17yang diangkat oleh Allah SWT.
10:19Dan lebih daripada itu,
10:21dihujung itu menunjukkan apa?
10:23Orang yang salih,
10:24orang yang berbuat baik,
10:25dia tak boleh baca hati orang.
10:27Taqwa adalah perkara di dalam hati yang hanya boleh diketahui oleh Allah SWT.
10:32Jadi bila mereka kata,
10:34mungkin mereka buat engkar.
10:36Mereka membuat derhaka pada Allah.
10:39Tetapi mungkin satu hari nanti,
10:41bila kita ingat, ingat, ingat,
10:42mereka boleh bertaqwa.
10:44Itu hati mereka.
10:46Biarkan Allah yang uruskan.
10:48Peranan saya adalah untuk menegur.
10:50Jangan terus dihukum dengan azab
10:53ataupun dilabelkan dengan laknat-laknat
10:56yang amat tidak dihargai oleh Allah SWT.
11:01Kita berehat dahulu sebentar.
11:02My Quran Time.
11:03Quran Salah Dinfar.
11:04Quran Salah Dinfar.
11:34Quran Salah Dinfar.
11:37Quran Salah Dinfar.
11:39Quran Salah Dinfar.
11:41Quran Salah Dinfar.
11:43Quran Salah Dinfar.
11:45Quran Salah Dinfar.
11:47Quran Salah Dinfar.
11:51Belajari dan dalami kesempurnaan bacaan mengikut hukumnya.
11:56Fahami dan hayati maksudnya.
11:59Amalkan dan jadikannya sebagai panduan kehidupan.
12:03Bukan hanya kita belajar dalam dapur,
12:05bahkan kita akan belajar tajuid secara mendalam
12:08dan ada segmen hafazan.
12:10Saksikan episode baru My Quran Time 2.0
12:14setiap hari 12.30 hari
12:16di TV9, juga di saluran SRO 149.
12:33Quran Salah Dinfar.
12:35Quran Salah Dinfar.
12:37Quran Salah Dinfar.
12:39Quran Salah Dinfar.
12:41Quran Salah Dinfar.
12:43Quran Salah Dinfar.
12:45Quran Salah Dinfar.
12:47Quran Salah Dinfar.
12:49Quran Salah Dinfar.
12:51Quran Salah Dinfar.
12:53Quran Salah Dinfar.
12:55Quran Salah Dinfar.
12:57Quran Salah Dinfar.
12:59Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:01Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:03Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:05Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:07Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:09Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:11Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:13Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:15Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:17Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:19Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:21Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:23Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:25Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:27Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:29Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:31Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:33Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:35Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:37Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:39Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:41Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:43Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:45Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:47Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:49Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:51Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:53Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:55Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:57Quran Salah Dinfar.
13:59Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:01Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:03Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:05Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:07Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:09Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:11Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:13Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:15Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:17Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:19Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:21Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:23Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:25Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:27Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:29Quran Salah Dinfar.
14:53The first group is those who deny,
14:56do not involve, do not deny and deny.
14:59The second group is those who do not deny but do not deny.
15:03The third group is those who deny the rules of Ashabus Sabt,
15:09i.e. the prohibition to catch fish on Saturday.
15:12So, when we look at this scenario, this story,
15:15in fact, they did not catch it in the beginning.
15:17They did not catch it, they just watched it.
15:19It is like Allah's prohibition to Prophet Adam
15:22to not approach the Asyajarah.
15:25But what happened?
15:27When they were teased by the devil,
15:29they also started to say,
15:32let's try,
15:33let's try to catch it on Friday,
15:35then see if we can catch it on Sunday.
15:38Some tried that.
15:40And when some started to do that,
15:43to do that deception,
15:45and got the fish,
15:47they said, can't we catch it?
15:49They also joined together.
15:50They joined together to catch the fish,
15:53to enjoy the fish from that Saturday.
15:56And this thing was widespread.
15:59It was widespread.
16:00And when they were reproached,
16:02there was a group that said,
16:05what's the point of reproaching?
16:06Because they did a mistake,
16:08they did a sin,
16:09they will be destroyed or punished by Allah SWT.
16:14So, this is stated in verse 164,
16:16what is the effect when the reproach is ignored?
16:21And what is the effect to those who reproach?
16:24Let's read verse 165 together.
16:33Alright, let's read from verse 165.
16:46Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
17:16Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
17:26Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
17:30When they forgot the warning that was given,
17:34Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
17:36i.e. we save those who rebuke,
17:39who forbid evil,
17:41Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
17:49i.e. with a bad punishment,
17:51i.e. there is a punishment,
17:53then a bad punishment.
17:54The bad punishment is longer than the good punishment.
17:56So, if the bad punishment is a terrible punishment,
18:00the good punishment is a long terrible punishment.
18:02Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
18:09Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
18:13Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
18:23Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
18:37Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
18:43Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
18:49Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
19:01Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
19:11Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
19:21Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
19:37Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
19:53Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
20:09Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
20:17Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
20:23Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
20:29Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
20:37Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
20:53Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
21:01Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
21:11Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
21:21Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
21:49Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
21:59Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
22:19Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
22:47Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
22:57Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
23:07Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
23:23Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
23:43Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
24:03Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
24:25Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
24:45Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
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25:23Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
25:37Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
25:49Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
26:05Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
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26:49Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
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27:27Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
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27:57Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
28:17Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
28:37Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
29:05Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
29:17Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
29:29Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
29:57Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 165
30:19Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
30:39Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
30:49Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
31:13Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
31:41Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
32:09Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
32:31Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
32:59Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
33:25Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
33:33Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
34:03Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
34:31Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
35:01Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
35:15Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
35:29Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
35:49Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
36:17Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
36:37Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
37:05Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
37:35Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
37:59Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
38:29Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
38:59Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
39:27Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 166
39:42When there is a disease, is the prayer allowed or not?
39:51This is a common question.
39:55In the early days of COVID-19, most of the mosques were closed.
40:04Not only in Malaysia, but also around the world.
40:08I remember in Egypt, there was a demonstration.
40:11In front of the mosque, people were praying.
40:13Even though the mosque was closed.
40:15Because they were told that congregational prayer is a must.
40:18We have to pray.
40:19Just like the pandemic.
40:21But when we look at the hadith,
40:23if we want to see if there was a pandemic during the time of Rasulullah,
40:28we notice that there was no mention of a pandemic.
40:32But there was an exception in Islam.
40:35We can pray at home.
40:38Even though we were told to pray at home.
41:06In Qur'an Time, we look at verses 164-166.
41:12The events of the companions of the prophet as a study case.
41:15As a case that can be a lesson for us.
41:19That when there is a sharia, a rule from Allah, it cannot be violated.
41:25And for those who disobey, there is a group.
41:28The second group is those who reject.
41:31So Allah saves them.
41:33There is a third group that may not reject.
41:37But they ask the one who rejects,
41:40why do you want to reject?
41:41Because it is possible that this person's sin will be destroyed.
41:45So Ibn Abbas states that, in Tafsir Bawrawi,
41:48the third group that does not reject,
41:51is not commented by Ibn Abbas.
41:53Because if they do not agree with the exception,
41:59then they are also saved.
42:01But if they do not speak,
42:04and even more agree with the oppressors,
42:07committing the sin of disobedience,
42:09then these people will also be oppressed or punished by Allah SWT.
42:15In verse 166, we see,
42:18we read together,
42:20Al-Fatihah al-Satir Mizzi,
42:21what kind of punishment is given to the group that oppresses the rule from Allah.
42:28Verse 166 with Al-Fatihah al-Satir.
42:32Alhamdulillah, we want to read verse 166,
42:35the verse that we just recited.
42:39We will recite it together.
42:58And as for that which they were forbidden,
43:03We said to them,
43:05Be like apes,
43:14But when they rebelled against that which they were forbidden,
43:21We said to them,
43:23Be like apes, lowly.
43:34In verse 166, Allah said,
43:36When they rebelled against that which they were forbidden,
43:43We said to them,
43:47Be like apes, lowly.
43:52This is the explanation of the verse 166.
43:56When they rebelled against that which they were forbidden,
44:01We said to them,
44:02Be like apes, lowly.
44:09As for humans, they are usually in a state of laziness.
44:12This is a disease that is emphasized in Surah Al-A'raf,
44:16so that we do not become lazy,
44:18because we have a purpose to go and meet Allah SWT.
44:22So, when there is a preacher,
44:24when there is a teacher,
44:26when there is a teacher, a mother, a father,
44:28who recites,
44:29that is to remind.
44:31Dhukkiru is to remind back to what it is like to return to Allah SWT's Shari'ah.
44:38But the challenge is,
44:39when we preach,
44:41there is a group that is arrogant.
44:47They feel,
44:48I don't want to preach.
44:49There is a group,
44:50when we preach,
44:51one, when they respond,
44:53why do you preach to me?
44:54Then, when they are quiet,
44:55when they are away from us,
44:56they will think again.
44:57Actually, I have to repent.
44:59I can't.
45:00There is a group like that.
45:01They respond, get angry,
45:02preach, disturb, etc.
45:04But there are people who,
45:06when they are preached,
45:07they are arrogant,
45:08they get angry,
45:10and then,
45:11they are arrogant,
45:13they are arrogant,
45:14they say,
45:15I have done this,
45:16I will do it again,
45:17and again.
45:18So, Allah punishes them,
45:21Qunu qiradatan khasi'in,
45:24which is an insult.
45:26According to the opinion of most of the scholars,
45:28it is in a physical form.
45:30So, it is an insult.
45:31In Imam Barawi,
45:32he said,
45:33three days.
45:34Three days, it is an insult.
45:35Then, they die.
45:36They are destroyed
45:37by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
45:39So, a big lesson
45:40that we have learned
45:41from this verse 166
45:43is what?
45:44If people are arrogant,
45:46if people are arrogant,
45:47we should not use the adjective,
45:50Do not use the adjective, atau.
45:52Because we know that
45:53those who are arrogant,
45:54Allah has sent them
45:55to correct our path to heaven.
45:57So, if they are arrogant,
45:59maybe we are angry,
46:01uncomfortable, etc.
46:02That is still okay.
46:03Although, if possible,
46:05we should be silent
46:06and ask for forgiveness.
46:07And also,
46:08we should ask for mercy
46:09like Prophet Adam,
46:10like Prophet Moses.
46:11That is,
46:12we should not be arrogant yet.
46:14Explain to Prophet Aaron,
46:16that I am not unemployed.
46:18I was almost killed.
46:20Do not let other people
46:23That is,
46:24I am happy
46:25because I was insulted
46:28or blamed by Prophet Moses.
46:30So, if it is explained like that,
46:31Prophet Moses immediately
46:32asked for forgiveness.
46:34ask for mercy from Allah.
46:35This is the level of the Prophet
46:36that we hope will be like that.
46:38But even if it is not like that,
46:39even if we are uncomfortable
46:41or angry,
46:42do not let the anger
46:43lead to
46:46Atau means
46:49After that,
46:50when it is finished,
46:51he plans to continue
46:52the sins that are there.
46:54Because that will
46:55lead to
46:56a very bad punishment.
46:58In the past,
46:59it turned into
47:00a curse.
47:01And in the present time,
47:02there are many things
47:03that Allah can give
47:04such as
47:07and punishment.
47:08And it is not impossible
47:09if Allah wants to change it
47:10into a crow or a pig,
47:12There is no problem.
47:13There is no
47:14deficiency in Allah.
47:15But the point is
47:16do not let
47:18who do not want to be
47:21and continue to stumble
47:22after being reprimanded.
47:24this is
47:25the lesson
47:26that we hope
47:27we learn.
47:29Because being reprimanded
47:30and being reprimanded
47:31are the characteristics
47:32of the people of heaven
47:33such as Prophet Adam
47:34and Prophet Moses
47:35as shown
47:36in Surah Al-A'raf.
47:37This brings the resolution
47:38for this time.
47:39Let us observe.
47:41do not give
47:42a good reprimand
47:43and advice
47:44to the people
47:45around us
47:46because we know
47:47that this is
47:48the characteristic
47:49for us to be
47:51saved here,
47:52and saved
47:53in the hereafter
47:54to heaven.
47:55That is the first.
47:57be brave to prevent
47:58the rebellion
47:59and remain strong
48:00to face the challenge
48:01of Dawah
48:02because this is
48:03a Sunnah
48:04that was passed
48:05by the Prophet,
48:06the sad people,
48:07the martyrs,
48:08the righteous people
48:09in the past
48:10that we want
48:11to continue.
48:13remain independent
48:14and not influenced
48:15by bad teachings.
48:17do not let us
48:19when we are
48:21and continue to be arrogant
48:22because that
48:23will prevent us
48:26the people of heaven
48:27to the mercy
48:28of Allah SWT.
48:29Let us pray
48:31so that we
48:32always have
48:33the spirit
48:34to reprimand
48:35in the best way.
48:36And if we are reprimanded,
48:37we are the people
48:38who quickly
48:40like Prophet Adam
48:41and Prophet Musa
48:42peace be upon them.