• last year
'Aagaz e Ramazan' from the set of Shan e Ramazan

Host: Waseem Badami

Guest :
Iqrar Ul Hassan
Muhammad Waseem Wasi
Qari Mohsin Qadri
Mahmood Ul Hassan Ashrafi
Zohaib Ashrafi

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2024 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr


00:00 As I said, this is the city of Ramadan.
00:05 So here, our different friends,
00:08 I think this is also a part of our set, of course.
00:11 So this whole environment is in front of you.
00:13 And this you can say,
00:15 has been designed in a new way.
00:17 All our workers, the whole team, have worked very hard.
00:20 So you can say,
00:21 Goshe-e-Nath,
00:23 Goshe-e-Durood,
00:23 where all our followers,
00:26 InshaAllah, will present the Nath-e-Rasool-e-Maghbool, Sallallahu-Alaihe-Wa-Sallam.
00:30 Iftar, we all do it together, Alhamdulillah.
00:33 So here, the Qaseed-e-Burda will be recited.
00:35 Here, the Nath-e-Sharif will be recited.
00:37 And after that, we will do Iftar with Dua, InshaAllah.
00:40 Our different segments,
00:42 whether it is the segment of quiz,
00:45 the segment of poetry,
00:46 the segment of Bai'at,
00:47 and apart from this, we have also kept some Nath-e-Muqabala,
00:50 all of that is also there.
00:51 So InshaAllah, our quiz,
00:53 and the segment of poetry and debate,
00:56 will be from here.
00:57 And like every year,
00:58 this year also, you will be taught how to cook delicious food,
01:01 in less time,
01:02 in a better way,
01:04 the sequence of cooking will be taught to you.
01:07 All of this will be here, InshaAllah,
01:08 in this part of Shahan-e-Ramzan,
01:11 where our chef will be with us,
01:14 in daily Iftar-e-Nashariyat.
01:15 And here, all of this will be taught to you.
01:18 And last but not the least,
01:20 obviously,
01:21 our little kids,
01:23 they are an integral part of our Shahan-e-Ramzan set.
01:27 All of you kids,
01:28 not just the kids who are here with us,
01:30 all of you kids,
01:31 who are with their parents,
01:32 brothers and sisters,
01:33 friends,
01:33 sitting and watching Shahan-e-Ramzan,
01:35 this set is yours,
01:36 this house is yours,
01:37 this city is yours.
01:39 And this is our Kids' Corner,
01:42 which you have seen,
01:43 we have made it with special care.
01:46 So here, InshaAllah,
01:48 we will sit and chat with our little friends.
01:51 Mr. Dak has arrived in Karachi.
01:53 Mr. Abu Bakr is here.
01:54 Our little prince is here.
01:56 Mr. Umar is here.
01:57 And all of you know,
01:59 or those who don't know,
02:00 I would like to introduce him to you.
02:01 Shahan-e-Ramzan 2024.
02:03 One more surprise.
02:05 And I, Mr. Dak, Mr. Abu Bakr, Mr. Umar,
02:07 all of us kids,
02:08 are very eager to welcome him.
02:10 Because Shahan-e-Ramzan is for the whole of Pakistan.
02:13 It is a representation of the kids from all over Pakistan.
02:15 Karachi to Khyber,
02:16 beyond the mountains of Gilgit-Baltistan,
02:18 to Siachen,
02:20 our wonderful young man,
02:23 our friend, Mohammad Shiraz,
02:24 whose vlogs you all watch.
02:26 InshaAllah,
02:28 Shahan-e-Ramzan will also be a part of our Kids' Segment,
02:31 where we have kept a lot of new things.
02:33 We will sit here with the kids and play some games.
02:35 All of this and much more.
02:37 There is a lot going on in Shahan-e-Ramzan.
02:39 This city has just been populated.
02:41 But obviously, like any house,
02:44 it is not just about good walls or furniture.
02:49 All of that is very important.
02:50 But in reality, it is the people who fill the space.
02:53 Obviously, this is the case with Shahan-e-Ramzan.
02:55 Who fills the most important space?
02:57 You people do.
02:58 And when we say this,
02:59 we are not just saying this,
03:02 we all mean it.
03:04 So, you are the most important part.
03:06 And of course, all of our friends who are present here on this set,
03:09 whether they are in front of the camera
03:10 or behind the camera.
03:12 I am taking advantage of this opportunity.
03:14 I am going to call some people in front of the camera.
03:16 Before that, I want you all to raise your hands
03:20 wherever you are watching this.
03:23 And every single person in this team,
03:25 who is behind the camera,
03:26 whether it is my brother,
03:28 who comes here every break and cleans the set.
03:31 His part is not less than my part in any way.
03:33 Maybe it can be more.
03:35 Because he does not get the respect I get.
03:37 So, we are satisfied.
03:38 He does not get that respect.
03:40 So, every brother of ours,
03:41 who is a part of this transmission in any way,
03:44 from the channel owners to the CEO,
03:46 to my brother,
03:47 who comes here during breaks and brings us tea in the Sairam Darshariyat.
03:49 All these cameramen,
03:51 I request you all to raise your hands once.
03:54 Pray a lot for all of them.
03:56 They are as awake as we are.
03:58 You can see us.
03:59 It is just our miracle.
04:00 We are not doing any other miracle.
04:01 In some cases, they are working harder than us.
04:03 They are more awake than us.
04:04 Pray that Allah makes this journey easier for all of them.
04:08 So, now,
04:08 some of our religious leaders,
04:10 you must be thinking where to call them.
04:12 Before that,
04:14 I would like to call our friends,
04:15 of course, you all know them.
04:17 You know them by every reference.
04:18 They are a part of our Shana Iftaar.
04:21 And, of course, the soul of the segment of goodness.
04:23 They have given a new color to the segment of goodness.
04:27 So, ladies and gentlemen,
04:28 I would like to request all of you,
04:30 that again,
04:31 it is the beginning of the month of Ramadan.
04:32 Call them with a lot of prayers.
04:34 I would like to request Mr. Syed Iqral-ul-Hassan,
04:37 to come on the set.
04:40 Assalamu Alaikum.
04:41 Waalaikum Assalam.
04:43 How are you?
04:44 How are you?
04:45 Mashallah.
04:46 How are you?
04:47 I am fine.
04:47 Thank you.
04:48 Alhamdulillah.
04:49 Mashallah.
04:51 It is the twelfth month of Ramadan.
04:52 How wonderful.
04:52 If we count every month,
04:55 if we complete one month,
04:56 InshaAllah,
04:58 then we have spent a whole year on this set.
05:00 And that too,
05:01 continuously.
05:03 Thank you.
05:04 How wonderful.
05:04 May Allah keep you safe,
05:06 Waseem Bhai, Mashallah.
05:08 Whenever we talk about courage,
05:10 whenever we talk about not getting tired,
05:13 Mashallah,
05:13 your face and your name comes to mind.
05:15 You praised everyone,
05:16 but I want that the people who are watching on the screen right now,
05:19 all of them should pray for Waseem Bhai's health,
05:21 and for his health and for his steadfastness.
05:23 And InshaAllah,
05:24 may Allah keep you healthy for the next thirty days.
05:27 May the rhythm of your voice be constant.
05:30 InshaAllah.
05:30 Allah will do.
05:31 As we say,
05:32 just like we are living a normal life,
05:35 the bad days and bad times that happen,
05:38 Shana-e-Ramadan is without any filter.
05:39 We are just like that.
05:41 Sometimes you see on the set,
05:42 it happens every year,
05:43 sometimes there is a crackling sound in the voice,
05:44 sometimes there is sleep in the eyes,
05:46 sometimes there are cracks,
05:47 sometimes there are tears.
05:48 It's like that.
05:48 Because all this happens in normal life,
05:50 and Shana-e-Ramadan has no filter.
05:51 Everything is just like that.
05:52 Naturally, everything happens like that.
05:54 Even Waseem Bhai has decorated the Shana-e-Ramadan set with his blood.
05:59 Literally.
06:00 He has got injured,
06:01 he has got stitches put here.
06:02 He has got blood on his face.
06:03 It's like that.
06:04 And you can believe that when we,
06:07 the entire team,
06:08 with the higher management,
06:09 with the CEO,
06:10 we are all sitting together.
06:11 When that thing was not being broadcast on camera,
06:13 but then we were all saying that
06:14 we have to try to make such broadcasts,
06:17 that obviously the world's demands are of their own importance,
06:20 and you people have done a lot of ratings,
06:21 you have done a lot of good,
06:22 a lot of blessings.
06:23 I am very thankful.
06:24 But we are trying to do something like this,
06:26 that maybe we can light a little of our part.
06:29 There is no doubt about this.
06:30 God has made your face a means and a means,
06:34 that with the glory of knowledge,
06:36 many people sitting in their homes,
06:38 our future generation,
06:39 with the knowledge of religion,
06:41 and many other information,
06:43 is connected to us.
06:44 Not only that,
06:45 when we are standing here off the camera,
06:47 the Hamdoonat that is being recited here,
06:50 along with that,
06:51 the entire Pakistan,
06:52 Alhamdulillah,
06:52 in its heartbeat,
06:53 the Naat,
06:54 and Durood,
06:55 and the Hamd,
06:56 is included.
06:56 And then, of course,
06:57 the information too.
06:58 And along with that,
06:58 the other things too,
06:59 of course,
06:59 you know that Dastar Khan is very important in life.
07:02 If someone asks me what is my income in life,
07:04 I remember a few incidents.
07:06 One was very small,
07:06 I will tell you in 10 seconds.
07:07 I was at Hazrat Abu Yun Ansari's shrine.
07:12 In Istanbul.
07:12 Yes.
07:14 When I left the shrine,
07:15 a gentleman came with his son.
07:18 And he said,
07:18 "Do you know when I made the promise to come here?"
07:21 He said, "I am standing here, I will not lie."
07:22 I said, "You are a layman,
07:23 why would you lie?"
07:25 "You have never met me before,
07:26 and I don't know if we will meet again."
07:28 He said, "We heard about you in Ramadan."
07:32 "I made a promise to come to the shrine with him."
07:34 What a promise!
07:35 Allah!
07:35 So if someone asks us what is our income,
07:37 this is the guidance we have been shown.
07:38 There will be countless incidents like this,
07:40 which have not reached you.
07:41 Yes.
07:41 So, Allah,
07:42 accept this,
07:44 Inshallah.
07:44 This is the biggest prayer.
07:46 I think that,
07:47 I am saying again,
07:47 these ratings and all,
07:49 there are worldly requirements,
07:50 they have their own importance.
07:51 But I always say,
07:53 and we all understand,
07:54 that if the matter stops here,
07:56 then it is a loss.
07:57 It is a loss.
07:58 May Allah accept this,
08:00 Inshallah.
08:01 May Allah accept it to that extent.
08:02 Inshallah.
08:03 So, please call your relatives.
08:04 What do you think?
08:05 In fact, we were just talking,
08:06 that it feels like,
08:07 we have finished the transmission yesterday,
08:09 and today we have gathered again,
08:10 and we are meeting again,
08:11 with the same love and the same self-respect.
08:13 MashaAllah.
08:13 In the name of Allah.
08:14 When we were sitting in the apartment,
08:15 preparing for the last,
08:16 the team members were also saying,
08:18 that it was not the first fast,
08:20 it felt like the 30th was over,
08:21 and now the 31st is starting.
08:22 And come on, come on.
08:23 And this is a continuity of every year,
08:25 that when we are doing the recitation,
08:27 our CEO, our J.J. comes,
08:29 while running,
08:29 after 1.5-2 hours,
08:30 and says, "Brother,
08:31 a little slow, a little patience,
08:33 today is the first fast,
08:34 you all are so busy on the auto,
08:36 that it feels like,
08:37 the 31st fast is going on,
08:38 a little introduction,
08:40 so Allah has made such a continuity.
08:43 Our dear viewers,
08:44 whom I say,
08:45 that is a term,
08:46 which cannot be more honoured,
08:47 but they are not our guests,
08:49 they are our guests,
08:50 and our off-camera,
08:53 more than that,
08:54 love, love,
08:55 laughter, jokes, everything,
08:57 is on camera.
08:59 Now I thought,
09:00 that I should call the youngest,
09:01 the first one.
09:02 Now I don't know who he is.
09:03 You have called me,
09:04 thank you so much.
09:05 No, no,
09:06 first I thought,
09:07 the oldest should come,
09:08 and then,
09:09 I will do this,
09:10 so that there is no conflict,
09:11 between us,
09:12 so that I can see all four of them.
09:13 First get copies of the Sharafi car,
09:14 and then decide on the basis of that,
09:15 who should go first.
09:16 Yes, this can also happen,
09:17 but,
09:18 Mehmood bhai is saying,
09:19 that he has not brought the Sharafi car,
09:20 because of which,
09:21 I doubt that he is the eldest.
09:22 But let's do this,
09:23 that I request,
09:24 Janab-e-Waseem Waseem,
09:25 Janab-e-Qari Mohsin,
09:26 Janab-e-Mehmood-ul-Hasan Ashrafi,
09:27 and Janab-e-Zoaib Ashrafi,
09:28 to come and see,
09:29 the grand celebration of Ramadhan,
09:30 our dear viewers,
09:31 come and see,
09:32 in your prayers,
09:33 Janab-e-Waseem-Waseem,
09:34 Janab-e-Qari Mohsin,
09:35 Janab-e-Zoaib Ashrafi,
09:36 and Janab-e-Zoaib Ashrafi,
09:37 to come and see,
09:38 the grand celebration of Ramadhan,
09:39 our dear viewers,
09:40 come and see,
09:41 in your prayers,
09:42 Janab-e-Waseem-Waseem,
09:43 Janab-e-Zoaib Ashrafi,
09:44 and Janab-e-Mehmood-ul-Hasan Ashrafi,
10:06 to come and see,
10:17 the grand celebration of Ramadhan,
10:42 our dear viewers,
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18:20 our dear viewers,