• last year
The unseen battles which occur on the set of a new newsroom are sometimes every bit as vigorous as those reported on screen, as proved by what happens here...

Starring Tom Cotcher, Nicola McAuliffe, Bill Nighy, Jack Klaff, Peter Settelen, Charlotte Attenborough, Paul Darrow, Susan Kyd, Jeremy Nicholas, Celia Imrie, David Baron, Deborah Grant, Joseph Blatchley, Ian Bleasdale, Tony Osoba, Michael Aitkins, Andrew Hawkins and Terence Alexander. This was originally broadcast on May 9th 1989 as part of the Storyboard anthology series, but would prove popular enough to spawn a TV series on it's own merit in 1990 (which I do not have, I may add). This isn't from my own collection, I may add, but from Mick's Nostalgia Channel when it was on Youtube. I had the good fortune to save it before his channel disappeared, so you have him to thank for this. Please note that the video does track at times and quality isn't perfect, but that is nothing to do with me.

