• last year
These films just left us more confused! Welcome to WatchMojo, and for this list, we'll be looking at the most glaring plot holes found in movie sequels.
00:00Me, it was all me James, it's always been me.
00:07Welcome to WatchMojo, and for this list we'll be looking at the most glaring plot holes
00:11found in movie sequels.
00:13The Varturi might be gone, but they will never forgive what happened here.
00:19Naturally, the storyline head-scratchers contain plenty of spoilers, so consider this your
00:26Phoenix Force Origins – X-Men Dark Phoenix When the X-Men franchise set a new timeline
00:33in X-Men Days of Future Past, it connected the X-Films in a straightforward manner.
00:39With pesky plot holes seemingly filled, X-Men Apocalypse presented a new chapter for our
00:45mutant heroes.
00:46It also showed that Jean Grey was already in possession of the Phoenix Force, seeing
00:51as how she used it to defeat the movie's titular Big Bad.
00:57However, come X-Men Dark Phoenix, Jean doesn't come into possession of the fiery power until
01:04an outer space rescue mission.
01:11While this is something that lines up with the comic's storyline, it doesn't explain
01:15why she had the Phoenix Force in the previous film.
01:18We need more than omega-level mutant brainpower to figure this one out.
01:23Fembot Reveal – Austin Powers – The Spy Who Shagged Me
01:30Okay, we hear you.
01:32The Austin Powers films shouldn't be taken too seriously.
01:39After all, they serve as perfectly silly parodies of the James Bond franchise.
01:44However, one can't help but be bewildered by a certain Fembot reveal in Austin's follow-up
01:51The first installment introduced us to Vanessa Kensington, played by Elizabeth Hurley.
02:03By the film's end, Vanessa is in a romantic relationship with Austin.
02:07Yep, the international man of mystery totally gets the girl.
02:11From the sequel, however, it's revealed that Vanessa was a Fembot the entire time.
02:25But wouldn't Austin's mojo have destroyed her like all the other Fembots?
02:29And wouldn't he have been able to tell?
02:31During, well, you know…
02:36Electro Doesn't Know Spider-Man's Identity – Spider-Man No Way Home
02:41Marvel can't blame this one on the strangeness of the multiverse.
02:46You see, in Spider-Man No Way Home, many of the wall-crawler's arch-villains are mysteriously
02:51pulled through the multiverse for unknown reasons.
02:54That is, until Doctor Strange explains things to us.
02:58According to the good doc, only the villains who know Spider-Man's true identity were
03:02pulled through.
03:03The problem is that Electro is one of them.
03:05And he never found out that Peter Parker was Spider-Man.
03:16He even says so much.
03:18So why is he there?
03:24We can't say, but it sure was nice to see Jamie Foxx's baddie back in action.
03:28Plot holes, be damned.
03:31Leia Remembers Her Mother – Star Wars Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
03:37This one is a bit twisted, as the plot hole in question is revealed in the Star Wars sequel
03:41film, Return of the Jedi, but was created in the Star Wars prequel film, Revenge of
03:47the Sith.
03:48In the latter film, Leia's mother Padme dies immediately after childbirth.
03:52But in Return of the Jedi, Leia tells Luke that she remembers her mom through various
03:57images and feelings.
04:06How could this be?
04:07As a newborn, Leia wouldn't have been able to remember anything, let alone details about
04:11her mother's beauty and emotional state.
04:19This isn't the only Star Wars plot hole either, but more on that later.
04:25The Time-Turner – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
04:29From one beloved franchise to another we go, as Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
04:34features a truly infamous plot hole.
04:46It's in this sequel film that we are introduced to the Time-Turner.
04:50This magical device was originally given to Hermione so she could attend multiple classes
04:56in a day via some time travel.
04:57That's cool and all, but wouldn't such a thing be useful for, you know, destroying
05:01every threat that happened prior to the film?
05:05A Time-Turner would have been the ultimate problem solver.
05:09Rowling later attempted to fill the plot hole by revealing the magical power had certain
05:13time limitations.
05:14Unfortunately, by then our heads had already been hurt from all the scratching, and what
05:20was left of my hair was pulled out.
05:24Alien Stowaway – Alien 3 Renowned director David Fincher has not been
05:28shy about sharing his displeasure with Alien 3, and he's not alone.
05:38Fans are also quick to disparage the film, often citing the plot holes in the opening
05:42sequence as a major factor.
05:45The movie begins with a facehugger emerging from an egg aboard the Sulaco ship.
05:59It turns out the alien queen planted it there in the previous movie.
06:02At least, that's what they would have us believe.
06:05Unfortunately, there is no logical way this could have happened.
06:09For one, the queen's eggs were destroyed, and even if she did have one, there was no
06:13time to run around and secretly plant one.
06:15We just can't crack how the egg got there.
06:26Wonder Woman Reveals Herself – Wonder Woman 1984
06:30While Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman was a major part of the DCEU, many things didn't quite
06:36add up when it came to the character we were presented with.
06:39Before headlining her own films, the Amazonian warrior was introduced in Batman Vs. Superman
06:45– Dawn of Justice.
06:49Bruce Wayne discovers Diana as part of World War I, but otherwise has no idea who she is.
06:55However, the idea that she kept her presence super-secret is greatly contradicted in Wonder
07:00Woman 1984.
07:02The 80s set sequel to Wonder Woman takes place well before the events of Dawn of Justice,
07:07and shows Diana revealing herself, not only fighting in public, but addressing the world.
07:32And everyone just forgot about her after that?
07:38Visions of Werewolves – The Twilight Saga – Breaking Dawn – Part 2
07:43It's fair to say the Twilight films aren't critical darlings by any means.
07:47However, there's no denying the series featured its share of standout sequences, with one
07:52particular taking place in the sequel to Breaking Dawn.
08:00Here Alice has an extended vision of a bloody battle between vampires and werewolves.
08:04But how could this be?
08:06It had previously been explained that Alice can't see werewolves in her visions.
08:11In New Moon, she thought Bella had died because her vision blocked the sight of Jacob, a werewolf,
08:16diving after her.
08:27So wouldn't her epic battle vision just have been a bunch of vampires attacking air
08:31and getting ripped apart by nothing?
08:35Healing Powers – Star Wars Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker – Part 2
08:47The latter Star Wars films have torn many holes in the established space opera franchise.
08:52Don't get us started on Rey being Palpatine's granddaughter.
08:56The most frustrating plot hole, however, comes from the reveal that Rey, through the
09:00Force, could heal mortal wounds.
09:10Why is this such a big deal?
09:12Well prior existence of such power would have changed the entire course of the whole Star
09:17Wars saga.
09:18Anakin's main motivation for joining the dark side was to save his wife's life.
09:23If there was a way to heal someone, there's no way he would have become a Sith.
09:27Where exactly was the knowledge of this practice back then?
09:31Lost Jedi art you say?
09:33Why would they stop using such a life-saving technique like this?
09:47Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
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10:05Author of James Bond's Pain – Spectre Daniel Craig's James Bond film series is
10:10widely celebrated by fans and critics alike.
10:13Unfortunately, the franchise suffered a major misfire with 2015's Spectre as it ripped
10:18a major hole in Craig's 007 story.
10:23Christoph Waltz played the ultimate Bond villain Blofeld and was revealed to be James' bitter
10:41Resenting James, he dedicated his life to ruining his siblings, becoming the author
10:46of his pain by constructing the events of the previous films.
10:58It doesn't track though, as Bond was not even the primary target in several of those
11:04Plus, the other villains always did their darndest to take him out.
11:07There is no way that all the previous complex plans were orchestrated by Blofeld just to
11:13punish James.
11:19Do you have explanations for any of these sequel film plot holes?
11:23Enlighten us in the comments below.
