• last year
مستشارة نفسية شهيرة، تتصدع حياتها المثالية حبن اجتاحتها عشيقة زوجها الغامضة، لحماية الأسرة من الانهيار، تترك أمّها في القانون المناكشات جانبًا، وتحدد معها يدًا بيد، في هذا الجحيم الحلو والمر، هل ستحجان في تحويله إلى النعيم من جديد؟


00:00:00I'm sorry.
00:00:21Unfortunately, you are miscarried.
00:00:25But ma'am, the problem is that it will be difficult for you to get pregnant in the future due to the low ovarian function.
00:00:34The normal level of AMH is usually 2 to 5, but you have a very low level, so you are almost at the end of your life.
00:00:44If that happens, it will be difficult for you to get a test tube.
00:00:47Yes, I understand.
00:00:50Thank you for your hard work.
00:00:51You're welcome.
00:01:21I'm sorry.
00:01:32I'm sorry.
00:01:51I'm sorry.
00:02:18Who are you?
00:02:39I'm Prosecutor Choi's child.
00:02:43Youngja, a cultural student.
00:02:47Thank you.
00:03:17I'm sorry.
00:03:24Jaejin, you don't have to know.
00:03:47Did you really kill her?
00:04:01What are you talking about?
00:04:04Are you saying I killed my sister?
00:04:08What if someone knows your secret?
00:04:14You don't know anything.
00:04:19Then why are you so excited to call me?
00:04:23You especially like my sister.
00:04:29I think that's why you have an abnormal obsession with love.
00:04:37What do you know?
00:04:39Your parents, sisters, and three husbands.
00:04:44Was it really a coincidence?
00:04:47Why are all your families dying like that?
00:04:51It's not like that!
00:04:59Then take a look at your family.
00:05:03You have to know all the secrets to be a family, right?
00:05:10We're disappointed with each other and we can't forgive each other, but we're hiding everything.
00:05:16Oh, that was your goal.
00:05:20I'm falling apart because of my family's secrets.
00:05:25But what should I do?
00:05:27I have no intention of doing that.
00:05:32Maybe it's because you don't know everything yet.
00:05:37The game is getting fun from now on.
00:05:40Your way is wrong.
00:05:45Then take a good look.
00:06:28Oh, Ms. Noo.
00:06:30What's up?
00:06:32You must have been very surprised yesterday.
00:06:35I admit it cleanly.
00:06:38I knew it, too.
00:06:40The evidence is clear, but what do you need to admit?
00:06:43But even if I knew, there was nothing to change.
00:06:50You wanted to come to my house, too.
00:06:53Of course, I wanted to give you as a family.
00:06:58So we chose each other.
00:07:04I'm angry, mother.
00:07:07It's your plan to make my father live in the same house as the people who killed him.
00:07:13How can you do that?
00:07:16I can do that.
00:07:20I did that for my family, and if it's for my family, I can do anything.
00:07:27You're a mother raising a child, so you understand how I feel.
00:07:37This is all because of Lee Sena's foul play.
00:07:51Do you know what this is?
00:07:54What camera?
00:07:55Lee Sena was looking at this house with this camera.
00:08:01No, if you set this up, there's Lee Sena's helper in this house.
00:08:08Oh, my God.
00:08:10We need to solve this together first.
00:08:17Mother, look for it.
00:08:19All the people in this house are mother's works.
00:08:25I don't think I'm going to do it myself.
00:08:30I'm doing this on my own.
00:08:37Have a seat.
00:08:55Did you find a hidden camera in the house?
00:09:01Who the hell did this?
00:09:05You're not suspecting us, are you?
00:09:09We're sorry, ma'am.
00:09:12No, I'm saying this because I don't doubt it.
00:09:16I don't think there's an intruder because the security device didn't ring.
00:09:20I was wondering if there was anything suspicious.
00:09:26It's not a house with a lot of guests.
00:09:29The only person who's been there recently is Mr. Oh.
00:09:34With Oh Ji-eun.
00:09:36Mr. Oh is like a family member.
00:09:39It's more of a teacher than an outsider.
00:09:43It's more of a teacher than an outsider.
00:09:50Actually, I wasn't going to tell you this.
00:09:54When you're not here, you're acting like a landlord.
00:09:59Oh, and...
00:10:00Oh, right.
00:10:01You said someone put something weird in the mailbox, right?
00:10:05What's weird?
00:10:07I put a book in front of Mr. No.
00:10:10Oh, that book?
00:10:11It's gone.
00:10:13I know that.
00:10:16Yes, I'll pay more attention to security from now on.
00:10:19You must have reported it to the police, right?
00:10:22But where exactly did you find the hidden camera?
00:10:25Oh, I don't think it's in a bathroom like this.
00:10:28I've been cleaning every nook and cranny.
00:10:31I've never seen a hidden camera before.
00:10:33I'm sorry. I should have worked harder.
00:10:35I should have looked closely.
00:10:36Shut up.
00:10:39I'm sorry.
00:11:10Oh, Ji-yoon.
00:11:21What are you doing here?
00:11:27Did you come out of the house?
00:11:30Then you should have contacted me right away.
00:11:35Sena's gone.
00:11:36Sena's gone.
00:11:40Didn't you break up?
00:11:43We decided to meet again.
00:11:46But I can't get in touch.
00:11:47Get a hold of yourself.
00:11:50I think she's a little weird.
00:11:51As soon as I saw her, she pushed me down.
00:11:54You tried to hurt Sena first.
00:11:57No, you don't trust me now?
00:11:59Why would I lie?
00:12:01Sena's not like that.
00:12:02No, no, no, no.
00:12:07Ji-yoon, what's wrong with you?
00:12:09I'm having a hard time.
00:12:23You and Mrs. Hong
00:12:25You've been scolded a lot by Mr. No.
00:12:31But you can't get in touch with Sena?
00:12:37I'll find out.
00:12:40Look at me. Let's see.
00:12:43It's okay.
00:12:47Oh, my.
00:12:49First of all, I'll take care of my brother's body.
00:12:54Did you eat?
00:12:57I can't.
00:12:59I'll get something.
00:13:11When the father-in-law died,
00:13:14You framed me unfairly.
00:13:16My father was involved in that.
00:13:42Mom, where?
00:13:44Just go one step here.
00:13:46No, just one step.
00:13:47Oh, here, here?
00:13:48That's right.
00:13:49Oh, here.
00:13:50Take the needle out.
00:13:52Oh, okay.
00:14:01If you're coming, call me.
00:14:03I've already left.
00:14:04I miss my mom, too.
00:14:09She has a very sick face.
00:14:14So I was teaching her cross stitch.
00:14:19Good job.
00:14:20What is it?
00:14:21It's the same not to recognize it.
00:14:23You're a teacher. Why am I a patient?
00:14:29I'm sick.
00:14:31Oh, my God.
00:14:33I'm sick.
00:14:36I'm sick.
00:14:59I don't understand.
00:15:01How can I see those people in one house?
00:15:09I've hated that house for a long time.
00:15:12Do you know why?
00:15:14When I graduated from high school, entered college, and even went to the army,
00:15:18I was in my mom's hospital, and I couldn't come because my sister got married.
00:15:21But you're going to protect that house in this situation?
00:15:25Aren't you sorry for your dad?
00:15:28Oh, my God.
00:15:34Why did my sister do that?
00:15:36Why did my sister get married so quickly and go into that house?
00:15:41It's because of money.
00:15:43If it's my mom's hospital, it's because of your tuition.
00:15:46You don't know that my sister did that to protect us?
00:15:50Do you know what your sister said then?
00:15:57That's the best choice you can make.
00:16:04Mom, when I think of your sister,
00:16:07It's like my heart is cut with a knife.
00:16:13I tried to get that young man into the eyes of that family.
00:16:24How dare you yell at your sister?
00:16:27Hurry up and tell your sister you're sorry.
00:16:34I'm sorry, sister.
00:16:37My mom.
00:16:39Did you come for a second?
00:16:54Why are you hugging?
00:17:00The baby is crying.
00:17:06The baby said it hurt a lot.
00:17:16Don't cry.
00:17:20Should I be honest?
00:17:21Should I be honest?
00:17:24If there's a problem with marriage,
00:17:27I was confident that I could get a divorce and leave the house at any time.
00:17:34I couldn't get a divorce because of my child, and I couldn't understand how to live.
00:17:40But when it became my problem, it wasn't easy.
00:17:48Is it because of Do-yeon?
00:17:51You don't know?
00:17:53Still, if I want to do it, I'll do it.
00:17:57But not now.
00:18:00There's another problem.
00:18:02There's another problem in that house?
00:18:10Lee Sena is threatening our family.
00:18:13Lee Sena?
00:18:15If it's Lee Sena, she's cheating on Jae-jin.
00:18:18But isn't it over when Jae-jin comes back?
00:18:23It was all planned by Lee Sena.
00:18:26To bring down the family one by one.
00:18:31Then did Lee Sena kill Prosecutor Choi?
00:18:35I don't know that.
00:18:40But why did Lee Sena...
00:18:44So you have to find out.
00:18:49And then Lee Sena will have to pay the wrong price.
00:18:56Why is my life so hard?
00:19:00Is there anything I can help you with?
00:19:05You think there's an insider listening to Lee Sena, right?
00:19:10I'm sure the criminal is somewhere close.
00:19:14There must be someone who put something in the mailbox about five days ago.
00:19:19Please find out that point.
00:19:22If it's in front of the house, the police will take care of it.
00:19:28Gu Kyung-tae, who became a police officer in 15 years.
00:19:32Do you still know the chief as Oh Jae-eun's uncle?
00:19:36Yes, I'll find out about that, too.
00:19:38I'll find out.
00:19:42Lee Sena set fire to the house?
00:19:44I'll have to go and find out more.
00:19:47Charging complete.
00:19:51Here we go.
00:20:09Is it still?
00:20:35What are you doing?
00:20:38Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
00:20:41You mentioned the Gangneung family fire, right?
00:20:46But why is this case?
00:20:48Oh, Dr. No is writing a book this time.
00:20:52About children who lost their families.
00:20:54You do a lot of good things.
00:20:56But what exactly are you curious about?
00:20:59What is it?
00:21:00I heard there was a survivor when I said it was a family tragedy.
00:21:08That's right.
00:21:10Lee Sena's second daughter.
00:21:14How was the child after the accident?
00:21:17Is there anyone who knows the condition at the time?
00:21:21Detective in charge.
00:21:23Detective Cha Min-gu.
00:21:25I guess you investigated this as a fire prevention case.
00:21:28Fire prevention case?
00:21:30Then someone set fire.
00:21:33Why did you see it as a fire prevention case?
00:21:35This is already a 14-year-old case.
00:21:37He's not in our company right now.
00:21:40Is there anyone who knows the detective?
00:21:44Yes, that's right.
00:21:46Senior Cha was obsessed with the case.
00:21:49He kept saying it was a fire prevention case.
00:21:50Why did you think it was a fire prevention case?
00:21:52It could be the detective's instinct.
00:21:54Anyway, I don't know why he was so obsessed with the case.
00:21:57In the end, he ended the case and went somewhere else.
00:22:00Detective Cha, where are you now?
00:22:03I know you went to Yongin before retirement.
00:22:14I'll call you after I go to Yongin.
00:22:16Yes, Young-min, please.
00:22:28Doctor, someone's here.
00:22:41I heard a lot from Do-yeon.
00:22:44What did Do-yeon say?
00:22:47She has a sister she likes and is pretty and good at studying.
00:22:52I see.
00:22:54What are you doing here?
00:22:56I have something to tell you.
00:23:00It's about Do-yeon that you don't know.
00:23:07Do you know everything about Do-yeon?
00:23:13Do you know everything about your family?
00:23:23What are you talking about?
00:23:25Who made you do it?
00:23:28What's wrong? I'm pregnant.
00:23:35I'm pregnant. Do-yeon's baby.
00:23:51I thought you'd be less surprised.
00:23:57Did you go to the hospital?
00:23:59You don't believe me, do you?
00:24:01No, it's not like that.
00:24:03I understand.
00:24:05I knew it.
00:24:14It's the 11th line.
00:24:18Do-yeon, do you know?
00:24:20I'm her father. Of course I know.
00:24:25Then you two...
00:24:27Yes, I'll do it.
00:24:36Of course, I respect your thoughts, but it's not that easy to decide.
00:24:44The school and...
00:24:46It's not easy to decide.
00:24:49Please send us to study abroad.
00:24:51I'll go study abroad.
00:24:53Study abroad?
00:24:54I don't think I can see it here.
00:25:04You're not going to tell me to get rid of the baby, are you?
00:25:17It's not as easy as it sounds to have a child and become a parent.
00:25:24That's why.
00:25:27The life So-hee thought could go in a completely different direction.
00:25:31I'm not a kid who doesn't know that.
00:25:34Would it have been an easy decision to be a 19-year-old mother?
00:25:44Do your parents know?
00:25:48I'm telling you first.
00:25:51If my mom calls, please take care of her.
00:25:58I guess this is a little more shocking for a mother with a daughter.
00:26:08Then I have to go to the academy.
00:26:41I'm on my way home from meeting your mom.
00:26:51So-hee told my mom.
00:26:54Yeah, I told her.
00:26:59You did what you planned.
00:27:03What did Do-yeon's mom say?
00:27:06She must have been surprised.
00:27:09But will Do-yeon's mom follow your thoughts?
00:27:14My mom always said she wanted me to be honest.
00:27:17That's what mothers do.
00:27:20Don't just lie.
00:27:22I won't be angry, so just be honest.
00:27:25So if you're honest, you'll get angry and scold you.
00:27:32It's a betrayal.
00:27:37Then I'll be able to see Do-yeon's mother this time.
00:27:48Are you back?
00:27:51I'm tutoring Do-yeon.
00:28:29Mr. No.
00:28:43Mr. No.
00:28:45Did you have a second child?
00:28:48Then what?
00:28:49Lee Se-na?
00:28:53What's that?
00:29:03Do-yeon's girlfriend is pregnant.
00:29:06Oh, my God.
00:29:08How many weeks?
00:29:1011 weeks.
00:29:1111 weeks.
00:29:21Mr. No, you're a doctor, so you know, right?
00:29:24Surgery is possible 24 weeks before.
00:29:30Are you going to give birth?
00:29:31It's not that easy.
00:29:33Then what? If I make it difficult, will this be solved?
00:29:36There are no rational parents in the world of children.
00:29:38You have to think about your child's life.
00:29:40We need to hear from Do-yeon first.
00:29:44Children don't go as planned.
00:29:48Mr. No is a very talented family counselor outside,
00:29:52but something like this happens at home.
00:30:17So-hee came to my hospital today.
00:30:22Is So-hee true?
00:30:30It's just what my mom heard from my sister.
00:30:35A rational kid like you...
00:30:37If it's rational, is there no sexual desire?
00:30:43What my mom said...
00:30:44Did you agree on pregnancy or discuss it sufficiently?
00:30:48Did you make a careful decision?
00:30:51I'm curious about that.
00:30:52Who said I didn't make a careful decision?
00:30:55It's my choice.
00:30:56You said you respected my choice.
00:31:04Forget it.
00:31:05I'll talk to my dad separately.
00:31:07Man to man.
00:32:04Can you go out for a second?
00:32:20What are you doing? What is this?
00:32:22I understand Dr. Cho's painful heart.
00:32:27Let's go in now.
00:32:28How long are you going to be like this?
00:32:31Go back.
00:32:34Stop letting me go.
00:32:36Where are the parents who let their children go?
00:32:55Is it Young-won?
00:32:57It's Do-yeon.
00:33:01When did this guy...
00:33:03Don't you need your dad in this situation?
00:33:07Resentment for me.
00:33:09I want to be liberated.
00:33:11Leave it for a while.
00:33:14That's what Dr. Choi, who became a parent, should do now.
00:33:20Finish shaving and come out.
00:33:24Oh, I'm tired.
00:33:34Madam, I...
00:33:36What the hell are you thinking?
00:33:40Even after seeing that situation, did you leave the sinner here?
00:33:45You should have sent the child home.
00:33:49Because you are like this, I can't trust you for sure.
00:34:03I'm sorry.
00:34:33I'm sorry.
00:34:34I'm sorry.
00:35:01What did you bring?
00:35:04I'm not looking for my dad.
00:35:06I'm going to talk as a man to a man.
00:35:09You heard that again.
00:35:10The important thing is...
00:35:12At times like this, families have to work together.
00:35:17Have you met that woman's mother?
00:35:19I'm going to meet her tomorrow.
00:35:22I'm going to look for Dr. No's face wherever I go.
00:35:26I think a private place would be good.
00:35:31I'll take care of the place.
00:35:41Dad was born at the age of 24.
00:35:43What's the difference between 24 and 18?
00:35:46Hey, I was a medical student at that time.
00:35:48Your mom, too.
00:35:49We were both not high school students.
00:35:53Oh, my son, this is already...
00:35:56But dad...
00:35:58Haven't you been happy because I was there?
00:36:00Hey, that's a foul.
00:36:02I'm trying to be happy, too.
00:36:04Dad told you.
00:36:05I'm going to live the life I want.
00:36:21That's the life you want, right?
00:36:26Do you have to live abroad?
00:36:30Dad, you know Junho, right?
00:36:34The three of us will get together again.
00:36:38So you're going to the U.S. where Junho is?
00:36:44You're going to be on my side, right?
00:37:51Hello, this is Moon Tae-woo.
00:37:54How did you know my number?
00:38:04Mr. Jae-jin asked me to tell you that he was sorry.
00:38:07I met him at home today.
00:38:09Are you okay?
00:38:11I'm not okay.
00:38:13Mr. Oh, are you upset?
00:38:15You live like that.
00:38:17You can tell me.
00:38:19He told me everything.
00:38:21It's painful.
00:38:28What happened to Lee Sena?
00:38:31I guess I can't get in touch.
00:38:33I think she was abandoned.
00:38:35Why are you doing that to such a strange woman?
00:38:39Someone said he saved himself.
00:38:42If you look at the man trapped in the house now,
00:38:45I'd rather leave.
00:38:47I think it's better to leave.
00:38:50Who's going to save you now?
00:39:18Mr. Cha, I heard you're doing a deer farm near you after you retire.
00:39:23It's a deer farm.
00:39:25Wow, what is this?
00:39:27This deer farm is not one or two.
00:39:29Hey, what's with you?
00:39:32Where's our passion?
00:39:34I'm looking at all the deer farms here.
00:39:36Let's go.
00:39:37Let's go.
00:39:39Let's go.
00:39:41Let's go.
00:39:42Let's go.
00:39:43Let's go.
00:39:44Let's go.
00:39:45Let's go.
00:39:46Let's go.
00:39:53Have a cool drink.
00:39:54Oh, thank you.
00:40:04By the way, uncle.
00:40:06Who's the CCTV that reflects the house?
00:40:09Oh, recently.
00:40:12Someone put in a strange mail.
00:40:17Whose house is that?
00:40:18It's like a family to me.
00:40:22Nephew's son-in-law.
00:40:24Nephew's son-in-law?
00:40:28Oh, of course.
00:40:29Families should help each other.
00:40:41I think a private place would be good.
00:40:45I'll take care of the place.
00:41:19Was Do-yeon's mom coming?
00:41:23I thought Do-yeon's mom couldn't come.
00:41:25I guess you two get along well.
00:41:27You go to places like this together.
00:41:29Because we're family.
00:41:38By the way, Do-yeon's mom...
00:41:40If it's education, she'll do better.
00:41:43How can child education go as planned?
00:41:46That house wasn't educated to get pregnant.
00:41:55By the way.
00:41:57What are you going to do about this?
00:41:58So-hee is a senior in high school, so it's hard just to prepare for the college entrance exam.
00:42:01By the way, did you make it our child?
00:42:04Are you saying that our child is lying?
00:42:07Do you have a genetic test?
00:42:09Tae-ha's genetic test is illegal.
00:42:18Have you heard about the kids?
00:42:22I want to go to study abroad.
00:42:25Studying abroad is good.
00:42:30So-hee wanted to study abroad so much.
00:42:34Well, if you're going to get married anyway, it's not a bad thing.
00:42:40No, where are you going to block my grandson's way?
00:42:44It's our So-hee who's blocking the way.
00:42:47Honestly, if you have a son, there's no risk if you give birth.
00:42:52But it's different for women.
00:42:54There's a risk whether you give birth or not.
00:42:58Do you know that story?
00:43:00If you say you saw an old man in a house in Gangnam these days,
00:43:04That's all because his son had an accident.
00:43:07I'm reporting my grandson as my son in case I block my son's way.
00:43:12This is also his bloodline, but clean.
00:43:16Would you like to do that?
00:43:18So-hee, calm down.
00:43:20Then can I make 500 million won clean?
00:43:32No, is this something that can be solved with money?
00:43:40Shouldn't this be done in the name of breaking up a slave?
00:43:47Mother, please don't get involved in this.
00:43:49It's my son's business.
00:43:57I'm sorry, mother.
00:44:01I don't want to talk anymore today.
00:44:23Yes, mother.
00:44:24Look for a house for a boy named So-hee.
00:44:29I'm sorry.
00:44:48Hello, sir.
00:44:50The person who said he was coming today.
00:44:51Yes, yes.
00:44:56Why is this person here?
00:45:00Because of the family disaster fire 14 years ago.
00:45:05It's all over. Why?
00:45:07At that time, the fire was considered a defense case.
00:45:11Can I ask you why?
00:45:16Why are you curious about that?
00:45:24My second daughter, who was the only survivor at the time, is my patient.
00:45:29I don't want to know about that child.
00:45:32Go back.
00:45:33No, sir.
00:45:34Go back.
00:45:35Go now.
00:45:39Actually, I lied.
00:45:43I'm sorry.
00:45:45Lee Se-na is threatening my child.
00:45:53I beg you.
00:46:07This is my house.
00:46:09It's a business failure, so it's economically difficult.
00:46:14Dad reported the disaster and ran away.
00:46:17Mom couldn't leave Gangnam because of her daughter.
00:46:25Did you turn off the heater when you came out?
00:46:30She wasn't the only one.
00:46:34Lee Se-na wasn't the only survivor.
00:46:39My sister was alive.
00:46:42She was in a coma at first.
00:46:44So the reporters wrote that it was a family disaster.
00:46:50Did Lee Se-na know that her sister was alive?
00:46:54At that time, my sister's condition was so bad that my brother must have been shocked.
00:47:02Then she woke up dramatically late.
00:47:07But she told me not to tell her that she was alive.
00:47:15At first, I thought it was a shock caused by the fire.
00:47:19She said this.
00:47:25My sister set fire.
00:47:29She tried to kill her parents.
00:47:32But that's all because of her.
00:47:37So I tried to hide it and re-investigate the case.
00:47:45Lee Se-na adopted her.
00:47:49That's how the case ended.
00:47:53Did Lee Se-na find her after that?
00:47:56She tried to find her, but she never found her.
00:48:06Lee Se-na.
00:48:12I'll go find her.
00:48:33How can you call your mom?
00:48:35Did you tell So-hee to give me money and get rid of the baby?
00:48:37What are you talking about?
00:48:38She said she was going to get rid of the baby instead of getting paid.
00:48:41I've never done that.
00:48:43If it's a lie, I won't forgive you.
00:48:46Hey, Do-yeon. Do-yeon.
00:48:52Mother, what the hell are you doing?
00:48:55I solved it. This way, there's no retreat.
00:48:59You'll blame your parents for the money.
00:49:02I told you not to get involved this time.
00:49:05That's what the parents want.
00:49:07Which couple would agree to have a high school child?
00:49:12And I think that house needs money.
00:49:15And Mr. No, be honest.
00:49:18You don't want Do-yeon to be a father, do you?
00:49:20Yes, I don't like it.
00:49:22I'm scared and afraid because I know what Do-yeon has to deal with.
00:49:26But I'm more afraid that Do-yeon will hate me because of my judgment.
00:49:31Still, it's up to you to decide on behalf of your child.
00:49:35Do you think you can decide your child's life based on your judgment?
00:49:40I'm different.
00:49:41I will respect Do-yeon's thoughts and decisions.
00:49:45Unlike your mother's way, I will raise and protect my son.
00:49:50Don't ever get involved in Do-yeon's business again.
00:49:53No, how can I not? It's my grandson's business.
00:49:56No, it's about this family.
00:49:59What is this family?
00:50:01What's so great about this house where we lied to each other?
00:50:07Mr. No, I'm not done talking yet.
00:50:58I'm sorry.
00:51:28I'm sorry.
00:51:47Motherhood is beautiful and sad.
00:51:58Do-yeon, I'm going to support Do-yeon's decision.
00:52:34You will have a lot to go through in the future, but no matter how the world looks at you, I will protect you.
00:52:52Thank you, Mom.
00:52:58Thank you.
00:53:28I love you.
00:53:59You say this.
00:54:01My brother set fire.
00:54:03I tried to kill my parents.
00:54:05That's all because of you.
00:54:07You don't know anything.
00:54:29Excuse me.
00:54:32What's going on?
00:54:35I'm looking for Lee Se-yoon.
00:54:39Why are you looking for Se-yoon?
00:54:42I have something to tell you about my family.
00:54:48Follow me.
00:54:58Follow me.
00:55:08Maria, someone came to see you.
00:55:23Se-yoon, you can talk comfortably.
00:55:33It started with a pigeon.
00:55:37When I brought a pigeon with a neck cut in the yard.
00:55:44There was only one reason my brother said.
00:55:47Because I hate pigeons.
00:55:52My obsession with me became worse, and my revenge became bolder.
00:55:59Next is the cat.
00:56:03Next is the neighbor's boy.
00:56:11Eventually, my parents started to lock up my brother.
00:56:15You said you shouldn't commit another sin.
00:56:18But that day...
00:56:22There was a fire.
00:56:35What are you doing?
00:56:39It's your favorite sister.
00:56:41You're going to hear all the truth from today's live broadcast.
00:56:50Don't lie.
00:56:52Why? Are you afraid?
00:56:56If you're afraid, come and stop it yourself.
00:56:59But you have to hurry.
00:57:17I'm sorry.
00:57:47I'm sorry.
00:58:17I'm sorry.
00:58:23Where's my sister?
00:58:26I came because I missed my sister.
00:58:29Or are you afraid you're alive?
00:58:34You're afraid, aren't you?
00:58:37The only witness who knows what you did that day is your sister.
00:58:43You don't even know, don't talk carelessly.
00:58:45Don't you think it's all because of you that your family is so ruined?
00:58:50You're saying I'm wrong, aren't you?
00:58:53No, it's not my fault.
00:58:56Even though it's a family, you don't accept my love.
00:59:03But I don't burn all my family and kill them.
00:59:07So where's my sister?
00:59:15It's all a lie.
00:59:20Your sister is dead.
01:00:15I'm sorry.
01:00:20Before the world was known, I was just wondering if I could be isolated and treated.
01:00:26Even if you know the ugly truth of your family, can you talk about someone else's family so easily?
01:00:34You should have lived your mother's life.
01:00:37That's not what a son's mother expects.
01:00:40You have a son like that. What are you going to do?
01:00:45What is this?
01:00:46People's imagination is the scariest thing.
