Good Morning Pakistan is your first source of entertainment as soon as you wake up in the morning, keeping you energized for the rest of the day.
Host: Nida Yasir
#goodmorningpakistan #nidayasir #arydigitalshow #arydigital
#aroobamirza #zainabraza #danishnawaz #newyearcelebration
Host: Nida Yasir
#goodmorningpakistan #nidayasir #arydigitalshow #arydigital
#aroobamirza #zainabraza #danishnawaz #newyearcelebration
00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:03 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:00:10 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:36 Good morning.
00:00:37 Good morning, Pakistan.
00:00:56 For example, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH]
00:01:03, servants, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH]
00:01:58 For example, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH]
00:03:19 Just for example, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH]
00:05:07 Good morning.
00:05:07 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:05:09 Welcome.
00:05:20 Welcome back.
00:05:37 the [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH]
00:07:20 weather might change but the scorching heat of Karachi might change too.
00:07:25 I hope it doesn't this time.
00:07:26 I hope it doesn't get too hot in June.
00:07:28 Exactly, what is going to happen in June Riza?
00:07:30 There are some plans.
00:07:32 But I pray to god that it doesn't get too hot in June.
00:07:34 That is exactly what is going to happen.
00:07:36 My birthday is on June.
00:07:37 Mine too.
00:07:38 I get so hot on my birthday.
00:07:40 All my friends go out too.
00:07:42 It isn't 22 June.
00:07:44 No, no. It is 11 June.
00:07:47 And no one is there.
00:07:48 We are going on Hajj in June.
00:07:50 Oh, Mashallah.
00:07:52 We have to send less heat this time.
00:07:54 Because if Hajj happens in June,
00:07:56 then you can imagine what will happen in June and July.
00:08:00 So, we will get a lot of suggestions from Dr. Bilqis too.
00:08:03 But today, all of you,
00:08:06 we have seen some practice in everyone's house since childhood.
00:08:10 What is the solution to the heat?
00:08:12 My mother used to make a lot of things at home.
00:08:14 She used to make some drinks and things that could break the heat.
00:08:18 So, let's start with everyone.
00:08:20 What all things are there to save the heat in someone's house?
00:08:22 Yes, Yamini.
00:08:23 There is a very interesting drink that is made in our house.
00:08:26 I am sure it is made in people's houses.
00:08:28 But we call it Aap Shola.
00:08:29 And Aap Shola is made from mango.
00:08:32 Okay.
00:08:33 That is why it can be made for a short time.
00:08:35 Because mangoes stay for a short time.
00:08:37 It is boiled and it is a very nice drink.
00:08:40 The more the mango is considered hot, the more the mango is cold.
00:08:45 So, Aap Shola is a special drink.
00:08:49 And Chhaach.
00:08:50 Chhaach.
00:08:51 The lassi.
00:08:52 Lassi.
00:08:53 Raw lassi.
00:08:54 Salty lassi.
00:08:55 Cumin and all.
00:08:56 Cumin and all.
00:08:57 So, in the morning, salty lassi is a must.
00:08:58 Yes, yes.
00:08:59 And it is very important too.
00:09:00 Because it keeps you hydrated.
00:09:02 It also detoxifies you.
00:09:04 Because it has probiotics.
00:09:05 And I, throughout Ramzan, I only have curd.
00:09:09 Towards the end of the fast also.
00:09:11 If you use curd, you get nutrients and you stay hydrated.
00:09:16 So, these two things are for the summer.
00:09:17 Best.
00:09:18 In our house.
00:09:19 Along with lassi and chhaach, chicken jabeen is also made a lot.
00:09:23 Oh yes.
00:09:24 In our house.
00:09:25 With lemon and mint.
00:09:26 Yes.
00:09:27 That drink is made and is used a lot.
00:09:29 Especially in summer.
00:09:30 And the food for the day is less.
00:09:32 Use of curd and use of chicken jabeen is very much.
00:09:35 Like, we used to make it.
00:09:38 My mother used to make it.
00:09:39 Mint and what is its mix?
00:09:42 I forgot.
00:09:43 Mint, green, all those.
00:09:45 Green coriander?
00:09:46 No.
00:09:47 It can't be green coriander.
00:09:48 It can be basil.
00:09:49 Mint, fennel.
00:09:50 And for the stomach.
00:09:51 Okay.
00:09:52 Why am I not remembering?
00:09:53 I feel like I am Gajni.
00:09:54 For the stomach, small cardamom, big cardamom water is made.
00:09:57 Mint, fennel, small cardamom.
00:09:58 My mother used to say, chew it.
00:09:59 Yes.
00:10:00 She used to say chew it.
00:10:01 But she used to make it in the fridge and keep it like this.
00:10:04 Mint, fennel.
00:10:07 And one more thing.
00:10:08 Green thing.
00:10:09 I don't remember.
00:10:10 Yes, green.
00:10:11 Everything was made.
00:10:12 I will tell you after thinking.
00:10:13 It must be basil.
00:10:14 And it was kept in the fridge.
00:10:15 My mother used to say, take out the syrup, mix the water and drink it.
00:10:20 It didn't have seeds and the stomach didn't get spoiled.
00:10:24 So it was kept in the fridge.
00:10:26 My mother used to make falsa sharbat.
00:10:28 Falsa sharbat.
00:10:29 Falsa is frozen in our house.
00:10:31 Yes.
00:10:32 It was made after it was frozen.
00:10:34 It was even colder than that.
00:10:37 It was fresh.
00:10:38 UTI.
00:10:39 Urinary tract infection doesn't happen.
00:10:40 Oh yes, you are right.
00:10:41 UTI doesn't happen.
00:10:42 And your electrolytes are balanced.
00:10:44 You don't feel dizzy.
00:10:45 Because those who sweat a lot in summer, their BP goes low and they feel dizzy.
00:10:50 You know, when Covid started, before Covid, I mean we were the first victims of Covid.
00:10:58 So before Covid, I used to drink falsa sharbat.
00:11:02 I used to drink pomegranate juice, but it was over and falsa started.
00:11:07 So I used to drink falsa sharbat.
00:11:10 So when the Covid test came positive, my daughter and I were positive.
00:11:15 They both went crazy.
00:11:17 They knew that all the effects of Covid were on them.
00:11:21 And I was their nurse.
00:11:23 I had Covid, but I didn't cough.
00:11:26 You only tested positive.
00:11:28 Yes, because my immune system was so strong at that time.
00:11:32 All these juices, smoothies, PPK, I thought Covid was over, but it was asymptomatic.
00:11:41 So things like this help.
00:11:43 Yes, they do.
00:11:44 A lot.
00:11:45 You tell me, what happens in your house?
00:11:47 If you talk about Chitral, there are barbaries.
00:11:51 Is it hot there?
00:11:52 No, the weather is hot, even if it's for a short period of time.
00:11:58 That period is very critical, there is flood and all.
00:12:02 When the snow melts.
00:12:04 So what we do in Chitral, we call it barbari zarshak.
00:12:08 We make its sharbat.
00:12:10 Barbari zarshak?
00:12:11 Yes, barbari is its botanical name.
00:12:15 And zarshak is called in Urdu.
00:12:18 So it is used in every house.
00:12:22 Because if it's 25 degrees centigrade there, they think it's very hot.
00:12:30 It's a habit.
00:12:32 I studied in a boarding school.
00:12:36 So to welcome the summer, our granny used to make a tablet for everyone.
00:12:42 If I tell you the ratio of one, it's two fresh neem leaves and two black pepper.
00:12:50 It's like one tablet.
00:12:52 Neem leaves are the fresh leaves, the red leaves.
00:12:58 They are very fresh.
00:13:00 It's the same for everyone.
00:13:02 It's black pepper.
00:13:04 No, listen to me, I'll tell you why she did it.
00:13:08 She used to give two leaves and two black pepper in each child's hand.
00:13:14 We had a tablet, we had to take it in the morning.
00:13:18 She used to grind it?
00:13:20 No, like this.
00:13:22 We had a very military practice.
00:13:24 You have to.
00:13:26 There was no other way.
00:13:28 Two black pepper and two neem leaves.
00:13:30 Full time there.
00:13:32 You used to follow or chew?
00:13:34 No, no, no.
00:13:36 When you chewed the new leaves, you didn't feel it.
00:13:40 After that, she used to make jaggery syrup for everyone.
00:13:44 This was our routine for seven days.
00:13:46 What happens with this?
00:13:48 I'll tell you.
00:13:50 In the summer, you have to walk on hot grains.
00:13:52 Boils, eczema, psoriasis.
00:13:54 All these things.
00:13:56 If you have eczema, psoriasis,
00:13:58 There was no eczema in the hostel.
00:14:02 Because we used to take this tip.
00:14:04 Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease.
00:14:06 If a child had it, it didn't have much impact.
00:14:10 So this was our welcome drink.
00:14:14 For summer.
00:14:16 And not seven.
00:14:18 Here?
00:14:20 In boarding school.
00:14:22 Believe me, we had hot grains.
00:14:24 Lights used to go at that time.
00:14:26 But the hot grains didn't come out like that.
00:14:28 Today, even if you put a stick on the children, they won't eat.
00:14:32 The second thing is that when I became a naturopath.
00:14:34 Tell me how to feed without telling.
00:14:36 When I became a naturopath.
00:14:38 How to feed without telling?
00:14:40 Eat this.
00:14:42 When I became a naturopath, I made a tablet of peas with this ratio.
00:14:46 Because Allah has stuck it in the neem.
00:14:48 It sticks like glue.
00:14:50 So make a tablet like black pepper.
00:14:52 A tablet like black pepper.
00:14:54 I give this to my children too.
00:14:58 So what happens with this?
00:15:00 The problems of summer are not there.
00:15:02 Only seven days course.
00:15:04 You tell Simin, what happens in our house?
00:15:06 Watermelon.
00:15:08 Our summer starts with watermelon.
00:15:12 All melons, but watermelon is used a lot.
00:15:16 By making juice.
00:15:18 We also keep that lemon water with mint leaves in the fridge.
00:15:20 We also keep that lemon water with mint leaves in the fridge.
00:15:24 But watermelon is also digested.
00:15:26 But I get very hungry with lemon water.
00:15:28 I try a little bit.
00:15:30 Because it is very digestive.
00:15:32 But watermelon.
00:15:34 I don't eat food in the summer.
00:15:36 I eat less food.
00:15:38 I mostly eat fruits.
00:15:40 Have you ever been affected by watermelon?
00:15:42 I have heard, but I don't know.
00:15:44 I have been food poisoning once.
00:15:46 My mother always told me not to drink water on watermelon and melons.
00:15:48 I drank water on watermelon.
00:15:50 I drank water on watermelon.
00:15:52 And my condition.
00:15:54 Maybe because it is a lot of water.
00:15:56 Watermelon itself is only water.
00:15:58 If you drink water on it, then it is too much for you.
00:16:00 Maybe it has some logic.
00:16:02 Was it Haiza or food poisoning?
00:16:04 I have been food poisoning.
00:16:06 Indigestion.
00:16:08 What is the logic?
00:16:10 Why does it become Haiza?
00:16:12 If you eat watermelon or melon with it.
00:16:14 First tell me what is Haiza?
00:16:16 Food poisoning.
00:16:18 People keep food poisoning in Karachi.
00:16:20 If it is bad.
00:16:22 If it is overcooked.
00:16:24 If you drink water on it.
00:16:26 Then it is not acceptable for your body.
00:16:28 If watermelon is bad.
00:16:30 Then it has a bad taste.
00:16:32 You can't eat it.
00:16:34 But if it is a little bad.
00:16:36 Then many people smell.
00:16:38 I have a very sharp nose.
00:16:40 I catch it immediately.
00:16:42 If you make watermelon juice and drink.
00:16:44 How will you catch it?
00:16:46 How will you catch it?
00:16:48 If you give it to the helping hand.
00:16:50 You don't put black pepper in it.
00:16:52 And the helping hand made it for you.
00:16:54 It was a bad watermelon.
00:16:56 And for many days.
00:16:58 Because what do we say here?
00:17:00 To keep its redness intact.
00:17:02 Injection is also applied to it.
00:17:04 So it happens immediately.
00:17:06 And this is also found on the roads.
00:17:08 Watermelon juice.
00:17:10 And they sell it by adding red juice.
00:17:12 So now.
00:17:14 And then the one with the fruit is not.
00:17:16 People drink it.
00:17:18 Poor people who cannot afford.
00:17:20 They are going on the road.
00:17:22 And they see the cart.
00:17:24 But making it at home is cheaper.
00:17:26 Many bachelors also live in Pakistan.
00:17:28 Honestly speaking.
00:17:30 I am a big proponent.
00:17:32 I condone.
00:17:34 Eat fruit.
00:17:36 Eat it.
00:17:38 You should eat it.
00:17:40 Because you get fiber.
00:17:42 You are taking sugar in juice.
00:17:44 And throwing all the fiber.
00:17:46 I also like to eat.
00:17:48 But my daughter does not eat.
00:17:50 And she can afford to give extra calories.
00:17:52 So somehow fruit.
00:17:54 Then I make juice and put it in the fridge.
00:17:56 But as I said.
00:17:58 I also have sharp nose.
00:18:00 I make sure that I check.
00:18:02 That the watermelon is right.
00:18:04 But a lot of watermelon.
00:18:06 Never eat watermelon and watermelon on rice.
00:18:08 If you see.
00:18:10 Your metabolism is slow.
00:18:12 And you ate rice in the afternoon.
00:18:14 And you ate watermelon in the evening.
00:18:16 If you do not digest.
00:18:18 And then if you eat watermelon.
00:18:20 Then also food poisoning.
00:18:22 You see this.
00:18:24 We have a strange custom.
00:18:26 People eat fruit before eating.
00:18:28 Or eat separately.
00:18:30 Come on, it's dinner.
00:18:32 Come on, bring me fruit.
00:18:34 At night at 14 o'clock.
00:18:36 And bring fruit in the morning.
00:18:38 And then come back to office.
00:18:40 And then come home.
00:18:42 And eat with a bed.
00:18:44 Whether it is mango or watermelon.
00:18:46 Mango is after eating.
00:18:48 Although fruit should always be eaten on an empty stomach.
00:18:50 It's a separate meal.
00:18:52 But mango.
00:18:54 I don't know why.
00:18:56 I feel like eating.
00:18:58 And mango season.
00:19:00 How much in a year?
00:19:02 Two months.
00:19:04 Watermelon is not eaten before going to bed.
00:19:06 I am very particular about that.
00:19:08 I have heard that.
00:19:10 We have told so many times.
00:19:12 Eat fruit until there is light.
00:19:14 Because.
00:19:16 Until the sun is up.
00:19:18 Your metabolism is stronger.
00:19:20 As soon as the sun burns.
00:19:22 Your metabolism slows down.
00:19:24 You eat all high-calorie foods.
00:19:26 In which sugar is more.
00:19:28 Because there is sugar in the fruit.
00:19:30 If you think.
00:19:32 Sugar in sugar.
00:19:34 No.
00:19:36 One more thing.
00:19:38 It's hot.
00:19:40 That's when the mango comes.
00:19:42 And then eat mango.
00:19:44 So many seeds come out.
00:19:46 I mean.
00:19:48 I really want to eat.
00:19:50 But I always feel like eating.
00:19:52 That's why it is said.
00:19:54 Eat raw mango and drink lassi.
00:19:56 Jamun.
00:19:58 Jamun helps in controlling sugar.
00:20:00 Does eating more sugar.
00:20:02 Cause more seeds?
00:20:04 Why?
00:20:06 It has some effect.
00:20:08 It is high in calories.
00:20:10 It can't be because of calories.
00:20:12 Very dense calories.
00:20:14 Whatever you say.
00:20:16 It is hot.
00:20:18 It means that it gives you more energy.
00:20:20 You get more energy.
00:20:22 It is from calories.
00:20:24 We don't eat one thing.
00:20:26 Let me tell you.
00:20:28 There is something else.
00:20:30 Because.
00:20:32 I eat high calorie foods.
00:20:34 Eat pizza, eat burger.
00:20:36 Last year I am not exaggerating.
00:20:38 After eating mango.
00:20:40 I was so allergic to heat.
00:20:42 I was in a hospital emergency.
00:20:44 One should eat mangoes cold.
00:20:46 And now.
00:20:48 When mangoes are raw.
00:20:50 We remove it and cook it in carbon.
00:20:52 This is the biggest reason.
00:20:54 To remove seeds.
00:20:56 This is the biggest reason.
00:20:58 It is artificially cooked.
00:21:00 This is the reason.
00:21:02 You see.
00:21:04 They sell it in boxes.
00:21:06 If you remove mangoes.
00:21:08 It will rot.
00:21:10 If you go to a shop.
00:21:12 To buy boxes.
00:21:14 There are dates written on it.
00:21:16 After 3 days.
00:21:18 If you cook it after 5 days.
00:21:20 It is raw inside.
00:21:22 If we take it outside.
00:21:24 After 5 days.
00:21:26 It is cooked.
00:21:28 Those who get seeds.
00:21:30 From eating mangoes.
00:21:32 And those who love mangoes.
00:21:34 They should eat the skin.
00:21:36 After blending it.
00:21:38 Or drink black tea.
00:21:40 What?
00:21:42 After blending mango skin.
00:21:44 I will tell you.
00:21:46 They will not get fat.
00:21:48 With fiber.
00:21:50 The fiber will be high.
00:21:52 The skin helps in cooling down.
00:21:54 The effect of mango.
00:21:56 And you get more fiber.
00:21:58 The skin on top.
00:22:00 How to eat it?
00:22:02 I will tell you.
00:22:04 If I make mango shake.
00:22:06 I wash the mangoes very well.
00:22:08 After washing it.
00:22:10 Because it is cooked in carbon.
00:22:12 After washing it.
00:22:14 I put it in ice water.
00:22:16 To cool it.
00:22:18 The cap on top.
00:22:20 And after that.
00:22:22 The bone.
00:22:24 I take it out.
00:22:26 After that.
00:22:28 I blend it with milk.
00:22:30 While peeling.
00:22:32 I thought I will not eat it.
00:22:34 I had to work hard.
00:22:36 You will not believe.
00:22:38 You will not believe.
00:22:40 When we got covid.
00:22:42 We had to improve our immune system.
00:22:44 Yasir and I.
00:22:46 Ate mangoes after 4 years.
00:22:48 We had not eaten mangoes for 4 years.
00:22:50 Because we used to see the door of our house.
00:22:52 So I ate mangoes after 4 years.
00:22:56 I sacrificed a lot.
00:22:58 To lose weight.
00:23:00 People say.
00:23:02 But you liked it.
00:23:04 People say a lot.
00:23:06 People will say.
00:23:08 People's work is to say.
00:23:10 You people talk.
00:23:12 We will come after seeing.
00:23:14 We cannot do it on screen.
00:23:16 We cannot do it on screen.
00:23:18 Welcome.
00:23:20 Welcome back.
00:23:22 Good morning Pakistan.
00:23:24 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:26 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:28 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:30 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:32 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:34 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:36 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:38 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:40 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:42 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:44 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:46 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:48 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:50 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:52 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:54 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:56 We will talk about what we should not.
00:23:58 We will talk about what we should not.
00:24:00 We will talk about what we should not.
00:24:02 We will talk about what we should not.
00:24:04 We will talk about what we should not.
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00:24:10 We will talk about what we should not.
00:24:12 We will talk about what we should not.
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00:24:18 We will talk about what we should not.
00:24:20 We will talk about what we should not.
00:24:22 We will talk about what we should not.
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00:24:32 We will talk about what we should not.
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00:24:38 We will talk about what we should not.
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00:25:16 We will talk about what we should not.
00:25:18 We will talk about what we should not.
00:25:20 We will talk about what we should not.
00:25:22 We will talk about what we should not.
00:25:24 We will talk about what we should not.
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00:25:56 We will talk about what we should not.
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00:26:02 We will talk about what we should not.
00:26:04 We will talk about what we should not.
00:26:06 We will talk about what we should not.
00:26:08 We will talk about what we should not.
00:26:10 We will talk about what we should not.
00:26:12 We will talk about what we should not.
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00:26:16 We will talk about what we should not.
00:26:18 We will talk about what we should not.
00:26:20 We will talk about what we should not.
00:26:22 We will talk about what we should not.
00:26:24 We will talk about what we should not.
00:26:26 We will talk about what we should not.
00:26:28 We will talk about what we should not.
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00:26:34 We will talk about what we should not.
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01:02:52 We will talk about what we should not.
01:02:54 We will talk about what we should not.
01:02:56 We will talk about what we should not.
01:02:58 Rosemary is a hit these days.
01:03:00 Rosemary is a hit these days.
01:03:02 Rosemary is a hit these days.
01:03:04 I have been telling about rosemary for 18 years.
01:03:06 I have been telling about rosemary for 18 years.
01:03:08 It is a hit now.
01:03:10 You have been using it for 18 years.
01:03:12 My genetic hair is good.
01:03:14 Your hair is very good.
01:03:16 I am thankful to God.
01:03:18 I am thankful to God.
01:03:20 I am thankful to God.
01:03:22 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:24 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:26 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:28 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:30 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:32 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:34 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:36 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:38 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:40 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:42 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:44 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:46 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:48 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:50 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:52 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:54 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:56 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:03:58 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
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01:04:02 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:04:04 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:04:06 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:04:08 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:04:10 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
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01:04:22 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:04:24 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
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01:04:40 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
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01:04:50 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
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01:04:56 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
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01:05:10 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
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01:06:02 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:06:04 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:06:06 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:06:08 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:06:10 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:06:12 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
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01:06:18 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
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01:07:02 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:07:04 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:07:06 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:07:08 I will boil the rosemary leaves.
01:07:10 In the last 2.5 months,
01:07:12 I would say 90% of my hair fall has reduced.
01:07:14 I would say 90% of my hair fall has reduced.
01:07:16 I will tell you about the page,
01:07:18 I am not using that much oil.
01:07:20 One more thing,
01:07:22 Someone told me that
01:07:24 for dandruff,
01:07:26 after washing your hair,
01:07:28 in the last rinse,
01:07:30 mix half a disprin and
01:07:32 wash off with that.
01:07:34 It clears your dandruff.
01:07:36 How is that possible?
01:07:38 I tried it once,
01:07:40 it actually did make a difference.
01:07:42 The salt is good for acne.
01:07:44 The salt is good for acne.
01:07:46 The salt is good for acne.
01:07:48 It is good for hair too.
01:07:50 I am telling you,
01:07:52 in half a cup of water,
01:07:54 in half a cup of water,
01:07:56 in half a cup of water,
01:07:58 in half a cup of water,
01:08:00 mix half a disprin and
01:08:02 wash off with that.
01:08:04 wash off with that.
01:08:06 That makes a lot of difference for dandruff.
01:08:08 Someone has cracked it well.
01:08:10 I was surprised when I heard that
01:08:12 disprin is in water to wash your hair,
01:08:14 but it does work.
01:08:16 Sometimes you learn a lot of things.
01:08:18 Don't try to troll her.
01:08:20 Don't try to troll her.
01:08:22 I have heard from someone else,
01:08:24 I tried it on myself,
01:08:26 it worked for me.
01:08:28 I have heard about this story of acne,
01:08:30 from Dr Idrees.
01:08:32 She is a very famous dermatologist,
01:08:34 she is a very famous dermatologist,
01:08:36 she has introduced her skincare line.
01:08:38 She said that
01:08:40 the nappy rash cream from zinc oxide,
01:08:42 she does this once a month,
01:08:44 she puts it on her face,
01:08:46 she has oily skin,
01:08:48 she can do oily skin.
01:08:50 It dries the skin,
01:08:52 it dries the skin,
01:08:54 and detoxifies it.
01:08:56 It is also antibacterial.
01:08:58 Nappy rash cream.
01:09:00 You should note this,
01:09:02 when we were teenagers,
01:09:04 and we used to get pimples on our faces,
01:09:06 our mothers used to say,
01:09:08 "Jawani ki daane, Multani mitti."
01:09:10 Multani mitti.
01:09:12 But I tell mothers,
01:09:14 that the times have changed.
01:09:16 Don't get pimples.
01:09:18 They will stay with you for the rest of your life.
01:09:20 They will leave you with scars.
01:09:22 Treat them.
01:09:24 If you have to go out as teenagers,
01:09:26 what do you say?
01:09:28 Leave the pimples.
01:09:30 What about the pimples that are coming out in old age?
01:09:32 Acne vulgaris.
01:09:34 You must have lost your youth.
01:09:36 What can we do?
01:09:38 This disease is very loyal.
01:09:40 It doesn't let you die easily.
01:09:42 Acne vulgaris.
01:09:44 That's why it's called vulgaris.
01:09:46 These are big pimples,
01:09:48 and if it's not on your epidermis,
01:09:50 it goes to the dermis.
01:09:52 That's why it's called hormonal suppressant.
01:09:54 On naturopathy,
01:09:56 we call it sumlo booty, burberry.
01:09:58 So, the parents of teenagers,
01:10:00 or boys,
01:10:02 ignore it.
01:10:04 No, it's genetic.
01:10:06 You shouldn't ignore it.
01:10:08 You should get it treated properly.
01:10:10 Vitamin A is in these things.
01:10:12 Naturally.
01:10:14 Retin-A.
01:10:16 Vitamin A is in these things.
01:10:18 You should get it used more.
01:10:20 What vitamin A is used more?
01:10:22 Carrot.
01:10:24 Tomatoes, almonds.
01:10:26 It's in everything.
01:10:28 Mango is also there.
01:10:30 I get seeds from mangoes.
01:10:32 If you eat one of each,
01:10:34 you'll get seeds.
01:10:36 Immediately.
01:10:38 Drink black tea after that.
01:10:40 Jamun and black tea won't give you seeds.
01:10:42 Adnan Siddiqui is coming to your house.
01:10:48 What?
01:10:50 Is it cut?
01:10:52 You did a show with both of them.
01:10:54 It was fun.
01:10:56 It was the last show of my life.
01:10:58 I'm not like that.
01:11:00 I'm a very nice girl.
01:11:02 Do you have to go on break?
01:11:04 We don't go on break.
01:11:06 We go on break.
01:11:08 Rabiya, you tell us what you do for skin.
01:11:10 I use a lot of muld and mud for skin.
01:11:12 I don't get time.
01:11:14 I make a mixture and apply it.
01:11:16 I wait for it to dry.
01:11:18 I mix sandal powder and rose water.
01:11:20 Sandal?
01:11:22 Not sandal, sandal.
01:11:24 What's sandal in English?
01:11:26 Sandal wood.
01:11:28 I'm saying it right.
01:11:30 I thought you were saying sandal.
01:11:32 You mix rose water, make a paste,
01:11:34 and apply it on your skin.
01:11:36 It's best for oily skin.
01:11:38 You have oily skin?
01:11:40 I don't know.
01:11:42 I don't know.
01:11:44 I got a seed from my house.
01:11:46 Sometimes my skin gets oily.
01:11:48 It's your choice.
01:11:50 Your choice.
01:11:52 I don't know.
01:11:54 I applied a lot of cream.
01:11:56 It's very dry.
01:11:58 I got a seed.
01:12:00 A person doesn't know what skin he has.
01:12:02 It depends.
01:12:06 Sometimes what happens, what doesn't.
01:12:08 You're saying that you shouldn't wash your face a lot.
01:12:10 I feel better when I wash my face.
01:12:12 Wash it with water.
01:12:14 Don't apply chemicals on it.
01:12:16 I'm not angry.
01:12:18 I don't use soap.
01:12:20 How many times should you scrub?
01:12:22 Especially in summers.
01:12:24 I scrub once in a month.
01:12:26 Only on the nose area.
01:12:28 I feel like there are a lot of pores.
01:12:30 I don't scrub.
01:12:32 I can't afford it.
01:12:34 I don't think everyone has different needs.
01:12:36 I have to do it once a week.
01:12:38 You guys get a leave sometimes.
01:12:40 Blackheads.
01:12:42 I have to do makeup everyday.
01:12:44 I don't have a lot of time.
01:12:46 I have to do makeup everyday.
01:12:48 Sometimes it happens that I get so lazy.
01:12:50 Because of makeup.
01:12:52 I remove my makeup.
01:12:54 And it stays.
01:12:56 It stays.
01:12:58 I have to do it once a week.
01:13:00 I think it's for oily skin.
01:13:02 Scrub and do icing.
01:13:04 I do a lot of fine scrubs.
01:13:06 Not thick ones.
01:13:08 You can do scrubs with coffee.
01:13:10 You can do scrubs with sugar.
01:13:12 It's too much with coffee.
01:13:14 Coffee is good for the body.
01:13:16 But for the face.
01:13:18 It's too much.
01:13:20 If you dilute the coffee.
01:13:22 With sugar.
01:13:24 With coffee.
01:13:26 If you add a few drops of water.
01:13:28 The sugar will merge with the coffee.
01:13:30 And almonds.
01:13:32 Once I got a scrub from Sephora.
01:13:34 A great body scrub.
01:13:36 I thought.
01:13:38 Now I have to take care of myself.
01:13:40 I opened it.
01:13:42 It had only sugar and coffee.
01:13:44 And no other ingredients.
01:13:46 I thought why did I buy such an expensive scrub.
01:13:48 I think it's good for the body.
01:13:50 And scalp.
01:13:52 Physical scrubs on the face.
01:13:54 I am very scared.
01:13:56 Apricot is very good for the face.
01:13:58 I refuse to.
01:14:00 Like she has issues.
01:14:02 Wishful has a yellow colored bottle.
01:14:04 I have seen it.
01:14:06 It's very less.
01:14:08 For me.
01:14:10 Physical scrubs are not good.
01:14:12 AHA BHA chemical exfoliants.
01:14:14 They are much better.
01:14:16 Than the physical ones.
01:14:18 AHA BHA.
01:14:20 What is AHA BHA?
01:14:22 AHA BHA is a different chemical.
01:14:24 It is a natural ingredient.
01:14:26 It is a natural ingredient.
01:14:28 Like niacinamide.
01:14:30 And retinol.
01:14:32 Retinol also comes in different forms.
01:14:34 It will go inside the body.
01:14:36 But it is exfoliants.
01:14:38 Like night masks.
01:14:40 You can use it.
01:14:42 It is called night mask.
01:14:44 Because you are exfoliants at night.
01:14:46 And night masks are not good.
01:14:48 Because you are more susceptible.
01:14:50 To skin burning.
01:14:52 Or the skin layer is peeled off.
01:14:54 So these kind of things.
01:14:56 I use it once in a month.
01:14:58 Or once in 15 days.
01:15:00 We are taking a break.
01:15:02 After the break.
01:15:04 Hello.
01:15:06 Okay.
01:15:08 You will see what we will do after the break.
01:15:10 Good morning.
01:15:12 Welcome.
01:15:24 Good morning Pakistan.
01:15:26 We will share the same things.
01:15:28 To break the heat in their house.
01:15:30 Or anything that is a miracle.
01:15:32 We will share it with you.
01:15:34 First we will talk about.
01:15:36 Obviously it is the season of weddings.
01:15:38 Eid is coming.
01:15:40 It is coming in summers.
01:15:42 So you have to wear makeup.
01:15:44 To go anywhere.
01:15:46 In summers, makeup gets ruined.
01:15:48 When you go out.
01:15:50 Sometimes it moves from the nose.
01:15:52 So which makeup do you prefer in summers?
01:15:54 I think more than prefer makeup.
01:15:56 We should work on skin prep.
01:15:58 If your skin prep is good.
01:16:00 Then in any season.
01:16:02 For a long time.
01:16:04 What do you do for skin prep?
01:16:06 Every skin is different.
01:16:08 So you take serum as per your skin.
01:16:10 You take primer as per your skin.
01:16:12 And whatever you want.
01:16:14 Your oily skin.
01:16:16 I have recently taken a brand.
01:16:18 Hydration cream.
01:16:20 It works as a primer.
01:16:22 If I apply it under makeup.
01:16:24 Then my makeup lasts for 5-6 hours.
01:16:26 Especially base.
01:16:28 And which base do you use?
01:16:30 Liquid base.
01:16:32 I use stick base.
01:16:34 I use it only.
01:16:36 That is it.
01:16:38 I don't use any setting powder.
01:16:40 That's it.
01:16:42 You tell me about summers.
01:16:44 Because my skin is normal to dry.
01:16:46 More leaning towards dry.
01:16:48 So.
01:16:50 When it comes to skin prep.
01:16:52 It is very essential.
01:16:54 Sunblock is a must.
01:16:56 I don't use serum in summers.
01:16:58 Because it is sticky.
01:17:00 And I feel that my staying.
01:17:02 Because if I apply foundation.
01:17:04 I don't use powder.
01:17:06 I don't need it.
01:17:08 And you need to apply powder.
01:17:10 If you put a lot of moisturizer.
01:17:12 So my moisturizer is like this.
01:17:14 Day time.
01:17:16 I make it for my brand.
01:17:18 It has my vitamin C and SPF.
01:17:20 So it is one thing.
01:17:22 It is mixed.
01:17:24 I let my moisturizer absorb first.
01:17:26 And then I use a liquid base.
01:17:28 I like liquid base.
01:17:30 In summers.
01:17:32 In winters also.
01:17:34 In winters my moisturizer is heavy.
01:17:36 And in summers.
01:17:38 And I use a very light base.
01:17:40 Mine is only to hide certain areas.
01:17:42 Like under eye.
01:17:44 Or any spot.
01:17:46 And then I merge it.
01:17:48 The more you use less foundation.
01:17:50 Or use makeup products.
01:17:52 The better it is.
01:17:54 Your age also looks less.
01:17:56 The creases.
01:17:58 Generally none of our faces are getting those.
01:18:00 I think everyone knows their skin type very well.
01:18:02 So that also becomes one.
01:18:04 And then it stays.
01:18:06 And I don't have to do anything additional.
01:18:08 What do you do in summers?
01:18:10 In summers.
01:18:12 I would agree with what Jalya said.
01:18:14 That you use minimum makeup.
01:18:16 You don't need so much makeup.
01:18:18 I apply sunblock.
01:18:20 Usually.
01:18:22 I have tinted BB cream.
01:18:24 So I don't use foundation in summers.
01:18:26 Because it becomes heavy.
01:18:28 For my skin.
01:18:30 But if I have to use.
01:18:32 Like if I have to go for a shoot.
01:18:34 Or any formal wedding.
01:18:36 Like Rabiya said.
01:18:38 I have a stick.
01:18:40 I don't use liquid foundation.
01:18:42 I apply one or two spots on stick.
01:18:44 And that.
01:18:46 Because of sunblock.
01:18:48 I blend it here.
01:18:50 And then I apply it on my eye makeup.
01:18:52 But then you have been seeing me for a long time.
01:18:54 I apply light nude eye makeup.
01:18:56 And light lip colors.
01:18:58 And you are good to go.
01:19:00 In summers.
01:19:02 I believe if you are going for a formal occasion.
01:19:04 Keep your makeup light.
01:19:06 You can never go wrong with it.
01:19:08 Heavy makeup.
01:19:10 It is safe.
01:19:12 In summers.
01:19:14 If I see someone with heavy makeup.
01:19:16 I feel hot.
01:19:18 So keep your makeup light.
01:19:20 And light makeup is never bad.
01:19:22 In my opinion.
01:19:24 What do you do?
01:19:26 You have to sit in clinic.
01:19:28 I apply sunblock.
01:19:30 And primer.
01:19:32 And my daughter's face.
01:19:34 If I am coming in your program.
01:19:36 Otherwise I apply sunblock.
01:19:38 I don't do makeup.
01:19:40 I don't even apply lipstick.
01:19:42 I don't do makeup.
01:19:44 So you avoid it.
01:19:46 In wedding.
01:19:48 I apply liquid base.
01:19:50 I apply my own primer.
01:19:52 And that's it.
01:19:54 One more thing.
01:19:56 I will tell you.
01:19:58 For those who want to stay in makeup.
01:20:00 They have to use coconut water.
01:20:02 Coconut water is very good.
01:20:04 It is very good.
01:20:06 You have to spray it on your face.
01:20:08 It is hydrating.
01:20:10 It is a moisturizer.
01:20:12 Before makeup.
01:20:14 You have to spray coconut water.
01:20:16 On your neck.
01:20:18 On your face.
01:20:20 Let it be.
01:20:22 After 15-20 minutes.
01:20:24 You will have a glowy, shiny skin.
01:20:26 And your makeup base.
01:20:28 Some people.
01:20:30 They don't have a good makeup base.
01:20:32 So this is a good tip for them.
01:20:34 People do icing for face.
01:20:36 To close pores.
01:20:38 But coconut water.
01:20:40 Cold water.
01:20:42 It is very good.
01:20:44 Like kids.
01:20:46 We were talking about elders.
01:20:48 Kids come from school.
01:20:50 In summer.
01:20:52 Their skin is very oily.
01:20:54 Like sunblock.
01:20:56 I apply sunblock in the morning.
01:20:58 And forcefully.
01:21:00 But in the whole day.
01:21:02 It won't work.
01:21:04 So what to do for kids.
01:21:06 After sun therapy.
01:21:08 You will get khobani.
01:21:10 Take 3-4 khobani.
01:21:12 And soak it in milk.
01:21:14 After sun therapy.
01:21:16 When the kid comes.
01:21:18 After washing face.
01:21:20 It is very mild.
01:21:22 And the whole skin.
01:21:24 Even if you go on a picnic.
01:21:26 What to do?
01:21:28 Apply it.
01:21:30 What to apply?
01:21:32 Blend it with milk.
01:21:34 You should take a blender.
01:21:36 We will keep a separate blender.
01:21:38 Blend it.
01:21:40 Make a cream.
01:21:42 After sun therapy.
01:21:44 When the kid comes.
01:21:46 Before going to sleep.
01:21:48 Just like cream.
01:21:50 Leave it for 2 hours.
01:21:52 Don't wash it.
01:21:54 Apply it like cream.
01:21:56 Blend it in milk.
01:21:58 It will become a creamy paste.
01:22:00 You can eat it.
01:22:02 You can lick it.
01:22:04 I can imagine.
01:22:06 You can lick it.
01:22:08 Khobani will not eat it.
01:22:10 My son never lets me apply it.
01:22:12 All kids are like this.
01:22:14 Apply it forcefully.
01:22:16 You can't force teenagers.
01:22:18 I have heard of tomato.
01:22:20 You can't force toddlers.
01:22:22 I have heard of tan.
01:22:24 And tomato.
01:22:26 I used to apply tomato on my kids.
01:22:28 But it is very itchy.
01:22:30 Of course.
01:22:32 Really?
01:22:34 And strawberry.
01:22:36 I have tried it.
01:22:38 I have tried it.
01:22:40 Kids, come.
01:22:42 Apply it on your whole family.
01:22:44 Kids can't control it.
01:22:46 It is very itchy.
01:22:48 If you blend it with milk.
01:22:50 And make a cream.
01:22:52 It will be very good.
01:22:54 If you think.
01:22:56 Remove the skin.
01:22:58 Khobani has fiber.
01:23:00 Make a cream.
01:23:02 And apply it.
01:23:04 It is the best after sun therapy.
01:23:06 Apply it on kids.
01:23:08 Apply it at night.
01:23:10 I will blend it.
01:23:12 You can apply it.
01:23:14 It is necessary.
01:23:16 She is telling.
01:23:18 It is not like applying.
01:23:20 Today.
01:23:22 We have to go home.
01:23:24 We have to mix.
01:23:26 Rosemary.
01:23:28 In one cup.
01:23:30 I gave her half a cup.
01:23:32 Rosemary.
01:23:34 It was very good.
01:23:36 I took one.
01:23:38 Extract.
01:23:40 Vocabulary has left the chat.
01:23:42 I mixed it.
01:23:44 And two spoons of sugar.
01:23:46 I mixed it.
01:23:48 I will tell you.
01:23:50 Everyone will watch this show.
01:23:52 I am telling.
01:23:54 When will it be on repeat?
01:23:56 After two hours.
01:23:58 I will go to sleep.
01:24:00 Please don't make it viral.
01:24:02 I don't want to.
01:24:04 I don't want to.
01:24:06 I don't want to.
01:24:08 Take the gift.
01:24:10 Good morning Pakistan.
01:24:12 Good bye.
01:24:14 [Music]
01:24:16 [Music]
01:24:18 [Music]
01:24:20 (singing in foreign language)
01:24:24 (singing in foreign language)
01:24:27 (singing in foreign language)
01:24:31 (singing in foreign language)
01:24:35 (singing in foreign language)
01:24:42 (singing in foreign language)
01:24:55 (singing in foreign language)
01:24:59 (singing in foreign language)
01:25:03 - Holy moly!