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00:00 The VFR 750 was a legendary super capable all-rounder which has now become this here
00:16 VFR 800 which is a faster, more comfortable, better equipped version of the original bike.
00:26 My heart sank when I found out we were testing sports tourers for this week's show because
00:31 no sports tourer's test is complete without one of these, Honda's evergreen VFR.
00:38 And sadly, very few sports tourer's tests are also complete without said VFR naffing
00:44 off into the sunset with the top honours.
00:47 In eight years as a bike journalist, I have lost count of the number of sports tourer's
00:52 tests I've done and I've also lost count of the number of times the VFR has been the winner.
00:58 It's just so predictable.
01:03 I've ummed, I've ah'd, I've lain awake at night desperately trying to find reasons for
01:09 something else, anything else to wrest the VFR's crown from its iron grasp.
01:14 But whatever I do, it never works out.
01:19 First up, the VTEC in that motor.
01:21 It may give you two valves per cylinder low down for better torque and it may give you
01:25 four valves per cylinder higher up for better performance.
01:29 It may also give the bike a power band that makes it feel faster than the previous model.
01:33 But VTEC is old technology that Honda have pilfered from their car range and there's
01:39 still only 107 horsepower in there.
01:44 The motor may only have 107 horsepower but it's plenty fast enough on the road.
01:49 The chassis makes this the sharpest VFR yet and the same is true of the brakes which bite
01:54 beautifully when asked.
01:59 It's easily all day comfortable, one or two up.
02:03 There's a clock, naturally.
02:05 The mirrors are excellent.
02:06 The headlight turns night into day and there's even a centre stand.
02:11 Short of the fact that this motorcycle doesn't actually ride itself, it is still one of the
02:16 best bikes ever made and it's probably the winner here.
02:20 There you go, I said it.
02:25 Again.
02:27 Styling 7 out of 10.
02:29 Best looking VFR ever.
02:31 Performance 8 out of 10.
02:33 Doesn't excel anywhere but is good everywhere.
02:36 Practicality 9 out of 10.
02:39 It's well made, it's built to last and as well as that it'll handle just about anything
02:43 you want to do.
02:45 Value 8 out of 10.
02:47 Just a shade under 8 grand, it's not a cheap motorcycle but you do get a lot of bike for
02:55 your money.
02:59 Yamaha are the first of the big Japanese manufacturers to leap into the supermoto fray by tarting
03:05 up their old Enduro XT660 and bringing it kicking and screaming into the modern day
03:11 to make this supermoto style XT660X.
03:23 Where supermotos like KTM's LC4 represent the lunatic fringe of the market, Yamaha's
03:29 XT660X is Captain Sensible.
03:34 Sure it looks the part with its chunky, funky bodywork, aggressive pointy beak and upswept
03:40 tail, but underneath it all this bike is an XT660, Yamaha's venerable bulletproof trailie
03:49 that's been around since Noah was a lad.
03:52 If you want a stylish, fun plaything that'll give you minimum grief but still has the capacity
03:57 to raise the odd smile, then step this way.
04:01 Because beneath all the XTX's bad boy styling lies a very handy motorcycle.
04:08 It's actually comfortable enough to ride around on all day and can even handle the
04:12 odd motorway stretch every now and again.
04:14 It's also as tough as a hammer and as simple as forest gum, so don't expect any reliability
04:19 hassles.
04:20 That single cylinder motor does vibrate, but not enough to send you to the dentist for
04:25 new fillings as some of the other bikes here might, and it'll happily punt you up to 90mph
04:30 in pretty short order.
04:32 The handling is soft and the bike is heavy compared to the competition here, but there's
04:36 still enough control to the whole plot to let you chuck it all about with plenty of
04:40 fun.
04:42 You'll probably be faster on one of the Huskies, but you'll be having just as much fun on the
04:47 Yamaha, which is where it scores big points.
04:51 It may be the friendly Labrador of this pack, but it still looks like a Rottweiler.
04:59 Styling 7/10, looks the part I reckon.
05:03 Performance 6/10, probably the most capable all-rounder here, but not always the most
05:09 exciting.
05:10 Practicality 8/10, you could live with this every day and you know it'll start every morning
05:16 too.
05:17 Value 7/10, it's the cheapest bike here.
05:22 Time to get to grips with the Fireblade, and in case you hadn't guessed that makes me very,
05:26 very happy indeed, because the Fireblade is one of my favourite motorcycles of all time
05:31 ever.
05:32 Why?
05:33 Well, where to begin?
05:35 It's so tricky, isolating one point of this bike that is so good, because not only are
05:39 they all good, but it's the way they hang together as a whole that makes the Fireblade
05:43 experience so special.
05:45 Anyway, I'll take a deep breath, calm down a little bit now, and let's get to work.
05:51 The defining part of the Fireblade experience for me is that front end.
05:54 The way you sit plugged into it more directly than a teenager into a Gameboy.
05:59 The way your weight is in exactly the right place for total control.
06:02 The way the whole bike can be slammed from upright to knee slider in a nanosecond, and
06:08 in total confidence.
06:10 All these things make the Fireblade special, because big sports bikes shouldn't be this
06:14 responsive.
06:15 Staying with that front end, the brakes are absolutely legendary.
06:20 Class leading, eyeball popping, stoppy throwing, brilliant they are.
06:24 No production bike brakes out yet, or at least they were until the ZX6 came out, but we'll
06:30 come to that later.
06:34 And then there's the engine.
06:35 Now in the past, recent incarnations of the Blade have been accused by some people of
06:39 being a little soft, a little tame, even, crikey, a little bit slow.
06:45 Now personally, I'd never call a 170 mile an hour motorcycle slow, but there was a grain
06:50 of truth in the criticism.
06:51 The Blade, once the baddest boy on the block, had become a little tame.
06:56 But not anymore.
06:59 Now up to 954cc from the original 899, and with peachy clean fuel injection, the Blade
07:05 is now badass and as fast as you like.
07:08 177 mile an hour is the most we ever got out of one speed testing, and although a GSXR
07:13 1000 will hit nearly 10 mile an hour more, outright top speeds aren't quite the whole
07:18 story.
07:19 The reason I love the Blade is because its power kick is that little less brutal than
07:22 something like a GSXR 1000's, then you can use more of the power, more at the time.
07:27 Then there are the wheelies.
07:29 Oh boy.
07:31 Obviously, these are not big, nor are they clever, but they are fun.
07:35 Pop the Blade up in first with a sniff of clutch, snick into second, and head into the
07:39 sunset grinning like the village in the woods.
07:42 The build quality is outstanding, and is a very serious sports bike you can still live
07:46 with day after day.
07:47 Personally, I use mine for 15,000 miles of everything from commuting to touring to track
07:52 days.
07:53 The Blade is unbeatable.
07:55 And so's the downsides, because yes, there are some.
07:59 First of all, the looks.
08:00 Now there is no doubt that Honda have made this bike the best looking Blade we've seen
08:04 in years, but still it doesn't have the same badass street cred that those first 1992 twin
08:11 headlight models did.
08:13 And the final bugbear on the Fireblade make up is insurance.
08:17 Fireblades have been thrashed, trashed, and stolen for years now, and don't the insurance
08:21 companies know it?
08:22 So much so that this is one of the hardest bikes to insure in the country.
08:26 Other than that, the Fireblade is an absolute belting motorcycle, and truly an example of
08:32 all that is wonderful in modern motorcycling today.
08:34 And after all that excitement, I'm going to need a lie down.
08:38 But first of all, here's the scores.
08:41 Performance, 10 out of 10.
08:43 Yes, yes, and yes.
08:46 Styling, 6 out of 10.
08:48 Close, but no cigar.
08:49 Covers up what really is a mad, mad motorcycle.
08:53 Street credit, 8 out of 10.
08:55 It's got presence, and it's still got that Fireblade name on the side.
08:59 Reliability, 8 out of 10.
09:01 These bikes really are built to last, but that gearbox perhaps isn't if you're not lucky.
09:07 Value for money, 9 out of 10.
09:09 This bike will make you laugh, giggle, and possibly occasionally cry with excitement.
09:15 Just make sure you can afford the insurance.
09:17 In their own way, super tourers are just as single-minded as big super bikes.
09:21 They can tour supremely, but the rest of the riding equation, like getting through town,
09:26 commuting, getting a wiggle on down the back roads on a Sunday Sunday, all gets a bit lost
09:30 in the mix.
09:32 Scale down a bit from the real big boys, though, and suddenly you find bikes that can still
09:36 breeze you across continents, but they'll also handle pretty much anything else you
09:39 fancy as well.
09:41 As old as the Ark and with almost as much luggage space, Honda's Pan European has been
09:45 about in various guises since pretty much the dawn of time, and this is the latest and
09:50 most refined version here.
09:52 Jolly good it is, too.
09:55 Plonk yourself into the sumptuous seat, fiddle with the electrically adjustable screen, choosing
09:59 between peaceful isolation from any windblast at all, that'll be screen right up then, or
10:04 good old-fashioned wind in your hair flies in your teeth mode.
10:07 Screen right down for anyone who's confused.
10:09 Then get yourself ready for some serious miles.
10:11 Like the Goldwing, the Pan's motor is more than adequate for the job, and punts the old
10:16 gold forward on a creamy wave of V-Fort torque in very short order indeed.
10:22 Like the Wing again, though, the gearbox isn't the greatest, but it's still up to the job
10:26 and less prone to dropping out of gear than its larger counterparts.
10:32 Handling is very nimble for a bike so large, and you can happily bob and weave through
10:35 rush-hour melee just as easily as you can attack a nadri-alpine switchback after a lengthy
10:40 peyote stretch.
10:41 Should you really fancy surprising anyone at the roadside, this bike will also wheelie
10:45 with the best of them.
10:46 It does help if you put some weight in the panniers, though.
10:49 But no bike on Bikephile is safe from being rated and scored, so it's off to the scoreboards
10:54 for the Pan European.
10:56 Performance, seven out of ten.
10:58 Very capable handling, decent brakes, and a lovely smooth motor.
11:04 Gotta knock a few points off for that weirdo weave that pokes its head in above under Molenau.
11:09 Styling, five out of ten.
11:11 Sorry, but it's not pretty whichever way you look at it.
11:14 Comfort, nine out of ten.
11:16 It's there by the absolute bucket load.
11:19 Reliability, eight out of ten.
11:21 Something might go wrong with one of these, but it's pretty unlikely.
11:25 Value for money, eight out of ten.
11:27 For a bike that's as capable as this, it's an absolute bargain.
11:32 Now it's time for us to meet our first motorcycle of the day on this rather chilly, incredibly
11:37 bright morning.
11:38 Now, you've got to feel sorry for Ducati.
11:40 There they were with an awesome performing modern classic in the shape of their 998,
11:45 yet they knew eventually something would have to change.
11:48 Change.
11:50 There's something us human beings fear the most.
11:52 So you just knew that when the object being changed was as close to our hearts and daydreaming
11:57 minds as the old Ducati 998, that when the replacement came out, there would be an almighty
12:02 wailing and gnashing of teeth.
12:04 And there was, because here it is, the replacement, the Ducati 999.
12:09 Let's get the formalities out of the way first.
12:12 This bike ain't anywhere near as purdy as the 916, 996, 998 family, and nor is it likely
12:18 to achieve their timeless majesty either.
12:21 But who cares?
12:23 We could argue semantics on styling all day long, but personally, I'd rather get on with
12:27 riding the bikes rather than jarring about them.
12:30 Climb aboard the 999 and you know straight away that this is a completely different animal
12:34 to its predecessor.
12:35 It is longer, it is slightly lower, and it is altogether a damn sight more comfortable.
12:40 Yes, the 998's famous torture rack riding position that both Ducati and osteopaths around
12:46 the world have been making fortunes out of for years now is at last gone.
12:50 This definitely is a Ducati you can actually spend time on away from the racetrack without
12:55 needing a hot bath and a brace of masseurs to look after you upon your return.
13:00 But up the ante, and you'll still find that despite the new and improved bonus comfort,
13:04 you're still in just the right position on board for a banzai track attack when necessary.
13:09 The 999 retains the mind-bending mid-corner poise of its predecessors.
13:14 No other production sports bike feels as safe at silly lean angles as one of these.
13:19 The nice thing about the 999's handling though is that although the mid-corner abilities
13:22 are still impeccable, where every incarnation of the predecessor from the 916 onwards needed
13:27 a serious amount of body weight to actually get it turned in the first place, the 999
13:32 now flicks in with the lightest of nudges on the inside bar and then proceeds to happily
13:36 hug the kerb all the way to the spot on apex of your choice.
13:39 Precision and sweet steering, whatever next.
13:42 The gearbox is prone to the odd false neutral here and there when you're tramping on at
13:46 the track.
13:47 I suppose it's not so much of a problem, but if you are on to thrashing your mates
13:50 on a track day, make sure you use a firm left boot to avoid any embarrassing misgears.
13:54 If we're poking around for another downside to this bike, it would be the question of
13:58 noise.
13:59 Or rather, the lack of it.
14:01 This bike is quite simply far too quiet for a great big red V-twin.
14:04 To be honest, the sound is more of an apology than a boom that comes out of that exhaust.
14:09 Otherwise, the 999 is absolutely bang on.
14:13 And as for the looks, get over it will you?
14:16 This bike outrides the one it replaces and it ain't going away, so get used to it.
14:21 Now let's see how it stacks up overall.
14:23 Performance, 10 out of 10.
14:25 Quite simply, this bike is a stunning package of handling and power and braking.
14:31 Styling, 7 out of 10.
14:33 I like this bike more and more every time I see it.
14:36 But that said, it's not going to be any great beauty like its predecessor.
14:41 Comfort, 7 out of 10.
14:43 Quite amazingly, the most comfortable super sports Ducati ever.
14:47 Not the torture rack that the old models were.
14:49 Very well improved.
14:50 Reliability, we're going to sit on the fence here and go with a 5 out of 10 because the
14:54 bike simply hasn't been out long enough to be proven yet.
14:57 But the old models were getting better and better.
14:59 If you do want one of these though, make sure you do spend money on proper servicing.
15:04 Value for money, 7 out of 10, but only if you're loaded.
15:07 11 and a half grand is a lot of money for a motorcycle.
15:10 That said, if you can afford it, you get an awesome package.
15:14 A Harley Davidson is a rolling fashion statement.
15:16 Now, whether you think they're for perfume ponces with more money than scents or whether
15:20 they rock your two-wheeled world to the exclusion of everything else, one thing is for certain,
15:25 you cannot ignore them.
15:27 And boy, does Joe Public love their Harleys.
15:29 Valentino Rossi could wheelie down your local high street naked, facing backwards and singing
15:34 the Italian national anthem.
15:35 Chances are, nobody would bat an eyelid.
15:37 However, you turn up on a Harley, you've got their attention in seconds.
15:41 And there is no Harley Davidson guaranteed to get more attention than this, the brand
15:46 new V-Rod.
15:48 It's an image thing, it's a heritage thing, it's a rock and roll thing, but most of all,
15:52 it's a cool thing.
15:54 Just one look tells you this ain't no ordinary Harley.
15:56 The styling's gone all swoopy, bendy, liquid mercury on us.
15:59 Hell, the thing almost looks futuristic for a change.
16:02 And then there's the performance.
16:04 No, really, there is.
16:06 Okay, you'll never see a V-Rod in world super bikes, and you're going to struggle if you
16:10 want to do a track day on one, but this big beast fair old shifts when you put the hammer
16:15 down.
16:16 It'll even stop hard when asked, and can get round corners with a degree of accuracy and
16:19 amusement should you wish to get funky with it.
16:23 Hop aboard the V-Rod, and once you've got over the incredibly low seat height and the
16:27 vast length of the thing, you're going to find yourself slipping into cruiser mode in
16:31 no time at all.
16:32 You know the deal, feet up in the breeze, 4,000 revs on the taco, and feeling like you're
16:37 Peter Fonda out of Easy Rider.
16:39 However, this is only half of the story with this Harley.
16:43 Because it revs to 10,000 RPM, very high for a cruiser, pin that throttle, hang on, and
16:49 I challenge you not to laugh, because this bike is indecently fast for something so fat.
16:54 In fact, away from the traffic lights, it charges like a rampaging bull walrus on heat.
17:01 This is a Harley that could actually land you in hot water with the law.
17:05 Well, I never.
17:07 Twin discs and four pot calipers take care of braking duties at the front, while the
17:11 forks actually seem to have a degree of control and damping about them, rather than the normal
17:15 vague deadness we've come to expect from a Harley front end.
17:18 So you can really use those anchors to their full effect.
17:21 At the back, you'll find plenty of power on the other end of that huge brake pedal too,
17:26 so vast, howling, childish skids are very much on the menu should you fancy it.
17:31 So it's got the looks, it's got the cred, and by jingo, it's even got the performance
17:35 to go with it.
17:36 Could this be the perfect performance poser?
17:39 Possibly, but it sure ain't perfect.
17:43 First up, there's that price tag.
17:44 14 grand is a lot of money for a motorcycle, no matter how pretty it is.
17:50 And talking of pretty, that's one thing your V-Rod won't be for long if you're lazy with
17:53 the polishing rack, because this thing will rot like a supermarket trolley in the local
17:57 canal if you don't look after it in our climate.
18:00 Then there's the comfort, which is, to be honest, marginal for the rider at best, as
18:05 you sit there like a spinnaker in the wind hanging off those bars.
18:08 And as for pillions, forget it, unless they're small, female, and keen on doing their best
18:14 baby lemur clinging to its mother's back impression every time they go out.
18:18 Not only does that pillion seat slope backwards, but it is tiny to go with it.
18:23 And for a final kick in the pods, V-Rods have been notoriously difficult to get hold of
18:28 until now, although Harley say they're bringing a lot more in this year, so maybe that problem's
18:32 going to go away.
18:34 But what the heck?
18:35 The V-Rod is simply stunning to look at, and it is a technological marvel for Harley.
18:40 Also, it performs in a way that bikes like this really shouldn't.
18:44 So if you're after something a bit different, you've got loads of cash to splash, and you
18:48 want to turn heads, this could really be a smart place to go.
18:52 However, just don't forget the polishing racks.
18:55 There's a good chap.
18:56 And now, it's time for the scores.
18:58 Performance, 8 out of 10.
19:01 Absolutely stacks of it for a cruiser.
19:04 Style, 10 out of 10.
19:05 She's a beauty.
19:07 Comfort, 6 out of 10.
19:10 Bearable, but not beautiful.
19:12 Reliability, 6 out of 10.
19:14 You are going to have to look after this thing if it isn't going to rot before your eyes.
19:19 Value for money, 10 out of 10 if you like the looks, 0 out of 10 if you don't.
19:24 Whatever way you look at it, it is an expensive motorcycle.
19:27 And so with the buying information out of the way, where better to spend your sports
19:32 touring wedge than on a Honda VFR?
19:35 This bike is quite simply a living legend, and has trounced all comers in the sports
19:40 tourist class in its various guises over the years, and quite rightly so.
19:44 It is pure Honda, impeccably well thought out, so refined it hurts, and frankly, this
19:50 bike is capable of turning its hand to just about anything this side of a motocross grand
19:54 prix.
19:56 And every time I ride a VFR I have the same problem, because I have fun, and I don't want
20:00 to.
20:01 You know, I'm still young, and a VFR is a sensible bike, an old man's bike, a bike for
20:07 people with less imagination than the average traffic cone.
20:10 But try as you might to convince yourself the VFR's really not your thing.
20:15 Ride one, and I challenge you not to be won over in nanoseconds.
20:20 Take the VFR riding position for example.
20:22 It is a perfect blend of the sporty and the comfortable.
20:25 Here is a bike you could just as easily spend all day on, be it tooling across town or hacking
20:30 down motorways, as you could blasting down the best alpine passes you could possibly
20:34 find without breaking into a sweat.
20:36 And backing up this riding position that lets you do it all, there's a motor that's going
20:40 to let you do it all as well.
20:42 Still only just tipping the 100 brake horsepower mark at the back wheel, the VFR's motor is
20:46 as refined as the rest of the bike.
20:48 There's a healthy dose of character thanks to the V4 lumped behind those fairing panels,
20:52 and there's a lovely easy-going torquey drive right off the bottom of the tacho, which means
20:56 easy speed is at your disposal whenever you fancy it.
21:00 In a nutshell, Honda's VTEC is variable valve timing, and what it means in theory is that
21:04 below 7,000 rpm, the motor's running on two valves per cylinder.
21:08 This doesn't quite give you optimum performance, but it does give you better torque.
21:12 However, across that 7,000 rpm watershed, we're onto four valves per cylinder for maximum
21:17 performance.
21:18 That's the theory.
21:19 What you've got in practice is below 7,000, you've got normal VFR shove, just like the
21:23 old bike.
21:24 But across that watershed, and whoosh, the whole thing picks up its skirts and heads
21:28 off into the horizon, with a lovely burble coming out of the exhaust as well.
21:31 It could even be called a little bit exciting.
21:34 The chassis saw a host of updates when this model came in last year, too, with a stiffer
21:38 and revised steering head, frame spars, and frame brackets, which all mean better control
21:42 and more responsiveness when you're tramping on.
21:47 Brakes still come as standard on the VFR, which means a little bit of back brake gives
21:50 you a bit of front brake, and vice versa.
21:53 But to be honest, in practice, you're unlikely to notice them at all.
21:56 What you will notice is plenty of stopping power everywhere.
21:59 Although, if you want 10/10 braking, you're still going to have to take a fair old tug
22:03 on that lever.
22:05 So there we have it, the Honda VFR, still a legend after all these years, and still
22:10 the best sports tourer that money can buy.
22:13 Now it's time for the scores.
22:16 Performance, 9/10.
22:17 Excels at nothing, but is great at everything.
22:21 Style, 7/10.
22:23 Never going to be stunning anyone, but it's kind of pleasingly smooth and chunky enough
22:28 to get away with.
22:30 Comfort, 9/10.
22:32 Yes, you could spend all day, all night, all of the next day, and probably an entire month
22:37 aboard one of these without coming to any good.
22:40 Reliability, 10/10.
22:43 If the dinosaurs had motorbikes, they were probably VFRs, and if you buy one of these,
22:46 chances are you'll be able to run it for 100,000 miles before you finally decide you've had
22:51 enough of the colour and you chop it in for another one.
22:54 Value for money, 8/10.
22:57 You pay a premium to buy one, be it new or second hand, but they hold their money well
23:02 and they will probably last forever.
23:05 There are a number of things that BMW motorcycles are renowned for, and these include having
23:10 very complicated switchgear until you get used to it, rocking alarmingly to one side
23:15 at a standstill thanks to the shaft drive spinning, and also being really rather dull.
23:20 Much like the Germans themselves, BMW motorcycles are often perceived as being very efficient,
23:26 very practical, but really lacking in any great spark of life or originality.
23:31 While BMW refuse to bow to convention and continue to make motorcycles that are uniquely
23:36 their own, they are working their freshly pressed German socks off to try and make some
23:41 motorcycles that will actually attract people because they've got some life to them.
23:46 This is where we come to the rockstar here.
23:48 What it actually is, is an R1150R, dressed up a bit and with a snazzier name, but as
23:53 we'll see, that's not actually a bad thing at all.
23:56 You see, the R1150R is one of motorcycling's great secrets, because as far as pure and
24:01 basic riding experiences go, it is an absolute belter.
24:05 It's not the fastest bike around, and nor is it the sharpest either, but for plain old
24:09 fashioned riding about, as long as you don't feel any real need to top 100mph, it is about
24:14 as good as it gets.
24:15 And riding one, you soon start to feel smugly pleased with yourself that you've discovered
24:19 this two-wheeled utopia, while everyone else around you continues in blissful ignorance.
24:24 The 1150cc opposed twin boxer motor inside the Rockstar is also an absolute joy to play
24:31 with.
24:32 Now, I mean, it may not be the outright fastest motor around, but this is one seriously hefty
24:37 piece of metalwork here that produces stacks of low-down torque, and especially with the
24:42 optional extra race can and chip as fitted to this bike, there is more than enough stomp
24:47 on tap off the bottom end of the dial to see off plenty of sports bikes from the lats,
24:51 should you catch them napping.
24:53 Once you've prodded through the gearbox, top speed is realistically around about the 100mph
24:57 mark, comes up very quickly.
24:59 You can go on to about 120mph should you feel like it, but without a fairing, it's really
25:03 not very funny.
25:05 As with all of BMW's big bikes, the Rockstar does run their telelever front suspension system,
25:10 which isolates the braking and suspension forces.
25:12 The strange bit about this is you don't really get any fork dive on the brakes, but the plus
25:16 side is a very planted front end that soaks up anything you can throw at it within the
25:20 constraints of the motor's abilities.
25:23 Also on the Rockstar, as opposed to the R1150R, you now get the front end off their sportier
25:27 R1150S.
25:29 So the question has to be, are BMW onto a winner with the Rockstar?
25:33 And I would say the answer to that question is yes.
25:36 Because although this motorcycle will never be quite as mad as something like a Prilius
25:40 Tuono or Triumph Speed Triple, what BMW have here is a very nicely tweaked version of an
25:45 already excellent motorcycle that has got plenty of attitude.
25:48 Now if you're spending just over 7 grand on a bike, you're going to have a lot to choose
25:52 from.
25:53 But if you want an everyday machine that's still got plenty of bite and will last forever,
25:58 then the Rockstar could be very well worth having a look at.
26:01 So let's see how it stacks up in the final scores.
26:05 Styling, 8 out of 10.
26:07 This bike is seriously cool.
26:10 Performance, 7 out of 10.
26:12 Maybe bumping up to an 8 once you add on the race can and extra chip for a bit more oomph.
26:18 Comfort, 7 out of 10.
26:20 Very good everyday riding about, but the only gripe I've got is those bars which do go
26:23 a little too far forwards and could be a bit tricky should you want to go for a bit of
26:28 distance.
26:29 Reliability, 9 out of 10.
26:31 It's a BMW, it will go on forever.
26:35 Value for money, 7 out of 10.
26:37 Not the cheapest bike around, but like I said, it will last a very long time and I'm pretty
26:42 certain you're going to enjoy it.
26:44 And now we come to our first sports tour of the day with this, the Kawasaki ZZR 1200.
26:50 Now if this bike looks strangely familiar to some of you, don't be worried about it.
26:54 It's because this is an adapted, breathed upon and tweaked version of Kawasaki's ZZR
26:59 1100, the legendary top speed king that ruled the high speed charts for all of six years
27:04 until Honda's Blackbird came along to snatch the crown.
27:08 Now then, the ZZR 11 was a very fast motorcycle, something that struck fear, awe and trepidation
27:14 into the hearts of all who came across it and anybody who had bikes in their life and
27:18 a pulse in their body wanted a go on one.
27:21 It has to be said, the ZZR 1200 will never inherit the 1100's mantle.
27:26 Where the 1100's bulbous ugliness was perfectly acceptable in the light of its relative performance
27:31 merits, the ZZR 1200 is by and large simply unattractive and overweight.
27:37 Time, fashion and super fast motorcycles have moved on and the ZZR 12 just ain't in the
27:42 in crowd anymore.
27:44 But then that's not what Kawasaki wanted it to do.
27:47 After all, they're already packing the best hyper bike on the market in their line up
27:50 with the latest incarnation of the ZX12, so launching another model to compete against
27:54 it could hardly be a smart move.
27:57 Nope, the ZZR 1200's remit is a very different one.
28:01 Instead of heading out there to be a cutting edge hyper blaster, the ZZR 1200 is a far
28:06 more all rounded, balanced, real world alternative that just happens to have as an added bonus
28:12 one serious rush of speed if that happens to be your drug of choice.
28:17 Coming to the practicalities of the thing, let's start with the comfort because this
28:21 seat is palatial.
28:23 It will even make the VFR's perch feel positively anorexic by comparison.
28:27 Your pillion perch really isn't far off being as good as the rider's side either.
28:31 And as well as that, there's this huge fairing up here which cocoons you from head to toe
28:36 in a lovely bubble of peaceful, still air.
28:39 Best of all though, there's the motor.
28:41 With a higher booster or a ZX12 it may feel a bit slow, and true, being carbureted it
28:46 does spin up with a little less urgency than more modern sporting beasts.
28:50 But get on the gas and you will be left in no doubt that this is still one brutally fast
28:55 piece of machinery.
28:56 Chassis and suspension have been worked over too from the original ZZR, with geometry tweaks
29:00 throughout to speed up the steering and an all over helping of extra chassis stiffness.
29:05 The ZZR 1200's suspension works very well within the limits of the bike, i.e. good fast
29:10 cruising, open roads, you can even do some scratching, get a bit energetic in the tight
29:15 stuff if that's what you want to do.
29:17 However, push on too hard, get into real sports bike mode and the budget nature of this suspension
29:22 will start to show itself up as the whole plot becomes a little unglued, bounces around,
29:26 you don't get so much feedback to get on in confidence.
29:29 But really, if you want to ride that hard, may I suggest you look elsewhere for your
29:33 jollies.
29:34 Otherwise, ZZR 1200 holds its own very well indeed.
29:38 But obviously it's not all perfect.
29:41 Like I said earlier, it is an ugly motorcycle and despite all the tweaks and fiddles, it
29:45 will take more than a redesigned fairing and a big bore to convince anyone that this is
29:49 much more than a dusted off and dressed up ZZR 1100.
29:53 And with its make up so firmly rooted in the past, there's no surprises to find a host
29:57 of old school touches on the ZZR 1200.
30:01 For example, there are those great big analogue clocks, there are mirrors the size of dinner
30:05 plates and for anyone who's been riding fuel injected bikes recently, best get used to
30:10 the fact there's a fuel tap on this one and it's running carbs.
30:12 Therefore, as soon as you run out, you better get quick on the draw with getting to that
30:16 tap before you stutter to a halt.
30:18 So fashion and the complexities of modern age have largely passed the big Z by.
30:23 But this is no bad thing because beneath all that, this is a very good, very fast, comfortable
30:30 mile muncher that is actually quite hard to beat.
30:33 So how does it stack up in the scores?
30:36 Performance, 8 out of 10.
30:38 You've got a lot of bang for your buck with this one.
30:42 Style, 5 out of 10.
30:44 She's no beauty queen and that's for sure.
30:48 Comfort, 9 out of 10.
30:50 You really could cross continents in a day, no worries on one of these, two up or so low.
30:56 Reliability, 6 out of 10.
30:58 Given that it comes from the ZZR1100, the basis of this bike is actually quite old.
31:04 And if it's anything like the 1100 was, then things like chains, tyres, cush drives and
31:09 head bearings are all in for a rough ride.
31:12 Value for money, 8 out of 10.
31:14 If fashion isn't your thing but big miles are and you still want some fun to be had
31:18 while you're at it, then this really could be money well spent.
31:29 KTM's LC4 has been with us now since 1997 and even though it's based on the factory's
31:34 competition bikes, they have made some gentle concessions towards making it more road biased
31:40 than track biased.
31:48 Now this is a serious motorcycle in a very silly way.
31:52 Confused?
31:54 Then let me explain.
31:55 It's serious because it comes from a long line of barking black and orange off-roaders
32:00 from KTM and these have dominated off-road competition for years now.
32:05 This means that in all of them, with the possible exception of the Duke, you get that barely
32:10 distilled competition feel.
32:13 So you can forget comfort for starters.
32:16 There's a seat to sit on but I challenge you to get much further than the end of the road
32:20 before numb bum syndrome rears its ugly head.
32:24 You can forget other handy essentials too, like a petrol tank that's going to take you
32:27 much more than 70 miles before reserve or a pillion seat that's going to keep the girlfriend
32:32 happy for too long.
32:33 But one ride on this bike is all it takes for everything to make sense because this
32:38 is where the silly part of the equation comes into play.
32:41 The competition derived chassis and superb suspension mean devouring town potholes and
32:45 back road bumps, or perhaps even the odd field, are exactly what this bike was made for.
32:51 While the excellent brakes mean you can normally get yourself out of any trouble which you're
32:54 invariably going to get yourself into.
32:58 And that 640cc single in there even has a touch of smoothness to it for a big thumper.
33:05 And it is an absolute cracker as well with plenty of grunt to play with.
33:11 Oh, and this motorcycle wheelies for England as well, seeming to balance perfectly happily
33:16 on one wheel for about as long as you fancy keeping it up, if that's your thing.
33:22 If it's not, then may I suggest that perhaps this bike isn't for you.
33:27 If it is, and you know who you are, then you will love absolutely every minute of it.
33:36 Styling a very well deserved 8 out of 10.
33:39 Performance, it's another 8 out of 10.
33:43 Practicality, 6 out of 10.
33:45 This is still a supermoto after all.
33:48 Value, 7 out of 10.
33:51 It's not all that cheap either.
33:53 So you've ridden loads of motorbikes and now you decide you really want something very,
33:57 very different.
33:58 But, where to begin?
33:59 Well, after lots of soul searching and head scratching, you might decide that perhaps
34:03 a BMW could be the answer.
34:05 So you take a trip to your local BMW dealership and you come across one of these, an R1200C.
34:11 How much more different would you like to get?
34:13 There is not another bike on the planet that looks like this, but is it any good?
34:18 Well before you ride it anywhere, you're going to notice that it is very well equipped.
34:22 After all, this is a BMW, which means a host of lovely little touches.
34:26 These extend all the way from what is perhaps the best tool kit on any motorcycle, to be
34:30 found under the seat, the decent pillion perch with a nice swell, all the way through to
34:34 the heated grips, which are an absolute godsend in this climate.
34:39 Admittedly, this bike is a cruiser, so it's never supposed to be the fastest thing on
34:42 the planet, but it is surprising that given that that motor is the biggest incarnation
34:47 of the boxer twin that BMW do, at 1200cc, that it can have so little character and also
34:52 be so slow.
34:53 It will get you up to 70 odd mile an hour easily enough, but there's no real character
34:58 to the experience of getting there.
35:00 As for the rest of it, the fuelling really isn't all that smart.
35:03 Snatching on and off the throttle and making cruising around, even at slow speeds, a bit
35:08 of a pain.
35:09 And the gearbox, although it is positive enough, does require a firm boot.
35:13 Another area on the R1200C that's less than perfect are the brakes.
35:17 They may have snazzy Brembo logos on them, but to be honest, adequate is the best they
35:22 can be described as.
35:23 As you can guess by now, I'm really not the biggest fan of this bike.
35:27 I admire what BMW have tried to do with being so different, but to be honest, I don't reckon
35:32 they got it right this time.
35:33 This is simply not a very nice motorcycle to spend time with.
35:37 It's not comfortable enough, no matter how well built it actually is.
35:40 Anyway, how does it rack up in the scores?
35:44 Styling, 8 out of 10.
35:45 Got to be the bike's strong point.
35:47 Love it or loathe it, you cannot ignore it.
35:50 Performance, 5 out of 10.
35:52 The handling is way up for a cruiser, but sadly, that motor and those brakes are nothing
35:56 better than average.
35:59 Comfort, 3 out of 10.
36:01 Oh dear.
36:02 For a cruiser packing away some long straight miles, this really isn't a comfortable motorcycle.
36:08 Sorry.
36:10 Street cred, 5 out of 10.
36:12 Again, it comes down to that styling.
36:14 People will love it or hate it, but it's never going to be as cool as a Harley.
36:18 Reliability, 9 out of 10.
36:20 It's a BMW.
36:21 It will go on forever and ever and ever.
36:27 Value for money, 6 out of 10.
36:29 I reckon you would really have to want one of these to actually part with hard cash to
36:33 get one.
36:35 Regardless of how you feel about any of this bike's other quirks or deficiencies, by far
36:39 and away the worst part of the R1200C riding experience is the riding position.
36:45 Grant is sat like I am now.
36:46 It's really quite comfortable.
36:48 This seat is very, very soft, even supports your back a little bit.
36:51 The pegs are in just the right place too.
36:54 The problem comes when you decide you want to go anywhere and you have to reach them
36:57 bars because they're absolutely miles away.
37:00 Go any more than five miles and you're going to start feeling it across the tops of your
37:04 shoulders.
37:05 If you fancy topping 60 mile an hour, you're probably going to have to work out.
37:13 Here we are cruising in the local park, but don't worry.
37:16 There's nothing untoward going on here.
37:18 We are in fact just doing part one of our three-part cruiser test with this, the Kawasaki
37:22 Mean Streak.
37:23 For years, Kawasaki have been very adept at making the most out of all the individual
37:27 bikes in their line-up.
37:29 This one is no exception because it is a breathed on and slightly tarted up VN1500 underneath
37:34 all this.
37:35 The idea behind the Mean Streak is to get onto the bandwagon of performance cruising
37:40 as kicked well and truly back into life by Harley's V-Rod.
37:44 But I've got to say, I'm not sure this bike's quite up to the task.
37:48 One thing that has been slightly overlooked in the Mean Streak styling exercise, however,
37:51 is the pillion seat.
37:53 Look at it.
37:54 There's absolutely nothing there and I personally wouldn't want to sit on that for any more
37:57 than about two minutes.
37:59 But outright performance isn't everything and the fact that the Mean Streak is actually
38:03 basically a VN1500 underneath all its dressy clothes is no bad thing because the VN is
38:09 a very capable motorcycle indeed.
38:11 The gearbox is nice and light, so is the throttle.
38:14 The brakes, which have actually been beefed up on this, now give you plenty of stopping
38:18 power.
38:19 They're a bit too much for those forks on occasion, so you might want to be a bit gentle
38:21 with them.
38:22 The fuel injection is very gentle and smooth and all in all, it's a relatively easy bike
38:27 to potter about on.
38:29 The only difference being that in its new Mean Streak guise, this VN-based machine does
38:34 get a little heavy at low speed.
38:37 So wandering around in the car park or whatever, just make sure you keep your feet handy because
38:41 you might need to dab them.
38:42 Inside the motor, they have hotted things up ever so slightly to give us about an extra
38:46 7 horsepower, but this isn't exactly the largest increase ever seen in the world.
38:50 I wouldn't exactly term it performance.
38:53 Overall, none of the upgrades, good though they may look, actually conceal the fact that
38:57 this is still just a rather sluggishly but large custom bike beneath all the baubles.
39:02 Obviously grinding away vast pieces of the side of your motorcycle is often an enjoyable
39:06 experience but it's a very, very costly way to get your kicks.
39:11 So with the Mean Streak, leave the hard corner into a different bike, chill the pace out
39:15 and enjoy the admiring glances as everyone looks at the vast, shiny size of your motorcycle.
39:21 When it comes to faster corners, the Mean Streak can be piloted around with a fair degree
39:25 of accuracy for the kind of bike it is and also the ground clearance really isn't too
39:30 bad.
39:31 However, don't ever try and get energetic with it because you'll soon find the limits
39:34 pretty quickly.
39:36 After all, the Mean Streak is still packing 1,500cc of motor down there.
39:41 That is more than the average small family car so why, oh why does it have to be so strangled
39:47 in its power output?
39:48 What I would love to see would be for someone to take one of these engines and really go
39:52 to town on them.
39:53 After all, it's so under-stressed in there.
39:56 You could easily see another 30-odd horsepower out of that without damaging things too much,
40:00 I would reckon.
40:01 Now we'd be looking at about 100 horse, more like V-Rod performance and something like
40:06 that could be very interesting indeed.
40:10 And what do I know?
40:11 It's time for the scores now.
40:14 Performance - 6/10.
40:15 There ain't really any performance here to speak of.
40:18 What you get is a cruiser.
40:20 Style - 7/10.
40:21 It's got plenty of low chrome cruiser presence to keep passers-by happy and staring at you
40:27 but it's got to lose a few points for those disgusting neon stickers on the tank.
40:32 Comfort - 6/10.
40:34 Nice squashy seat, plenty of room for your legs but you really are hung out to dry on
40:37 those narrow bars so if you want to get some speed in, it's going to hurt your shoulders.
40:42 Reliability - 9/10.
40:44 That motor is so under-stressed and it's shaft drive, this bike will last forever.
40:50 Whether that's a good thing or not depends on your point of view.
40:53 Value for money - 8/10.
40:55 If you want a cruiser and you can't afford the big bucks for a Harley, then this is a
40:59 lot of motorcycle for the money.
41:02 Just don't expect any performance to go with it.
41:05 It's a funny thing about muscle bikes.
41:07 On the one hand, they're a little bit like customs.
41:10 The looks are absolutely all-important.
41:13 Got to get that right.
41:14 But on the other hand, they should have a bit more go in them than your average custom
41:18 bike.
41:19 So what about this one?
41:20 The XJR 1300 SP.
41:24 Well, looking down it, there's no doubts it's got the styling.
41:28 Look at the size of that motor down there.
41:30 Your neighbour is going to be very impressed by this, especially when you tell him it's
41:33 1300cc, which is probably bigger than his car that he's using to run about in.
41:38 Check on down there, there's also the fins that make it look like it's got the genuine,
41:42 authentic, old-school air cooling.
41:44 Actually, this is a proper modern motor with a liquid cooling in it.
41:47 Hop on board the XJR and the first thing you're going to notice is that despite the fact that
41:51 this is one solid, serious, hefty lump of motorcycle, it really doesn't feel that bad
41:56 once you've got it moving.
41:57 As long as you can get your feet down to the floor, you'll be able to ride one of these
42:00 with no worries.
42:01 Now in the case of this version here, this is the SP version.
42:04 It's a few hundred quid more and the only real difference you get for that is the Ohlins
42:07 shocks down the back here.
42:09 They do actually help the handling, but we'll come to that later.
42:12 The only other difference with the SP over the standard XJR is the paintwork.
42:17 Now sadly, this one is a little bit on the subdued side.
42:20 Normally, there's another version in a beautiful blue and white.
42:23 As with all good retro muscle bikes, the heart of the XJR is not a brand new engine.
42:30 In fact, this motor goes way back into the early 80s when it used to be the power plant
42:35 for the FJ 1200.
42:36 Now at the time, that was a cutting edge sports bike.
42:40 People said it was so powerful, but to be honest, if you rode one now, it would feel
42:43 a little bit flat as far as sportiness goes.
42:47 However, this motor has a new lease of life.
42:50 One thing the FJ motor was always very good at was being smooth, torquey, and creamy.
42:56 Up to mid-range, not loads of top end, but up to about 100 mile an hour, you've got stacks
43:01 of shovel and go, and that's exactly what you need in a big, naked muscle bike like
43:05 this.
43:06 But all is not entirely perfect with the XJR.
43:08 There are a couple of faults we can find.
43:10 The fuel gauge, very useful to have it, but it gets to about halfway down, which takes
43:15 quite a long time, then suddenly plummets right the way through the second half of the
43:19 tank.
43:20 Either it's a very funny shaped fuel tank, or not a perfectly designed gauge.
43:24 Interesting about the XJR, not only does it have the looks, the styling, the comfort,
43:29 all those things a muscle bike should have, it also is the way it hangs together beautifully
43:34 as much more than the sum of its parts.
43:36 In case you hadn't guessed, I do really rather like this motorcycle, but now it is time for
43:42 the scores.
43:43 Performance, eight out of ten.
43:45 This may not be the most amazing performing motorcycle ever, but in terms of what muscle
43:50 bikes should do and what this one does do, it really is excellent.
43:54 Comfort, eight out of ten.
43:57 Plenty of room, no cramping for your arms or your legs, everything's where it should
44:00 be.
44:01 Value for money, seven out of ten.
44:03 You've got a big lump of good looking motorcycle for just over six grand.
44:08 Street credit, seven out of ten in the case of this model with that rather subdued paint
44:12 job, but if you get the slightly tricker painted options, definitely an eight out of ten.
44:17 Reliability, seven out of ten.
44:19 This is a well made motorcycle, that motor is next to unburstable, as is the gearbox,
44:24 the brakes are well proven.
44:26 The only thing you're going to have to do is spend a bit of time with the toothbrush
44:29 and the solvo, keeping the thing nice and clean.
44:31 [music]
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45:16 The power surge is strong and healthy and a little more raw than Italy's other twin,
45:21 the Ducati 998, but it's still a case of using fewer gear changes on the Mille than you would
45:25 on a big four and letting that mid-range pull you along for the fast lap times, rather than
45:30 screaming it up near the red line all the time.
45:33 Thanks to being such a good handling bike, the Mille can make the most of all the power
45:37 it has to offer.
45:38 What this means is that nine times out of ten on a track day, you'll go faster on one
45:42 of these for less effort than on pretty much anything else out there.
45:46 It's a damned fine package and make no mistake about it.
45:49 With all this talk of the Mille's track prowess, it's easy to forget that she can cut it on
45:53 the road as well.
45:54 So let's get out and find out about it.
46:02 The big thumping V-twin power means fast, easy and unflustered progress is yours for
46:07 the asking, as are wheelies over every crest and hump in the road, if that's your thing.
46:11 The Mille's riding position is committed, but it's far less torture-wrack than the most
46:15 obvious competition this bike has in the Ducati 998.
46:18 There's also a pillion seat conversion kit that comes as standard, should you want to
46:23 impress giggling, impressionable young things, which is something this bike really is quite
46:27 good at.
46:28 However, single-seated is the way a Mille R should be, and if you do buy one, please
46:33 take it out to the track and stretch its legs.
46:35 It will reward you for it.
46:46 This is a very brilliant motorbike, and that is a fact, plain and simple.
46:52 From the moment you first hop aboard a Tuono, something just clicks and you know you're
46:57 in for a special experience.
46:59 Physically, it is a big bike, and shorter riders may be put off by its tall stance and
47:05 wide seat, but if it fits you, the Tuono fits like a glove.
47:10 It is a terrible road-testing cliché to say that the controls fall readily to hand.
47:15 Of course they do, that's what they're there for.
47:18 But the bar-seat peg setup on the Tuono is so natural and so perfect for riding, you'd
47:24 think it had been tailor-made.
47:26 The chassis is straight off last year's standard Mille, so although you don't get the trick
47:31 Ohlins suspension of the old R model, that thoroughbred handling is still there.
47:37 So you've got road bike relaxation wrapped up in a very taut, very sharp and very responsive
47:43 chassis.
47:44 Sounds good so far.
47:46 And it only gets better when you get to the motor.
47:50 So often with bikes like this, the roadster version of the sports model is palmed off
47:54 with a watered-down incarnation of the sports engine, leaving you feeling slightly cheated.
48:01 But not in this case.
48:03 There's a full-fat 118 genuine horsepower inside that 60 degree V-twin, and they make
48:10 their presence felt the minute you pull away and the clocks rise up to greet you.
48:15 This is perhaps the only bike this side of a MotoGP missile where you could legitimately
48:21 claim that wheelies were the bike's fault and not yours, and have a chance of getting
48:25 away with it in a court of law.
48:28 The way this thing drives, punches and annihilates back roads has to be experienced to be believed.
48:34 And the way the chassis, brakes and riding position allow you to make the most of everything
48:39 the Tuono has to offer, only makes it even more of a joy.
48:44 I'd say we may have a winner here.
48:51 Styling 7 out of 10.
48:53 It's okay, but it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea.
48:57 Performance 9 out of 10.
48:59 Plain old brilliant.
49:01 Practicality 8 out of 10.
49:03 As long as you get on with V-twins, this bike is easy to live with.
49:08 Value 8 out of 10.
49:10 It's not the cheapest bike around, but it's not too expensive either.
49:14 So here we have BMW's K1200LT, the biggest tourer they have in the range.
49:19 And it's actually a surprise to find that despite BMW's reputation for building very
49:24 long lasting, very efficient motorcycles, this is not actually the perfect tourer.
49:30 But before we get to the niggles that actually make this bike less than perfect, let's talk
49:34 about what's good about it.
49:35 There are heated seats and backrests if you want them, there's cruise control, there's
49:39 a four speaker stereo system and optional CD auto changer.
49:42 There's a reverse gear as well.
49:44 You'd sprout a hernia instantly trying to back one of these out of an uphill parking
49:47 space without it.
49:49 And best of all, on the options list, should you really want it, you'll even find a fridge.
49:53 And beneath all these trinkets and baubles, there's a massive aluminium spine frame holding
49:57 the whole lot together, and more built in panniers and cubby holes so you can shake
50:01 a stick at it.
50:02 When it comes to handling, the K1200 is very agile indeed, despite an all up weight akin
50:07 to a pair of fire blades.
50:09 At low speed she is a bit cumbersome, but get her moving and despite being no sports
50:13 bike, very obviously, she is the best handling of any bike this size and also has very good
50:18 ground clearance to boot.
50:20 Being a BMW, you'd expect reliability on the K12 to be absolutely bang on.
50:25 But I have to say, from a previous experience with one of these bikes, I'm not sure that
50:28 could always be the case.
50:31 It happened a couple of years ago when we took one all the way across France.
50:34 And during this trip, right near the beginning, the gearbox linkage sheared very shortly after
50:38 we got past Calais, leaving the bike stuck in one gear for the rest of the trip.
50:42 And I can tell you that bump starting one of these on a daily basis soon becomes a royal
50:46 pain in the behind.
50:49 Fair enough, that test bike may not have been a typical example, but it was fully prepared
50:53 and brand new.
50:54 And as far as I'm concerned, 14 and a half grand motorbikes should not go wrong like
50:58 that.
50:59 But enough of this already, let's go to the final scoreboards and see how this baby stacks
51:03 up.
51:04 Performance, 7 out of 10.
51:07 To be honest, the motor's a bit on the weedy side for a bike this big, but that score gets
51:11 bumped up again thanks to the fact the handling's so good on the move.
51:16 Styling, 5 out of 10.
51:18 Call me old fashioned, but I reckon it's bland as hell.
51:20 It's very smooth, it's very sleek, but to be honest, this thing leaves no impression
51:24 on me at all.
51:26 Comfort, 8 out of 10.
51:28 Not very good, but the gold wins bet.
51:31 Reliability, 7 out of 10.
51:33 Pretty good, but past experience tells me that perhaps the electrics aren't quite up
51:37 to the job.
51:38 Value, 6 out of 10.
51:40 This is, let us not forget, a 14 and a half thousand pound motorcycle once you've thrown
51:44 in a few extras.
51:45 And that for me is a lot of money for a bike that has as many little glitches as this one
51:51 does.
51:52 On the face of it, the Kawasaki ZR7 makes perfect sense.
51:57 After all, it's friendly, it's easy to get on with, and hell, it's even a 750.
52:02 However, beneath this cheery little facade lies one of the most pointless and dull objects
52:08 in motorcycling today.
52:11 If this bike were a colour, it would be beige.
52:16 Am I being a bit harsh here though?
52:18 After all, the ZR7, it's got two wheels, it's got an engine, 750cc's at that, it's just
52:25 over 4 grand brand new, there's a fairing, you could do distance on it, you could slap
52:29 a pillion if you wanted to, and you're not going to be too uncomfortable either.
52:34 But sadly, I'm not being a bit harsh.
52:37 You see, in this day and age, simply being a cheap and functioning motorcycle isn't really
52:43 enough to actually cut the mustard.
52:46 What's needed?
52:47 Every bike, it should have some fun, it should have some excitement, some sparkle.
52:51 And sadly, the ZR7 is absolutely devoid of any redeeming features like that whatsoever.
52:59 Should you actually stay awake on a ZR7 long enough to ride any distance, you will find
53:04 a motor that, despite being a 750, is both flat, slow, lethargic, listless, and dull all
53:12 at once.
53:13 On top of this, the carbs are also, well, they're fairly old school, and the response
53:17 off the throttle is not exactly what we call crisp.
53:21 All in all, it does go forward when you turn the loud handle, and it does slow down when
53:26 you shut it.
53:27 But beyond that, it doesn't really do a lot else.
53:29 And so what of the handling?
53:31 Well, the ZR7 does go around corners okay, it goes in one side, it comes out the other,
53:35 and when you push the bars, it goes the way you want it to.
53:38 But there's absolutely no eagerness to it at all.
53:41 The bike just feels kind of resigned to it, like an old dog being told what to do.
53:46 And the suspensions, it's the same old story.
53:48 It does tell you a little bit about what's going on between the tarmac and the tyres,
53:52 but not really a great deal.
53:54 It's as if it hasn't quite woken up and can't quite be bothered to get on with doing
53:57 the job it's supposed to do.
53:59 Effective, but no more.
54:02 And should there come a time, as there probably will quite soon, when you want to stop your
54:05 ZR7 and get off it, you'll be pleased to find the brakes do at least work.
54:09 You pull the lever, everything slows down, back brake does the back wheel, front brake
54:14 does the front wheel, and at least you can stop, get off, and put an end to the whole
54:19 terrible experience.
54:22 All told, there have to be over 100 better ways to spend just over £4,000 than by buying
54:28 yourself a new ZR7.
54:31 Let's face it, if it's fun and exciting you want for your money, what about an Aprilia
54:35 RS250?
54:37 Absolutely manic.
54:38 If it's sensible, something that'll do town work, what about Yamaha's venerable XTZ660
54:44 single cylinder trailie?
54:45 And if it's just a pure, unburstable beginner's bike with a bit of fun and zip to it that
54:50 you want, what about a Honda CB500?
54:52 But what can I do?
54:54 I'm stuck with this and it's time to go home.
55:04 Actually having thought about it, I think I'll get the bus.
55:06 Anyway, I shall leave you with the scores.
55:10 Performance, 4 out of 10.
55:15 Really only picking up a few marks here for managing to go, stop, and turn.
55:20 Styling, 4 out of 10.
55:22 Bland is being kind, but at least that little fairing does help a bit.
55:27 Reliability, 9 out of 10.
55:29 Sadly, this bike will probably go on forever.
55:33 Value for money, 4 out of 10.
55:35 There are many better options for spending your money on if you want a basic motorcycle
55:40 than this one.
55:41 Street cred, not out of 10.
55:43 Not a hope.
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