• last year
This guy thought it would be a nice gesture if he cooked dinner for his mate that night. However, he ended up setting the oil on fire and then struggled hilariously while managing it. Thankfully, he eventually carried the pan outside and doused the fire in time.

“The underlying music rights are not available for license. For use of the video with the track(s) contained therein, please contact the music publisher(s) or relevant rightsholder(s).”


00:00 Um, okay, that's actually not great and we can't put water on it.
00:05 Um...
00:07 This is what you never call a cook.
00:10 This is actually kind of serious.
00:13 [laughs]
00:15 What do we do?
00:18 Um...
00:19 Do we need a fire extinguisher?
00:22 No, we don't. Do we really?
00:24 We can't put water on it.
00:25 Why?
00:26 Because it's oil.
00:27 Oil and water don't f***ing mix.
00:29 Just put it on the side, I think. Will it not go out?
00:32 It's like a murder.
00:35 [bleep]
00:36 [bleep]
00:37 [bleep]
00:38 I need to...
00:39 This is literally why he doesn't cook.
00:43 Because he can't be trusted.
00:46 Now that pan's probably ruined.
00:50 I can't do...
