Taters the orange tabby stars in the 15-second movie beamed to Earth using laser transceiver in a test for future human travel.
00:00 NASA has used a state-of-the-art laser communication system on a spaceship 31 million kilometres
00:06 away from Earth to send a high-definition cat video.
00:09 The 15-second movie featuring an orange tabby named Tatters is the first to be streamed
00:14 from deep space. It took just 101 seconds to travel to Earth after being sent by an
00:19 instrument on NASA's Psyche probe. Videos have already been transmitted via this laser
00:23 technology from space, but from much closer. NASA wants to use this instead of traditional
00:28 radio communications in preparation for sending manned missions to Mars.
00:32 (whooshing)