• l’année dernière


00:00And he's gonna splat those ghosties and mash those monsters. Right, Uncle Scooby?
00:05So stay tuned for...
00:14Scooby-Dooby-Doo, looking for you!
00:17Woo! Scooby-Doo, where are you?
00:21Come on, Scooby, where you been?
00:24Trouble's on the loose again!
00:28Scooby-Doo, they're not gonna get you!
00:31Scooby-Doo, uh-uh, Scrappy's gonna help you!
00:35Scooby-Doo, show us what you're made of!
00:39Scooby-Doo, and back you too!
00:42Scooby-Dooby-Doo, looking for you!
00:46Scooby-Dooby-Doo, where are you?
00:49Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo!
01:14When the criminals get tough, it takes a tough bunch to nap them.
01:18That's when they call on us, the Undoable Mission Team,
01:21the toughest nuts to ever crack a case.
01:27That's Agent Doo,
01:30the top dog of our group.
01:33The roast is for you.
01:39Good morning, Agent Doo. This is the Mastermind,
01:42the evil genius who is plotting to control the world's satellites.
01:46We believe his hideout is near the Statue of Liberty.
01:49Your mission, should you decide to accept it,
01:51is to nap the no-good crook.
01:53Yes, sir.
01:54This hydrant will self-destruct in five seconds.
01:57Let's go, gang!
02:01Scoob, come on!
02:04That's Agent Doo, already on top of the case.
02:10We were off to the Statue of Liberty
02:12to outwit that meanie Mastermind.
02:14I'm Cecil, your guide.
02:16Now, if you'll all just follow me...
02:22Come on, guys.
02:23If we're gonna find any clues, we've got to stay with those tourists
02:26and blend in.
02:28Yeah, blend in, Scoob.
02:30Okay, Mikey.
02:43Why, you...
02:45Are you all right, sir?
02:47Why don't you kids watch where you're going?
02:49And stay with your tour group, will you?
02:53What a grouch!
02:55There's a gang of suspicious-looking kids on the island.
02:58I'll keep a close watch on them.
03:01We combed the island for clues
03:03and there was only one place left to look.
03:08Like we've got to go way up there?
03:11Look, Daff,
03:12why don't you and Scrappy check out the top of the statue
03:15while Scoob and I do some sleuthing down here?
03:18Yeah, down here!
03:21And so, we split up and in no time...
03:26Agent Doo made a very important discovery.
03:29Mikey, look!
03:30Wow, Scoob!
03:31The pizza concession!
03:33Right, let's go investigate some eats!
03:37Can I help you, ma'am?
03:39I would like the pepperoni and peanut butter pizza
03:42with a triple scoop of chocolate fudge ice cream.
03:46You got it!
03:47You know, that's a brilliant password
03:49because nobody but a fool
03:51would ever order such a stupid concoction.
03:56What'll it be, boys?
03:57We'd like the pepperoni and peanut butter pizza
03:59with a triple scoop of chocolate fudge ice cream.
04:04You got it!
04:09Like wow, Scoob!
04:10It's a video arcade!
04:12Oh, yay!
04:14But they must be waiting for their pizzas, too!
04:16Come on!
04:17There you are!
04:18You're late!
04:22He said,
04:25Who's Mastermind?
04:27Oh, no, Scoob!
04:28Like we must have stumbled into his hideout!
04:30You're the technicians I was expecting, right?
04:35Oh, yeah!
04:36But like we were just leaving!
04:39You're not going anywhere
04:41until you've started my transponder beam!
04:45His what?
04:48Oh, like your transponder beam!
04:50Of course!
04:51Roger Wilco!
04:52Transponder beams are our specialty!
04:54They are?
04:57As soon as my transponder beam is in operation,
05:00I will control the world!
05:06This is a keen view, huh, Daphne?
05:08I'll say!
05:09I wonder if we can go up into the arm!
05:15What are you doing here?
05:17We'd like to go up to the torch, Cecil!
05:19I'm sorry!
05:21The torch is off-limits to everyone!
05:24Then what was he doing up there?
05:26It was a tough question!
05:28Maybe Agent Doo knew the answer!
05:32So, we went downstairs to find him!
05:35Look, Scrappy!
05:36A pizza parlor!
05:37And if I know Scooby,
05:38I'll bet he's sniffing around in there!
05:41I think those kids might be on to something!
05:43We'd better act fast!
05:46Like, are you sure we need all this stuff
05:48to start that beam thing?
05:50Silent Pole, get him in the elevator!
05:52Right, sure, right, sir!
05:54Whatever you say!
05:59What happened?
06:00I don't know!
06:01All I said was
06:02did anyone order a pepperoni and peanut butter pizza
06:04with a triple scoop of chocolate fudge ice cream?
06:06And boom!
06:07The floor opens up!
06:10Look at this!
06:14A video arcade!
06:15Wrong, Scrappy!
06:16It's Mastermind's headquarters!
06:18Oh boy!
06:19We found it!
06:20Let's have a look around!
06:26Where are we, Scoob?
06:27I can't see!
06:33A friend under beam is inside!
06:41Oh, honey!
06:46Like Keen!
06:51Stop this foolishness!
06:52If you do not get to work at once,
06:55Wait a minute, sir!
06:56Like hold everything!
06:57Look at that face!
06:58It's classic!
07:00Like Mr. Droid!
07:01Just look at yourself!
07:05Your face has star potential!
07:07Like I can see it now!
07:10Look out, world!
07:11Here comes Mr. Droid!
07:13I could be a star?
07:16You could be the best!
07:17You could be a star!
07:19Put them to the test
07:20and you'll go far
07:22On the Great White Way
07:23With your name in lights
07:25You'll blow them over
07:26and hit the heights
07:28Take it!
07:29I can be the best
07:31I can be a star
07:33Put me to the test
07:34and I'll go far
07:36Take it!
07:37On the Great White Way
07:39With your name in lights
07:40Look at this!
07:41The mastermind's built a satellite transponder
07:44beam up in the statue's torch!
07:49On the Great White Way
07:51With your name in lights
07:52You'll blow them over
07:54You'll hit the heights
07:56Look! It's Shaggy and Uncle Scooby!
08:01Those technicians!
08:02They're impostors!
08:03Stop them!
08:05Shaggy! Scooby!
08:06Run for it!
08:11Wait! What about our big finish?
08:13Like have your agent call us!
08:19There they are!
08:20Stop them!
08:22Stop them!
08:29Stop them, Uncle Scooby!
08:39Stop them, Uncle Scooby!
08:41What's this?
08:42No! No!
08:43Leave the cable alone!
08:45Go away, do you hear me?
08:47Leave at once!
08:48I can see him!
08:49The torch!
08:50So he's the mastermind!
08:52You won't stop me!
08:55I'll just start that beam myself!
08:59Mastermind took the elevator to the torch
09:01So we took the stairs
09:04Like there he goes!
09:08The door to the torch is still locked!
09:10I've got an idea!
09:13Like great shot, Scrappy!
09:16Like great shot, Scrappy!
09:17Now what?
09:18Now, my brave Uncle Scooby goes to the rescue!
09:22Oh no!
09:27Like don't look down, Scoob!
09:39I'll save you, Scoob!
09:41Thank you, thank you!
09:44Wait a minute, Scoob!
09:45I'm losing my balance!
09:52Or even!
09:55There, got it!
10:01Come on, Scrappy!
10:02Don't worry, Uncle Scooby!
10:03We'll save you!
10:04Mastermind, open up!
10:07With my transponder beam, I will rule the world!
10:16I'll get your feet out of her nose, Scoob!
10:18Okay, okay!
10:27Oh no!
10:28My creation!
10:29It's ruined!
10:33And that's how Agent Doo
10:34Defeated the Mastermind and his fellow spies!
10:40They were all sent up the river!
10:42You mean you weren't really a groundskeeper at all?
10:45I was working undercover for the police!
10:47I radioed for them on my walkie-talkie!
10:49Well, I guess that about wraps up this case!
10:52Like not yet!
10:55Not until we've done our big finish!
11:00We solve the case!
11:01It's our night of nights!
11:03We fold them over!
11:04We hit, hit, hit the high!
11:24He's getting away with the fuel for me!
11:27So long, Z-Team!
11:28You'll never catch me now!
11:29Oh no!
11:30It's Mr. BLT!
11:35I give up!
11:36Just let me down!
11:37I pity the spies!
11:40That messes with me!
11:43That Mr. BLT and the Z-Team sure are tough!
11:45But not half as tough as you are!
11:47Right, Mr. Doo?
11:50That's me!
11:51Mr. Doo!
11:57Oh boy!
11:58Mr. Doo!
11:59Like if you don't mind,
12:00I'm trying to navigate!
12:04To the Bee and Yerbonic Honey Farm in Honeydale,
12:08Nathan Stinger
12:09wants us to investigate those renegade bees!
12:11I pity the bee
12:13that messes with me!
12:15Oh boy!
12:16Uncle Scoob will slap those giant killer bees!
12:22Giant killer bees?
12:24Oh no!
12:27Looks like old Scoob has this case wrapped up!
12:30Naturally, Shaggy!
12:31Cause he's Mr. Doo!
12:33And we're the Bee Team!
12:34We are?
12:35Oh no!
12:40Anybody here?
12:41Oh yep!
12:42Oh yep!
12:43I'm coming!
12:44Hiya, folks!
12:47Welcome to Harley's Gas Station!
12:50And you must be Harley!
12:52How'd you guess?
12:53Like she's psychic!
12:55Say, Harley, can you tell us how to get to the Bee and Yerbonic Honey Farm?
13:01That's the last one!
13:08That's the last place you'd wanna go!
13:10There's bees up there!
13:12Big, giant bees!
13:14We know that!
13:16Like this town's all abuzz about them!
13:19Ha ha ha!
13:20That's a good one!
13:21Ha ha ha!
13:22It's two miles down the road!
13:24Ha ha ha!
13:25But watch out!
13:26Them bees is ornery!
13:28Ha ha ha!
13:29It wasn't that funny!
13:33Are there any clues, Mr. Stinger?
13:35Not one!
13:36Why, those giant bees are destroying my entire operation!
13:39And just look what they've done to my hive!
13:43I'll never get any honey out of those!
13:45And like how about us trying to get some honey out of bees, Scoob?
13:51I love honey!
14:00Right quick!
14:01In here!
14:06Like do you feel a breeze, Scoob?
14:09Uh oh!
14:14Run for your lives!
14:16Killer bees!
14:19These aren't the killer bees!
14:21Huh? They're not?
14:23Those are!
14:28Like now!
14:29Run for your lives!
14:32Uh oh!
14:35Like, are they gone yet?
14:36Yeah, I'm afraid not!
14:46Don't mess with Mr. Do, you bad old bee!
14:49Oh, yeah!
14:50Mr. Do!
15:05Oh, no!
15:13In here!
15:18There they go!
15:19Stealing my hives again!
15:20Come on, guys!
15:21We gotta follow the bees,
15:22and see what they're doing!
15:24Those big ugly buzzers
15:25must be around here somewhere!
15:27Then, like, what are we doing here?
15:29There they are!
15:30On the radar screen!
15:34Oh non, ils ont flatté tous les quatre pneus !
15:37Quatre bonnes raisons de partir immédiatement !
15:40Oui, immédiatement !
15:42Comment ça va ?
15:43Bien !
15:44C'est bon !
15:45C'est bon !
15:46C'est bon !
15:47C'est bon !
15:48C'est bon !
15:49C'est bon !
15:50C'est bon !
15:51C'est bon !
15:52C'est bon !
15:53C'est bon !
15:54C'est bon !
15:55C'est bon !
15:56C'est bon !
15:57C'est bon !
15:58C'est bon !
15:59C'est bon !
16:00C'est bon !
16:01C'est bon !
16:02C'est bon !
16:03Comment allez-vous ? Je suis Sheriff Parker.
16:05La loi autour de ces parties.
16:07Vous jeunes, vous avez besoin d'une main ?
16:08Oui !
16:09Ces bêtes qui ont tué nos pneus !
16:11Ces bêtes, encore ?
16:13Ces critères, ils ont pris le train d'équipe hier,
16:16et je veux dire, ils ont pris !
16:18Et nous les avons vu attaquer la plante de la vanille.
16:20Je me doute de cette plante de la vanille.
16:22Chérie, je suis allé y yesterdi voir ce qu'ils faisaient.
16:26Tu veux dire la vanille ?
16:27Tout ce qui goûte à la terrible de mon flapjack n'est pas de la vanille.
16:30Je veux dire la vanille, la vanille,
16:32mais ça me fait mal au vent !
16:34Tu mets ça dans ton tank de gaz ?
16:36C'est vrai, les enfants !
16:37Maintenant, saute à bord !
16:38On va voir si on peut réparer la vanille.
16:50Hé, Harley, tu rigoles !
16:52Sors !
16:54Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, Cheryl ?
16:56Ces enfants ont besoin d'une réparation ?
16:58C'est vrai !
16:59Tous les quatre pneus !
17:01Pas de problème !
17:02Je vais prendre mon pick-up
17:04et j'irai là-dessus !
17:06Tu comprends ?
17:07J'irai là-dessus !
17:10Merci, Harley !
17:11Maintenant, les enfants,
17:12allons voir la vannille !
17:16Et voici où j'ai trouvé
17:17cette vannille de haut octane !
17:20Ça n'a pas l'air d'être l'équipement de la vannille.
17:22Ce n'est pas de ce que je vois.
17:24Hé !
17:25Est-ce plus la vannille amusante, Wanda ?
17:28Oui !
17:29C'est la même chose, c'est bon !
17:31Attention à ce pinceau !
17:34Regarde !
17:35Le signe dit danger !
17:39De l'énergie de roquettes expérimentales !
17:42De l'énergie de roquettes ?
17:58Ah !
17:59C'est ça !
18:02Ça le prouve, Sheriff !
18:04Cet endroit est un couvercle
18:05pour une vannille d'énergie de roquettes secrètes !
18:07Sans doute !
18:08Je vais appeler la police étatienne
18:10et vous, les enfants,
18:11gardez vos vannilles jusqu'à mon retour !
18:12C'est une bonne idée !
18:13Mais gardons-les quelque part d'autre,
18:15comme l'Italie !
18:16Oui !
18:17Rome !
18:18On s'en va !
18:19Attention, là-bas !
18:21Aïe !
18:22C'est trop tard !
18:23C'est juste nous, Mr. Stinger !
18:24Oh, les enfants sont de retour !
18:26Qu'avez-vous trouvé ?
18:28Pour une chose,
18:29on a trouvé que votre affaire à la vanille est fausse !
18:31Ouais !
18:32Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ?
