00:00 I didn't know that I was transgender, but I knew that I was different.
00:04 One year and a half ago, I was here at this hospital for a gender reassignment surgery.
00:10 And now I came back to have a voice feminization surgery.
00:15 I am nervous.
00:16 Wow, it's 223 hertz out of your voice.
00:21 It's so insane!
00:22 Growing up as a child, I was always in touch with my feminine side.
00:27 I didn't know that I was transgender, but I knew that I was different.
00:31 Other people knew that I was different.
00:34 My family, friends, the boys at school who used to physically bully me only because I was different.
00:40 I wasn't like them.
00:42 These people realized that I was a transgender.
00:46 I started my transition process three years ago.
00:50 One year and a half ago, I was here at this hospital for a gender reassignment surgery.
00:57 And today, Jessica has come back for a consultation
01:01 regarding a face and voice feminization surgery.
01:05 Doctor, thank you again.
01:09 It's wonderful to see you after one year.
01:12 So I really want to have a, obviously, more feminine face.
01:15 And I would like you to really cut the bone and make here really small and on my chin, pointy.
01:26 Pointy?
01:27 Yeah, shave here a lot, like cut here so it becomes like this.
01:30 And after the surgery, after cutting the bone, here's going to become more shaggy.
01:35 Look.
01:35 Can you do a mid-face lift on the same day?
01:38 Before, just like that.
01:39 Okay.
01:40 Jessica is now back at the hospital ready for her surgery
01:45 and has brought along her close friend Darcy for support.
01:49 I met Darcy here at the Commonwealth Hospital facilities.
01:53 Darcy is a transgender woman like myself.
01:56 She's from England, but she lives in Thailand.
01:59 And we became friends.
02:01 We have a lot in common and she's very helpful.
02:03 How are you feeling?
02:05 Oh gosh, Darcy, I'm just so excited about this surgery.
02:10 Today is the very last day of my life that I'm actually going to be sound and look like this.
02:16 The voice, it's life-changing.
02:19 I mean, you can't talk for one week.
02:20 So, you know, it's a little bit difficult, but you know, you'll manage.
02:25 And then the face is a bit swollen, but the result is life-changing.
02:30 Nobody sees the b*****, nobody really sees breasts.
02:33 But rightly or wrongly, you're judged on your face and your voice.
02:37 Exactly.
02:38 I'm very nervous, but at the same time, I'm very excited
02:42 because I know that I'm in very good hands.
02:44 In the hands of Dr Kamal for my face and voice surgery and my face lift.
02:49 But also in the hands of Dr Drain, who's going to perform my voice feminization surgery.
02:56 It has now been eight days since Jessica had her surgery
03:00 and today is the first time that she's speaking with her new voice.
03:04 Darcy!
03:08 Jessica!
03:10 It's wonderful to see you.
03:12 Oh my God.
03:13 So, how does it sound?
03:17 Oh my God.
03:18 How does it sound?
03:19 It sounds amazing. Oh my God.
03:21 Oh, so wonderful to see you. Come here, sit next to me.
03:24 Okay.
03:25 So, I've had this surgery as well.
03:28 So, I'm going to give you like a couple of tips, okay?
03:32 So, what you need to do is find a level and you have to hum like...
03:37 Because then the low range is now gone.
03:42 You know, you can't do the male range anymore.
03:45 So, it's like you've got a like a new instrument and you have to kind of learn to use it.
03:51 My name is Jessica.
03:54 It's kind of similar to that.
03:56 A little bit higher.
03:58 Try it. Can you do it?
03:59 My name is Jessica.
04:04 Yeah.
04:06 Gosh, that's strange.
04:09 How do you feel?
04:10 I feel amazing, Darcy.
04:13 I feel so feminine.
04:15 Not only my appearance, my looks, but I feel so much more feminine now.
04:22 Where before, my voice didn't match to my appearance.
04:27 Since I transitioned, it's a new life.
04:31 My life has changed completely in every single way.
04:36 And not just my appearance, the way that I look and the way that I feel.
04:39 But everything around me has changed.
04:43 Darcy, so actually, today is the first day that I'm going to be seeing the surgeon
04:48 who performed the voice feminization surgery.
04:51 And I'd love you to come with me.
04:52 Oh, thank you.
04:53 We have really helped each other along the way.
04:58 I mean, transition is quite a difficult process.
05:01 You know, you do a surgery and the results aren't instant.
05:04 They're never instant.
05:05 And it's quite stressful.
05:06 Hello, Darcy.
05:09 Hi, Jessica.
05:10 Lovely to see you.
05:12 How are you?
05:13 I'm okay.
05:14 Please sit here.
05:16 Sure, yeah.
05:16 Don't sit, no.
05:17 Right, so today is the first day that I speak after our voice surgery.
05:26 Wow, Jessica.
05:28 I think your voice is going to be improved and the swelling process has resolved.
05:35 Let's show, Jessica.
05:38 One, two, three.
05:40 Over the hill, over dale, through bush, through brea, over park, over pale, through flood,
05:48 through fire.
05:49 Wow, it's 223 hertz of your voice frequency.
05:53 It's so insane!
05:55 Oh my god, doctor, I'm so happy with the results.
05:59 It is a woman's voice.
06:01 Yes, the average of all the men's voice frequency is just around 100 to 120 hertz.
06:10 And the average of the female's voice frequency is above 190 hertz to 220 like this.
06:19 Oh my god!
06:19 Yeah.
06:20 My message to any transgender people is that there is no right age to transition.
06:31 You can transition at any age, but there is the right time in life.
06:35 Transitioning, it's not a choice.
06:38 Transitioning, it is a duty to yourself.
06:44 Thank you.
06:46 Thank you.
06:48 Thank you.