• l’année dernière
Googlebox Season23 Episode16


00:00 - Qu'est-ce que tu fais ? Ne détruis pas ce beau vêtement.
00:02 Oh, ne le fais pas, Charles.
00:03 S'il te plaît, ne le fais pas.
00:04 - Je suis le homme de cette maison.
00:06 - Oh, d'accord.
00:07 Je ne suis pas...
00:08 Je vais me laver.
00:09 - Non, Mary.
00:10 Je suis venu discuter de ce vêtement avec toi.
00:14 Tu peux t'asseoir.
00:15 - Je ne veux pas que tu te fasses des cheveux.
00:17 - C'est inutile de faire une mariage, Mary.
00:20 - Laisse-moi le tenir pendant que je parle de ça.
00:22 - On a besoin de discuter de ça.
00:23 - Laisse-moi le tenir.
00:24 - Discute-le, Mary.
00:25 - Laisse...
00:26 - Attention, il peut y avoir un accident.
00:28 Il y a un paire de ciseaux, Mary.
00:30 - Laisse-le partir.
00:31 - Je ne réponds pas à la tic-tac.
00:33 - Où sont les blondes et les gingembrelles ?
00:40 - Non, c'est hors-sujet.
00:43 Elle peut toujours le mettre dans le goulis.
00:46 - Non, ils ne l'auraient pas.
00:47 Je suis contente qu'on ait eu ce jeu.
00:49 - Oh, ma vieille, elle est mignonne.
00:53 Elle a un four, pas mal.
00:57 - Il va le faire encore.
00:58 Il a fait un fou.
00:59 - Elle est assez érotique.
01:00 - Oh, mon Dieu.
01:02 - Ne vous en faites pas, je vous en prie.
01:05 - Dites à Val de se faire un verre quand elle veut.
01:20 Et quand vous serez tous s'assois,
01:22 on va...
01:23 - On va boire un verre.
01:24 - On va boire un verre.
01:25 - Oui.
01:26 - Merci.
01:27 - Je pense que je dois être ton voisin.
01:29 Je dois être ton voisin.
01:31 - Tu es un switcher de coutume.
01:33 - Non, je ne le suis pas.
01:34 - Tu es.
01:35 - Non, je ne le suis pas.
01:36 - Tu es.
01:37 - Je suis un switcher de coutume.
01:38 Je vais sortir et j'ai une bonne vue.
01:39 Je ne suis pas un switcher de coutume.
01:42 - Les stars de Wannabe
01:44 ont fait des stops sur l'ITV.
01:46 - Je vais te dire ce que je peux faire.
01:55 - Oh, vas-y.
01:56 - Tu sais, j'ai essayé de nommer 5 vinaigres l'autre jour.
02:00 Donc, je ferais un talent de nourriture.
02:02 Ce n'est pas vraiment ce qui va entretenir personne,
02:04 mais j'étais très impressionnée
02:05 que je connaissais 5 différents types de vinaigre.
02:07 - J'allais appuyer sur le double, le X rouge.
02:11 Je pourrais aller chercher le buzzer jaune.
02:13 5 vinaigres.
02:14 - Et la saison de coutume était en plein déroulé sur Netflix.
02:18 - Pensez-vous que c'était le moment ?
02:23 - J'adore quand ils grandissent.
02:25 - Je ne sais pas.
02:27 - Je ne pensais pas que j'allais avoir quelqu'un comme Paige,
02:30 mais je le suis.
02:31 - Tu dois juste te tirer de la tête.
02:32 - Tu dois te battre au-dessus de tes poids.
02:34 Et quand Paige le réalise...
02:39 Je dirai, c'est trop tard.
02:44 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:48 - It needs...
02:52 - Sisters Ellie and Izzy.
03:07 - Ellie, I've literally got...
03:09 Socks, pants, pajamas, packing cube.
03:13 Outfits, packing cube.
03:15 Izzy outfits, packing cube.
03:17 Bobby outfits, packing cube.
03:19 Bessie outfits, packing cube.
03:21 Shoes, packing cube.
03:24 - On Saturday night, we all settled down
03:27 for another stage full of talent on ITV1.
03:30 - Britain's got tangerines.
03:32 - Britain's got tangies.
03:33 - Yeah.
03:34 - Britain's got tangy, it's the DJ.
03:36 - Tangy.
03:37 - Oh!
03:38 - Oh!
03:39 - I heard that.
03:40 - Bastard.
03:41 - Crunch.
03:42 - Come on, then.
03:45 - If Mum would have been a pushy dance parent,
03:47 we could have gone on Britain's Got Talent.
03:49 - Exactly, but she just likes to quit everything.
03:51 - ♪ There's nothing to put down ♪
03:53 ♪ Nothing to wash up, never wash up ♪
03:55 ♪ Nothing to clean up, no, it never cleans up ♪
03:58 - Oh!
03:59 - Oh, the chucklers.
04:00 - Look at these two gorgeous bastards.
04:02 - How are you?
04:03 - Good, thank you.
04:04 - Well, first of all, what's your name?
04:05 - We are the Massauri brothers.
04:06 - Okay, and where are you from?
04:07 - We were born in Australia.
04:08 - They come from Australia?
04:10 - That's a long way.
04:11 - Well, good day, boys.
04:13 - I don't think I could win the show.
04:15 - Get on with it, then.
04:17 - So this is really unique, never seen before.
04:19 - Never seen.
04:20 - This is really unique.
04:21 - What, juggling?
04:22 - Do people like juggling?
04:23 - Of course people like juggling.
04:25 Like, what's not to love about juggling?
04:27 It's well impressive.
04:29 - Oh, Simon can be a bit poo-poo-y
04:31 about magic and juggling, can't he?
04:33 - That's fair enough.
04:34 - And then he's like, "Oh, so can you," by the sound of it.
04:36 - Yeah, yeah.
04:37 - Oh, great.
04:43 - Oh, great, yeah.
04:44 - Good rhythm, good rhythm, like the song.
04:46 - Oh, hello.
04:50 - Oh, here we go.
04:52 - This is what I like.
04:53 - These days.
04:54 - Strip jugglers, that's got Amanda's attention.
04:58 - Yeah.
04:59 - I think, you can never tell.
05:01 - Oh, they're juggling with the jackets
05:06 and all sorts now.
05:07 - I wonder how far they're gonna go, Ron.
05:09 - I think they're swapping clothes.
05:14 - No way.
05:15 - Yeah, look, she is coming off.
05:16 - Oh, he's not even locked in.
05:20 Oh, they're really good at this, aren't they?
05:23 - Oh, I like this.
05:28 - Yeah.
05:29 - That'd be good at a hen party, wouldn't it, though?
05:31 - Yeah.
05:32 - Hey, I bet they'd make a lot of money,
05:34 but I don't think they'd be safe.
05:35 - Oh, my God!
05:40 - The trousers are gonna come off!
05:42 - They are stripping!
05:43 - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
05:47 - Did he nearly mess up there?
05:49 - Yeah, so he nearly fell over.
05:50 - Yeah.
05:51 - All of a sudden, they're like juggling money.
05:55 - I wonder if they'll swap hundies.
05:58 - I hope so.
05:59 - Oh, no!
06:01 - Oh, no, no.
06:02 - Yes, go on!
06:03 - No!
06:04 - Oh!
06:07 - Oh, he's got another...
06:08 Oh!
06:09 - Take them off, too!
06:10 King Charles will love that.
06:12 I bet all King Charles' boxes are like that.
06:14 - Oh, they're gonna put the card back on!
06:18 - That can't be easy, can it?
06:22 That's not easy.
06:23 It's just ridiculous.
06:26 - Oh, they're flying!
06:27 - Oh, that's so impressive.
06:28 - I wish they'd have gone down to, like, a thong or something.
06:31 - Yeah.
06:32 - A Union Jack thong.
06:33 That's how they could improve their acts next time.
06:36 - Oh, wow!
06:40 - Oh, wow!
06:41 - Yeah, this is good.
06:42 - I'd get dressed up with fucking Mark,
06:44 and he'd all go, "Oh, wow!"
06:45 - No!
06:50 - No!
06:51 - No!
06:52 - No!
06:53 - No!
06:54 - That's amazing, there.
06:55 - Yeah, that was fun.
06:56 - Well, they were brilliant.
06:57 They were a fair play.
06:58 - He's not a bit of fat on him, is he?
07:00 - Christ!
07:02 - Jesus.
07:03 - Couldn't you watch the show for what he was?
07:05 The speed and what have you?
07:07 No, dude, there's not a bit of fat on him.
07:09 Huh?
07:10 - Got it!
07:14 There's something!
07:15 - Woo!
07:20 - Oh, we saved it!
07:23 - Oh, we saved it all!
07:24 - Oh, no!
07:25 - In Wiltshire...
07:30 - OK, it's the party season coming up, Nutty.
07:32 You might ask, "What am I wearing this for?"
07:35 - You don't go to parties, why?
07:39 - Well, I'm going to start.
07:40 One of the reasons is that people come up too close to me.
07:43 They invade my personal space,
07:46 but I've found a way now of preventing that
07:49 by wearing this, Mary.
07:50 - You can't go to a party without...
07:52 - I'm going to go in a shirt and jacket and tie and wear this.
07:56 And if someone says, "Why has he got that round his neck?"
07:59 I'll say, "Because he doesn't want people to invade his personal space."
08:03 He's very... He's got a complex about it.
08:06 And I won't have to smell their smoked salmon breath.
08:10 - On Sunday night,
08:13 Channel 4 was looking for more talent in train stations.
08:17 - I really wanted to be good at music,
08:19 but I've just not got the talent for it.
08:22 - Or the inclination.
08:23 - I've not got the inclination, I've not got the discipline,
08:26 and I'm also tone deaf.
08:28 - Can you believe that our Will's got a piano?
08:30 - No!
08:31 - Yeah? And that he's starting to learn it.
08:34 Says it hurts his fingers.
08:36 - Over 50 million people commute through this station
08:40 every single year.
08:42 So, sorry. Sorry.
08:43 - Oh, there she is. I wondered where she was.
08:45 She's just appeared.
08:46 - I bet everybody's going,
08:47 "I wish she'd get out the way, I'm gonna miss my train."
08:49 - And today, some of them will be lucky enough
08:52 to hear some brilliant amateur pianists.
08:55 - What's shinier, Claudia's hair or the piano?
08:58 - This is the piano.
09:00 - I don't even know any pianoists.
09:05 - Do you? - No.
09:08 - I once told Ben that I wouldn't mind learning how to play the drums,
09:11 and he laughed in my face.
09:13 So it put me off.
09:15 - You know, never tell somebody your dreams.
09:18 - In the programme...
09:20 - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.
09:22 - Claudia welcomed Michael to her piano.
09:25 - I've always struggled to fit in, and there's a reason for that.
09:29 I have neurodiversities.
09:32 - Oh.
09:33 - There's a lot of it about Jane.
09:35 - I have autism, and I have ADHD as well.
09:39 - Bless him. So he's got a lot of struggles, hasn't he?
09:42 - But, say, Natalie, look how he's got on.
09:44 He speaks lovely, plays the piano.
09:47 - Can you remember the first time you heard classical music?
09:50 - Yeah, I think maybe the British Airways adverts.
09:54 - The British Airways advert? That's a bit unusual.
09:57 - And it went like...
09:59 - You can't resist. You love the sound your own voice do.
10:06 - I remember that.
10:11 - That was "Lacme," natted by Deleube.
10:14 - Was it?
10:15 - Michael, you compose for piano, but you also write songs for your voice.
10:23 - So has he made this up, then?
10:25 - Yeah, by the sounds of things.
10:26 - Is he going to sing as well? - Yeah.
10:28 - The words, the language, is completely made up.
10:31 - Oh. - Oh, wow.
10:33 - The meaning, instead, is in the music and the voice.
10:36 - Well, I can't wait.
10:38 - That's quite different, isn't it? - Yeah.
10:41 - Please be good.
10:43 - Come on, Michael. - Come on, Michael.
10:45 - Show us what you're made of.
10:46 - Great is the grief.
10:55 - Keep it light, Michael. Keep it light.
10:57 - It's quite heavy, isn't it?
10:58 - Oh, my God.
11:05 - Whoa, it's like operatic.
11:07 - He's got a contralto voice, Mary.
11:10 That's a very, very high pitch,
11:12 of which there's a long noble tradition.
11:15 - Even blue legs, eh?
11:21 - He does. Look at his shoes.
11:23 - Is he singing it in Latin?
11:30 - No, he said you won't understand it.
11:32 It's "is."
11:34 You won't understand it, you silly bastard.
11:36 It's not Latin. He's made it up.
11:38 - What, a language? - Yes.
11:40 - Oh, right. No wonder I can't understand it.
11:42 - Oh, my God.
11:44 - Damn. He's so, like...
11:50 otherworldly.
11:52 - Look at all the people watching. They're all, like, literally stunned.
11:59 - Well, you'd be buzzing if you had a bit of time to kill
12:01 while you were waiting your train.
12:03 - And Michael were playing, yeah?
12:05 - Oh, we got very playful on the piano then.
12:14 - Had a little bit of staccato there, Nottie.
12:17 - It's a three-hour piece, this, just to warn you.
12:27 - Yeah!
12:29 - Well done, Michael. - Wow.
12:32 - I'm feeling inspired after that.
12:34 # Who are they?
12:37 # But here... #
12:40 - Can you practice what I've gone on?
12:42 - # But here, please... #
12:44 - Oh, Christ.
12:46 # #
12:49 - Oh, my God.
12:51 - I'm so sorry.
12:53 - I'm so sorry.
12:55 # #
12:59 # #
13:03 # #
13:07 # #
13:11 - What are you getting, Paige?
13:13 - Whoops.
13:19 - That means get me something.
13:24 - Yeah, don't fall into that trap.
13:26 - Yes, I know. - Because otherwise...
13:28 - I already know.
13:30 - Yeah, I do that to Ben.
13:32 Luckily, he's switched on.
13:34 - Well, I've said to Paige, like, you know,
13:36 "The biggest gift is me."
13:38 You know, and it's quite cheap, quite thrifty.
13:41 - Have you got the receipts?
13:43 - On Monday, it was another bright and breezy start to the week on ITV.
13:49 Come in, Basset, I've been expecting you.
13:52 - Are you even enjoying that?
13:54 - Yeah, I feel like a real adult watching this morning
13:56 and having my espresso in my tiny cup.
13:58 - Come on, it doesn't get better than this.
14:01 - Maybe you can't drink it.
14:07 - Maybe you can get better.
14:09 - I like this new couple.
14:14 They're much better than the other presenters of this morning.
14:18 - You'd be envidious to make comparisons.
14:20 - No, but they're very natural and relaxed.
14:22 - And they keep it real, don't they?
14:24 - Yeah. They don't do too many fixed grins.
14:28 Patronising fixed grins.
14:30 - Do a fixed grin, Mary. - I can't.
14:32 - Do one. - No.
14:34 - That is...
14:37 - It is British Sandwich Week this week, of course it is.
14:40 - Anything to do with food, I'm willing to celebrate.
14:43 - So today we need your help in finding the nation's favourite sarnie.
14:46 - I do like a chip butter. - And a bacon butter.
14:48 - I like a bacon butter. - And a sausage butter.
14:50 - I also like a sausage butter.
14:52 Could be struggling with it, to be fair.
14:54 - Shall we have a look at the contenders? - Please.
14:57 - They'd better be decent sandwiches that I've had.
14:59 - Starting with the BLT.
15:02 - No. - Overrated.
15:04 - BLT's definitely... - Yeah, I was going to say.
15:06 - 100. - Can't have that already.
15:09 - We have the classic chicken salad.
15:12 - That's probably me. - Nice.
15:15 - Our chicken and stuffing, to be fair.
15:17 - We have the slightly whiffy tuna mayo.
15:19 - Oh! - No!
15:21 - How's this in the top five? - My favourite.
15:24 - Actually, tuna mayo sweetcorn. - Sweetcorn, yeah!
15:27 - That sandwich says to me, I don't respect anybody near me.
15:31 - Not even myself.
15:33 - Cheese and pickle. - Cheese and pickle.
15:37 - That might be my top, you know. Whack some ham on it, though.
15:41 - And finally, an egg and crust.
15:44 - It looks a little sad. - Oh!
15:46 - Oh, we love an egg and crust. - I love egg and crust.
15:49 - Don't we? - Egg and crust.
15:51 - Egg and crust. - I do think an egg mayonnaise sandwich
15:54 is worth going to a funeral for, Mary.
15:56 Cos that's the only place where you're guaranteed to get them.
15:59 - What's a crust, Rob? Is that, like...
16:02 - It's like grass. - Yeah, it's like grass, basically, yeah!
16:05 - Why am I having grass?
16:07 - A bit later, we were on the edge of our seats
16:10 for the results of the big vote.
16:13 - Yes, it's finally time to reveal the sandwich you have chosen.
16:17 - The lights have come down for this. The lights have come down for it.
16:20 - And the nation's favourite sandwich,
16:23 as voted for by you, the This Morning viewer, is...
16:28 - Come on, chew that!
16:30 - I'm not going to eat a pickle, I don't find the rest of shit.
16:33 - Chicken salad's good. - I'm not an egg butty in the car.
16:36 - This is better than the Eurovision Song Contest. - Shut up!
16:39 - Woo! - BLC!
16:42 - Yay!
16:45 - What an absolute... - Travesty.
16:48 - That is a travesty. Recount.
16:51 - The problem here is, we are a nation of basic bitches.
16:55 - Yeah.
16:59 - Do you know, Lee, every time I see you go to that fridge...
17:02 - Yeah? - You don't come back without...
17:04 - I have today. - Oh, is that?
17:06 - Since it's real warm outside. - Oh, what is it?
17:08 - Beer. - Oh, thank you.
17:10 - Alcohol-free. - Oh, lovely.
17:12 - You like it, don't you? - Yeah.
17:14 - Best friends Jenny and Lee. - Oh, thank you.
17:17 - Hey!
17:19 - Cheers. - Oh, cheers.
17:21 - No, like that, you do it like that. - All right.
17:24 - There you...
17:26 - Absolute shitbag. I knew... I should have known!
17:30 - This week, Pulses were racing again on Netflix.
17:34 - I do like a bit of Bridgie.
17:36 - So, last episode, Penelope and Colin shared a kiss.
17:40 - They put this shit on again, you and this Bridgie, and Jesus!
17:46 - You love it!
17:48 - Oh, where's Penelope?
17:52 - She's just getting over that big smack-a-roonie.
17:54 - Colin.
17:56 - Oh, why?
18:02 - I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss!
18:04 - I know, my sleeping's terrible as well, at the minute.
18:07 - Can't eat, he can't sleep.
18:12 - There, says it all, don't he? He's spitting!
18:15 - You're my favourite doctor.
18:17 - Why are they talking like that?
18:19 - They're confessing to each other! - No way, there's no way.
18:23 - They're canoodling!
18:25 - Up against the wall, Simon.
18:27 - Oh, shit!
18:34 - Jesus, that escalated!
18:38 - I was fucking dreaming!
18:42 - Oh my God, his mind's racing with the thought of their kiss.
18:45 - Blinky-leck, got us all excited there for nothing.
18:48 - A bit later, Penelope found out.
18:51 - A bit later, Penelope found herself in the arms of another eligible bachelor at a fancy party.
18:57 - Is everything all right, Miss Paddington?
18:59 - Everything's wonderful.
19:01 - Oh, so Debly may propose to Penelope tonight?
19:03 - Yeah. - Huh?
19:05 - She wants Colin. Why settle for second best?
19:08 - Because she don't think she's gonna get Colin.
19:10 - May I ask you a question, my lord?
19:12 - Anything.
19:13 - Why am I sat on the edge of my fucking seat for this?
19:15 - Do you imagine that, with time,
19:19 love may one day grow?
19:21 - Oh, well, that's a question.
19:23 - Oh, she wants love.
19:25 - I do not know.
19:27 To be honest, my work has such a large portion of my heart,
19:29 it may be difficult to make more space.
19:31 - That's a red flag.
19:33 I don't know if I'll ever love you.
19:35 - Do you mind if I interrupt?
19:36 - Oh, thanks.
19:37 - I should only take a moment.
19:38 - Oh, Colin, yes! Break it up!
19:40 - Can I have an excuse me?
19:42 - It appears you two have something to resolve.
19:44 - Oh. - Oh.
19:46 - They definitely do, I'll tell you.
19:48 - Colin, you're going to ruin things between me and Deblin.
19:50 - Well, perhaps that is for the best.
19:51 - What do you mean?
19:52 - Oh, she's fuming! Old Penn's fuming!
19:55 - You can't marry him, you hardly know him.
19:57 - Why not? You don't want to marry her, Colin, do you?
20:00 - I said I would help you find a husband,
20:02 but I cannot stand by and watch you make a mistake.
20:04 - Oh, Deblin's having.
20:05 - Oh, he's stomping off now.
20:06 - The only mistake was me ever asking for your help in the first place.
20:09 - Oh. - Oh.
20:11 - Are you just gonna let her go, Colin?
20:16 - Taxi!
20:18 - Wait!
20:19 - Oh, hello. - Oh, hang on.
20:22 - Penelope.
20:23 - Yes, sir!
20:24 - If he's faster than an horse, then she needs to marry him.
20:27 - I do not wish to speak with you.
20:30 - Yes, you do.
20:31 - Let me in.
20:32 - I love you. I had a naughty dream about you,
20:34 and I can't think of anything else.
20:36 - We will stop at Bridgeton House first.
20:40 - Right, Colin, now tell her.
20:42 - What do you want?
20:43 - You, you daft sod!
20:45 - Did old Deblin propose?
20:46 - Got to do with you, Colin.
20:47 I might start on the edge of my seat again with this.
20:49 - I don't know, shh!
20:50 - He will leave you, and he is too particular, and he is...
20:54 - Not me! - Yeah!
20:56 - That's what he wants to say!
20:58 - He's not me!
20:59 You want me, Penelope!
21:01 - What if I did have feelings for you?
21:03 - They're both chained, Colin.
21:06 - I know.
21:07 - He's taking a whale.
21:09 - I know.
21:10 - It is everything I have wanted to say to you for weeks.
21:13 - Oh, he's admitting it, he's admitting it!
21:15 - Yeah, admitting it, man.
21:16 - Aaaaaah!
21:24 I love it!
21:26 - This is very Milton Boone, isn't it?
21:29 - Very.
21:30 - This is film from Wales.
21:34 - This is raunchy, isn't it?
21:36 - You see, that's the trouble with Bridgeton.
21:38 It starts off as a little kiss,
21:39 and now it goes to pawns on him.
21:42 - Oh!
21:43 - He's kissing her tits!
21:47 - Ha! Ha!
21:48 - Not person-handling.
21:51 - Yes.
21:52 - Aaaah!
21:56 - He's going south!
21:58 - Yep, ravish me.
22:02 - Not on the first date!
22:04 - Hey, hey, hey, hey.
22:08 - I don't think they did that in them days, did they?
22:11 - Well, I hope she's got her going out knickers on.
22:13 - Colin!
22:16 - Oh!
22:17 - Oh, God, I was really into it.
22:22 I'm sitting there watching it with you.
22:24 - Oh, somebody knocking on the window.
22:28 - Oh, we're here, madam.
22:29 - Colin.
22:30 - What?
22:31 - Tell him to go round the block.
22:34 - Can the carriage man keep on driving?
22:37 - What's he said?
22:38 - Can the carriage man keep on driving?
22:39 - Yeah, go on!
22:41 - Because me hand's stuck.
22:42 - Yes.
22:43 - Are you coming with me?
22:44 - Oh, he's inviting her in!
22:46 - Your family will see me.
22:47 - For God's sake, Penelope Featherington,
22:49 are you going to marry me or not?
22:51 - Aaaah!
22:52 - I'm not going to propose to you!
22:54 - Well, that was jolly, wasn't it, Mary?
23:00 - She's been fingered and proposed to in the same night.
23:03 - What a night for Penelope.
23:05 - What a night.
23:07 - In Wiltshire...
23:08 - I've bought you a birthday present,
23:11 which is designed for you to be able to enjoy
23:14 practicing the piano in front of the fire, darling.
23:19 - You see how my fingers are so fat,
23:24 they're touching all the other notes as well.
23:26 - Giles and his wife Mary...
23:29 - I'm not going to propose to you.
23:31 - ...are going to be married.
23:33 - I'm not going to propose to you.
23:35 - ...are going to be married.
23:36 - ...are going to be married.
23:37 - I've thought of something that I can play
23:39 that will sound reasonable.
23:41 Crossroads Motel theme music, Mary.
23:44 On Thursday night,
24:03 we focus on a deep dive into a subject
24:05 that has us all fired up.
24:07 - I love the dispatches.
24:08 They get right into nitty-gritty, don't they?
24:10 - Proper journalism, this.
24:11 - Yeah.
24:12 - OK.
24:13 - It's intellectual, all this.
24:14 I don't do intellectual very good.
24:16 - Can't even fucking say it, hardly.
24:18 - Tonight on Dispatches...
24:20 - Oh, potholes!
24:23 - We take on the potholes.
24:24 - That's nothing but a Jurassic Park, that is.
24:26 - Yeah!
24:27 - That's the footprint of a T-Rex.
24:29 - That are driving us potty.
24:30 - That's even worse than our roads, Mary.
24:32 - We ask,
24:33 is this the worst time ever to be a British driver?
24:37 - Yeah, it is.
24:38 - Do you think so, Mum?
24:39 - Yeah, if you're behind Jenny,
24:41 yes, she'll never wish you won a drive again.
24:43 - Enough is enough, actually.
24:47 It's about time somebody did something about this.
24:49 - Yeah.
24:50 - What do I pay 30 pound road tax a year for?
24:53 It's fucking disgusting.
24:55 - Shut up.
24:57 - East Sussex's potholes are rumoured to be
25:00 amongst the worst in the country.
25:02 - East Sussex.
25:03 - Where's that?
25:04 - Now, we like East Sussex.
25:05 - We love East Sussex.
25:07 - As you can see, this is a real rugged SUV.
25:10 In fact, it once did serve in the German army.
25:12 - Oh, for goodness sake.
25:14 - Maybe that's why so many people round here drive 4x4s.
25:17 - Oh, gosh, there's a big one.
25:19 - She didn't make any effort to avoid it.
25:22 - Sometimes, as soon as there's a pothole,
25:24 you go, "Buh-bump!"
25:26 - I know.
25:28 - On the edge of pothole hell,
25:30 there lives a man called Russ,
25:32 who, legend has it, is a bit of a pothole superhero.
25:36 - He fills them in.
25:37 - That's what Stuart did,
25:38 that he got into trouble from the council
25:40 because he didn't use the right stuff to fill his potholes in,
25:42 and he was only doing it so his Ferrari didn't get fucked up.
25:45 - Yeah.
25:46 - Hi, Russ!
25:47 - Oh, that's a nice house.
25:48 Very neat bush.
25:49 - I came pothole ready, as you can see.
25:51 - You should have bought a tank.
25:53 - The bad phone reception
25:56 has made Russ's home a beacon of hope
25:58 for motorists who've been potholed.
26:00 - They've got to go to heaven
26:01 'cause they can't get reception on their Ford.
26:03 - So people are breaking down outside Russ's house,
26:05 come to him to use his phone to get A.A.
26:08 - Or R.S.A.
26:10 - Yeah, and there are others like Green Flag, many others.
26:12 - As many as nine in a single day.
26:15 - Nine in a day?!
26:16 - Oh, I'd get a bag of an old sad, wouldn't you?
26:19 - This is me going out to the lady that had broken down.
26:23 - Oh, Russ.
26:24 - There's three cars on our driveway.
26:26 - There's literally a queue.
26:27 - Stop it.
26:28 - It's like a pothole pit stop.
26:30 - Yeah.
26:31 - This one here of an evening,
26:33 these are coming at one, two o'clock in the morning.
26:35 - Jesus, it's happening right through the bloody night then.
26:39 - Russell takes us on a guided tour
26:40 of some of the most impressive potholes in the area.
26:43 - The warning traffic cones should be fencing off that hole,
26:47 shouldn't they?
26:48 - In your lifetime,
26:49 have you ever had a traffic cone on your head, Mary?
26:52 - Oh, yes. - After a party?
26:54 - In my early twenties.
26:55 - Yes, so have I.
26:56 Have you ever been pushed along a street...
26:59 - In a trolley.
27:00 - In a supermarket trolley?
27:01 - Yes.
27:02 - Look how deep it is, look.
27:05 - Christ, that's a pothole, that's a friggin' valley, man.
27:08 - I know.
27:09 - As you can see, when the cars come down,
27:10 they've got no option but to go through this hole
27:12 when the cars come in the other way.
27:14 - If there's something oncoming as well,
27:16 you can't swerve round it.
27:17 - Look, watch.
27:18 - Don't stay there, you muppet.
27:21 - There you go.
27:22 [laughter]
27:24 - Oh, white man, man, he did that on purpose.
27:27 - He did.
27:28 - The councils that responded
27:29 to our freedom of information request
27:31 said they received over a million reports of potholes last year.
27:35 - A million?
27:36 - I didn't even know that it were a thing,
27:38 that we had to report potholes.
27:40 I just thought that other people would.
27:42 [laughter]
27:43 - Those councils spent 56 million pounds
27:46 on reactive pothole repairs alone.
27:49 - 56 million?
27:50 - They're errors making it worse.
27:52 [laughter]
27:54 - The RAC attended 27,000 pothole incidents on Britain's roads.
28:00 - But they're rubbing the arms together, aren't they?
28:02 - A 9% increase.
28:03 - We've just had two more tyres gone on our car, Mary,
28:07 'cause of potholes.
28:08 - Are these expensive fixes for people?
28:10 - It can be, vehicle-dependent.
28:11 - If you're a woman or you're over the age of 65, yes.
28:14 - We're victims, Mary.
28:15 - Yeah. - Potholes.
28:16 - So you might be one of the very few people
28:18 that I can think of
28:19 who actually don't mind potholes,
28:20 'cause they're quite good for business.
28:22 - Good for business.
28:23 - Now I fucking love 'em.
28:24 We're sacked out, love.
28:25 Can't get enough potholes.
28:26 I've been out digging some meself.
28:28 [laughter]
28:29 [upbeat music]
28:32 - In Glasgow...
28:33 - Every year when summer comes,
28:34 I forget the ordeal that the fake tan situation
28:38 beholds upon me.
28:39 - But why do you need fake tan if it's a summer though?
28:40 - Because I need to be tanned to get a real tan.
28:42 - ...Rochine and her boyfriend, Joe.
28:44 - I honestly might ask your mum if I can go up on the roof
28:47 in sunbed naked.
28:48 It's the only way.
28:49 - That's an option, aye.
28:50 I think she'd probably join you.
28:52 - Here's hoping.
28:53 - I can come and bring you a few drinks if you want.
28:55 - That's so weird.
28:56 - That'd be great.
28:57 Yeah, that'd be lovely.
28:58 - This week, we got to see some odd obsessions
29:01 from across the pond on Discovery+.
29:04 - Lots of people are addicted to their iPhones.
29:06 - Oh, yes.
29:07 Practically everyone is,
29:08 but then some people are addicted to Sudoku.
29:11 Older people.
29:12 - Oh, yes.
29:13 - What's your strange addiction?
29:14 - Putting cotton buds in beer.
29:16 - Oh, yeah, that is--
29:17 that is an addiction.
29:18 You actually need to watch for that.
29:20 You're going to deafen yourself.
29:21 - Going to what?
29:22 - [laughs]
29:23 [upbeat music]
29:27 - My strange addiction.
29:29 - You've got a strange addiction.
29:30 - To sniffing mixed breath.
29:32 - Yeah.
29:33 - Oh, my God.
29:34 My favorite episode, don't--
29:35 was the one who eats the sofas.
29:37 [laughs]
29:38 I was like, "Damn, girl."
29:40 - My name is Tyler.
29:41 I'm from Lawrence, Kansas,
29:43 which is the middle of nowhere.
29:45 - So, hang on.
29:46 You're already setting the tone here.
29:47 You've got nothing else to do.
29:49 [upbeat music]
29:52 - What's that?
29:53 - Is that a tin of tuna?
29:55 [upbeat music]
29:57 - What's she doing?
29:58 [inhales]
30:00 [inhales]
30:01 Oh, no.
30:02 He likes to smell it.
30:03 - It's a face sniffer.
30:05 - Mm.
30:06 - They call me Tuna Tyler.
30:08 - Tuna Tyler?
30:09 - Oh, God.
30:10 Oh, that's a horrible nickname.
30:13 - And I'm addicted to smelling tuna.
30:15 - Don't be so proud of yourself, man.
30:17 It's the weirdest thing I've ever heard.
30:19 - I like tuna, mate.
30:20 - Well, you've done sniffing, don't you?
30:22 - Oh.
30:23 [sniffs]
30:25 - Ah!
30:26 - Oh, he's drinking it.
30:27 - He drank tuna juice.
30:29 - Oh!
30:30 - Not only do I like smelling tuna,
30:32 but I also definitely like to drink
30:34 a little bit of the juice right out of the can.
30:36 - [laughs]
30:37 You all right, Dad?
30:38 - What I love about tuna's smell
30:40 is definitely the fish light aroma.
30:43 - What is this guy, man?
30:45 And who's he texting?
30:46 - John West.
30:47 [laughter]
30:49 - Mm-hmm.
30:50 [smacks lips]
30:53 - Oh!
30:54 - You can have an addiction,
30:55 but use a fucking fork.
30:56 - Yeah!
30:57 - Oh, don't you put me off fucking tuna now.
30:59 I love tuna, Tim.
31:00 - I know.
31:01 - I love tuna.
31:02 - I do.
31:03 - It's boring me off it.
31:04 Look at that.
31:05 - And I don't mind when the juices run all down my chin.
31:08 I like it all over myself.
31:09 - Ooh, wow.
31:10 - Oh!
31:11 - I tell you what I used to like when I was pregnant.
31:14 - What?
31:15 - Sniffing petrol.
31:17 [laughter]
31:18 - I am single.
31:20 Open the mingle.
31:21 - Wonder why that is.
31:22 - You know, he's a bit of a cat.
31:24 [laughter]
31:26 - I messed with a girl on a dating app,
31:28 and I found a date.
31:29 - Oh, that poor woman.
31:31 - Has he told her in advance that he stinks of tuna?
31:34 - It's been a while, so I'm a little nervous right now.
31:37 [laughter]
31:40 - Oh, he brought tuna with him.
31:41 - He's nervous.
31:42 He's just having some Dutch tuna.
31:44 [dramatic music]
31:47 - Huh?
31:48 - Oh, bollocks.
31:49 This is ridiculous now.
31:50 - This can't be real.
31:52 He's not rubbing tuna juice all over himself.
31:56 [dramatic music]
31:58 - Oh, shoot. - Hi.
31:59 - Hello, hello.
32:00 - How are you?
32:01 - Can you smell fucking tuna?
32:03 - Tania.
32:04 - Tania.
32:05 - Tania.
32:06 - Nice to meet you.
32:07 - Tania, I really hope you like tuna.
32:09 - Her name sounds like tuna.
32:10 Does anyone else notice that?
32:11 - Yeah, yeah.
32:12 - Tell me about yourself.
32:13 So have you been, like, dating recently or--
32:16 - Here we go.
32:17 Is it all gonna come out now?
32:18 - My last girlfriend, serious relationship,
32:21 was when I was 15 years old.
32:23 [dramatic music]
32:24 - Alarm bells are starting to ring.
32:26 - What she doesn't realize is that red flag
32:28 is actually in brides.
32:30 - Instincts of tuna.
32:31 - You know, as soon as I see a girl,
32:32 I, like, I felt like before,
32:33 I'd always want to let a girl know,
32:35 like, the secret about myself.
32:37 - Oh, no.
32:38 No, keep it to yourself.
32:40 - Oh, here it comes.
32:41 Come on!
32:42 - Here it comes.
32:43 - Okay.
32:44 - I'm saying stuff like, you know,
32:45 it's okay if, you know--
32:46 - Oh, he's gonna get a tin--
32:47 he's gonna get a tin of tuna, man.
32:49 - Thing is, I actually have an addiction.
32:51 Um, that's why I wanted to tell you.
32:53 I hope you don't judge me,
32:54 but, um, I just have an addiction to smelling tuna.
32:57 - Oh.
32:58 - Okay, you have it dated--
33:00 - Do you know something?
33:01 - Yeah.
33:02 - She's possibly thinking, "This is a joke.
33:04 This is gonna be a joke."
33:05 - So I'm just gonna be very honest with you
33:07 that this is probably not something--
33:10 - What's he doing?
33:12 [dramatic music]
33:15 - It's like he's doing it on purpose to us.
33:17 - Time waster. - Sorry.
33:19 - It's a no for me.
33:20 - Yeah, it's a no.
33:21 - I mean, let's face it, he probably saw this coming.
33:24 - She wasn't gonna say yes to that.
33:25 - No.
33:26 - I understand, I understand.
33:27 - Yeah.
33:28 - I'm not, you know, sad or anything, but...
33:29 - Okay.
33:30 - All he needs is the tuna.
33:31 - Yeah.
33:32 - Tuna keeps me satisfied.
33:34 [laughter]
33:35 - The addiction is stronger than his actual manly feelings.
33:39 - Yeah.
33:40 Well, obviously he's not bothered, Liv.
33:43 I mean, I wouldn't want a bonk with him smelling a fish.
33:47 [dramatic music]
33:50 ♪ ♪
33:53 [upbeat music]
33:55 - In North London...
33:56 - This might be just the best thing you've ever bought me.
33:59 - Here you go. - Thank you.
34:00 [laughter]
34:02 - Sisters Amira and Amani.
34:05 - I thought you might enjoy this, you know.
34:07 'Cause it's so useful, honestly.
34:08 - You always go through so much antibacterial wipes.
34:11 - All the time.
34:12 - Every time you're wiping your hands
34:13 after every time you eat something.
34:15 - Now I don't have to worry.
34:16 - Yeah.
34:18 - Are you actually gonna use it from now on?
34:20 - Honestly, this is the best thing anyone has got.
34:21 - Ah! No, no, no, you don't need to pick it up.
34:23 Here you go.
34:24 [laughter]
34:26 You don't need to use your hands for anything anymore.
34:29 [laughter]
34:31 And then--there you go.
34:34 Back to you.
34:35 [laughter]
34:36 It's so stupid.
34:38 [laughter]
34:39 - On Wednesday night, there were more twisted tales
34:42 to be had with BBC Two's dark comedy series.
34:45 - I've heard about this.
34:46 One of my customers was talking to me about it in the week.
34:49 - What's it called?
34:50 - "Inside Number Nine."
34:51 Do you know what I like about it, Ron?
34:53 The unexpected.
34:55 [upbeat music]
34:57 - It's an unbelievable show. - Oh!
34:59 - And every episode is different.
35:01 - Okay.
35:02 - And it's all in a little container,
35:03 so they just play with your mind.
35:05 That's very funny.
35:06 - Oh, bloody hell.
35:08 Is this the ring doorbell?
35:14 - Looks like it.
35:15 - "Outside Number Nine."
35:17 - Morning.
35:18 - Oh, hiya, Larry.
35:19 - Oh, that's the new bed, is it?
35:21 - Foxes, is it?
35:23 - Foxes, I know.
35:25 They do it to me as well.
35:27 - I might put poison down. That'd seem to stop 'em.
35:29 - I'd fucking rather wake up with a bed of scraps
35:31 than to drive and eat poison foxes.
35:33 - Yeah, that's true.
35:34 - You settling in all right?
35:36 - Not bad.
35:37 - Oh, she's just moved in, isn't she?
35:38 - Yeah.
35:39 - Anyway, as I say, anything I can do...
35:41 - He seems nice enough, doesn't he?
35:42 Bit of a busybody.
35:43 He strikes me as the kind of guy where you'd be
35:45 stirring your front wash in your car and he'd go,
35:47 "Oh, you can do mine next."
35:49 - Yeah.
35:50 - Okay.
35:51 - Ready? - Yeah.
35:52 - The neighbours are active, aren't they?
35:53 - Friendly, aren't they?
35:54 - Like bringing over a cake or something,
35:56 won't they?
35:57 - We just thought we'd come over and introduce ourselves.
35:59 Ken and Sheila from number eight.
36:01 - Ken and Sheila.
36:02 - Ken and Sheila.
36:03 - Still living out of boxes, you know.
36:04 - Yes, we've noticed a lot of takeaway bags.
36:06 - Oh!
36:07 - And they've got binoculars over there or something.
36:11 - Oh, God, these are sort of...
36:12 These are curtain twitchers.
36:13 - Oh, absolutely.
36:14 - Val are your wife, isn't it?
36:15 - Yeah, Val, yeah.
36:16 She's had work at the moment.
36:17 - Yeah, we've seen her driving off every morning.
36:19 - Nothing goes past here.
36:20 She's a local neighbourhood watch, isn't she?
36:22 - She is a neighbourhood watch.
36:23 She misses...
36:24 She doesn't miss nothing, does she?
36:25 - I said she gets a break.
36:26 - Oh, I know.
36:27 What's the break we're talking about?
36:28 - Fuck you now!
36:29 - Damon and Valerie are arguing.
36:31 - God, it's quite heated, isn't it?
36:32 Whatever conversation they're having.
36:34 - Fuck off!
36:35 - You fuck off!
36:36 - Fuck off!
36:37 - That's the staple of any household.
36:40 - No, you fuck off!
36:43 - Get out!
36:46 - Fuck!
36:47 [knocking]
36:49 - [gasps]
36:51 - What's happened there?
36:52 - Somebody's gone pear there.
36:53 It sounded like somebody coming down the stairs
36:55 going against the door, that.
36:56 - Do you reckon?
36:57 - Mm-hmm.
36:58 - [gasps]
37:01 - It's flipping Damon!
37:02 - He's dragging something out.
37:04 - [yells]
37:07 - No.
37:08 Oh, it's not...
37:09 He ain't killed her, has he?
37:11 - [gasps]
37:13 No, he had chopped her up.
37:14 - Is she in those suitcases, old Val?
37:17 - [gasps]
37:20 - Oh!
37:21 - They've got the big light on those,
37:23 but she's over at Rhodes.
37:24 Sheila and Ken are up, Simon.
37:26 - Of course they are.
37:27 - Oh!
37:30 - That's a much better idea.
37:31 Turn the light off, then you can look out.
37:33 - Yeah.
37:34 - I don't think he's gonna get away with this, old Damon.
37:40 - Well, whatever it is.
37:41 - But it's pretty obvious, isn't it?
37:43 - No, it's not necessarily.
37:44 - Gloves, two heavy suitcases,
37:46 Valerie suddenly disappeared off the face of the Earth.
37:50 - Let's give it a look here.
37:52 - What key is it for?
37:53 - For the house.
37:54 - Are they actually gonna try and break into number nine?
37:57 - It's not working.
37:59 - They've changed the lock.
38:01 - Oh, look up there, bedroom window's open.
38:03 Can you fetch the ladders?
38:05 - This is neighbourhood watch on steroids.
38:07 [laughs]
38:08 We're gonna have a sneak round the house.
38:10 - What's that one for?
38:12 - That's the back door.
38:13 Maybe they didn't change that one.
38:15 - [gasps]
38:16 She's going to let herself in the back door.
38:18 - Christ, Mum, where's he to with the ladder?
38:20 The fella's gonna come back now.
38:22 - Right, well, you keep lookout. I'll go and check.
38:24 - They've all split up.
38:26 Ken, Larry, Sheila, this is a bit worrying.
38:29 - Be quiet, popcorn.
38:31 You'll wake the whole bloody house up.
38:34 - Where's he gone? He's supposed to be looking out.
38:37 - Oh, friggin' hell, here he is.
38:41 - Oh, my God, it's Damon.
38:43 - Sheila's in there now, ain't she?
38:47 - Ooh, he's gonna catch her red-handed now.
38:49 - Oh, my God.
38:50 - Huh?
38:51 - What are you doing up there? Be careful, you'll fall.
38:55 - Hey, she's out in the bedroom.
38:57 - Drag me that bin over.
38:59 - Did she say get the bin?
39:03 - I mean, as if Damon ain't gonna notice any of this going on.
39:07 - Larry?
39:08 - [screams]
39:09 - Hello, Damon.
39:13 - [laughs]
39:14 - Are you gonna get out of this, Larry?
39:16 - Are you gonna be cycling this week or next?
39:18 I can never remember.
39:20 - Next Monday.
39:21 - What are you doing with me bin?
39:22 - Yeah.
39:23 - Larry's leaning on the bar, looking cool.
39:25 - Just trying to be neighbourly.
39:27 - Oh, no!
39:31 - Oh, shit, he's out with ladders now.
39:34 - Hiya, Damon.
39:37 - [laughs]
39:38 - How are you gonna explain that?
39:40 - He didn't notice the car was in the driveway.
39:44 - I just wondered if you wanted your gutters clearing.
39:47 - Oh, fuck!
39:48 - Gutters clearing? What time is it?
39:50 - So, are you off out, Damon?
39:52 - Yes, I'm gonna get to fill the car.
39:54 - I mean, if half the neighbourhood were on your drive at nearly midnight,
39:57 you'd be going, "What's the mess here?"
39:59 - Yeah.
40:00 - You know, I wouldn't be buggering off out.
40:02 - I think we got away with that.
40:05 - They think they got away with this.
40:08 I think Damon's got their card marked,
40:10 and they could be next in the chopper.
40:13 [engine rumbling]
40:16 - There's Val.
40:17 She's not dead.
40:18 - So the whole neighbourhood's thinking that she's dead.
40:21 And she's just gone away for a few days 'cause they'd fallen out.
40:25 For fuck's sake.
40:27 - Larry looks, he's shocked. Larry's like, "What?"
40:32 - I've just seen a ghost.
40:33 - Oh!
40:34 Hiya, Larry, you're up late.
40:36 - He seems surprised to see Valerie.
40:38 - Well, I'm surprised to see Valerie.
40:40 - I've been looking for popcorn.
40:42 - Looking for popcorn?
40:43 - Oh!
40:44 - The dog?
40:45 - So what's happened to popcorn?
40:46 - Oh, he's ran off.
40:48 - Oh.
40:49 - Popcorn's gone missing?
40:50 - Open this up for me, would you please?
40:52 - What is it?
40:56 - What?
40:57 - What's in there?
40:58 - Popcorn.
40:59 - Popcorn?
41:00 - The dog's in there.
41:02 - Oh, my days.
41:04 - It was you.
41:05 You poisoned him.
41:07 - What?
41:08 - I'm gonna go and call Damon.
41:10 - Why is he accusing her?
41:12 - Well, she said she's gonna put poison...
41:14 - Put poison down for the foxes.
41:16 - What's he doing?
41:20 - Getting the brick.
41:22 - No way, he's not gonna use that, surely.
41:27 - Larry!
41:28 No, Larry, no, it's not worth it!
41:30 - Ah!
41:32 - Ah!
41:33 - He's caved her in with a brick?
41:37 - Sheesh.
41:38 - You knew fucking Larry had it in him.
41:40 - Hello?
41:41 - I was thinking of getting a ring doorbell,
41:43 just sometimes when I'm on my own in the evenings,
41:45 just to watch it back for a bit of entertainment.
41:47 See how many people have been up and down the road.
41:49 They're not allowed to, it's private roads.
41:51 You sit as a cutthroat.
41:52 - My face was,
41:53 "I feel we need to get you some friends, Jane."
41:56 - He leans.
42:00 - Why are you all pulling Ezra's birthday presents
42:02 when he's not even here?
42:04 - Well, he doesn't know it's his birthday.
42:07 - Well, I wonder if he doesn't get to open any presents
42:10 and his van opens them all.
42:12 - Sisters Ellie and Izzy.
42:14 - You're mean, you need to wrap that back up for him.
42:20 - Oh!
42:22 - He'll love opening that.
42:24 - All his other presents have been clothes.
42:27 - Exactly!
42:29 Get that one wrapped up!
42:31 - Well, do you know what, I'll do this.
42:34 - Just put the paper back on it?
42:35 - Just put the paper back on, yeah.
42:37 - Yeah.
42:38 - On Friday night, we took a trip down memory lane on BBC 4.
42:44 - Top of the Pops, love, 1984.
42:47 - Oh, it's a big special.
42:49 - We might know some of these,
42:50 'cause we don't know the charts now, do we?
42:52 - I was two when this episode was on, two!
42:57 - I can't lie, the dancers from the '80s, they got ham.
43:00 - They did, the dancers were the best.
43:03 - Hi, how are you doing?
43:04 And welcome to Top of the Pops, my Thursday night.
43:07 - Richard Skinner and...
43:08 - Ooh, Gary Davis!
43:11 - One of his catchy, you know, he had catchy things on the radio.
43:15 - Yeah.
43:16 - And one of them was, "Ooh, Gary Davis, ooh, Gary Davis, ooh, Gary Davis."
43:21 - They've got a record that's been around for ages,
43:23 at long last it's gone in the charts.
43:24 - Look at her after Gary Davis, sir!
43:27 - She's trying so hard!
43:29 - It's raining men, here are the Weather Girls.
43:32 - The Weather Girls, you're here!
43:34 - Oh!
43:35 - Remember this?
43:36 - What do you like, the original or the Jerry Halliwell version?
43:38 - Oh, the original, definitely!
43:41 - Hi!
43:45 - Hi!
43:46 - We're the Young Weather Girls.
43:47 - And have we got news for you!
43:50 - I've got the top like that.
43:52 - I have?
43:53 - I have.
43:54 I got it from when I went to Benidorm.
43:56 - What, now?
43:58 - Yeah, Danny bought it this year!
44:00 - I'm feeling spicy, I'm just getting low.
44:05 - According to our sources.
44:09 - What sources?
44:10 - The streets, the place to go.
44:13 - Just in time for the first time.
44:17 - Just about half past ten.
44:20 - What time? First time?
44:22 - What? No, just about half past ten.
44:24 - It's not that bad anymore.
44:28 - It's raining men!
44:30 - Yeah!
44:31 - Oh, yes!
44:32 - It's raining men!
44:34 - Do you like my short little pants?
44:36 - Oh my God, work it!
44:38 - I'm gonna let myself get
44:40 - Absolutely soaking wet!
44:44 - Don't spread your legs when you say that.
44:46 - That's what they mean.
44:47 - Oh yeah, I got that.
44:49 - She's going to let herself get absolutely soaking wet.
44:52 - Soak, blood, darkening
44:56 - Oh, short, oh.
44:58 - I think we should have said short.
45:00 - Whatever.
45:02 - Get over there, Shaun! Move now!
45:13 - Watch this!
45:15 - It gets you going, Jenny.
45:18 - It does, yeah, it does.
45:19 - Well, tell your face that and your body.
45:21 - You like plastic legs, Celia?
45:25 - Yeah.
45:27 - Everybody say, "Big Nut!"
45:35 - Here we go.
45:36 - It's gonna rain men!
45:41 - Woo!
45:42 - Hallelujah, it's...
45:46 - Hey!
45:47 - Give it a second, there you go.
45:49 - That's it.
45:51 - Hallelujah!
45:53 - Hallelujah!
45:55 - Give it to me, baby!
45:57 - I think that the Weather Girls have made a comeback in this living room here tonight.
46:02 - That's why they're called the Weather Girls.
46:05 - What do you mean?
46:06 - It's raining men.
46:07 - Is it raining men?
46:09 - It's funny what you learn.
46:10 - It's 40 years later.
46:11 - It's funny what you learn.
46:12 - The penny's just dropped.
46:15 - God, you must have had a really good time when you were young.
46:18 - I tell you, Jenny.
46:19 - All the memories coming back.
46:20 - Oh, God.
46:21 - Flooding through your body.
46:22 - No, this was only last summer.
46:25 - It's a perfect world
46:28 - It's a perfect world
46:31 - Strike a resting face 'cause fame costs and it ain't about the tutus
46:35 - Into the addictive world of dance moms, stream now
46:38 - But coming up, smooch down the phone
46:41 - But what will real-life dating do for the couples madly in love and a world apart?
46:45 - The brand new dating sensation The Nevermets starts next
46:49 - It's a perfect world
46:51 - It's a perfect world
46:54 - It's a perfect world
46:56 - It's a perfect world
46:58 - It's a perfect world
47:00 - It's a perfect world
47:03 - It's a perfect world
47:06 - It's a perfect world
47:09 - It's a perfect world
47:12 - It's a perfect world
47:15 - It's a perfect world
47:18 - It's a perfect world
47:21 - It's a perfect world
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