• last year
Danilo Senna - 2nd Place World Skate Roller Freestyle Park World Cup 2024 #FISEMontpellier 2024


00:00 That is correct and Danilo knows it. He's here, he's the challenger.
00:03 He's never won this competition yet, but here is his second run and final chance to get first place.
00:10 12.60 and this time he stomps it.
00:15 Keeps on going, charging, racing back up the course. Big 360 on the step-up.
00:22 Wow, MacDouas. Wow, 900.
00:27 Keeps on spinning, keeps on flipping and he's got another 26 seconds to go.
00:32 Goes over the rainbow. Big 720, transfers sideways.
00:36 Wow, Baio540 going down the transition.
00:42 So you got these extra impacts that you have to absorb in the transition.
00:46 10 seconds left. Big Misty flip down. Lands it perfect, still going.
00:50 Is it his chance? Back Ufo on the third wall. He's going for it, he's going all the way.
00:56 Buzzer, fakie backflip as his final trick. Boom.
01:01 That's it, that's a run ladies and gentlemen. He's still going.
01:06 If we take off our microphones, we can hear the crowd going absolutely bonkers here
01:12 on the riverbanks of the Riverless.
01:15 Also our French commentators are losing their minds as well.
01:17 This is insane, this is such an...
