• last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - I'm curious, are books getting burnt on the fever
00:08 or the only people betting these games big
00:12 are people who are trying to fade Caitlin
00:15 and they're actually getting smashed around a little bit
00:17 'cause despite the bad record, they've covered four in a row.
00:21 - I would guess the books are fine.
00:23 You know, you just kind of manage the position
00:25 but it's good to have action.
00:28 So I think it'll catch up, it'll catch up.
00:33 There's probably people that are automatic fading.
00:36 You know those people,
00:37 they bet that don't pass line on a craps table.
00:40 They just adamantly believe what they believe.
00:45 That's fine.
00:47 Speaking of fever, they're in Vegas tonight.
00:51 There's a gigantic, there's a little buzz around town
00:54 about, I thought tickets might be a little more
00:58 readily accessible, available.
01:00 Trying to take the kids down there
01:02 to watch a basketball game.
01:04 16 points spread and tough to get tickets.
01:08 It's not a good par like Kevin.
01:10 (upbeat music)
01:13 [MUSIC]
