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SOHH.com staff reviews the Starz TV Series Power.

Background music provided by The Passion HiFi
00:00 I just wait for you to put the music on I can't get ready so it starts to you
00:10 know intro start yeah start getting excited I never was a fan of this song
00:20 until I guess the third season it just blew on me like what it's gonna be turn it up a little bit yeah
00:31 I'm always trying to figure out like what's this effect and when they show it
00:41 like what body parts that they're showing. That's a mirror. A mirror. Ah the mirror which is the constant theme that they have in the show. You know they always have mirrors in the show and they have the character looking into the mirror and then into a broken mirror I think at last season you saw that a bunch and then they do the
01:06 mirroring scene like last last episode they had Tasha walking out with bare feet
01:14 and prior to that they had Angela walking out with bare feet so they kind of had
01:22 this mirroring thing. I gotta make it so we tied it all together yeah uh-huh
01:31 oh all right so ready to get started? Yeah you don't have to say that. Let's just get into it. Wow so like the opening scene you know we see Ghost and this is a
01:43 different Ghost than we're used to seeing. Ghost is usually in a suit and tie and very sharp. Yeah his face is looking kind of swollen. Not as much damage to the face as I would expect
01:54 compared to the beating that he was getting. He got beat up by two cops so you know they're not gonna beat him in his face they're gonna beat him in places
02:01 that are not obvious. Of course that makes sense but he's got blood in his urine which means he's got some rib damage.
02:08 He's got some internal damage going on. Yeah and he can't seem to sit. Looking like he's got some problems sitting down. Right. It's not hemorrhage. Yes it's not hemorrhage.
02:18 So you want to talk about the mirror? Oh yeah yeah they showed the mirror again. The mirror is again it's a constant theme it's another
02:26 character in power and it's constantly doing different things to help us the characters reflect on themselves to help us you know make comparisons
02:38 between scenes and you know very interesting. So yeah this is a this is a also interesting I don't know if it's appropriate to mention it right now but when I met
02:49 James St. Patrick / Ghost who in real life is Omari Hardwick he gave me an exclusive he said that he actually went method for this particular period of time in jail.
03:05 Method meaning he had to totally embody this particular situation so he he spent time in jail to try to really get a grasp on the entire world of it like what it's like.
03:18 He's like I was I think he said a few few weeks it might have even been longer in a in a jail so this is real deal.
03:28 Well I love how Courtney kept those those mirror scenes man she's got that mirror thing like all over this show you know just now we watched the interrogation of James St. Patrick.
03:41 Proctor. And by Proctor and simultaneously the Feds were interrogating Angela about their relationship and potentially putting them on the stand for the purposes of convicting James St. Patrick.
04:00 So yeah it that was really interesting I love that that was great it really kind of showed both sides and at the end of the day it's just not a good move for either one of them.
04:10 Right. Yeah I think overall that was good I think she also I think Courtney used her time wisely.
04:18 Mm-hmm. You know other shows would have drawn it out. Right. Right it was nice and quick the timing was good the pace was good.
04:26 Let's talk a little bit about Tommy and Tasha. Tommy and Tasha? Keisha. Keisha. Keisha plus Tasha plus Keisha is Teesha. Yeah but they're not a gay couple. No.
04:38 Okay nevertheless Tommy and Keisha. Yeah so it looks like Tommy and Keisha have some feelings towards one another a little bit.
04:45 Yo another great scene by Courtney Kemp. This whole episode I think is really just showing.
04:52 She's just showing out. Whoever directed it you have to look up who directed that. Yeah I know but that's true that's true but she's the whole show runner so like she's you know she's giving the whole vision for it.
05:02 You know people do storyboards and you know they try to come up with a vision. Okay well whoever the hell all the people involved with the show at this point that was awesome how they had Dre standing there.
05:13 His eyes flicking to the left and to the right as he was watching the action. Selling the drugs. The hands exchanging the bottles coming out the little boxes with the red pills being distributed.
05:26 I just love the way that they did that with his eyes going back and forth that was awesome. So I'm gonna assume that you know his whole thing is he has to pay Kanan his crazy cousin and her friend all of this money.
05:38 Right 50k a week. A week. You know just like wow okay. And then he needs to figure out how to get that money through the club. Yeah. He ain't got it.
05:49 So I'm assuming that when people buy two bottles of this particular brand of champagne that it's some code for drugs or whatever. Oh.
05:59 And you know bring one bottle and give him this box of pills. Right. Cause nobody seemed upset that the little box of pills came. Right. Okay. But how does he get the money. Oh so he's selling the drugs so that he can get the money for the credit card.
06:15 What he'll probably do is sell the extra bottles that they didn't sell to someplace else. Uh huh. And make the money back. Somehow or other he's flipping this. Right. I do like the fact that he incorporated his friend from season 2 and 3. The guy with the glasses. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think he's really cool. Quirky. Yeah. He's really quirky.
06:33 And Julio's new girlfriend is also working. Oh okay. Julio. Right. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. So going back a little bit to Ghost in Jail. Had to crack a niggas arm. Alright. You know he's like there's only so much I can take. I'm gonna have to let him know. So I like the fact that he did that nice and discreet.
06:57 And then Hannibal left the story. Yeah. And I think he kinda liked the move. Like okay. Yeah I'm watching you. I'm watching you. Alright. So let's see what happens.
07:07 Can I just say I just love Julio. I just think he is just so just awesome. He is so cute. I mean okay not to like go off on a tangent because you wouldn't relate. But oh my god. Okay moving right along.
07:27 Alright so what do you think of the storyline developing. Hannibal left it here. Seems like he's gonna get the money somehow. Yeah well he was talking to the feds about possibly turning evidence in on some other case. Right. And they said they could help his wife. So I guess there's gonna be something there.
07:45 Yeah. Either that or he's gonna have to lean on James. Or he might say something about I don't know where did this go. Maybe he'll say something about how he saw it you know James do the hand crack to the other dude. How he broke through his hand. I don't know. I don't know. Okay. Alright.
08:03 So what do you think of Tyreke. Oh my god Tyreke is bugging out. Yeah. Yo he's a real liability right now. He is a loose cannon. But I like how Tasha kind of dropped the Canaan thing. And I think that that's gonna somehow be revealed. You know that Canaan is the Canaan. You know that um that her father knew that his father knew when he was growing up.
08:26 Right. You know it's all gonna come to a head cause you know Tyreke is just confused right now. He got his you know. He seems confused but I the question is when you find out that Slim is Canaan what is he gonna do? Is he gonna chill with him or not? I mean you know. Hmm. Yeah. There's a lot I mean look Ghost broke a whole lot of trust with that affair.
08:47 So uh it's gonna take a lot for it to come back. I mean I think Canaan is gonna have to do something real crazy like pull a gun on Tasha. In order for you know Tyreke to you know to realize who the hell this dude is. So it's gonna have to be something real nuts that's gonna have to open his eyes. Yeah. Alright moving right along.
09:07 Yo. This dude just went and planted a gun in Ghost's office. Right. And this dude is so dastardly. So they all come in and they get a warrant to search the club. Yuray is told to turn off the security footage.
09:28 See that's the part I couldn't really tell. So I think I mean I feel like he's they said turn off the security footage. Or where you felt it was where the security footage was. Right right right. I heard turn off the security footage. Right right right. Either way. Right. Either way.
09:45 They turned off the security footage either way. Right. Cause they wouldn't have had the security footage. Cause why would they need it? They needed to either turn it off or they need access to it. Right. So yeah. But at the same basically once the security footage was off they didn't show uh what is his name? Agent Mike going inside Ghost's office to plant the gun. Right.
10:12 This guy is so nasty man. Well it's not like he's gonna come up and be like hey I did it. I know I know but wow. You know the question becomes will the feds ever find out that Mike was actually the impostor. Oh hell to the yeah that's gonna get revealed. That's like yo Mike's going down. You can't be that evil and not go down.
10:34 Courtney you gotta have a heart you gotta make him go down. Yeah but the only person that knew that he was evil was Greg. Right. You know so all the evidence. Well that's true Greg got busted when he was trying to. Right that's why Greg got killed. Trying to take him down. Right the only other person that knows that that what Greg knows is remember he went to go see some friend. Mm hmm. And the dude was like yo you getting too close. Oh yeah yeah yeah some underground dude. Yeah that's the only other person. Wow.
11:01 But I could see coming in but you know we're only on episode number two so. Woo Courtney you're writing your ass off girl. Courtney is killing it.
11:11 Yo so. As I predicted. Keisha. Keisha hooked up. Right. Can I just say why are you walking around in your house like with tight stuff on like that. I don't know when I'm in my house I like to just be relaxed. I don't like to have tight clothes on. Yes. I just I like to take off my bra you know my underwear just kind of be almost naked not you know. Yeah okay.
11:35 Anyway so that happened. What else did we miss. Well the kids got to see Ghost in Prison. We saw that yeah that was cool. And then the last thing was Hannibal Lecter his wife seems to be dying a little bit sooner than later. Right and it seems that he may know Tommy Egan from Queens. Now I'm going to say this right now. I swear to God you better not say he's Tommy's father.
12:03 That's what I'm thinking. You think that's Tommy's father. I hope not because that would be so empire-ish that it would just suck. Like I don't want to. Courtney don't you go freaking empire on us now. He better be just somebody from the neighborhood. Uncle. Hmm. Cuz then don't be his dad I mean. Okay. Don't do that to me. Don't do that to me Courtney. Don't you do that Courtney. Yeah so.
12:27 Alright so it looks like Tommy was very upset that Julio did not handle things. I don't know you know last season Tommy was like beating people up. He was high on his own supply. You know and I guess the workers still remember that so what do you think is going to happen. I don't think anything. I don't think that's worth commenting on. Goodbye Julio. No you're just trying to point out Julio ain't going nowhere. Julio.
12:52 Courtney don't just be killing people for no reason. Wait wait wait who that security guard right there the court officer they just showed him it was important. I don't know but. Alright well we gotta see what's going on with that. Okay so that was the court person and he was also feeding information to Proctor. Yeah. Yeah that was funny just now so Proctor and Tommy are outside discreetly talking about what's happening with this case. Right.
13:18 And they start talking about Angela and Tommy said all because all of this is happening because he couldn't keep his hand off that bitch. I told him not to mess with that bitch and then Proctor says I told him too and they're both looking at each other but it just so reminded me of how with Meek Mill and Nicki Minaj. And Rick Ross. Rick Ross claims that he told Meek not to mess with Nicki.
13:45 It just made me think of that real quick. Alright anyway I'm moving right along. Wooo this nigga Tommy is ruthless. Tommy's a bad bad man Tommy. Tommy Lord. So they're keeping some of the elements from season 3 where Tommy just turned straight evil. Yeah he's crazy. Yeah. He's definitely.
14:04 Okay so wait we gotta tell everybody. This nigga Tommy he found that dude that rolled up kinda hard trying to base up on Julio. Julio the heavy set Dominican dude. Dude sitting in his car about to pull off. Turned his music on. Tommy pulls out of nowhere with a gun tells him to get out of the car. And start running. Yeah.
14:27 So this dude's like yo Tommy no chill. And he says I'm gonna give you a head start. Now I'm thinking Tommy's gonna freaking shoot the dude. Cause he tells him to start running he's pointing the gun at the dude. Tommy gets in the damn car and starts to run this nigga down. He ran this nigga over. And then backed up over him. And then had a conversation with him about running him over and told him to say please so he would get off of him.
14:56 But the saddest part was when he got off of him with the car. Yeah. The bone was sticking out of his. Yo the blood was everywhere. Yo this dude. Oh my goodness. This dude got ran over by his own car. Alright now that's crazy but I just wanna point out that scene was recorded. In the Bronx. In the Bronx. 138th street in Bruckner. Under the Bruckner. Yeah.
15:18 Right. So all the Bronx people in New York. Shout out to the Bronx. And this season of Power is noteworthy because they record in all five boroughs. So that's the Bronx scene. Okay. That we can actually look all the people in the Bronx know that area under the Bruckner.
15:35 Yo so Tommy's feeling crazy. He done got his mother. You know he gotta be bugging out if he don't call his mother down to his law. Right. And he gives her the key to his car. Right. But meanwhile before he does that somebody puts what I think is a tag on his car while he's parked outside. Right. A tracker. Yeah some type of tracker. Some dude look like a suit so he must have been like a federal agent.
15:56 Yeah. But I mean that's good that Tommy's mother took his car cause Tommy ain't gonna be using the car. Right. Where's the mother gonna go with the car? Back to her house in Queens. Right. So that might be a good thing.
16:08 So then we see the scene where Proctor's sitting in the jail conference room and Ghost walks in. And that scene I think again is so well done because you know Ghost walks in and he looks at Proctor's face and they show Ghost's face and he knows without Proctor ever telling him that the judge has decided that Murder One will be
16:37 Death Penalty. What he's up for and he will also be up against the death penalty. Right. So. Then of course Tasha gets to go. Yeah Tasha gets to call her face as well. Just really really well done acting. And Angela looks very destroyed.
16:58 Angela's looking sick. She's looking sick cause she's like yo I ain't expect it to go all the way here. I ain't expect all of this to happen. And then they kicked her off the case. Well she was kicked off from before but now they done kinda sidelined her. They benched her so you know I think what's obviously gonna happen is she gonna do something to.
17:16 Well the question becomes she did have questions about how easy it was to find the gun. Yeah she did. She spoke to Mike. Right. Mike reassured her that hey you just didn't have time to hide it. So we're gonna see what happens with Angela and the gun.
17:33 Right cause she thinks you know the whole idea is that you know and I've talked to her. You know she says that she defends her character's actions. She says listen you know I thought that he killed Greg. I believed that you know Jamie was behind it and I feel like I'm doing the right thing by putting Jamie behind bars.
17:52 But now so she was thinking she was on the good guy's side. But now she's realizing that the good guys there's no good guys in it because something's up with this gun. Right. There's no good guys even on the good guys side. And it's funny. They do dirty stuff too.
18:07 In the last season you know they had the whole tracking of the phone. The burner phone and everything. You know she realized that the mole was inside of the FBI. Hopefully some of that stuff will come back. Will start to come back. That's right. That's gotta come back in.
18:24 Like you said you know who else knew besides Greg that Mike was dirty. Well Angela had some inclination that something was going on inside. Right. And I think at this point we're gonna see what she's made of because she's most interested and again Leila Loren intimated that her character's really all about trying to be do the right thing.
18:46 So she's gonna continue to try to do the right thing. I think she's gonna make sure if something happens with this case that helps Jamie. Right. We'll see.
18:56 Wow that was a really good intention there Tommy. Ghost making a call to Tommy. They haven't really spoken much since they killed Vladimir you know. Oh right that's right. They've been keeping a kind of distant relationship. Yeah. Yes.
19:16 Ghost he realizes he's in a vulnerable position you know right now. So you know I'm sitting here quiet because it's like sad man. That was real touching. Yeah. So we'll see. So what do you think is gonna happen with Tasha and Angela? Tasha and Angela hmm.
19:38 I mean she just confessed. I mean you know this is the first time Tasha's finding out that Greg existed prior to Jamie. I don't know what that really means. And um you know now Tasha it seems like this year Tasha's popping up at Angela's house. Yeah. You know last year Tasha Angela was popping up at Tasha's house.
20:00 Yeah. It's uh coming to a head. I mean it's gotta come to a head. I think for the first time you know one of the things that you know when I spoke to the cast they talked about how power Omari Howard talks about how power is um you know really about people who believe that they can control their lives when they really can.
20:24 And throughout this whole thing you know he's really been maintaining himself as very poised and together and in control and this is like the first time. I mean he's in jail. He's in control of nothing. You know everything is falling apart around him. You know we saw him in previous uh seasons you know manipulating the chessboard you know like like it was nobody's business. Everything seemed to always work out for him. He was strategizing but now all he can do is call Tommy and tell him to take care of his family. Like there's nothing he can do at this point.
20:53 Right. So he has to rely upon who knows you know. Right. He's um he is not in power. Mmhmm.
21:04 go.com.
