• l’année dernière


00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:02 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:04 ♪ The Pajanimals are ready for you ♪
00:06 ♪ The Pajanimals are ready for you ♪
00:08 ♪ To get ready for sleepy time too ♪
00:12 ♪ Apollo's big adventure take off with a hug ♪
00:17 ♪ Squacky's with his blankie as snug as a bug ♪
00:21 ♪ Cowbella shares a story with all of you ♪
00:24 ♪ Dream a little dream with Sweet Pea Sue ♪
00:27 ♪ Look who's ready for you ♪
00:30 ♪ The Pajanimals are ready for you ♪
00:32 ♪ We are the Pajanimals ♪
00:34 ♪ We are the Pajanimals ♪
00:36 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:38 [rires]
00:40 [soupir]
00:42 [soupir]
00:44 [soupir]
00:46 [soupir]
00:48 [soupir]
00:50 [soupir]
00:52 [soupir]
00:55 Ok.
00:57 [laughs]
00:59 Sir Poodlepants, do you want sugar in your tea?
01:01 Poodlepants?
01:03 What I really want is to stop playing tea party!
01:05 Oh, just five more minutes, please, please, please, please.
01:07 Please, please!
01:09 Two lumps of sugar, please.
01:11 [laughs]
01:13 [hisses]
01:15 Faster than a speedboat!
01:17 [hisses]
01:19 Stronger than a bulldozer!
01:21 [hisses]
01:23 [hisses]
01:25 Smarter than a...
01:27 Hmm, what's really smart?
01:29 Smarter than an Apollo!
01:31 [hisses]
01:33 He's the smartest guy I know.
01:35 Thanks, buddy.
01:37 Super Squacky!
01:39 Um, Squacky, it's really hard to keep playing tea party
01:41 if you keep lying around!
01:43 So we should stop playing tea party!
01:45 No!
01:47 I think Squacky should stop.
01:49 I cannot stop, lady friendy girl,
01:51 for I must save the world,
01:53 and the universe, and my toothbrush.
01:55 Five more minutes 'til bedtime, Pajanimals.
01:57 Oh, Father, really?
01:59 You need your sleep.
02:01 Tomorrow is a big day.
02:03 Oh, yes! Oh, yes, it is!
02:05 Tomorrow, we are going to see
02:07 the Fintastic Splash movie!
02:09 In a real movie theater!
02:11 With popcorn and velvety seats!
02:13 And Fintastic Splash
02:15 is the best superhero ever!
02:17 Oh, I'm really excited now!
02:19 [imitates squawking]
02:21 Gotta do it!
02:23 Gotta do my happy dance!
02:25 I'm happy, I'm happy, I am so happy!
02:27 ♪ Squacky go, Squacky go, Squacky go, go, go! ♪
02:29 [laughing]
02:31 [thud]
02:33 Um, maybe we should get ready for bed.
02:35 [grunts]
02:37 Good idea.
02:39 Faster than a speedboat!
02:41 Stronger than a bulldozer!
02:43 Squacky, you're kind of clogging all the room!
02:45 And you're brushing really fast!
02:47 Yes, I am. Because I, Super Squacky,
02:49 must battle the evil Captain Cavity.
02:51 Take that! And that!
02:53 Oh, you are a tricky one, Cavity,
02:55 but I shall defeat you!
02:57 [grunts]
02:59 Victory is mine!
03:01 [music playing]
03:03 I knew it!
03:13 Super Squacky must sleep now,
03:15 and that's a splash.
03:17 I'm not sure you're meeting him, Squacky.
03:19 You're just watching him in a movie.
03:21 Oh, he'll know I'm there.
03:23 [music playing]
03:25 I'm so excited! I want it to be morning right now!
03:27 [laughing]
03:29 Good night, Pajanimals.
03:31 Sleep tight. See you in the morning light.
03:33 Nighty-night, Mom!
03:35 Good night, Mother!
03:37 [yawns]
03:39 [yawns]
03:41 Oh, I'm never going to be able to fall asleep!
03:43 Squacky, just put your head down on your pillow.
03:45 [snoring]
03:47 [laughing] He's asleep already!
03:49 [laughing]
03:51 Good night, guys!
03:53 Good night!
03:55 [music playing]
03:57 Okie-dokie! It's morning!
04:01 Gotta get ready for the movie!
04:03 Wake up, guys!
04:05 Come on! Wakey-wakey!
04:07 It's time for oatmeal!
04:09 Squacky, what are you doing?
04:11 It's not time to get up yet.
04:13 It must be! Look! I'm wide awake and ready to go!
04:15 [laughing]
04:17 But, Squacky, it's still dark outside.
04:19 It's not morning time.
04:21 Are you sure? Feels like morning.
04:23 [music playing]
04:25 [music playing]
04:27 [music playing]
04:29 ♪ To get out of bed ♪
04:32 ♪ Is the sun shining in? ♪
04:34 ♪ No, no, no ♪
04:35 ♪ So the day can begin? ♪
04:37 ♪ No, no, no ♪
04:39 ♪ That's how you know when it's morning time ♪
04:42 ♪ Go back to sleep till it's morning time ♪
04:45 ♪ Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you squack-solutely sure? ♪
04:49 ♪ How do I know if it's morning time? ♪
04:52 ♪ Can you smell butter toast? ♪
04:54 ♪ No, no, no ♪
04:55 ♪ Is it jam you love most? ♪
04:57 ♪ No, no, no, no ♪
04:59 ♪ Can you hear mommy talk? ♪
05:01 ♪ While the fuzzy feet walk? ♪
05:03 ♪ Do you hear birdies sing? ♪
05:05 ♪ Is your dad goggling? ♪
05:06 ♪ Is the sun shining in? ♪
05:08 ♪ So the day can begin? ♪
05:10 ♪ No, no, no ♪
05:11 ♪ That's how you know when it's morning time ♪
05:14 ♪ Go back to sleep till it's morning time ♪
05:19 Okay.
05:27 So, I guess I should go back to sleep now, huh?
05:30 Yes.
05:31 Yes.
05:32 Yeah, okay. Got it.
05:34 Going to sleep.
05:36 Yeah. Okay.
05:38 Emergency! Emergency!
05:42 I cannot fall back to sleep.
05:44 I'm too awake now. I need help.
05:46 No, okay, Squacky. Come and hop on my bed.
05:49 We'll help you.
05:50 Okay.
05:51 Here we come.
05:56 Prêts?
05:57 On se rassemble!
05:58 On se rassemble!
05:59 On se rassemble!
06:00 On se rassemble!
06:01 Et on y va!
06:02 Oh, c'est tellement...
06:05 Oh, j'adore la terre de Hush.
06:14 C'est tellement confortable, comme un grand embrassage.
06:17 Oui, mais il faut trouver le chien de l'endroit où il dort.
06:20 Où est-elle?
06:21 Oh, là elle est.
06:24 Elle dort.
06:26 Allons-y, Waker.
06:27 Quoi? Qui?
06:33 Bonjour.
06:34 Oh, bienvenue, Pajanimals, dans la terre de...
06:37 Mais vous avez oublié?
06:41 C'est un endroit où dormir.
06:43 Chut, chut, chut.
06:47 Soyez très calme.
06:49 Très calme.
06:51 Très calme.
06:53 Chut, chut, chut.
06:56 Écoutez avec vos deux oreilles.
06:58 Dites-moi, qu'est-ce que vous entendez?
07:00 Je n'entends pas un clac.
07:02 Pas un clac.
07:03 Pas un clac.
07:04 Pas un crash, boum, dunk.
07:05 C'est trop calme.
07:07 Dans la terre de Hush, il n'y a jamais de ralentissement.
07:10 On fait du dodo quand on marche et on fait du chut quand on parle.
07:14 Dans la terre de Hush, vous êtes un instant loin
07:17 d'un rêve dormant à un nouveau jour.
07:21 Quand vous êtes calme...
07:22 Très calme.
07:24 Vous pouvez calmer ce que vous pensez dans votre tête.
07:27 Et quand vous êtes calme...
07:29 Très calme.
07:31 Vous vous sentez chaleureux et froid comme un lit doux et confortable.
07:34 On se sent chaleureux et froid comme un lit doux et confortable.
07:38 Dans la terre de Hush, vous êtes un instant loin
07:41 d'un rêve dormant à un nouveau jour.
07:44 Dans la terre de Hush, vous dormez le soir.
07:47 Vous êtes un bruit et un sourire du matin.
07:54 C'est bien.
07:57 La chanson me fait tellement fatigué.
08:00 Je veux aller dormir.
08:02 Non, ne dormez pas, Bonnie.
08:05 Je veux votre aide.
08:06 Je me suis réveillée au milieu de la nuit et maintenant, je ne peux plus dormir.
08:10 Il a vraiment essayé.
08:12 Oui, il a essayé.
08:13 C'est difficile de se reposer quand vous êtes si excité pour demain.
08:16 Je comprends.
08:18 Tout le monde, venez avec moi.
08:20 Quand je ne peux pas me reposer, c'est ce que je fais.
08:27 Vous êtes prêts?
08:28 Absolument.
08:30 Fermez vos yeux, comme moi.
08:33 Prenez un breath.
08:35 Pensez 1, 2, 3.
08:38 Espècez votre breath.
08:40 Pensez 1, 2, 3.
08:42 Rêvez-vous d'être heureux.
08:45 Super, Squacky.
09:02 Des fruits sucrés.
09:04 Encore du popcorn, s'il vous plaît.
09:07 Chut. Bonne nuit, Squacky.
09:11 La Terre tourne, tourne lentement.
09:15 Les étoiles et la lune remplissent le ciel.
09:19 La magie brille, la nuit commence.
09:23 Alors chantez la la la la la la.
09:28 Squacky était trop excité pour dormir,
09:31 alors nous lui avons aidé en prenant des breaths détendus.
09:35 Oh, c'est si beau.
09:37 Je suis si relaxée.
09:40 La la la la la by.
09:43 La la la la by.
09:46 Chantez, chantez, chantez avec moi.
09:50 La la la la la by.
09:55 La la la la la by.
10:01 Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
10:04 [SILENCE]
