• l’année dernière
Ruth Bader Ginsburg est la seconde femme nommée à la Cour suprême des Etats-Unis, mais elle est certainement la première femme de loi à être devenue une icône de la pop culture. Son parcours, remarquable, fut semé d'embûches. A l'université de droit de Harvard, elle était une des neuf femmes dans une classe de cent étudiants. Le doyen lui avait même demandé en quoi elle méritait cette place normalement réservée à un homme. Cette question sexiste l'a motivée un peu plus dans son combat féministe. Sa lutte a commencé pendant les années 1960, quand la communauté noire se battait également pour ses droits civiques...
00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:11 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:16 - We welcome today Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
00:19 (acclamations)
00:21 - She's become such an icon.
00:24 - Would you mind signing this copy?
00:25 - I am 84 years old,
00:27 and everyone wants to take a picture with me.
00:29 (rires)
00:30 - Notorious... - RPG.
00:32 - Yeah, yeah.
00:33 - When you come right down to it,
00:34 the closest thing to a superhero, I know.
00:37 - Ruth Bader Ginsburg changed the way the world is
00:40 for American women.
00:43 - I became a lawyer when women were not wanted
00:46 by the legal profession.
00:48 - Thousands of state and federal laws
00:50 discriminated on the basis of gender.
00:53 She was following in the footsteps of the battle
00:56 for racial equality.
00:57 - We wanted equal protection for women.
01:00 - Men and women are persons of equal dignity,
01:03 and they should count equally before the law.
01:06 - She captured for the male members of the court
01:09 what it was like to be a second-class citizen.
01:11 - The point is that the discriminatory lie
01:13 almost inevitably hurts women.
01:15 - I did see myself as kind of a kindergarten teacher
01:18 in those days, because the judges
01:20 didn't think sex discrimination existed.
01:23 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:25 - She is a center of power on and off the court.
01:29 - Every time Justice Ginsburg wrote a dissent,
01:31 the Internet would explode.
01:32 - I came up with a couple of slogans.
01:34 "You can't spell truth without Ruth."
01:36 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:38 - I surely would not be in this room today
01:42 without the determined efforts of men and women
01:46 who kept dreams alive.
01:48 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:50 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:54 - I've heard that she does 20 push-ups
01:56 three times a week or something.
01:57 I mean, we can't even get off the floor.
01:59 We can't even get down to the floor.
02:01 [both laughing]
02:02 - That's true.
02:03 [Rires]


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