00:00 *musique*
00:29 *rires*
00:32 *rires*
00:34 *musique*
00:36 *rires*
00:38 *rires*
00:40 *musique*
01:08 Ok...
01:09 Hmm... Softy.
01:11 *cris*
01:13 *cris*
01:15 *cris*
01:17 Wow, Roken est un troll charmant.
01:19 N'est-ce pas?
01:21 Roken? Un troll charmant?
01:23 *rires*
01:24 Quelle honte!
01:26 Hey, qu'est-ce qui est drôle, troll sans cheveux?
01:28 *rires*
01:29 Oh non, oh non, désolé, j'ai des problèmes de palacité.
01:31 C'est différent.
01:33 *musique*
01:37 Waha, honey, are you having a bad fly day today?
01:39 Yeah, you said I'd find my troll charming, but I ain't seen no one.
01:42 When your troll charming comes, you'll recognize him.
01:44 Well, I'm waiting and only getting hit on my big oafs.
01:46 *rires*
01:48 Do you want some morphs juice?
01:50 Wow, wicked.
01:52 Do you like it?
01:54 *ronflement*
01:56 Oh no, I adore it.
01:58 Oh wow, really?
02:00 Hey, wanna go fortisaurus hunting with me? I'm good at it.
02:02 Is that so?
02:04 Yeah. *rires*
02:05 Cool, we'll get that one with the fortisaurus jump technique.
02:08 What's the jump technique?
02:10 *cri*
02:11 Uh, okay, I got it.
02:13 It's because he isn't the right one.
02:15 Stop getting your hairs in a twist.
02:17 But what's he like, my troll charming?
02:19 Ah, the only one who'll know if he's the one for you is you.
02:23 That's how I found your dad.
02:25 *musique*
02:27 *rires*
02:29 *musique*
02:31 *rires*
02:33 Cool, go guts. He's my troll charming.
02:36 Are those flies yours?
02:38 Ha, yeah, and I left a few back at home.
02:40 Wow, I left some at home too. Let's introduce them.
02:43 Huh?
02:45 Ah, take out my darling troll charming.
02:47 And then, what happened after that?
02:49 Ah, that's a secret. I can't tell you.
02:51 Right.
02:53 *rires*
02:55 Prophie, hey, I know what my troll charming is like.
02:57 He's handsome,
02:59 sturdy, brave, and a dragon hunter, just like dad.
03:01 But not dad though.
03:03 Uh, dragon hunter, is that mandatory?
03:05 Of course it is. My troll charming only fears water.
03:07 Otherwise he's just a splotch, man.
03:09 Ah, and how are you going to find him?
03:11 *rires*
03:13 Right, okay, you reek real good.
03:15 But why are you always with your dad?
03:17 Well, uh, I don't know.
03:19 Me, I know.
03:21 What if I only want to talk to him?
03:23 Same thing. Me is he, and he is me. Huh, son?
03:25 Yeah, dad.
03:27 Well, that's just not possible.
03:29 I'm sorry, son.
03:31 Dad!
03:33 Don't argue. Us pals are going to have a ball together.
03:35 *laughs*
03:37 Next troll!
03:39 Oh yeah, today I'm going to destroy that dragon, man.
03:41 I'm looking for my troll charming.
03:43 What do you say to that?
03:45 Uh, I'm not your troll charming, Laha.
03:47 I'm the awesome troll self-cut.
03:49 I'm built like a champion troll.
03:51 One dragon is not going to see its mom anymore.
03:53 I just nod and rest.
03:55 Here comes my bloodjohn.
03:57 Good work, Prophy. You've mashed him.
03:59 Maybe he was my troll charming.
04:01 Yeah, talk about a sure hit. *laughs*
04:03 Sorry.
04:05 Ugh, Prophy, you're tiring.
04:07 Okay, no time to waste. I got three more speed dinks.
04:09 That's for sure. You were so fast.
04:11 How about going dragon hunting with me?
04:13 Forget it.
04:15 Okay, when you gotta go, you gotta go.
04:17 Next troll!
04:19 Show your face, dragon pie!
04:23 Yeah, right.
04:25 I'm going to show my face.
04:27 You look like a fart-a-saurier just sat on you.
04:29 What's the problem?
04:31 I'm looking for my troll charming, but it's seriously hard.
04:33 I have the impression I'm demanding a fly.
04:35 Me and my troll had to have troll more.
04:37 And with your mom, I got real lucky.
04:39 What's troll more, Dad?
04:41 Well, if we're referring to your mom, it's...
04:43 Choose a finger.
04:45 Yeah, okay.
04:47 *laughs*
04:49 *laughs*
04:51 *chews*
04:53 Come on, one more and you've broken the record.
04:55 *chews*
04:57 *belches*
04:59 Yeah!
05:01 You have to be funny, basically.
05:03 For a troll, it's as important as his flies.
05:05 I've got it, Dad. With my troll more, I'm going to attract them like a turd does flies.
05:07 But don't you bring home that limp carcass.
05:09 Who, Provy?
05:11 *laughs*
05:13 He's my best pal, Dad.
05:15 I say you gotta hunt rested.
05:17 *yawns*
05:19 *thud*
05:21 *thud*
05:23 *yells*
05:25 *laughs*
05:27 Have we met?
05:29 *laughs*
05:31 You're here for the barbecue?
05:33 *laughs*
05:35 So the Binosaurus says to the troll,
05:37 "Go on, choose a finger."
05:39 *laughs*
05:41 No, but he's got hooves.
05:43 Okay, there's this splotch called Splatch.
05:45 It crosses the river and splatch the splotch goes splash.
05:47 *laughs*
05:49 *laughs*
05:51 Non, non, hey wait, I've got another.
05:53 I should have told them the joke about the farting fly.
05:55 Provy, did you have too much sun?
05:57 I hunted a dragon.
05:59 Did you destroy him?
06:01 No, he was kind of sick, so I took pity on him.
06:03 So why are you all burnt?
06:05 It's not fever. He sneezed and voila.
06:07 *laughs*
06:09 You're such a scream.
06:11 So, did you find your troll charming?
06:13 Not really, but Self-Gun seems to find me cute.
06:15 There's a Fondosaurus behind you.
06:17 Not again!
06:19 Self-Gun?
06:21 Oh, my mistake. I thought it was a Fondosaurus.
06:23 *music*
06:27 I guess that must have really hurt.
06:29 No, honestly, I'm okay.
06:31 Hey, I think I've got the makings of a troll charming.
06:33 I'm a hard hitter.
06:35 For sure. Actually, I really like you.
06:37 And it'd be fab if you were my girl.
06:39 Why do you think he stopped?
06:41 He does stuff.
06:43 I'm getting kind of sick of my troll charming stuff.
06:45 I'd rather hang with you.
06:47 At least we have a laugh.
06:49 You're like my brother.
06:51 *musique*