• 2 years ago
Bussin' With The Boys | Bussin' With The Boys
00:00:00 ♪ Hanging with the fellas ♪
00:00:05 ♪ Betting on a game ♪
00:00:09 ♪ No woman's gonna tell us what to do ♪
00:00:14 ♪ And I've been over here ♪
00:00:19 ♪ Just drinking beer and making that noise ♪
00:00:22 ♪ Baby, I'm hanging with the fellas ♪
00:00:28 - Bustin' with the boys.
00:00:30 - Bro.
00:00:31 There it is.
00:00:35 - Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode
00:00:37 of Bustin' with the boys.
00:00:38 This is episode 254, correct?
00:00:41 - Yes, sir.
00:00:42 - 254, we got a whole slew of things for you guys today.
00:00:44 We have a jumbled up, put together, good, bad, ugly.
00:00:47 To be honest with you, I didn't do a whole lot
00:00:49 of putting that whole thing together.
00:00:51 Compton obviously is writing in his notes right now,
00:00:53 but one thing that is going to be tried and true
00:00:55 and always on the show,
00:00:56 as long as they're willing to partner with us,
00:00:58 is the Chevy Silverado.
00:00:59 And there's a new family with Unstoppable Grit,
00:01:01 and they are the official partners
00:01:02 of Bustin' with the boys.
00:01:04 And that is the Chevy Silverado ZR2 family.
00:01:08 The first ever Silverado heavy-duty ZR2 joins the franchise
00:01:11 to make the Chevy ZR2 the only truck brand
00:01:14 with a full line of trucks ready
00:01:15 for wherever your off-road adventure takes you,
00:01:17 with exclusive Multimatic DSSV dampers,
00:01:20 rugged mud-terrain tires,
00:01:22 and up to 14 available camera views.
00:01:24 The Chevy Silverado ZR2 and Silverado HD ZR2,
00:01:28 a family with a commanding and unstoppable grit.
00:01:31 Head over to chevy.com and check out Chevy Silverado
00:01:33 and the family of Chevy ZR2s,
00:01:35 the official truck sponsor of Bustin' with the boys.
00:01:38 Here's what I'll say about Chevy, dude.
00:01:40 Anytime I go to a dealership, anytime I have a problem,
00:01:42 and I'm in a Chevy dealership,
00:01:44 the customer service is incredible.
00:01:47 They're willing to help you.
00:01:48 It's like it's their first day trying to grab a sale.
00:01:50 Why do I say that?
00:01:51 Not to gas the Chevy Silverado,
00:01:53 although it is an amazing vehicle,
00:01:54 but the people, the men.
00:01:56 Chevy Silverado is a vehicle for rugged, blue-collar men,
00:02:01 salt-of-the-earth people,
00:02:03 the people from Nebraska, the Missouris,
00:02:05 the Cave Creek, Arizona, those types of cats.
00:02:08 Those are the people.
00:02:09 Now, here's the issue.
00:02:12 A lot of times, these big, tough guys,
00:02:16 these strong guys, know about tools.
00:02:18 They know about parts.
00:02:19 They know about sizings of things.
00:02:21 And I am not handy.
00:02:24 I'm a domesticated cat, Will.
00:02:26 You know that.
00:02:27 You speak for yourself.
00:02:28 - I am as well.
00:02:29 I'm a task-repet guy.
00:02:31 You want the job done, I'm ordering tasks.
00:02:32 - Right.
00:02:33 I go to Lowe's yesterday.
00:02:35 Nolensville Pike and Lowe's.
00:02:38 I walk in there.
00:02:40 There's two older gentlemen, salt-of-the-earth cats.
00:02:42 Guarantee they drive a Chevy Silverado.
00:02:45 And I look at these guys and go,
00:02:46 "Hey, I got this cold tub.
00:02:48 "It's leaking right now,
00:02:49 "and I need a screw to put it in there
00:02:50 "so I can just screw it so the water doesn't come out.
00:02:51 "Is that okay?
00:02:52 "Can we figure that whole thing out?"
00:02:54 They look at me, they go,
00:02:55 "What'd you need?"
00:02:56 I go, "I need to find a screw to screw up a hole."
00:03:00 "What size you need?"
00:03:01 "Brother, can one of you just walk me down
00:03:03 "one of these aisles and help me out?"
00:03:05 "Go try yourself aisle 32, aisle 33."
00:03:09 I walked down aisle 32 and aisle 33.
00:03:11 I did not know what the hell was going on.
00:03:15 I spent 30 minutes looking at the same box.
00:03:18 And all I needed was a damn cat to screw in.
00:03:21 So what am I saying?
00:03:22 Why am I saying that?
00:03:23 The only reason why I'm saying that is y'all are awesome.
00:03:26 You guys know how to fix things.
00:03:28 You don't have to hire a task rabbit.
00:03:30 But for a guy like me who doesn't know anything,
00:03:33 next time I show up, dude,
00:03:35 be like the Chevy Silverado.
00:03:36 Be dependable, be reliable,
00:03:38 and just help your boy find the damn cap
00:03:41 so my cold tub doesn't leak.
00:03:43 'Cause it was half full this morning.
00:03:45 - Look, I empathize with that story
00:03:48 'cause what I feel like I do is I'll walk around
00:03:50 and try and figure out what my solution is
00:03:54 without asking somebody.
00:03:55 I don't know why that is,
00:03:56 but I'll walk around until it's like,
00:03:57 "Okay, I need help."
00:03:58 And almost when I need help,
00:03:59 I need the person to be walking down the aisle
00:04:01 kind of next to me, kind of seeing me.
00:04:03 You know, I'll get up on my toes
00:04:04 and ask for something.
00:04:05 - Yeah, yeah.
00:04:06 - Or they're like, "Hey, do you need help?"
00:04:07 And then I'll be like, "Oh, I'm so glad you're here."
00:04:09 I don't go out of my way right at the beginning
00:04:11 and ask for help.
00:04:12 But because I do feel like there's a level of expectation
00:04:15 when you walk into a place like Lowe's,
00:04:16 when they're like, "Hey, what size screw do you need?"
00:04:18 And if you give them a certain size,
00:04:20 they'll just tell you the aisle
00:04:21 and then you'll go down and get it
00:04:22 'cause they assume that-
00:04:23 - You're a man.
00:04:24 - Yeah, the men are competent enough
00:04:25 to walk down these aisles and figure it out.
00:04:27 I've got it in a nice little swing
00:04:28 to where I'll go to the local Ace Hardware
00:04:30 and I walk right in and the boys kind of know what's up.
00:04:32 Okay, "Will, what do you need today?"
00:04:34 I'm like, "Take me to, I need one of them big,
00:04:37 I need one of them big fucking brooms
00:04:39 that you can push on the concrete."
00:04:41 And they'll be like, "Okay, a commercial broom or-"
00:04:44 - I think it's just a broom.
00:04:45 - Industrial size broom?
00:04:47 - I think it's just a broom.
00:04:47 - An industrial size broom?
00:04:50 Push broom, something like that?
00:04:51 - Wide, rectangle, strong bristles.
00:04:54 Yeah, you push it too far this way,
00:04:55 then you start raking it because the bristles go one way.
00:04:57 - Yeah, or it's like, "Hey, I need some screws."
00:04:59 And they're like, "Do you know what size?"
00:05:00 I'm like, "I truly have no clue, but if you can,
00:05:02 maybe you show me a few,
00:05:04 maybe I'll be able to figure it out."
00:05:05 I'll be like, "What's a good dependable screw
00:05:07 to go in the wood of a sauna or something like that?"
00:05:10 Like, "Here's a real sturdy one right here."
00:05:12 I'll be like, "Give me a couple of boxes."
00:05:13 - And if you can find a guy like that at the Ace Hardware,
00:05:15 I know the one you're talking about,
00:05:16 I've been there a handful of times, very helpful people.
00:05:18 - Good people, yeah.
00:05:19 - Yeah, and they get excited about the opportunity
00:05:21 to show you this screw, this is not the screw you want.
00:05:24 Let me tell you why for 15 minutes
00:05:25 why this is not the screw you want.
00:05:27 But this screw is not as good as this screw,
00:05:29 and it's a whole deal, dude.
00:05:31 - Then one time I asked about a small,
00:05:33 I was like, "Hey, can I just get this drill?"
00:05:35 And they kind of like, "Yeah, you could feel the internal."
00:05:38 That drill.
00:05:39 - You want that?
00:05:40 - Yeah, I was like, "Honestly, show me whatever,
00:05:42 what's the best drill, dude?"
00:05:43 Like, I just want the best drill that's versatile,
00:05:45 kind of like a Swiss Army knife.
00:05:47 But yeah, I feel you, I empathize with that, it's tough.
00:05:51 It's tough being a guy that has no fucking clue
00:05:53 how to be a guy.
00:05:54 - Yeah, tools, guns, knives, glasses,
00:05:59 are all categories I think it's really cool
00:06:02 to find out what your favorite is and stick to that brand.
00:06:05 Like if you're a DeWalt guy, that's all you do
00:06:08 and you're dying on the hill for DeWalt.
00:06:09 You like Milwaukee tools, go ahead and get you Milwaukee tools
00:06:12 but then you got the DeWalt guy being like,
00:06:13 "Hey, Milwaukee, that's too expensive,
00:06:15 get just as much over here."
00:06:16 It's a fun clash of the titans when it comes to man stuff.
00:06:19 I don't know enough about any of the subjects I said
00:06:22 to have a brand, but I'd like to become that man eventually.
00:06:25 - Yeah, your daughters get into the potion making of your--
00:06:29 - No, no.
00:06:30 - Why does the cold tub sound like it's struggling?
00:06:34 - Well, there's been a couple of deals with the cold tub.
00:06:38 I have, I will say, I know you guys see my little thing
00:06:41 where I put day 15 this morning around 7 a.m.,
00:06:43 check that thing off the box,
00:06:45 15 days in a row I've hit the cold tub.
00:06:47 15 days, three minutes or more.
00:06:49 And I know it's kind of late,
00:06:50 you put the little thing out there in the bird,
00:06:52 but for me, it's like, I legit in my head
00:06:54 had this level of accountability that I had to get done.
00:06:57 Here's the issue with the cold tub,
00:06:59 is the chiller for the cold tub, if it gets below freezing,
00:07:04 you should unplug the chiller
00:07:06 and put it somewhere where it's not freezing.
00:07:09 And I think that's counterintuitive to having a cold tub.
00:07:12 That chiller should be able to withstand the test of time.
00:07:14 So I'm out there yesterday,
00:07:15 unscrewing hoses and stuff like that,
00:07:18 trying to figure it out.
00:07:19 My idiot brain, I go to unplug the chiller from the hose
00:07:23 and all of a sudden, water starts coming out.
00:07:25 I'm looking like, this is crazy.
00:07:26 And the water gets lower in the cold tub,
00:07:28 so I figured out pretty quick,
00:07:30 it's coming out of the cold tub.
00:07:32 So I had to go to Lowe's, I was at a home party,
00:07:35 a house warming party before that.
00:07:38 My oldest daughter throws a plate at my youngest daughter,
00:07:41 she gets in trouble, they're doing poop jokes all the time.
00:07:44 It was a true dad day.
00:07:45 Anytime you have your kids all day long
00:07:47 and you're getting after it, having a good time,
00:07:49 ups and downs, and you're hitting the lows,
00:07:51 you're hitting hardware store, like that's man.
00:07:53 I became more of a man yesterday.
00:07:55 - So back to the cold tub, the original question.
00:07:58 Basically you remove something and all your water went out
00:08:00 and you needed a screw to like put in for the chiller?
00:08:02 - Yeah, I needed a screw to plug up the hole
00:08:04 for the chiller.
00:08:05 That's it.
00:08:06 I could answer with that, but, Joe.
00:08:11 - Speaking of show, by the way,
00:08:12 Jack was mentioning that people in the comments,
00:08:13 I guess, talk about my dirty mic.
00:08:16 - Yeah, on the YouTube, the little fuzzies on it.
00:08:19 - You wanna--
00:08:20 - You can, it doesn't look as bad.
00:08:23 - I got a couple bigger ones out.
00:08:25 You say it looks terrible, Mitch.
00:08:27 - On video it looks bad.
00:08:28 - Dirty boy.
00:08:29 - Well, it's from "Embracing the Spook," right?
00:08:31 And it's from the webs, yeah?
00:08:33 - They also say about the bottom of your shoes, Taylor,
00:08:36 whenever you put them on the table,
00:08:38 they hate that because they're filthy.
00:08:40 - Why is everybody bitching and complaining?
00:08:43 - The angles of the camera, when you zoom in on Will,
00:08:46 you can see all the fuzzies on the mic.
00:08:48 And I know a lot of people are gonna be very happy
00:08:50 in the comments.
00:08:51 Whenever you put your legs up on the table, Taylor,
00:08:54 it goes straight into the main cam.
00:08:56 And there's always like little items
00:08:58 on the bottom of your shoes stuck to it.
00:09:00 And when people watch it visually, it is not appealing.
00:09:03 So I'm just here fighting the good fight.
00:09:05 - Where are we at with society right now?
00:09:08 - Maybe the comments are like,
00:09:10 "Oh, this is a suggestion box."
00:09:12 - Yeah, I guess.
00:09:13 Here's an idea.
00:09:15 When you see the bottoms of my shoe,
00:09:16 point out in the comments how many items you see
00:09:18 and what those items might be.
00:09:19 There's a lot of fun things down there.
00:09:21 Let's take lemons and turn them into lemonade, folks.
00:09:23 Let's not just bitch and complain the whole time.
00:09:24 I love you guys being in the comments.
00:09:26 I love you guys doing all that.
00:09:27 But let's pick the battles a little bit.
00:09:29 Like you got a dirty mic, who cares?
00:09:31 I got dirty shoes, yay, yay.
00:09:33 Your boy does a lot of walking around, all right?
00:09:35 Not everybody can walk.
00:09:37 How do you feel now?
00:09:38 People in wheelchairs got clean shoes.
00:09:39 Me, I get walking.
00:09:42 I get in the dirt, I get in the grass.
00:09:44 I rip around everywhere, dude.
00:09:45 And I wear the same shoes for a year.
00:09:47 - That we should be fighting our audience on.
00:09:50 We can just be like, "Hey, we'll do better."
00:09:52 - We'll do better.
00:09:52 - I'm over here in the trenches right now.
00:09:53 I'm over here grinding, like, okay.
00:09:55 - We'll do better, but also you guys do better too.
00:09:57 Right, there can be common ground, can't there?
00:09:59 - We can meet in the middle.
00:10:00 - Speaking of common ground.
00:10:01 - Does that look better?
00:10:02 - It looks great, it really does.
00:10:04 - Speaking of common ground,
00:10:05 I spent some time this weekend watching film
00:10:08 "The Alabama Crimson Tide."
00:10:10 - It's a good ball club.
00:10:11 - That's a strong ball club.
00:10:13 - Some tough bitches down there.
00:10:13 - Some tough boys down there, all right?
00:10:16 Here's what I'll say about Alabama.
00:10:18 When it was first announced, myself,
00:10:21 knowing from my past traumas of dealing with Alabama,
00:10:23 when Alabama was a dynasty, when they were real,
00:10:26 I got, I was like, "Damn,
00:10:29 I hope that doesn't happen again."
00:10:30 I've watched the film of USF.
00:10:33 I've watched some of these games.
00:10:36 Let me tell you right now,
00:10:37 if you're a Michigan fan watching this show,
00:10:39 we've got nothing to worry about.
00:10:41 Michigan, top to bottom, is a better ball club.
00:10:43 They're better coached, they're better put together,
00:10:46 they're tougher, they're stronger,
00:10:48 and we're running 34-5 right up that ass, brother,
00:10:52 at the Rose Bowl, which is home, baby.
00:10:55 - What makes you say better coached?
00:10:58 - If you look at statistically
00:10:59 how we do in the third quarter,
00:11:01 I think there's been three points scored on us
00:11:03 in the third quarter of the entire season.
00:11:06 We've outscored our opponents,
00:11:08 I think, over 150 points to three in the third quarter.
00:11:11 What does that tell me?
00:11:13 That tells me when you go into halftime,
00:11:15 and halftime's a lot longer in college,
00:11:16 and you make the halftime adjustments,
00:11:19 that is a sign of a great coached squad.
00:11:22 When you watch tape of these teams,
00:11:26 and you see the DBs get lucky with a swipe
00:11:30 when they're trying to break up a pass,
00:11:31 as opposed to Michigan
00:11:34 putting their hand through,
00:11:36 stabbing through the pocket of the receiver,
00:11:38 device tackles, the angles at both hips,
00:11:42 we're looking good.
00:11:44 Y'all got athletes.
00:11:46 We're tougher, we're stronger,
00:11:50 and we're just built different up North.
00:11:52 I will say that I think Michigan might actually win
00:11:57 this game by double digits.
00:12:00 What'd you say, Mitch?
00:12:05 - I've already bet on the Windhouse Championship.
00:12:08 I did that last time.
00:12:08 - You bet on the score of the game now.
00:12:10 - I'm talking about this bet.
00:12:11 - I have no money in my account right now.
00:12:12 I'll be honest with you guys,
00:12:13 things have been tough lately, okay?
00:12:14 You guys see how I'm doing on slips and picks, all right?
00:12:17 - Yeah, it's a good weekend for your boy,
00:12:19 nine and four, going into Monday night.
00:12:21 - That's it, you don't wanna talk about Michigan, Alabama?
00:12:24 - I...
00:12:24 - I know where you stand, you're roll tide all the way.
00:12:28 - I mean, I'm not roll tide all the way.
00:12:29 Yes, I want you guys to feel,
00:12:30 that is very public information.
00:12:33 - I just think saying that we're better coached,
00:12:37 we're talking about Nick Saban here.
00:12:39 I know we're talking about Jim Harbaugh,
00:12:41 both of the league coaches,
00:12:41 but we're talking about,
00:12:43 Al, you don't think Alabama,
00:12:45 like the film you watch is UCF, USF?
00:12:48 - If this is the 10s, if this is 2010s,
00:12:51 if this is the 2010s, that's a well-coached football team.
00:12:56 Now I think Nick Saban's getting a little older,
00:12:57 he's getting a little more complacent.
00:13:00 He's not devils in the details.
00:13:01 - He's getting wiser.
00:13:03 Like, look, you look at the Georgia game.
00:13:05 - I love Nick Saban, I think he's a stud.
00:13:07 I think he's awesome.
00:13:08 I think Jim Harbaugh and his squad,
00:13:10 his assistant coaches are coaching
00:13:11 better technique out there right now.
00:13:13 - If you look at the opening of the Georgia game,
00:13:16 Georgia put it up their ass in the first drive,
00:13:19 to where I was like, okay,
00:13:20 maybe Georgia's gonna handle business here.
00:13:23 But the adapting, the making the adjustments,
00:13:26 the keeping your poise and coming out and rolling out
00:13:28 a few unanswered scores against Georgia,
00:13:32 and Georgia didn't score again until what,
00:13:33 the fourth quarter maybe?
00:13:34 I mean, this is a,
00:13:38 these boys will be ready to play.
00:13:40 Alabama will be ready to play.
00:13:41 And the win by double digits?
00:13:43 There's no chance, man.
00:13:45 I mean, there's a chance, but--
00:13:46 - Nope, you go ahead and finish that sentence right there,
00:13:48 brother, we're good now.
00:13:50 We're good.
00:13:51 Go ahead and clip this, Dave Abloff,
00:13:52 go ahead and clip this, sentence of the boys.
00:13:54 You're right.
00:13:55 - So you're essentially trying to rewrite the fear
00:13:58 that you had from when you first saw the video.
00:14:00 - I've been clear about the situation the whole time.
00:14:03 I said it last week.
00:14:04 - I don't think you have been clear.
00:14:05 I think it's been fuzzy.
00:14:06 - I have.
00:14:07 I said, at first I had a moment
00:14:08 because my own past trauma is dealing with Alabama.
00:14:11 Listen to Derrick Henry's ass,
00:14:12 every single fucking week in 2017, 2016,
00:14:16 every year they're all there talking shit,
00:14:18 Alabama's the best, this, that, and the other.
00:14:20 I get a little nervous, but I go watch the film.
00:14:24 And I said last week,
00:14:25 there's gonna become a time where I become confident.
00:14:28 I start to understand that Michigan's built different.
00:14:31 We've been in the playoffs two years in a row,
00:14:33 hasn't gone our way, what's the old phrase?
00:14:35 Third time's the charm.
00:14:36 We're running shit this year.
00:14:37 We're running it, we're winning the national championship.
00:14:39 Go ahead.
00:14:40 - I was gonna say you got the moment,
00:14:43 but then you also continued to double down
00:14:46 by saying Mike Tyson fears healthy, fears this.
00:14:49 You ran with that for weeks.
00:14:50 So I am saying you're course correcting right now,
00:14:52 saying now you're as confident as ever.
00:14:54 There's no need to fear the crimson tide.
00:14:57 - I think we're in a good place right now.
00:14:58 Michigan Wolverines are in a great place
00:14:59 and we're gonna win the national championship.
00:15:01 And nothing's gonna make me happier
00:15:03 than after G and I fly back.
00:15:04 I don't know if G's gonna make it back or whatever.
00:15:07 You probably won't even talk to me.
00:15:09 - You and G, it gets a little dicey
00:15:13 when you guys talk bad about Michigan.
00:15:14 - I think we can figure out.
00:15:16 - Who gets a little more--
00:15:18 - I haven't gotten personal with G at all.
00:15:20 - Are you guys gonna bet on it?
00:15:20 - No.
00:15:21 - You wanna bet on it, G?
00:15:22 - Do you wanna do it now or do you wanna wait till closer?
00:15:24 - Well, if you have an idea of something,
00:15:25 I'm fielding calls.
00:15:27 - We should definitely take suggestions.
00:15:31 - All right.
00:15:32 - Loser gets a tattoo of the team's logo.
00:15:34 - Oh my goodness.
00:15:38 - You guys are tattooed, guys.
00:15:39 - That would be so wild.
00:15:40 - Yeah, I'm confident, I'll do that.
00:15:42 - Property of Alabama 2023.
00:15:47 - I will say I'm not getting that tattoo.
00:15:50 - Someone's a little more scared than me.
00:15:51 - You would do property of Alabama logo 2023.
00:15:55 - I would get some sort of Alabama logo if Michigan lost.
00:15:57 - I'm asking that one specifically.
00:15:59 - Property of?
00:15:59 - I think that's a fine one.
00:16:01 - I think risking that effort is a bad look.
00:16:03 You don't wanna do that.
00:16:04 - I'm pretty young.
00:16:05 - You do not wanna do that.
00:16:06 I will say, yeah, I get an Alabama A somewhere in my body,
00:16:13 but they're not gonna lose, I'm super confident.
00:16:15 - Bottom of your foot.
00:16:16 - Okay.
00:16:20 - You're saying what?
00:16:21 - Not really.
00:16:23 - Property of the Crimson Tide?
00:16:25 - Property of Nick Saban.
00:16:27 - Ooh, loser has to get the coach tattoo.
00:16:31 - Why don't you just get the 19?
00:16:33 - Huh?
00:16:34 - 19 for what?
00:16:37 - The amount of national championships
00:16:38 we'll have after this year.
00:16:40 (laughing)
00:16:42 - I'll get 19.
00:16:45 - That's way too easy.
00:16:47 - You get Michigan is my daddy.
00:16:49 - Don't do that, Gary.
00:16:50 - Well, no, that would never.
00:16:51 - It was a great.
00:16:52 - So you don't wanna do a tattoo?
00:16:53 - It sounds like I'm on board for the idea of a tattoo,
00:16:56 but you're not into it.
00:16:57 - Well, hey, we'll raise suggestions here.
00:16:58 Well, you know, this can.
00:16:59 - Go ahead and think about it,
00:17:00 we'll be on the show for a while.
00:17:01 - Yeah, drop the comments.
00:17:02 - I will say that I could sense the fear in G
00:17:05 because I did something last week with a DAP up
00:17:08 and I swooped him.
00:17:10 I hit him with the high school gotcha bitch
00:17:12 and you got real sensitive on that, right?
00:17:15 - I did.
00:17:15 - Probably overreacted.
00:17:16 - Yeah, I would like to just say that I can't stoop down
00:17:20 to such a childish level when you do that stuff.
00:17:22 So I gotta be the bigger guy.
00:17:23 - Right, so getting real mad
00:17:25 is the less childish way to do that.
00:17:27 - Exactly. - Gotcha.
00:17:28 - Just making sure with my rings, you're.
00:17:30 - I feel awkward.
00:17:31 - Making sure you're in a good place.
00:17:33 - I'm just glad you feel a little more comfortable this week
00:17:35 after your daddy Dave.
00:17:36 - I had to go watch the film.
00:17:38 - Yeah, yeah, you and Dave had to talk.
00:17:40 - Hey Dave, listen, Dave's out here acting like,
00:17:42 like we haven't, you gotta look at history.
00:17:44 You gotta look at the last two years of the playoffs
00:17:46 and understand like, yeah,
00:17:47 this is the next boss for Michigan to defeat,
00:17:48 they haven't done that.
00:17:49 - You wanna look at history.
00:17:50 - We all knew Michigan was gonna win the Bay 10,
00:17:51 did we not?
00:17:52 Yes, we did.
00:17:53 You want 'em to lose.
00:17:54 - Please look at me, I don't wanna be brought up.
00:17:54 - We all knew, Mitch, you knew.
00:17:56 You knew going to Ohio State,
00:17:57 Michigan's probably gonna win this game,
00:17:58 they're probably gonna win the Bay 10 championship.
00:18:00 This is a new boss.
00:18:01 (laughing)
00:18:03 That's all right.
00:18:04 Dave acting like Dave, that's fine.
00:18:06 Dave can do his thing.
00:18:08 I like to sit where I'm at, I enjoy where I was,
00:18:11 I think fear is healthy, I've moved on,
00:18:12 I've watched a film and now I'm more comfortable than ever
00:18:15 that Michigan's gonna beat Alabama's ass.
00:18:17 That's all.
00:18:18 - Hey, regardless of who wins the game or not,
00:18:21 win or lose, you can still go to the game though
00:18:25 with Game Time.
00:18:26 - That is correct.
00:18:28 - That is correct.
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00:18:36 Matter of fact, we did one of our giveaways
00:18:38 for our Black Friday.
00:18:39 They went to the game this past week
00:18:40 in Cowboys Eagles, correct?
00:18:42 - Correct.
00:18:42 - Six of 'em, yeah? - Six.
00:18:43 - Game Time app, 'cause we were kind of in a pinch.
00:18:46 G jumped on the Game Time app, found six tickets.
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00:19:44 Last minute tickets, lowest prices, guaranteed.
00:19:48 - Great segue right there, Jack.
00:19:50 It was, I'm glad that the squad went.
00:19:53 It was, there were six of 'em, right?
00:19:55 For the Black Friday?
00:19:56 - Yeah, there were six,
00:19:57 and they got to witness a pretty good one.
00:19:59 - They did.
00:20:00 And man, speaking of, yeah.
00:20:01 So you wanna start,
00:20:03 you wanna kick off the good, bad, ugly?
00:20:04 - Yeah, I was actually just working on that right now.
00:20:06 - The good.
00:20:07 The Dallas Cowboys, man.
00:20:08 They're rolling.
00:20:10 They're rolling.
00:20:10 I don't wanna...
00:20:11 Now it's like, do you get in the area of overhyping 'em
00:20:14 to where they are the center of attention nationally?
00:20:17 Because that's when they start to slip.
00:20:18 And I kinda like that they're taking care of business.
00:20:21 Is it the Cowboys played, are playing that good?
00:20:25 Or are the Eagles bleeding a little bit?
00:20:28 - Eagles are also going through the gauntlet right now.
00:20:31 - They are.
00:20:31 - Are playing juggernaut after juggernaut.
00:20:35 - But in a way, you look at a team like the Bills,
00:20:38 they're playing a little juggernaut of a schedule too,
00:20:40 to where they're in a must-win situation.
00:20:43 You're seeing them lift their level of competition up.
00:20:47 They're playing up to the competition.
00:20:48 They're winning these close games.
00:20:49 We'll get into that last play
00:20:51 or that questionable call here in a minute.
00:20:54 But yeah, the Cowboys are rolling, man.
00:20:56 - Yeah, Cowboys are moving, dude.
00:20:57 And you asked the question,
00:20:59 should we be putting them up there with the best teams?
00:21:01 I think they're the second best team in the NFL.
00:21:03 - Under the Niners?
00:21:04 - And the 49ers are number one.
00:21:06 The thing that is going to hold the Cowboys back
00:21:08 is their situational football.
00:21:10 And that's the scariest thing for me,
00:21:12 'cause when they get in the playoffs,
00:21:13 they're gonna be in close games.
00:21:14 Are they gonna be able to handle a two-minute?
00:21:16 Are they gonna be able to handle a four-minute?
00:21:17 Even against Seattle two weeks ago, dude,
00:21:20 throwing the ball on that third down
00:21:22 in the four-minute situation.
00:21:23 - Right.
00:21:24 - It's just nuts to me.
00:21:25 I just don't understand it.
00:21:26 It's obviously a coaching thing,
00:21:28 but they have so much talent.
00:21:30 They really got a shot this year.
00:21:32 I think they really have a shot to come out of the NFC.
00:21:34 - And they're playing good.
00:21:35 They're getting hot at the right time.
00:21:36 - Right.
00:21:37 - 'Cause you wanna play your best ball in December.
00:21:38 - Yeah, and they play the Eagles again, correct?
00:21:41 - No, they already played them once.
00:21:43 - Got it.
00:21:44 Yeah, I mean, they got, who do they play?
00:21:46 Can you pull up the rest of their schedule?
00:21:48 - Eagles, Cowboys.
00:21:49 - Cowboys. - Cowboys.
00:21:50 'Cause I like the Cowboys.
00:21:52 Everybody who's not an Eagles fan,
00:21:53 Redskins fan, or Giants fan,
00:21:55 probably in some capacity is a Cowboys fan.
00:21:58 - Bills. - It's just cool growing up.
00:21:59 - Bills. - Seeing the Cowboys,
00:22:01 seeing the star.
00:22:01 - Bills, Dolphins, Lions, and Commanders.
00:22:04 - That's actually a tough last four.
00:22:07 I think you win the Commanders one.
00:22:10 I think the Bills--
00:22:11 - The Bills will be tough, man.
00:22:12 - Yeah, the Bills will be tough.
00:22:13 - They're playing good ball.
00:22:14 - There's nothing here that would say
00:22:18 that the Cowboys can't win the last four games.
00:22:19 - Right, like if the Cowboys play up
00:22:21 and take care of business in December with this schedule,
00:22:23 like they're going to be a tough team in the playoffs.
00:22:26 - Yeah, 'cause--
00:22:27 - 'Cause if you lose the Bills, Dolphins,
00:22:29 like there's still kind of that blood in the water.
00:22:30 To me, like I got Lions.
00:22:31 Lions are kind of sitting on the bad.
00:22:33 We can get to them in a minute,
00:22:33 but they can beat the Lions.
00:22:35 And then obviously you handle business
00:22:36 against the Commanders going into the playoffs.
00:22:38 - Yeah, hopefully you're in the position
00:22:39 where you're sitting, guys, chilling, getting ready.
00:22:42 I think Bills, Bills are playing,
00:22:44 but the scariest game of these last four is the Bills for me
00:22:46 'cause they're playing good ball.
00:22:47 They have a good win against the Chiefs,
00:22:50 very controversial win against the Chiefs,
00:22:51 but a win nonetheless.
00:22:53 The Dolphins, what's the biggest knock on the Dolphins?
00:22:55 They only beat the teams they should beat.
00:22:56 The big games, they fall apart in.
00:22:59 So that for me feels like--
00:23:01 - I love the Dolphins.
00:23:01 - That should be a fun game.
00:23:02 That should be a fun over game for us to root for points,
00:23:05 seeing the Dolphins and the Cowboys get after it
00:23:09 and just putting a shit load of points on the board.
00:23:11 Lions are right, dude.
00:23:12 They dropped two of their last three.
00:23:14 It's so weird to understand.
00:23:15 We talked about it before the show
00:23:16 and I'll let you kind of get into it,
00:23:17 but Dan Campbell, the culture and what they should be doing
00:23:21 as opposed to what they are doing right now.
00:23:23 - Yeah, I got the Lions in the bad.
00:23:24 I just feel like I wanna root for the Lions.
00:23:27 I love, like they have a player heavy coaching staff.
00:23:31 All of their culture stuff seems on point and up to par.
00:23:34 They have the players, they have the talent.
00:23:37 They have like a stingy mindset.
00:23:40 Like they kind of have that dogish mentality
00:23:42 like as a team that you need to have
00:23:44 and with each individual.
00:23:46 But it's like, I feel like they get into December
00:23:48 and I would have to look at their schedule last year,
00:23:50 but I feel like they start to fall off later in the year.
00:23:53 Like are they just a dome, warm weather team?
00:23:57 Like you got Gough, he's a California boy.
00:23:59 Like the minute he gets out in the cold weather,
00:24:00 the windy city, he starts to, doesn't play well.
00:24:03 And am I projecting a little bit
00:24:05 because I lost in my fantasy league this year?
00:24:08 Yes, and it pisses me off that I went with Jared Gough
00:24:11 over Matt Stafford because I thought
00:24:13 Gough is gonna get right, he's gonna get right.
00:24:15 He's got the guys, Amin Ra, David Montgomery,
00:24:18 Gibbs, who's a baller.
00:24:20 The one that, the fantasy league that we're,
00:24:23 I think it's year three or year four with us.
00:24:24 It really pisses me off.
00:24:26 - You gotta look at your fantasy league
00:24:27 and our league too.
00:24:28 You're playing me this week and you're gonna lose again.
00:24:31 - Yeah, I don't think I looked at that one
00:24:32 'cause my chances were gone after.
00:24:34 - You're down 50 points right now.
00:24:35 - Yeah, my chances were gone.
00:24:36 I don't even think I did any subs this week.
00:24:39 I think that one I'm just kind of taking
00:24:40 'cause it's a 14 play, like--
00:24:41 - Three, right?
00:24:43 - It's a 14 playoff in our league,
00:24:45 which I think is insane.
00:24:46 - Yeah, it's wild.
00:24:47 Who's the commish?
00:24:48 - It was Jack.
00:24:49 I think he stepped down after a lot of controversy
00:24:51 with you guys.
00:24:51 - Well, no, I haven't stepped down
00:24:52 'cause Taylor still has yet to accept that trade.
00:24:54 So Taylor-- - That's what I'm saying.
00:24:55 Like this league is a complete wash
00:24:57 because a very low integrity league,
00:25:00 some things went on.
00:25:01 - Okay, don't say that just 'cause--
00:25:03 - It was. - You're not sucking this year.
00:25:04 - No, no, listen, I'll say, yeah, no, yeah.
00:25:07 - Will's a September guy in Fantasy League, dude.
00:25:09 He gets all the flashy--
00:25:09 - Say what you guys want to get out
00:25:11 of being at the focal point of this conversation.
00:25:13 - I made the decision to step down.
00:25:14 - It was a very, a lot of bullshit happened
00:25:17 with our league, you being the commissioner
00:25:18 and Taylor going through around the table.
00:25:20 - One thing that happened.
00:25:21 - It was a big thing.
00:25:22 - And I owned up to it and I stepped down
00:25:25 to set the record straight and then Taylor chose
00:25:28 not to go through with what he should have.
00:25:30 So I did everything I could--
00:25:31 - I don't disagree.
00:25:32 You gotta allow us to get to that point.
00:25:34 No matter what, we've never been able
00:25:35 to talk about this publicly.
00:25:36 I think what that, what makes everybody uncomfortable.
00:25:38 - Jack, for me, who was I trading?
00:25:39 - Mark Andrews, you were trading Mark Andrews.
00:25:41 - I was trading for Mark Andrews.
00:25:43 I was trading for Mark Andrews.
00:25:43 He got hurt that night.
00:25:45 - Yeah.
00:25:45 - The trade, there was a lot of conversation
00:25:48 about Jack saying he was gonna avoid the trade
00:25:50 and then once Mark Andrews hurt,
00:25:51 he said he wasn't gonna avoid the trade
00:25:53 and then I talked him into avoiding the trade.
00:25:55 That's what happened.
00:25:56 - By allowing him to drive a new vehicle once a month.
00:25:59 - You should do that.
00:26:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's all.
00:26:01 - And did some dirty stuff under the table
00:26:02 that Jack, now owning up to it, did accept.
00:26:04 But he accepted to where he vetoed the trade
00:26:07 of you getting Mark Andrews that night
00:26:09 because it happened at 9.30 in the morning.
00:26:10 You made him veto it and not go through by giving him that.
00:26:13 - Who was I supposed to get?
00:26:13 - You're, yeah, it was like a big,
00:26:16 yeah, you were like getting five players.
00:26:18 Or a few players.
00:26:19 - No, he was getting three and Delaney was getting two,
00:26:21 I believe, or vice versa.
00:26:22 - Yeah, let me.
00:26:23 - And so, you know, there was a lot of scuttle
00:26:25 but going on with the league
00:26:26 that we needed this to be under investigation.
00:26:29 It got handled behind closed doors
00:26:31 outside of the investigation so it didn't go as public
00:26:35 to where now it's kind of like, you know,
00:26:36 it's kind of just a wash of a season.
00:26:39 Right, wrong, and different.
00:26:40 We got three other guys in here that are in the league.
00:26:42 Do you feel like I'm speaking to that fairly?
00:26:45 - You're talking to three of the guys
00:26:46 who also suck in the league.
00:26:48 (laughing)
00:26:50 - And I'm one of them.
00:26:51 - I'm the second seed.
00:26:52 - And so speak up then.
00:26:54 - It affects you the most.
00:26:57 - At the end of the day, a commissioner is taking a deal
00:27:00 that is a personal, it was just personal gain
00:27:03 to dilute the product of the league.
00:27:05 - I've now taken public accountability.
00:27:08 - Correct, but the trade is still not accepted.
00:27:11 - Yes, but I've done everything I could on my end.
00:27:14 I'm not gonna be able to drive this car anymore.
00:27:16 I didn't win any more, any less.
00:27:18 Taylor is the one who benefited
00:27:20 and then chose to disgrace the league
00:27:23 with a very low integrity move by not completing the trade.
00:27:26 - Is there suspension for next year?
00:27:28 - I think there needs to be something.
00:27:30 - You can try.
00:27:30 - Also a draft pick.
00:27:32 - Yeah, maybe he loses his first round pick.
00:27:34 There's got to be some level of consequence.
00:27:36 - I'll give you guys my last pick.
00:27:37 - You're not the one in the spot.
00:27:40 - Anyway, you guys.
00:27:41 - You're not in the driver's seat right now.
00:27:43 - I sat here the day after we did the fantasy draft.
00:27:46 I walked in, the draft boys.
00:27:48 - Here we go.
00:27:49 - Everybody's like, I'll be honest Taylor,
00:27:53 I don't like your draft.
00:27:54 Like you're above me or something.
00:27:55 'Cause I take Kamara who suspended, Cup who had a hamstring
00:27:59 'cause I knew December ball and now what's happening.
00:28:04 I won six of my last seven.
00:28:06 And it's like, if you guys wanna--
00:28:10 - How many came out for the trade?
00:28:11 - Go ahead, go ahead and punch up.
00:28:13 By the end of the day, oh, almost put my shoes up.
00:28:16 But I'm gonna do it for the people in the comments.
00:28:19 At the end of the day, boys, like you wanna be the man,
00:28:22 you gotta beat the man.
00:28:23 I am the man right now.
00:28:24 - Listen, yeah.
00:28:28 All I hear, like I don't disagree with you.
00:28:30 - I agree.
00:28:31 - All I don't hear from you is taking any type
00:28:33 of accountability, which ultimately enables the behavior
00:28:37 of why this league is what it is.
00:28:39 - Let me ask you a question.
00:28:41 If I am a GM on a team and the commissioner
00:28:46 who oversees the league allows me to do something,
00:28:50 what makes it wrong about me letting that happen
00:28:54 for the betterment of my team?
00:28:55 If that's not against the rules at the time,
00:28:57 because no one said anything about it
00:28:58 and I'm using the rules to my advantage,
00:29:00 why should I suffer?
00:29:02 - I don't think it's you who suffers.
00:29:03 I think when you're speaking of the league itself,
00:29:05 absolutely, you're trying to figure out all the ways
00:29:08 you can bend the rules.
00:29:09 But I think as far as an individual and with your character
00:29:11 is what suffers there.
00:29:12 - Individual as a character?
00:29:14 You wanna talk about individuals and character,
00:29:15 we can go back to beer Olympics
00:29:16 and watch you drop that ping pong ball.
00:29:19 - Hey, look, again, you're asking about the feedback.
00:29:22 I'm giving the feedback.
00:29:24 If you wanna make it about other things.
00:29:25 - If you wanna talk about individual character,
00:29:26 we can talk about individual character.
00:29:28 I have filmed video evidence of your character
00:29:30 being in question in that situation.
00:29:31 - Yeah, I was hammered to not see myself
00:29:35 grabbing another ball.
00:29:36 - I didn't see myself losing the trade, I was hammered.
00:29:39 We can all just say that.
00:29:41 - Let me, I'll just play with the ring now.
00:29:43 It feels a little different.
00:29:45 - Hey, we're all good, we're all good.
00:29:46 We're having fun, boys having fun.
00:29:48 Boys having fun.
00:29:49 - Yeah.
00:29:50 - But I just, if you want me to do the trade,
00:29:51 I will look back at what the trade was.
00:29:54 - The playoffs.
00:29:55 - The trade was agreed upon once it went null and void
00:29:58 of our deal and I stepped down as commissioner.
00:30:00 The only other thing that had to go forward
00:30:02 was you completing the trade, which you chose not to do.
00:30:05 Not forgot or--
00:30:06 - I just haven't done it yet.
00:30:08 - Yeah, well, now it's been a month.
00:30:10 It's been a month, a full month.
00:30:11 - I think it's been 21.
00:30:12 - Yeah, look, you're in the playoffs.
00:30:13 There are four teams in the playoffs.
00:30:14 This is a league that will need to--
00:30:16 - Not a month ago.
00:30:16 - Not a month ago?
00:30:17 - Just let Taylor--
00:30:18 - It'll be a month this weekend.
00:30:19 - Let Taylor do whatever he wants to do, bro.
00:30:20 - Yeah, yeah, I'm with you, I'm with you.
00:30:22 It all plays out.
00:30:23 As long as we're all speaking out here
00:30:24 and talking about all the situations that went down,
00:30:26 let everybody else make their opinion.
00:30:28 - It is my fault at the end of the day
00:30:30 that all of this confusion and combustion went on.
00:30:33 But Taylor also enabled this--
00:30:36 - No, don't, that's the thing.
00:30:37 - Speak for yourself, speak for yourself.
00:30:37 - That's what, yeah, you should.
00:30:39 - I'm the reason that our league
00:30:41 has this integrity situation going on
00:30:43 to hope that we can move past it at some point
00:30:45 so that next year, year two, someone else, probably Klump,
00:30:49 can be the commissioner that is non-biasy
00:30:52 and is not willing to be swayed by money
00:30:55 or fast cars like I was.
00:30:58 But I, yeah, I hope we can move past it at some point.
00:31:02 - Taylor has to draft.
00:31:03 - The only way is if Taylor wins this league,
00:31:06 I'm scared that as a whole, we will fall.
00:31:10 We will fall.
00:31:11 - Taylor has to draft Kedarious Tony
00:31:13 as his first commissioner this year.
00:31:15 - Put it like this, that's on the list of shit
00:31:17 to get you beat, like how this has all unfolded this year.
00:31:20 - Yeah, the way that Jack handles himself as commissioner,
00:31:21 I agree with that, absolutely.
00:31:23 - Okay, Taylor.
00:31:24 - Let's continue into the good.
00:31:26 Do you have a good you wanna bring up?
00:31:28 - Yeah, I got some good.
00:31:29 My fantasy league, that's not in there.
00:31:33 Joe Flacco, 38 years old, Cleveland,
00:31:36 guys out there dicing up the Jacksonville Jaguars,
00:31:38 incredible, we already talked about the Cowboys.
00:31:40 I do wanna add to the Cowboys real quick.
00:31:42 Dak Prescott is probably the MVP of this league.
00:31:45 - That's not, what is that?
00:31:49 You can't just say, what does that mean?
00:31:51 - He's probably gonna win the MVP.
00:31:52 If he keeps playing at the level he's playing at,
00:31:54 he'll win the MVP this year.
00:31:56 He's favored right now, plus 180 odds,
00:31:59 better than anybody else, the guy's dicing people up.
00:32:02 He showed he can come back against Seattle
00:32:04 when he was down, which they haven't shown in the past.
00:32:06 I think he's got a big chance.
00:32:07 I think he's gonna win the MVP.
00:32:08 There's nobody, the next person behind him is Brock Purdy.
00:32:11 - Yeah, he sucks.
00:32:12 - No, we've already taken that back.
00:32:14 I had a full brawl at this party this weekend
00:32:18 with my kids and five of their friends, and I won.
00:32:21 So I still got it, and then Vegas this weekend, boys.
00:32:24 Me and Jack, Vegas, back to Vegas this weekend.
00:32:26 It's gonna be a hell of a time.
00:32:27 - UFC.
00:32:28 - Gonna go to UFC, make a whole bunch of money.
00:32:31 We should do a giveaway.
00:32:32 We should do a big giveaway.
00:32:34 - Follow @Taylor177 to see what this giveaway entails.
00:32:39 - That's my good, my hosh posh, hosh posh?
00:32:43 Put together good.
00:32:45 I feel good about that.
00:32:47 The round out, my good, the team workshop last Friday?
00:32:51 - Yeah.
00:32:51 - I thought solid, solid for the boys.
00:32:53 We were in here for what, like six hours,
00:32:54 it felt like six, seven hours?
00:32:56 All day long?
00:32:57 Late, do what?
00:32:59 - No, you weren't.
00:33:01 - You're really killing yourself about that.
00:33:02 - It was 1026.
00:33:04 - Why do you, why do you just keep--
00:33:04 - It was 1028.
00:33:05 - It's something you plan.
00:33:07 - Started at 1030, did you show up at 1028,
00:33:10 and you're usually a guy that's early?
00:33:12 That's true, but I just feel like
00:33:14 you just keep, continue shooting.
00:33:15 - I mean, I just like, it started in Vegas,
00:33:18 the Rays, Marcell Nashville.
00:33:19 - I wasn't thinking about that.
00:33:24 - JP is the ultimate villain of this fucking show.
00:33:26 - It does build on your resume, I guess.
00:33:28 - You are the villain of this show.
00:33:29 - That's why, that's exactly why I'm pissed about it,
00:33:31 because I'm like, again, this just goes--
00:33:33 - What's nuts too is--
00:33:34 - Everything changed when you went on that podcast.
00:33:36 - Hey.
00:33:37 - Everything changed when you went on that podcast.
00:33:38 - JP, JP, do you know why he was late?
00:33:40 Or why he showed up basically like on time,
00:33:42 if you're on time, you're late?
00:33:43 - I do know, do you know?
00:33:44 - Yeah.
00:33:44 - What's funny is I called him after I called you,
00:33:49 and seeing if he was there,
00:33:50 it's like, oh no, I'm getting a haircut.
00:33:51 I'm just thinking, okay, well hopefully
00:33:52 it's on the back end type of thing.
00:33:54 And when he shows up, I'm thinking, man,
00:33:56 what was your haircut, start at 9.30?
00:33:58 (laughing)
00:34:02 - Bro, that is, you have been acting different, Mitch.
00:34:04 Is there something you wanna talk about?
00:34:06 - That Rays, he getting a new fresh cut?
00:34:07 - Yeah, then he's all of a sudden
00:34:08 got the mic in front of his face,
00:34:10 wants to do an hour and a half podcast with those guys.
00:34:13 What's it, what are they called?
00:34:14 Two dimes and a token.
00:34:15 - Yeah, he's getting, yeah.
00:34:18 - Getting drunk.
00:34:19 - Yeah.
00:34:20 - I got a lock back in.
00:34:21 - Getting drunk on the job.
00:34:22 - On the job.
00:34:23 - I'm gonna be--
00:34:24 - We have to go interview Dana White.
00:34:25 - Hitting the trenches the first couple months of 2024
00:34:29 just to get back in good graces.
00:34:31 Yeah, I'm gonna do that water fast too.
00:34:34 - I mean, we were, we were in it.
00:34:35 - We should all do the water fast together.
00:34:37 - We were interviewing, we had,
00:34:39 the big thing while we were going out there,
00:34:40 yeah, we went out there for Duracell.
00:34:42 - But I'm just saying, just the fact that you--
00:34:45 - Finish him, Will.
00:34:45 - Slammed six shots.
00:34:47 - Finish him.
00:34:48 - Hours, just hours before interviewing Dana White.
00:34:51 - At 10 in the morning.
00:34:51 - At 10 in the morning was an insane move.
00:34:55 - I don't think that that's--
00:34:56 - All right, hey, hey, hey.
00:34:57 - What'd he say, what'd he say?
00:34:58 - He said it was 11.30.
00:34:59 - That's even worse.
00:35:00 'Cause it's even closer to--
00:35:02 It's even closer to the interview.
00:35:04 - Which was at one.
00:35:05 - And you are like basically all the roles,
00:35:07 like you've taken on busting with the boys.
00:35:10 That was an insane move.
00:35:13 - We were all very disappointed.
00:35:14 - Taylor is also a key factor in a lot of these situations
00:35:18 we're talking about.
00:35:20 With the Fantasy League, with Mitch's scenario,
00:35:23 there is a common denominator.
00:35:25 - They're usually, yeah, yeah.
00:35:26 - It is.
00:35:27 - Yeah.
00:35:28 Mitch knows where he and I stand.
00:35:31 - Do I?
00:35:32 - Thin ice, yeah.
00:35:33 (laughing)
00:35:35 No, dude, you're good with me.
00:35:39 For real though, Will, I really don't know.
00:35:41 I'll be honest.
00:35:42 - No either.
00:35:43 - Yeah.
00:35:44 - To round out the good, to keep it as a positive thing,
00:35:46 JP getting engaged.
00:35:48 - Yeah!
00:35:49 - JP getting engaged.
00:35:51 I know that was on socials,
00:35:52 but that was after the episode last week.
00:35:54 So I just, for all the thousands that tuned in
00:35:56 with the boys, JP--
00:35:57 - Millions.
00:35:58 - Is now off the board in a massive hit to K Adams.
00:36:02 - Yeah, she's gotta be hurting.
00:36:04 She's gotta be hurting in a big way.
00:36:06 I do wanna put this out.
00:36:07 Do you guys have a date?
00:36:08 - Should we just start giving him unsolicited advice?
00:36:11 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, go ahead.
00:36:12 - He's looking in August right now.
00:36:14 - Ooh.
00:36:14 - That's tough, training camp tour.
00:36:15 - Open invite?
00:36:17 - Yeah, are we all invited?
00:36:18 - Oh yeah, open invite.
00:36:19 - All of us is invited for sure.
00:36:20 - Let's go.
00:36:21 - Hey.
00:36:25 - Do you have--
00:36:26 - Hey, anybody on the bus in your lineup?
00:36:28 - Is the groomsmen?
00:36:30 - Nobody on the bus is the groomsmen.
00:36:32 - Just going out there.
00:36:34 Just like, ah.
00:36:36 - Yeah, at least we got an invite to your wedding
00:36:38 because a couple of our old producers got invited to Will's.
00:36:43 - Yeah, that's crazy.
00:36:45 - It's all good.
00:36:46 - Man, I'm sorry I've been married for so long.
00:36:48 I've been in the trenches for so long.
00:36:49 If I would've known you boys then, you know.
00:36:52 You guys probably would've been in it.
00:36:53 Yes, I would've said, hey, I'm getting engaged.
00:36:58 Can you guys be in my wedding?
00:37:00 Just wanna let you guys know, you guys are 100% invited.
00:37:03 But that's character, right?
00:37:05 - Can we get, if you're good,
00:37:07 can we get a JP?
00:37:08 - Talk to us about how it went down.
00:37:11 I wanna know about your emotions, what you guys did.
00:37:13 Get it on the knee, were those legs shaking?
00:37:16 - Yeah, I was super calm and collected the whole day,
00:37:19 which I wasn't thinking I was gonna be.
00:37:22 And I was telling Will, Brian Peters sent us
00:37:24 like 130 questions, probably like last week.
00:37:28 And I'm a big question guy, I like to ask the fun ones.
00:37:31 Like the alien, twist the T question.
00:37:34 - Paid off.
00:37:36 - Yeah, paid off.
00:37:37 And so I told Sitton, I sent her that list.
00:37:40 I was like, hey, you write down 10 of these questions
00:37:43 on 10 pieces of paper, I'll write down 10 questions.
00:37:46 On my piece of paper, we'll play 20 questions.
00:37:49 Very on-brand.
00:37:50 My mom, when I tell her this, she's like,
00:37:52 oh, she's gonna know, it's too obvious.
00:37:54 Like this is not the energy I need right now, mom.
00:37:56 - It's the worst.
00:37:57 - I'm six hours out.
00:37:58 And it's also our anniversary, it's on a Tuesday,
00:38:02 so I'm definitely not thinking she's expecting it.
00:38:05 We go down to Franklin Culichinos
00:38:07 is the name of the Italian restaurant
00:38:09 that you wanted to know about.
00:38:10 - Yeah, I did wanna go.
00:38:11 - And it was fire, and I'm super hungry
00:38:14 when we get down there.
00:38:15 Halfway through, I remember why I'm down there
00:38:18 and just lose my appetite immediately.
00:38:21 So I just stop eating a little bit,
00:38:23 start thinking about it all,
00:38:24 start feeling the rig in my pocket.
00:38:26 I'm like, we gotta get out of here.
00:38:28 - Yes, dude.
00:38:29 - We're on question 18.
00:38:31 The idea was it would be my last question.
00:38:34 But dinner finished up faster.
00:38:36 We're walking downtown,
00:38:38 and there's the Christmas tree in downtown Franklin.
00:38:41 Literally, it's a ghost town down there,
00:38:42 except for two people right by the tree.
00:38:45 And I wasn't too hung up on if somebody needed to be there
00:38:49 to photograph it or take a video,
00:38:52 'cause I kinda like the intimacy of it.
00:38:55 But they were there, so I was like,
00:38:57 I might as well just have them capture this.
00:39:00 So sitting there walking by the tree,
00:39:03 I'm like, hey, we should get a photo for our anniversary.
00:39:06 And she's like, yeah.
00:39:07 I was like, I'll go ask them.
00:39:08 So I walk over to them, kinda loud.
00:39:10 I'm like, hey, you guys mind taking a photo
00:39:11 for our anniversary?
00:39:13 They're like, oh yeah, sure.
00:39:15 And then I swipe my phone over to the video.
00:39:17 I'm like, I actually take a video I'm about to propose.
00:39:19 And this girl, she understood the assignment so well.
00:39:23 I get back over, and as I'm walking back to sit,
00:39:26 and I'm thinking, all right,
00:39:27 do I just get on my knee right now?
00:39:28 Do I fake a photo?
00:39:30 'Cause I think she's recording right now.
00:39:33 And so I like fake the photo.
00:39:35 She's like, all right, one, two, three.
00:39:38 And I was like, oh, and actually sitting
00:39:39 for my last question, wasn't my last question,
00:39:43 but for my last question, got that on the knee.
00:39:46 Will you marry me?
00:39:47 She says, yeah, I'm shaking down there.
00:39:50 I like stand up, accidentally closed the ring box.
00:39:54 It's super loud 'cause those freaking hinges are tight.
00:39:57 - Yeah. - That thing's like,
00:39:59 I was like, oh my God.
00:40:00 And so like, I'm trying to put the ring on her.
00:40:04 My hand is shaking like crazy.
00:40:06 I'm looking at the two strangers video,
00:40:08 and I'm like, sorry guys, I don't really know what to do.
00:40:11 They're like, you're doing great.
00:40:13 Like, come on, focus one time.
00:40:15 And then finally got it on there.
00:40:17 We drive back, she's super overwhelmed, she's unwinding.
00:40:21 And I had a little surprise party set up at her house.
00:40:25 And the back of the bus was there.
00:40:27 Some of our Nashville friends were there.
00:40:30 Her parents were there who she didn't expect.
00:40:32 And so she's like, we have to FaceTime my mom and dad
00:40:34 when we get back home.
00:40:35 I was like, oh yeah, Corey and Basil,
00:40:37 her two roommates, they're gone.
00:40:39 So we'll have like the house to ourselves,
00:40:41 kind of like unwind.
00:40:42 And then we walk in, everybody's there.
00:40:46 Big surprise, a lot of fun.
00:40:48 - Dog. - Yes, man.
00:40:50 I guess more backstories.
00:40:51 I've known Sin since I was like 16.
00:40:54 Always had a crush on her, we never dated.
00:40:56 I was in the friend zone forever.
00:40:58 And I was telling, I forget who I was telling,
00:41:00 but there is officially a beacon of hope
00:41:04 for those stuck in the friend zone.
00:41:06 So if you guys are in the friend zone,
00:41:07 it is possible to get out.
00:41:10 - The good guys can win. - The good guys can win.
00:41:12 - Let's go, dude, that's awesome.
00:41:14 What, did she cry?
00:41:16 - No, she didn't cry.
00:41:17 She was like-- - She said, get up, man.
00:41:19 - What are you doing?
00:41:21 - Why are you shaking?
00:41:22 - No, she was in shock mainly.
00:41:25 And then everything happened so fast afterwards,
00:41:28 like with seeing everybody,
00:41:30 we're both kind of like, just sort of like,
00:41:33 yeah, I don't know.
00:41:33 It's hard to explain.
00:41:34 - Yeah. - It's a crazy feeling.
00:41:36 - This might be a question for anybody watching
00:41:38 that has not, thinking about proposing,
00:41:40 how did you figure out the ring size?
00:41:43 - One of her friends, I asked one of her friends
00:41:46 who she was going on a bachelorette with,
00:41:47 like, hey, can you look at her ring?
00:41:50 But it was still too big anyways, so.
00:41:52 - Oh, that's-- - It's hard to figure out.
00:41:53 - Yeah. - Yeah.
00:41:55 - Gotta get a resize. - It's hard to kind of
00:41:56 like navigate.
00:41:57 You wanna get like, the cut, the, you know.
00:42:00 The diamond process is ridiculous.
00:42:02 - It's nuts, bro.
00:42:03 - They're like, what do you want?
00:42:05 I'm like, I just want like an oval diamond
00:42:07 with a gold band.
00:42:08 They're like, all right, well, here's this.
00:42:10 I just told you.
00:42:11 (all laughing)
00:42:11 All I want is an oval diamond with a gold band.
00:42:14 (all laughing)
00:42:15 I just told you. - I just told you.
00:42:16 - It took me hours.
00:42:17 - I'm sure though, you were sweating a bit,
00:42:20 you know, being nervous.
00:42:21 You know, if you really need when you're sweating.
00:42:24 - The only thing that wasn't shaking or sweating
00:42:27 was JP's armpits.
00:42:28 And that is because Duke Cannon has a collection
00:42:31 of holiday products that men actually like.
00:42:33 Gives the boys something that they deserve,
00:42:35 like a big ass lump of coal soap from Duke Cannon.
00:42:38 Duke Cannon's holiday gifts are made in the USA
00:42:40 by humans, not elves. - Good.
00:42:42 - These gifts are going to break the bank.
00:42:44 Wait, these gifts aren't going to break the bank.
00:42:47 Yeah, definitely not, definitely not.
00:42:49 And they make the perfect gift for your boys,
00:42:51 your father-in-law, that cousin,
00:42:52 you barely like any of them.
00:42:53 They got soaps, deodorants, all of it.
00:42:55 Big ass lump of coal, illegally cut pine,
00:42:58 mall Santa's cough syrup, Rudolph's much deserved nightcap,
00:43:02 oops, all brandy homemade eggnog.
00:43:05 Find holiday soaps and gift sets at Target, Walmart,
00:43:09 or go to dukecannon.com.
00:43:11 Shout out Duke Cannon for keeping the boy clean,
00:43:14 smelling good, and not perspirating.
00:43:17 - Even nervous.
00:43:17 - Even nervous, no sweat. - Even when he was nervous.
00:43:19 - While he was down on that knee.
00:43:21 - Yeah. - Congratulations, bro.
00:43:23 - That's awesome.
00:43:24 - Yeah, I appreciate it.
00:43:25 - That is awesome, dude.
00:43:26 - And it's good too, like we're thinking August,
00:43:27 not fully getting into the fall.
00:43:29 There is a lot of, you know, there's a lot of talk.
00:43:32 - A lot of chatter on. - I would never do that.
00:43:33 - We're on the bad end of the clips
00:43:35 that could be out there on fall weddings.
00:43:37 It's something that we despise.
00:43:38 I think you specifically too.
00:43:39 - Yeah, big time.
00:43:41 - You should set the trend of a weekday wedding.
00:43:43 - Tuesday. - Wednesday, baby, hump day.
00:43:45 - Low cost, the lowest cost.
00:43:48 - Yeah, get out there, get it done.
00:43:49 Location, have we thought of a location yet?
00:43:51 - Greenville.
00:43:53 - All right.
00:43:54 - Six, four, man, where else?
00:43:55 - Do you have an ordained minister?
00:43:59 - We are looking for somebody to do it.
00:44:00 - I am ordained.
00:44:02 You know that.
00:44:03 You know that.
00:44:05 - Yeah.
00:44:06 - Will saw me do a wedding one time.
00:44:07 Will, tell them about the experience.
00:44:09 - It was, yeah, he did well.
00:44:11 - Say more nice things.
00:44:13 - He said the same thing to me, you know,
00:44:13 he was in the hat for my wedding as well.
00:44:16 - How long was I in that hat?
00:44:17 - Throw him in the hat.
00:44:19 - Yeah. - Yeah, throw him in the hat.
00:44:20 - What if I pay you guys?
00:44:21 - Take consideration. - Let me do it.
00:44:22 - You pay us?
00:44:23 - No, I ain't gonna pay you, but get you a nice gift.
00:44:26 I am a great gift giver.
00:44:29 - You wouldn't give me a gift otherwise?
00:44:31 - No, I'm gonna get you a gift no matter what.
00:44:32 (laughing)
00:44:33 Do you want crystal stemware
00:44:35 or do you want something you actually want?
00:44:36 - I don't even know what that first thing was.
00:44:38 - I don't either, but I've seen wedding crashes
00:44:39 too many times not to mention crystal stemware
00:44:41 when you're talking about weddings.
00:44:43 - Yeah, I don't know.
00:44:44 - You're in the hat.
00:44:45 - You're in the hat. - You're in the hat.
00:44:45 - You're in the hat.
00:44:46 - You just gotta wait. - You're on the short list.
00:44:47 - Let me interview. - You're on the short list.
00:44:48 - Let me interview.
00:44:49 - Give him a call too.
00:44:50 Hey, you've made the short list.
00:44:51 We're gonna go through this last.
00:44:52 - I'll FaceTime you.
00:44:53 Her parents will be there.
00:44:54 My parents will be there.
00:44:55 - And we can talk, we can do it.
00:44:56 I'll do interviews with you, interviews with her,
00:44:58 and I'll put together something real nice.
00:45:00 Keep it short, say 15 minutes, in and out.
00:45:04 That's all we have to say.
00:45:07 I can already tell where I'm going
00:45:08 and it's not gonna be, I'm not gonna go to the salt pier.
00:45:10 - You're on the short list.
00:45:11 - No, no, no, they'll tell you.
00:45:12 - As long as your name's in the hat,
00:45:13 that's all, like, you're just like, oh, I'm in the hat.
00:45:15 - Top five, you're top five.
00:45:16 - Yeah, top five.
00:45:18 - Already.
00:45:19 - Do you have any more to round out the bad list?
00:45:21 - Yeah, I have one.
00:45:24 Kyle McCord's lack of character
00:45:27 whenever he's hitting the transfer portal,
00:45:29 like wherever he ends up.
00:45:30 - Oh, that's good for my list.
00:45:31 - It will kill the culture.
00:45:34 What?
00:45:35 - That's good for my list, Kyle McCord.
00:45:36 You're talking about the Ohio State quarterback.
00:45:37 - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:45:38 - You go 11 and one.
00:45:40 - You see.
00:45:40 - And you get in the transfer portal,
00:45:42 like you've gotta be--
00:45:43 - He sees bigger and better things.
00:45:44 - You've gotta have bad character.
00:45:46 Like, he's gotta see it through.
00:45:47 Like, you don't wanna stick around
00:45:48 and try to actually have a chance at beating Michigan.
00:45:52 That's crazy to me.
00:45:53 It's just crazy, it's just tough.
00:45:54 I had, I mean, I was gonna do more bad,
00:45:56 but we got-- - Kyle McCord,
00:45:57 to let everybody know,
00:45:58 he was a five-star recruit, big-time ball player.
00:46:02 We're talking big-time ball player.
00:46:03 - A lot of five-stars don't pan out.
00:46:04 - 11 and one at Ohio State,
00:46:06 another five-star receiver
00:46:07 that he's potentially bringing with to Nebraska.
00:46:10 - Yeah. - They are visiting
00:46:10 the Huskers this week, so.
00:46:11 - He's Mormon, right?
00:46:13 - Doesn't matter.
00:46:14 If you can throw the football, you can catch the football.
00:46:16 You got a place on the squad with the Huskers
00:46:17 as we're building this culture to get back to--
00:46:19 - Do you think they'll go to Nebraska?
00:46:20 - I think that they go to Nebraska.
00:46:21 That's just what I think.
00:46:23 And I'm hopeful, I'm optimistic.
00:46:25 - You want him.
00:46:26 - Yeah, absolutely.
00:46:27 - You wouldn't want the Oregon State quarterback
00:46:29 or the Washington State quarterback
00:46:30 or the UCLA quarterback? - Yeah, I want those guys too.
00:46:31 Bring 'em on, we want competition.
00:46:32 - Bring 'em on. - The cream will rise
00:46:34 to the crop.
00:46:35 - Cream will rise to the top.
00:46:36 - There it is. - There it is, babe.
00:46:37 - Yeah. - Words.
00:46:38 - We'll take, I want all of 'em.
00:46:39 Anybody who wants to come to Nebraska,
00:46:41 come take a look, we got a lot to offer.
00:46:43 - Kyle McCord goes to Nebraska.
00:46:45 Are you not worried about him hurting the culture
00:46:48 that Matt Ruhle's trying to instill?
00:46:49 - What's so, what's actual evidence
00:46:53 of the culture thing that you're thinking?
00:46:54 - Him going in the transfer portal.
00:46:56 - Why is that bad culture?
00:46:57 - 'Cause you go 11 and one,
00:46:59 you had the shot at the playoffs,
00:47:00 and you're the quarterback of that team,
00:47:02 the captain of that team,
00:47:03 and you're just gonna leave the boys with more eligibility?
00:47:05 Not thinking about stacking and beating Michigan
00:47:08 for the first time, winning a Big Ten championship?
00:47:10 You're just gonna give up on the boys and leave?
00:47:12 That's crazy.
00:47:13 - Maybe he thinks there's a better situation.
00:47:16 Maybe it's a coach.
00:47:16 I'm not saying it's a quarterback coach,
00:47:18 but honestly, maybe it's situational.
00:47:20 Maybe he's just not thinking of,
00:47:21 I gotta beat Michigan type of thing.
00:47:23 - Yeah, but, okay.
00:47:26 All right, if that's how you feel, I understand that.
00:47:28 - Yeah.
00:47:29 I think there's more outside the bubble
00:47:31 of Ohio State versus Michigan.
00:47:33 - Not in the Big Ten.
00:47:34 - Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
00:47:36 In your shoes, I can understand
00:47:37 why you might think it's a culture thing.
00:47:39 To me, it's like there's more,
00:47:40 there could be greener grass for him.
00:47:42 Maybe he's looking at it.
00:47:42 Maybe he's weighing his options.
00:47:45 And I love that he's weighing his options with the big red.
00:47:48 - Yeah, I mean, hopefully he doesn't kill the program.
00:47:50 'Cause you guys are taking steps,
00:47:52 you're taking incremental steps.
00:47:52 You're getting one game better every year.
00:47:54 Next year, you're gonna make a bowl game.
00:47:56 Year after that, you're gonna be above 500.
00:47:58 Year after that, you'll be, hey,
00:48:02 might go to the Big Ten championship game.
00:48:03 - Yeah.
00:48:04 - Go on and talk. - One game at a time, yeah.
00:48:06 - Seven years from now,
00:48:06 you guys are gonna win a national championship.
00:48:07 - I think it starts with these boys
00:48:08 visiting this weekend in Lincoln.
00:48:10 - It's this weekend?
00:48:11 It's this week, yeah.
00:48:12 So either it's weekend or week.
00:48:14 You know, they need me to.
00:48:16 I will let Coach Rule know if you need my services,
00:48:18 they are available.
00:48:19 - Build the jet. - Yeah.
00:48:20 - I am ready. - Yeah.
00:48:22 I'll do it. - They should do that.
00:48:23 - Yeah.
00:48:24 - If they want Nebraska to get where they wanna go,
00:48:25 they need to call Will Compton,
00:48:26 fill up the G6, and send his ass over to Lincoln.
00:48:29 I'll come too.
00:48:30 - No. - Just to hang out.
00:48:31 Why not? - No, no, no.
00:48:32 'Cause that's a solo mission.
00:48:33 They wanna fly in the closer.
00:48:34 - Yeah, I just wanna be on the plane and hang out.
00:48:37 I won't say nothing.
00:48:39 - Yeah, I gotcha.
00:48:41 I'll hang out with Prince.
00:48:42 - No, you're too much of a liability with the Michigan,
00:48:45 with the Michigan factor going on.
00:48:46 - Well, no, why would I be a liability?
00:48:50 - 'Cause you're a liability.
00:48:51 - I gotta get a sign somehow.
00:48:52 - But if you're the,
00:48:54 I like, if I don't view Nebraska as a threat,
00:48:55 then I'm not a liability.
00:48:57 - That's okay.
00:48:57 I can't. - No, I'm not coming at you.
00:48:59 I'm just saying I could be, I could help.
00:49:01 - No, I know, and I'm saying that
00:49:02 your help would not be needed.
00:49:04 - So I can't go on the plane?
00:49:05 - Yeah, you can't go on the plane.
00:49:06 - I'm gonna twiddle my ring now.
00:49:07 (laughing)
00:49:08 I gotta be uncomfortable.
00:49:09 - The round up my bad is Rue taking a picture with Santa.
00:49:12 It's not, you know, couldn't get her going.
00:49:16 - But you have arguably the most adorable photo
00:49:19 on the internet of all time right before she's about to cry.
00:49:22 The one where she's like.
00:49:23 - Oh, bro, bro, I picked her up 'cause she was,
00:49:26 listen, we had a visit to the South Pole.
00:49:28 It was not necessarily working out
00:49:30 the way we were wanting it to.
00:49:30 And I was like, hey, sweetheart, give him a shot.
00:49:33 Give Black Santa a shot.
00:49:34 I know we told you about who Santa is.
00:49:36 And so I'm holding her, I pick her up
00:49:39 'cause she's beside herself and I pick her up.
00:49:41 I'm shaking her.
00:49:42 I'm like, Rue, Leigh, and dad, dad.
00:49:44 It kind of like gets her like in the zone.
00:49:46 And I go, hey, I'm gonna sit you on Santa's lap.
00:49:48 You remember that's Santa Claus.
00:49:49 We wanna take a picture with Santa.
00:49:51 I said, I'm gonna sit you on Santa's lap
00:49:52 and we're gonna take one picture.
00:49:54 A lot of it too, you guys will learn,
00:49:56 like set the expectation.
00:49:57 We're gonna take one photo
00:49:58 and daddy's gonna come pick you back up.
00:50:00 So we're gonna take one photo, okay?
00:50:02 Okay.
00:50:03 And then you sit her down and bless her little heart.
00:50:05 She was trying to hold and keep it together.
00:50:07 I was like, one photo, okay, here we go.
00:50:09 Take the photo, take the photo.
00:50:10 And she just slowly just breaks.
00:50:14 And we heard it from Trevor.
00:50:15 I'm like, you did great, you did great, you did great.
00:50:18 But yeah.
00:50:19 - Where'd you find that Santa?
00:50:21 - It was, you know, Wednesday at the mall.
00:50:23 I think it's the Wednesday Santa.
00:50:24 You know what I mean?
00:50:26 It's just-
00:50:27 - I saw that photo, I go, this is the best.
00:50:29 - Yeah, dude, it was awesome.
00:50:31 I walked around the corner and I was like, hell yeah.
00:50:34 - That is one thing-
00:50:35 - I cannot wait to post this.
00:50:36 - That is one thing we need to talk about.
00:50:37 There are too many Santas around.
00:50:39 Like my oldest is getting a little,
00:50:41 like that Santa didn't look the same as the other Santa.
00:50:43 - I know, I was thinking about that over the weekend.
00:50:44 - Yes.
00:50:45 - I agree with you.
00:50:46 - 'Cause we did Santa photos on Friday,
00:50:49 right before we did the meeting.
00:50:50 And I literally had to rush from that, I was on time.
00:50:52 And then right after that, literally the next day,
00:50:55 we go to like a illumination at the zoo.
00:50:57 And we go through this barn.
00:50:58 Who's sitting there?
00:50:59 A different Santa.
00:51:00 What's it called?
00:51:01 - Zoo illumination.
00:51:02 - Zoo illumination, excuse me.
00:51:04 Which is awesome, by the way.
00:51:05 Like, have you taken your kids?
00:51:05 - No, but when I was asking, there's a light.
00:51:08 - It is awesome.
00:51:09 - That thing is cool.
00:51:09 - It is so sick.
00:51:10 You get some hot coke, you walk around,
00:51:11 you look at the lights, it's pretty cool.
00:51:13 But we go in the barn, there's another Santa there, dude.
00:51:16 And then we go to this Wags and Walks charity thing
00:51:18 yesterday, where they're dishing out puppies,
00:51:20 like they're hotcakes.
00:51:21 And there's a Santa sitting there.
00:51:22 Santa did hit me with, "The boys."
00:51:24 As we're going like, "Oh, what's this?"
00:51:25 (laughing)
00:51:26 Santa fucking hits it, dog.
00:51:27 Santa hits it, kinda gave me the,
00:51:29 went to pull the beard down.
00:51:31 "Hey, hey, hey!"
00:51:32 - Hey, Santa.
00:51:33 - "Hey, Santa, this is Santa, guys, hey!"
00:51:34 You know, and he was there.
00:51:35 - Gave him some merchandise for Christmas.
00:51:37 - Yeah, and he looked way different than the other Santa.
00:51:40 And then literally the third Santa on the wind goes,
00:51:42 "He looks different than the other Santas."
00:51:45 I go, "Yeah, Santa fluctuates.
00:51:47 "He's moving around a lot.
00:51:48 "So he's got a lot of stuff to do.
00:51:49 "He's gotta burn some calories before he goes
00:51:51 "on the big hunt on December 25th."
00:51:53 - Yeah.
00:51:54 - Yeah.
00:51:55 - Yeah, it's--
00:51:56 - Big hunt for success.
00:51:57 - I was thinking about it too,
00:51:58 'cause we did like a breakfast with Santa thing
00:51:59 on Saturday, and Rue's young enough.
00:52:01 Like right now, she's just scared of Santa.
00:52:04 But I was thinking like as they get older,
00:52:05 like you gotta start to figure out,
00:52:07 hey, we're gonna see real Santa once.
00:52:09 You gotta identify who that guy is.
00:52:10 And then the rest, maybe you just kinda say like,
00:52:13 you know, Santa goes around,
00:52:15 they have other Santas that take pictures.
00:52:16 This isn't the real Santa.
00:52:17 We'll see the real Santa on, you know,
00:52:19 if you do something at your house or if you--
00:52:21 - Right, right, right.
00:52:22 - Whatever the big moment is,
00:52:22 you're like, "This is Santa for real."
00:52:24 - Yeah.
00:52:25 - He's got work.
00:52:26 - 'Cause I was trying to think like,
00:52:26 man, that is a little confusing.
00:52:29 - I mean, especially your Santa.
00:52:31 - Especially with--
00:52:31 - Yeah. - Whoa.
00:52:32 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:52:33 That's not the real Santa.
00:52:35 - Do y'all remember how y'all found out Santa was fake?
00:52:38 - I don't.
00:52:39 - So--
00:52:40 - Spoiler alert, Santa is not real
00:52:42 if there are kids listening.
00:52:43 So maybe we cut that.
00:52:45 - This isn't the right program
00:52:46 if you're seven watching this right now.
00:52:47 - Yeah.
00:52:48 - I will say I was one of those kids who fought,
00:52:51 who swung the sword and died on the hill
00:52:53 of Santa being real until probably fifth grade.
00:52:56 Here's why, which I know is funny.
00:52:59 I don't think fifth grade is that long.
00:53:01 - I think fifth grade--
00:53:02 - I like that it's like you keep it quiet.
00:53:03 You're like, you could see it being fake.
00:53:05 You could see it being real,
00:53:06 but you're not ever gonna tell your friends like,
00:53:08 "I know what Santa's coming."
00:53:09 - Yeah.
00:53:10 - 'Cause I feel like I really came to terms
00:53:11 in like my first year of middle school, sixth grade.
00:53:13 Sixth grade, seventh grade.
00:53:14 - Sixth grade, yeah, I mean, I was like 11.
00:53:15 I remember like coming around to like,
00:53:17 "Okay, maybe I'm onto him."
00:53:20 'Cause here's what my parents did in the beginning.
00:53:22 My mom woke me up in the middle of the night.
00:53:23 She's like, "Hey, you wanna see?
00:53:25 "You wanna see something?"
00:53:26 And I was like, "Yeah."
00:53:27 And she was like, "See what I got."
00:53:28 And so we like creeped over to the door
00:53:30 and she cracked the door.
00:53:31 And so I just saw through the door,
00:53:34 my grandpa dressed up as Santa.
00:53:36 Obviously my grandpa, he was,
00:53:38 I'm thinking he's sleeping in another room,
00:53:39 thinking he's missing out.
00:53:40 But my grandpa was dressed up as Santa,
00:53:42 but Santa's putting out presents under the tree.
00:53:44 And I was young, so it was like one of those moments
00:53:46 I vividly remember.
00:53:48 So even when I started to question,
00:53:49 even third grade, fourth grade,
00:53:50 when kids would try and tell me this,
00:53:52 I would do this thing where I said,
00:53:54 "I swear on everything, no crosses count,
00:53:56 "that Santa's real and you cannot tell me otherwise
00:53:58 "because I saw him."
00:54:00 Like, I'm like, "You guys might be right.
00:54:01 "Like maybe parents do something,
00:54:03 "but I swear to God, I saw him with my own eyes
00:54:06 "and you can't tell me it didn't happen."
00:54:09 So that's why I fought until the very end.
00:54:12 I fought until the very end,
00:54:14 until I think one of my parents just might've alluded like,
00:54:17 'cause even again, we'd go to midnight mass
00:54:19 and you'd come back and presents would be sitting there.
00:54:22 And we had this pit bull mix
00:54:24 that was kind of like an adopted dog.
00:54:25 So it was like vicious towards everybody else.
00:54:28 So I'm just thinking,
00:54:29 "How in the fuck is somebody able to come in this house
00:54:32 "with this dog here?"
00:54:33 Sure enough, it was like Scott,
00:54:34 like a really good friend of ours
00:54:35 that knew how to work with Buck, his name was Buck.
00:54:37 And he got past him,
00:54:40 but even then I'd come back from midnight mass
00:54:42 and be like, "Man, like this dude is elusive.
00:54:47 "Like there really is a Santa out there.
00:54:48 "I don't know how to explain it,
00:54:49 "but there's something out there."
00:54:51 So it was, I thought it was a very good,
00:54:53 my parents crushed it.
00:54:54 - This dude is elusive.
00:54:55 - Yeah, my parents crushed it.
00:54:56 All I can say, my parents crushed it.
00:54:57 - Yeah, man, that's fucking,
00:54:59 I wish I remembered a time like that.
00:55:00 I remember like trying to play it cool
00:55:02 and not really knowing, but.
00:55:04 - It's tough 'cause people would be yelling about it.
00:55:07 - Yeah, getting mad about it in the cafeteria.
00:55:09 No, you don't fucking,
00:55:10 and the people are just back and forth.
00:55:12 I will say we were on the way to zoo elimination.
00:55:15 - You just gotta believe you're not believing.
00:55:16 - What y'all laughing about?
00:55:18 - You said you were in like sixth grade.
00:55:20 I may be misremembering this,
00:55:22 but when was the first time you beat off?
00:55:25 - Seventh grade.
00:55:26 It was around middle school.
00:55:27 - I was just thinking,
00:55:29 you still believed in Santa
00:55:31 at the same time you were beating your meat.
00:55:33 (laughing)
00:55:33 That's crazy.
00:55:34 - Bro, did I ever,
00:55:35 I've obviously told a story about me first time jerking off.
00:55:39 Did I tell you about how I figured out how to jerk off?
00:55:41 Have I ever told that story?
00:55:42 - Probably, I mean, you started like touching.
00:55:45 - Then I don't need to, then I don't need to.
00:55:46 - Started like touching and rubbing it.
00:55:47 - No, I was almost a victim.
00:55:50 - Santa actually.
00:55:52 - Legit.
00:55:53 - Yeah, it was Christmas.
00:55:54 No, that's a whole different deal,
00:55:57 but we're going for a zoo illumination or whatever it is.
00:56:00 And we're driving, we're talking about Santa.
00:56:02 And Wynn starts talking about one of her classmates
00:56:05 that like thinks Santa's not real.
00:56:07 And then she's six years old, five years old,
00:56:09 they're in kindergarten.
00:56:10 I'm thinking, I gotta call their fucking parents.
00:56:14 I gotta go, for real,
00:56:15 like you can't be doing that this early.
00:56:17 'Cause once it's a one piece of doubt,
00:56:19 it's only a matter of time before they find out
00:56:21 that Santa's not real.
00:56:22 And that's gonna, that's gonna be a war I'm gonna go down.
00:56:24 - You gotta lift your game.
00:56:26 You gotta take that as a personal challenge.
00:56:28 - Listen, we do.
00:56:30 - Do you need me to call again?
00:56:31 - Yeah, no, God no, you are not.
00:56:34 - Wynn, are you still pissing the bed?
00:56:36 - Next week, I'm not talking to you until after Christmas.
00:56:40 We literally, we do like the big boots
00:56:42 and we walk the boots where they have like,
00:56:44 it's like powder, but footprints to and from the chimney.
00:56:47 When my kids go to sleep, I watch their Nanit cam
00:56:50 until I can see like they're kind of dozing off.
00:56:52 And I walk through, take big stomps,
00:56:54 I take jingle bells and I like walk around the house
00:56:56 and you can see them pop up like they know.
00:56:58 We put shit out, we do a whole bunch of stuff right now.
00:57:02 - I think you're still good then, but yeah,
00:57:03 give a little call to the old man or that other child.
00:57:06 - Here's what I can do for you.
00:57:08 You know that whole Santa outfit I have,
00:57:09 remember we did with the Titans a long time ago
00:57:11 where you were pumping me up?
00:57:13 I have that Santa outfit, I think to get Rue over her fears
00:57:16 'cause this can last a long time.
00:57:17 Let me come over in like March and then again in May
00:57:21 and just check in with Rue.
00:57:22 That way there's a familiarity in there.
00:57:24 And then December hits and she's like, yeah, we're boys.
00:57:26 - I mean, we're doing another Santa thing
00:57:28 with y'all this month.
00:57:30 - What are we doing?
00:57:31 - I didn't Santa coming to visit
00:57:32 at one of our like our Christmas deal?
00:57:34 - Oh, I hope not.
00:57:35 Are you for real?
00:57:36 - I think so.
00:57:37 I thought Taylor was talking about it.
00:57:39 - I swear to God, my kids have got like seven
00:57:42 like professional photographs done with Santa.
00:57:44 - Yeah.
00:57:45 - You're alone?
00:57:46 - It's definitely not seven.
00:57:47 - That's why it's gonna be suspicious.
00:57:48 - But it's legit three.
00:57:49 - These kids are never gonna go to a grocery store
00:57:51 in their lives.
00:57:52 - Joke's on you, we're at a grocery store on Saturday.
00:57:56 Whole Foods in Green Hills.
00:57:58 How do you feel about that?
00:58:00 - Hey, I'm with that idea.
00:58:01 - We found our way.
00:58:02 - Yeah, I'm with that idea.
00:58:04 You keep kind of hitting them with the Santa stuff
00:58:07 because as Santa was going around,
00:58:08 even though she was scared of the one on Saturday,
00:58:11 she's seeing the other little kids engaged.
00:58:12 I'm like, see, Santa happy.
00:58:14 He makes people happy.
00:58:15 He's a good guy.
00:58:16 You see all the high fives?
00:58:17 You're giving everybody high fives.
00:58:18 - It's good.
00:58:19 - It's just giving the words.
00:58:20 Be Santa happy.
00:58:21 Santa happy.
00:58:22 You cry, daddy sad.
00:58:25 Yeah, but I was at a grocery store this weekend.
00:58:29 Fuck yeah, boys.
00:58:33 Don't try to take it away from me just yet.
00:58:35 - You were at the hot bar?
00:58:36 - I'm about to lose it all.
00:58:37 I'm telling you, you know what?
00:58:38 I'm gonna go broke and then I'll show you guys.
00:58:41 I'll be at the grocery store every week.
00:58:42 I might be working there.
00:58:43 Who knows, dude?
00:58:45 Who knows?
00:58:46 Let's do the DirecTV, our direct take.
00:58:49 Let's throw up so we can get into this shit
00:58:51 to get you beat.
00:58:52 I only have one and I do have a overly direct take.
00:58:56 Do you have one?
00:58:56 - I can think of one.
00:58:57 - All right, boys, we're moving in.
00:58:59 Overly direct take presented by DirecTV.
00:59:01 DirecTV is the ultimate destination for pro football.
00:59:04 It's where fans can get their football fixed this season,
00:59:06 whether you're watching games live on TV
00:59:08 or streaming on the app, DirecTV has you covered.
00:59:10 No more satellites.
00:59:11 No more satellites, boys.
00:59:13 You can stream now with DirecTV.
00:59:15 Stop compromising, start watching football.
00:59:17 Call 1-800-DIRECTV.
00:59:18 My overly direct take,
00:59:20 the Broncos win the AFC West this year.
00:59:25 - That's the take we didn't need for it to happen.
00:59:28 - I know.
00:59:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right.
00:59:30 'Cause they're creeping,
00:59:31 but the Chiefs are bleeding a little bit.
00:59:34 - It takes the two Chiefs to come on the show today.
00:59:37 - That's all right, they know where I stand.
00:59:38 That's why, you know.
00:59:39 - It'll be fun to have them on.
00:59:40 - I had to do his thing.
00:59:41 I had to do his thing and hit the unfollow button
00:59:42 on me a long time ago.
00:59:43 My overly direct take is the Houston Texans
00:59:46 should sit out CJ Stroud the rest of the year.
00:59:48 You know you've got a stud.
00:59:50 - Why?
00:59:51 - Lose games, get a better draft pick.
00:59:52 You guys will be much better off as a franchise.
00:59:54 I'm all in for the tanks now.
00:59:57 I'm all in for the tanks now, dude.
01:00:00 - They got a shot to go to the playoffs, yeah?
01:00:01 - Yeah, yeah.
01:00:02 Well, they're starting to, they're in the hunt.
01:00:05 They're in the hunt.
01:00:06 They're third in the AFC South right now.
01:00:07 - There could be three AFC South teams go to the playoffs.
01:00:11 Which was a take by somebody on this podcast.
01:00:15 - Jags are not that good.
01:00:18 - They're up and down.
01:00:20 They're up and down.
01:00:21 - The defense is kind of falling apart.
01:00:21 Trevor Lawrence, bad ankle.
01:00:23 What's that?
01:00:24 - You just said like two or three weeks ago
01:00:27 the Jags are legit.
01:00:28 They're good ball players.
01:00:29 - Two or three weeks ago it has happened.
01:00:30 I'm like, oh, maybe not.
01:00:32 - Taylor's NFL takes are being crazy.
01:00:34 (laughing)
01:00:35 - They're fluctuating.
01:00:37 Y'all don't like my takes?
01:00:39 - John Payton, not that good a coach.
01:00:41 - I thought I was right about that too.
01:00:42 - Starting quarterback in the NFL.
01:00:44 - Better than Kirk Cousins.
01:00:46 - Still starting.
01:00:47 I don't see Kirk starting.
01:00:48 - Hey, what a wild win by the way.
01:00:49 Three nothing over the Raiders.
01:00:51 - Max Crosby went off.
01:00:52 - Yeah, we have two and a half.
01:00:54 - Two and a half, 10 total tackles.
01:00:56 - Bro.
01:00:58 - Justin Jaffer.
01:00:59 - That's good 'cause I feel like the defensive player
01:01:01 of the year was getting away from him a little bit.
01:01:03 - The what?
01:01:06 - The defense, like being in the hunt
01:01:07 for defensive player of the year
01:01:08 was kind of getting away from him.
01:01:09 - Oh yeah.
01:01:10 - He had a couple of weeks where there wasn't
01:01:11 statistically great and then a couple other guys
01:01:12 were having some good games.
01:01:14 How's that for a two?
01:01:15 (laughing)
01:01:18 - By the way, shit to get you beat,
01:01:22 lining up off sides.
01:01:23 - Bro.
01:01:25 - Look, at the end of the day,
01:01:28 you can't line up off sides.
01:01:30 You can't line up off sides.
01:01:31 You can't put it into the rest's hand.
01:01:33 - I agree with, Tony fucking sucks.
01:01:35 - Whoa.
01:01:37 - Come on, man.
01:01:38 - Is this the kind of taste you want me to give?
01:01:38 - Hey.
01:01:39 - He's got a family.
01:01:40 - Jesus Christ.
01:01:41 - He has single-handedly lost
01:01:42 the Chiefs two games this year.
01:01:44 - This is a For the Boys podcast.
01:01:45 Say it differently.
01:01:46 - Tony.
01:01:48 - Mean it, but say it differently.
01:01:49 - Yeah, say another source said it.
01:01:50 Don't say you said it.
01:01:51 - Yeah.
01:01:52 - Yeah, I heard that from a reliable source.
01:01:55 - No, my sources.
01:01:57 - But he has single-handedly lost
01:01:59 the Chiefs two games this year.
01:02:01 The ball that went right through his hands
01:02:03 against the lines and was a pick six.
01:02:04 - First game of the year.
01:02:06 - And this one.
01:02:07 Like he.
01:02:09 - Game never comes down to one play.
01:02:10 - Yeah, come on, man.
01:02:11 It's never one play, never one player.
01:02:13 - Here we go.
01:02:15 - Mitch, you know that.
01:02:16 - I do know that, but.
01:02:17 - You played ball.
01:02:18 - That, that literally, that play,
01:02:21 like last night, was the reason we lost the game.
01:02:24 'Cause he scored.
01:02:25 He literally scored a touchdown on that play.
01:02:27 But his toe was on the line,
01:02:30 which it shouldn't be, and I agree.
01:02:32 It like, he was lined up,
01:02:34 and I don't know how you are that close to the line,
01:02:37 and you can't look down and see that you're
01:02:39 fucking over the ball.
01:02:41 And he doesn't like, have the wherewithal to be like,
01:02:43 "Oh, I gotta back up a little bit."
01:02:45 Like, that is on him completely.
01:02:48 - You don't think the ref shouldn't have called it?
01:02:51 - I mean, there are, the point where the ref was saying
01:02:55 like it was so blatant that we can't,
01:02:58 I don't agree with that.
01:02:59 But like, there is some part of like being a right receiver,
01:03:03 you have to look in at the ball
01:03:04 and see where you're standing at.
01:03:05 Yes, you check and they'll tell you like,
01:03:07 back up a little bit, whatever.
01:03:09 If you're, if it's that blatant
01:03:11 and you're that close to the ball,
01:03:12 like literally like a split end,
01:03:14 you need to realize I need to back up.
01:03:17 - I agree with you.
01:03:17 Like to me, it's, you know what?
01:03:20 - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:03:21 - Yeah, that's why you see a lot of that,
01:03:23 guys just point to the side to be clear.
01:03:24 - You gotta be set for a full second,
01:03:27 for a full count.
01:03:28 'Cause that's what we were talking about before the show
01:03:29 is if this is a two minute drive
01:03:31 and the clock is running,
01:03:33 this play should have been let go.
01:03:35 We just kind of let them do their thing,
01:03:37 but the clock wasn't running.
01:03:40 We play, is that play?
01:03:41 - That is, it's so blatant.
01:03:45 - I just wanna see the pre-snap.
01:03:47 - I agree, I agree.
01:03:48 - 'Cause people are like, oh, you can't call then.
01:03:50 It's like, I mean, they honestly threw the flag.
01:03:51 It's not like they knew the touchdown was gonna happen.
01:03:53 The flag's already out there, you know,
01:03:55 before the play unfolds.
01:03:58 So the fact that it's like, oh, we're trying to, yeah, bro.
01:04:00 That was incredible.
01:04:03 - That's another reason why I'm pissed
01:04:05 'cause that play was so sick.
01:04:07 - It was awesome.
01:04:07 - That he just ruined it.
01:04:08 - So sick.
01:04:09 He just rips it, dude.
01:04:11 - That play would go down in history.
01:04:13 - Yeah, you can't even see it.
01:04:16 So wild.
01:04:22 I mean, he is so in the neutral zone.
01:04:26 Like he's literally almost.
01:04:29 - And he's looking at the floor.
01:04:30 - If he was lined up with Vaughn,
01:04:31 he'd be touching toes.
01:04:32 - Yeah.
01:04:33 - Travis probably just told him right before the play,
01:04:36 like, hey, I'm about to catch it
01:04:37 and I'm gonna throw it at you.
01:04:38 Be ready.
01:04:38 He's like, hold on.
01:04:39 - You know, Travis, he'll just,
01:04:40 he'll just game it up out there.
01:04:42 - Be ready.
01:04:43 - Pat was, yeah, so was Andy Reid.
01:04:46 I get it, definitely a very high emotional moment.
01:04:48 So, you know, you're definitely yelling at the refs.
01:04:52 I know, and just being like,
01:04:54 oh, it was the worst call of all time.
01:04:56 That's just emotional.
01:04:56 He wanted to win that game bad.
01:04:58 - I didn't feel any type of way about that, though.
01:04:59 Like they were disrespecting Josh.
01:05:01 Or Pat was disrespecting Josh.
01:05:03 - Yeah, no, it wasn't like that.
01:05:04 - I feel like K was trying to say that
01:05:05 on the show this morning.
01:05:07 - Saying that.
01:05:07 - How do you feel about this?
01:05:08 Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:05:09 - You just said it.
01:05:10 - Yeah.
01:05:11 - You're probably trying to get used to it.
01:05:12 - You know me, bro.
01:05:12 You know me, I wiggle around everything.
01:05:13 (laughing)
01:05:14 You ain't gonna get me.
01:05:15 Yeah.
01:05:17 That, that's a shitty play.
01:05:19 And it's not the first play,
01:05:21 a neutral zone situation
01:05:22 that the Chiefs have gotten fucked for.
01:05:24 Patriots a few years ago, AFC Championship.
01:05:26 B-4, right?
01:05:29 That's crazy, 'cause we were talking about it,
01:05:31 like the end of the Patriots.
01:05:33 That's it.
01:05:34 And then, do it again.
01:05:37 And the Patriots win.
01:05:38 - And you wanna talk about Tiki Tak call,
01:05:39 the holding call at the end of the game
01:05:40 in the Super Bowl this past year.
01:05:43 - That was a wild thing.
01:05:44 - I'll be like the first Chiefs fan to tell you
01:05:45 that yes, it was Tiki Tak.
01:05:47 - Come on.
01:05:47 - But like, it's not.
01:05:48 - Correct.
01:05:49 So if you say, but that's not like technically,
01:05:51 if you're all sides.
01:05:52 - What are you saying?
01:05:53 Come on, come on.
01:05:54 - Like technically, did he grab, was it a subtle hold?
01:05:58 Sure.
01:05:59 Technically, is he lined up in the neutral zone?
01:06:01 - Yes.
01:06:01 - No, and that's what I said.
01:06:02 Like, he is off sides.
01:06:04 The flag in the Super Bowl was Tiki Tak.
01:06:07 You have to call it, but it's like,
01:06:09 I'm more pissed at Tony than the refs.
01:06:12 I'm more pissed at Tony than I am at him.
01:06:13 - You don't call that.
01:06:14 You let the boys play.
01:06:15 - Yeah, let the boys figure it out.
01:06:16 'Cause there's a penalty on literally every play.
01:06:18 - That's where you go, hey, boys will be boys.
01:06:19 Let 'em go.
01:06:20 - But that's when you can't sit there and put on the refs
01:06:21 and yell down the line of scrimmage,
01:06:23 hey, back up, back up.
01:06:24 It's like, they don't do that with defensive linemen.
01:06:26 Offensive guys already have,
01:06:28 every part of the game is centric around the offense,
01:06:31 winning and scoring.
01:06:33 So it's like, they don't do all that stuff
01:06:34 for the defensive guys.
01:06:35 Hey, back up, you're in the neutral zone.
01:06:37 You know what I mean?
01:06:38 It's like, you just gotta check.
01:06:39 - Gotta check.
01:06:42 - I know, I just--
01:06:43 - Do you wanna maybe read, like, adjust that statement
01:06:47 before we go on to the--
01:06:49 - What part?
01:06:50 - Tony sucks.
01:06:51 - Tony is, he has all the talent in the world,
01:06:55 but for some reason, he cannot put it together.
01:06:57 He's just not about it.
01:06:58 - That's how you say it for the boys right there.
01:07:01 That's how you say it for the boys.
01:07:02 - You see his routes that he runs and he's just--
01:07:03 - For a second I thought, oh, Mitch is drunk again.
01:07:05 - All he needs is a clip of him being like,
01:07:06 Tony sucks, and all of a sudden, oh, whoa!
01:07:08 That's all we needed.
01:07:11 - His routes are crispy, but he can't catch the ball.
01:07:14 - What's crazy is he caught the ball
01:07:15 to put it in the end zone that last,
01:07:17 that play that you're talking about.
01:07:18 He sucks.
01:07:19 - Tied it just fine.
01:07:21 - Let's move on to the twisted question.
01:07:27 - Yeah, yeah, you got something good for us, Mitch?
01:07:29 - Oh, so you've fully decided
01:07:33 you're no longer doing this one.
01:07:34 - No, they, he, this person reached out to me
01:07:36 and was like, I'm tired of seeing you getting destroyed.
01:07:39 I got you.
01:07:41 - Was it a text or a tweet?
01:07:42 - A tweet.
01:07:43 - Nice.
01:07:44 Twisted question brought to you by Twisted Tea,
01:07:45 the smoothest hard iced tea out there.
01:07:47 Perfect for pool parties, college game days.
01:07:48 Keep it twisted with Twisted Tea.
01:07:50 Grab a refreshing Twisted Tea today.
01:07:54 Go ahead, Mitch.
01:07:56 You want to give this guy a shout out?
01:07:57 You're gonna take this one for yourself.
01:07:59 - I'm gonna give the guy a shout out.
01:08:00 I just have to find it.
01:08:01 - Twisted Tea, hopefully as everybody's listening to this,
01:08:03 they saw a Twisted Tea appearance from our manning cast.
01:08:07 - Oh yeah.
01:08:09 Hopefully that the Titans do what they're supposed to do.
01:08:12 - Right.
01:08:13 - There will be a Twisted Tea appearance.
01:08:15 - Yeah.
01:08:15 - Also, shit that gets you beat.
01:08:18 You see the CEO or founder of Arizona Iced Tea?
01:08:21 - Yeah.
01:08:23 - Saying that Twisted Tea sucks
01:08:24 and so I'm gonna go ahead and make a better one.
01:08:27 He's gonna go bankrupt in three years.
01:08:28 What's your question?
01:08:29 - Good luck.
01:08:30 - This comes from Tom_Shoot13 on Twitter.
01:08:35 He says, "Knowing you aren't gonna make the NFL,
01:08:38 "would you rather be a big star on a smaller,"
01:08:41 Jesus, let me restart.
01:08:42 - All right.
01:08:43 - "Knowing you aren't making the NFL,
01:08:45 "would you rather be a big star in a smaller college
01:08:48 "like a non-Power Five school
01:08:50 "or an average player at a big college
01:08:53 "like Bama, Georgia, Michigan, Nebraska?"
01:08:56 Like a small, like an average player there.
01:09:00 Knowing you aren't gonna make the NFL.
01:09:02 - Two things before we answer that question.
01:09:04 - Here we go.
01:09:05 - Mitch is really turning into Bloss.
01:09:06 He really is.
01:09:09 - Oh.
01:09:10 - He's starting to gain those characteristics.
01:09:11 - Oh.
01:09:12 - Second thing, he said big school,
01:09:14 like Georgia, Alabama, Michigan, Nebraska.
01:09:17 What did he not say?
01:09:18 - I'm not gonna say Ohio State
01:09:20 because then I'm just meat riding.
01:09:23 - But Ohio State is a big school.
01:09:25 - It is. - It's a big school.
01:09:26 - You can thrust on top of that if you want to.
01:09:29 - It's a top 10 school that you claim to be a fan of.
01:09:31 - Just answer the question.
01:09:32 - Bloss never got that mad though.
01:09:35 - Big star average.
01:09:37 Do we get to pick the team?
01:09:39 I'll be an average player on Alabama.
01:09:40 - Same.
01:09:41 - Average player all day
01:09:43 'cause you know how many women
01:09:45 (laughing)
01:09:46 strickle down economics that comes from that.
01:09:48 - You watch "Boob Outfit" too many times.
01:09:49 - Strickle down economics.
01:09:50 - I'm not even close.
01:09:52 - Give me literally--
01:09:52 - I don't know if that's a good one.
01:09:54 - Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, any SEC program.
01:09:58 And dude, you're gonna have a good time
01:09:59 at the end of the day.
01:10:00 And not a lot of pressure.
01:10:02 If you're that dog at a non-Power Five school,
01:10:04 you lose, there's like 2,300 kids
01:10:07 who have a horrible week because of you.
01:10:08 - Yeah, probably more.
01:10:10 - Yeah, I mean, I'm just averaging.
01:10:12 - All the upside, no downside.
01:10:14 - Yeah, average guy, you might get that one shot
01:10:17 where you make a play
01:10:18 and then you're cemented as a legend there
01:10:23 just 'cause you were some classic average white guy
01:10:26 who made a catch.
01:10:27 - Hold up the ring.
01:10:28 (laughing)
01:10:29 Like doing a project.
01:10:30 - I know like three of these average white guys,
01:10:33 which in reality, they're not average athletes.
01:10:35 They're average to what's going on at Alabama.
01:10:40 But these guys, I have a dude who has two rings
01:10:42 and he played three snaps.
01:10:44 - Preston Dial and who else?
01:10:46 - I don't wanna throw names out there.
01:10:48 I'm not throwing my average white guys.
01:10:49 - I did wanna throw a little jab at Preston right there.
01:10:52 - Well, I mean, if you played three plays
01:10:53 and has two rings, I don't think you're throwing them
01:10:55 out there, just that is what it is.
01:10:57 - Yeah, look, I'm being the average white guy.
01:10:59 That's all I know.
01:11:00 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, 100% be the average white guy.
01:11:02 - Dude, say his name, Jack.
01:11:04 - It's our boy, Mac.
01:11:05 - Okay, Mac, shout out to you.
01:11:07 Shout out, Mac, you got two more rings than me.
01:11:09 - Might have more.
01:11:10 - A few rings and still have your knees, brother.
01:11:11 Good job.
01:11:12 - Two more rings and two more knees.
01:11:14 - Yeah, you good.
01:11:16 - Would anybody else take the small school?
01:11:18 - Star of the small school.
01:11:19 - I feel like that'd be like a JP realm right there.
01:11:20 I think that's something you could dial.
01:11:21 - I think Mitch would.
01:11:22 - Mitch hasn't answered yet.
01:11:23 - I'm not gonna say that.
01:11:28 - Bro, we've seen the film, solid.
01:11:32 - Yeah, I mean, it was nice being a good player
01:11:34 at a small school.
01:11:36 Like, I wouldn't change it for the world.
01:11:38 I don't know if I would wanna go to like a bigger school
01:11:40 and be that, and not play.
01:11:44 - No, you didn't say that, you said average.
01:11:46 - Average. - Average.
01:11:47 - You're playing games.
01:11:48 You're in the fight with the boys.
01:11:50 - Would you rather have your experience
01:11:52 or be at a D1 school your senior year
01:11:55 and not see the field at all?
01:11:56 - I'd rather have my experience 10 out of 10 times.
01:11:59 - That's how you live all this life, man.
01:12:04 - That's the D3 football life.
01:12:06 - Yeah.
01:12:06 - Yeah.
01:12:09 - What else do we have?
01:12:11 - I got something.
01:12:12 It's a question for JP.
01:12:14 We were in Chicago a couple of weeks ago
01:12:16 and you said you had a take about Christmas music.
01:12:20 - Oh yeah.
01:12:21 - And I'd like to bring that back up.
01:12:23 - My take with Christmas music,
01:12:25 this year, it's two small things.
01:12:28 One of them, Thanksgiving felt like a little earlier
01:12:31 this year in November.
01:12:33 And then people, I think Christmas music
01:12:35 should be for December.
01:12:36 Not, no time in November at all.
01:12:41 Second, I think artists from all genres are lazy
01:12:46 when it comes to their Christmas,
01:12:48 when it comes to the Christmas time.
01:12:50 We've been listening to the same Christmas songs
01:12:52 for my entire life.
01:12:55 It seems like my parents were listening to the same songs
01:12:58 that I'm listening to.
01:12:59 We can't get an artist to come in here
01:13:01 and lay down an original, something new,
01:13:05 something different than all the old stuff.
01:13:08 I think artists are lazy when it comes
01:13:09 to their Christmas music.
01:13:11 And that's my take.
01:13:14 - When's the last time an original Christmas song
01:13:16 came out that was a hit?
01:13:17 - I'll tell you what, they do a good job.
01:13:22 They do a good job with their Christmas album.
01:13:24 Shout out.
01:13:25 Is it the podcast that does it, New Heights?
01:13:27 Or is it the Philly, the Eagles?
01:13:30 - Mylotta, Johnson, and Jason Kelce.
01:13:32 They call it like a Philly Christmas.
01:13:34 - Philly Christmas.
01:13:34 I mean, it's a banger.
01:13:35 I always love seeing the content that they have behind it.
01:13:37 - Yeah, it's really good.
01:13:38 It was a great idea.
01:13:39 - Yeah.
01:13:40 You said Mylotta?
01:13:43 - Go to Mylotta, he's your friend.
01:13:44 - Go to Mylotta.
01:13:45 Dude, his voice is insane.
01:13:46 - Who's the D-Tackle from Georgia?
01:13:48 Did you hear him?
01:13:49 - Yeah.
01:13:50 - Bro, he sounds incredible too.
01:13:52 - Yeah, I mean, so your take is essentially
01:13:56 we need more original Christmas music.
01:13:57 - Yeah, we need updated Christmas music.
01:13:59 - You don't like the old stuff.
01:14:01 - It's being overplayed.
01:14:02 - That's more of a take is, the old stuff is washed.
01:14:05 - Yeah, like if it comes off--
01:14:06 - Well, then the take goes to,
01:14:07 he doesn't like Christmas music.
01:14:08 - Right, which that's how it always turns.
01:14:11 It's just like my pumpkin spice thing.
01:14:13 - The old school Christmas music is washed.
01:14:16 JP Hovey.
01:14:16 - Sure, washed.
01:14:19 If that's what we need to get the ball rolling
01:14:21 for new music, I'll, yeah, I could stay on that.
01:14:24 - You just wanna see more.
01:14:26 You wanna see some innovation in the Christmas series.
01:14:28 - Yeah.
01:14:29 - I don't disagree with you.
01:14:30 I think there's some voices out there.
01:14:32 - There's a lot of good voices out there.
01:14:34 - A great opportunity for Zach Bryant.
01:14:36 - A lot of good opportunities.
01:14:37 - Chris Stapleton.
01:14:38 I mean, that is some more like the Western country vibe,
01:14:41 but who else?
01:14:43 Who else would be, who else do you think
01:14:44 would do really good?
01:14:45 - Get Gunna on there, just ripping a Christmas album.
01:14:48 - Yeah, Adele.
01:14:49 - Yeah, Adele would be good.
01:14:51 - Get Mike on there.
01:14:53 - Who's that, that--
01:14:54 - Sam Smith, but doesn't Sam Smith
01:14:55 have some Christmas music?
01:14:57 - Oh yeah.
01:14:58 - Yeah.
01:14:58 - It's mostly covers.
01:14:59 - Mostly covers, okay.
01:15:01 He's got the voice.
01:15:03 - Yeah, of an angel.
01:15:04 - Of an angel.
01:15:06 - Yeah, someone needs to do that, hit some new Christmas--
01:15:07 - I really can't stay.
01:15:09 - Baby, it's cold outside.
01:15:11 - Whoa, bro.
01:15:11 - That's my favorite.
01:15:12 - I know about that song now.
01:15:13 - Yeah, I know about it, it's still my favorite.
01:15:16 - What are the top three Christmas songs to y'all?
01:15:19 - Deer Talk?
01:15:22 - Yeah, we can hit a Deer Talk.
01:15:23 - We'd have to take a few minutes.
01:15:25 We'd have to take a few minutes.
01:15:26 - You guys wanna do a Deer Talk?
01:15:27 - Christmas movie or Christmas songs?
01:15:29 I don't even know if we wanna do this right now, but.
01:15:31 - Yeah, we can do it next week and prepare more.
01:15:33 - Yeah.
01:15:34 - I won't be on the pod next week.
01:15:36 - Next week, oh, and next week is...
01:15:38 Yeah, next week is our Christmas podcast.
01:15:47 'Cause the one after that's best of.
01:15:49 - Yeah.
01:15:49 - Hey.
01:15:50 - So we're gonna have to get the lights on the bus,
01:15:51 maybe we do the Deer Talk, the list.
01:15:53 We could do White Elephant.
01:15:55 - Oh, yeah.
01:15:57 That'd be fun.
01:15:57 - No, Taylor--
01:15:59 - Something to think about, something to think about.
01:16:00 - We could zoom you in, Taylor,
01:16:02 for at least 20 minutes.
01:16:04 - Yeah.
01:16:05 - I think I'll be in the middle of that thing I have to do.
01:16:07 Better run this time.
01:16:10 Oh, yeah.
01:16:11 Let's go to war, boys.
01:16:12 - Play some Tee Grizzley before you go in.
01:16:15 - Oh, I'm gonna play that Baby It's Cold Outside.
01:16:17 That will get me hyped up.
01:16:19 That's a bummer.
01:16:20 I'm gonna miss you, boys.
01:16:22 - 'Cause we do, it's only next week
01:16:24 and then everybody's gone.
01:16:25 But we could do the White Elephant stuff
01:16:30 on Tuesday when he's here.
01:16:32 - Yeah.
01:16:32 - I DM'd Andrew Huberman this weekend.
01:16:34 - Did you?
01:16:35 Did he DM back?
01:16:36 - No.
01:16:36 - How about The Rock?
01:16:38 - No, and neither did Joe Rogan.
01:16:40 So I actually had a big weekend of getting silenced.
01:16:43 - Shooting and missing.
01:16:44 - Shooting and missing, but--
01:16:45 - What was the Rogan one?
01:16:47 - I said, "Hey, you're gonna be in Vegas this next weekend."
01:16:49 - They was trying to run a pod without you and Rogan.
01:16:52 - He said, "Hey, I'm available on three."
01:16:53 - Could you imagine?
01:16:54 Could you imagine?
01:16:55 - By the way, The Rock, what a massive--
01:16:57 - That was so big.
01:16:59 - Massive for the boys.
01:17:02 - Well, there comes the hand.
01:17:04 You and that hand.
01:17:06 He's gotta come on the show in 24.
01:17:08 - Yeah.
01:17:09 - Got to.
01:17:10 - I feel like it's very much, like we're getting there.
01:17:13 - What's our next step?
01:17:15 Do we reach out to his people now or do we--
01:17:18 - I know one of his people
01:17:20 and they texted me over the weekend and was like,
01:17:23 "Hey, I can get this in front of,
01:17:27 "I will try my best to get this in front of his face
01:17:29 "before the holidays, but we have to send over
01:17:31 "all the formal stuff that those people
01:17:35 "like you to send over."
01:17:37 - Yeah, at the end of the day, we will go wherever
01:17:38 The Rock is.
01:17:39 We would love to work on the Iron Paradise.
01:17:41 We'd love to do it there, but we will go,
01:17:43 we will bend the earth to sit down and interview.
01:17:46 - Do you understand what he just said?
01:17:48 We're gonna bend the earth to get that done.
01:17:51 'Cause this could be just so much more than a podcast.
01:17:53 You're right, Iron Paradise, wake up.
01:17:54 Let's spend a day with The Rock and do what he does.
01:17:57 - The Rama boys.
01:17:58 - Yes.
01:17:59 Get up in the morning.
01:18:00 Get after it.
01:18:02 - You say do what, Mitch?
01:18:04 No, yeah, diet of fuck it meals.
01:18:06 This is, we got the case of the fuck its.
01:18:09 Yeah, massive.
01:18:10 All the French toast and cookies.
01:18:13 - Cookies, yeah, dude.
01:18:13 - Sweet butter, cookies.
01:18:15 - What remedy is that?
01:18:17 Who makes that for him?
01:18:17 Is that him?
01:18:18 - Trin makes it.
01:18:19 - Just gotta ask him.
01:18:20 - We gotta ask him.
01:18:21 - E-ball.
01:18:22 - But also, if he came to Nashville
01:18:22 and actually sat on this bus, that would be--
01:18:23 - That would be insane.
01:18:24 - Clearly iconic.
01:18:25 I'm just thinking that we will probably have to go to him
01:18:27 and make it work.
01:18:28 - Right, which is fair.
01:18:29 - It's all good, trust me.
01:18:30 - We'll do whatever it takes.
01:18:30 - I think it'd be a fun experience,
01:18:32 a more fun experience for us to go see him
01:18:35 and do some of the things he does and make a day out of it.
01:18:37 - Maybe, maybe both.
01:18:39 - Yeah, I mean, we just gotta get--
01:18:41 - Rock, you come to the bus, we'll go to the bus,
01:18:42 then we'll, you know, we'll go, we'll get the PJ.
01:18:44 - You help us, we'll help you.
01:18:45 - We'll get you back home, yeah.
01:18:46 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:18:47 That's big time, big time.
01:18:49 So yeah, tell him yes, JP.
01:18:52 We're in to hang out with The Rock,
01:18:55 if you guys are wondering.
01:18:55 - One of the most iconic wrestlers of all time.
01:18:58 I'm just saying, I know I've went on a lot of those spiels.
01:19:00 - I know, but go keep going again, it's great.
01:19:03 I literally was laying, I was going to bed the other night
01:19:07 and I, as the lights were off, TV's off,
01:19:09 I sit there and I go, hey Tay, I wish,
01:19:12 I wish so bad I was into wrestling as a kid.
01:19:14 (laughing)
01:19:15 - Oh damn, bro.
01:19:16 - 'Cause I hate these dudes that watch wrestling,
01:19:17 you and I think Gillis too.
01:19:19 - Yeah.
01:19:19 - Like you guys just sit there and talk about those,
01:19:22 I remember this happened, remember when that happened.
01:19:23 I was at SummerSlam last year and Derek's giving me
01:19:27 like the play by play of who's who and what storylines what
01:19:30 and I'm like, bro, this is a whole world I missed out on.
01:19:33 - Yeah, it's insane, like we would buy the pay-per-views,
01:19:36 man, small town Missouri, it's wrestling,
01:19:38 wrestling, it's football, it's NASCAR.
01:19:42 - Walmart's.
01:19:43 - It's Walmart's.
01:19:44 - That's what we do, dude.
01:19:46 - Yeah, bro, wrestling truly was the best.
01:19:49 In playing WWE, Raw, like SmackDown, all those games.
01:19:53 - Hell in a Cell.
01:19:54 - My God.
01:19:57 - Yeah.
01:19:58 - We'd love to have you.
01:19:59 Should we talk about the shittiest moment?
01:20:03 - Yeah, go ahead.
01:20:04 - Shittiest moments, yeah.
01:20:07 - What did you just do?
01:20:13 That's all right, grab the dude wipes.
01:20:17 I'll hold them for you.
01:20:18 - Damn it.
01:20:21 Dude wipes, drop the TP and pick up dude wipes,
01:20:26 the wet, extra large, flushable wipe
01:20:28 that clears instead of smears.
01:20:29 Wiping wet just cleans better than wiping dry.
01:20:32 Get confidently clean with dude wipes
01:20:34 that get all the crap toilet paper out of your ass.
01:20:37 You can pick up dude wipes on Amazon or Target
01:20:40 and Walmart nationwide, dude wipes.
01:20:43 - Dude wipes.
01:20:44 - Shittiest moment for us is more of a literal one.
01:20:46 Rue shitting the tub this weekend, man.
01:20:50 It was kind of like one of those things
01:20:50 we had to get a scooper and figure out
01:20:52 how do we want to get this out?
01:20:53 We scooped it out, put it into the toilet.
01:20:56 It's gross, but fortunately for me,
01:20:59 I was seeing a lot of comments,
01:21:00 everybody was surprised.
01:21:01 Taylor one, that it took Rue this long.
01:21:03 Then I was thinking about, I mean, I was like,
01:21:04 yeah, I guess if they're like infant,
01:21:06 they could just spew out shit at any moment.
01:21:09 Yeah, yeah, watery shit at any moment.
01:21:11 - Throw in the tub, clean the tub,
01:21:12 refill the tub, new bath.
01:21:13 - The fortunate one, these were hard,
01:21:14 they were healthy shits, and it was more just like,
01:21:17 you know, get them out of the tub.
01:21:19 It was a, you know,
01:21:21 Charles, you're gonna have to do this.
01:21:22 My shittiest moment is finding out
01:21:24 that it took this long for Rue to shit in the tub.
01:21:27 It makes me reevaluate my kids.
01:21:28 I wonder what was wrong with them.
01:21:30 'Cause I was like, man, are you guys not as developed?
01:21:31 What's going on?
01:21:32 You guys gotta figure it out.
01:21:33 So that was a tough moment for me as well,
01:21:35 watching you go through that.
01:21:36 (laughing)
01:21:37 - Yeah, yeah, it was interesting.
01:21:40 Like, Rue shit in the tub.
01:21:42 I was like, fuck.
01:21:44 - Oh, you weren't up there?
01:21:45 - No, it was Charles' night for a bath.
01:21:47 - Nice, smart.
01:21:48 - Charles' night for a bathtub.
01:21:50 - What?
01:21:52 - No, it's just funny.
01:21:53 The way you put it out on Twitter,
01:21:55 it felt like you were in the trenches.
01:21:57 (laughing)
01:21:58 - I mean, I was.
01:21:59 You gotta go up there.
01:22:00 You gotta see the shit in the water.
01:22:00 - Anytime you gotta walk upstairs.
01:22:01 - You gotta kinda--
01:22:02 - Those quote graphics I do of you with your tweet,
01:22:05 that would've been a perfect one.
01:22:06 You not in the bathroom at all, downstairs on the couch.
01:22:09 - Oh yeah, I'll get, what I'll do,
01:22:11 I'll get Charles to take a photo of me on the couch.
01:22:14 You can redo it.
01:22:15 Or not redo it, but you can throw it out there
01:22:17 if we clip this like that.
01:22:19 - But yeah, for everybody wondering,
01:22:20 yeah, I was not, it's not like
01:22:22 I saw the shit come out of her ass.
01:22:25 That would've been a very much more traumatizing moment
01:22:28 because I'm not a, yeah.
01:22:30 - I have my, my youngest does this thing right now
01:22:37 where at night when I go to take her to the bathroom,
01:22:41 she goes pee and then she waits
01:22:43 until the whole entire routine is done.
01:22:46 And it's literally time to go to bed.
01:22:48 And then it's, I gotta poop.
01:22:50 And then I gotta go put her on the toilet
01:22:51 after doing the whole routine,
01:22:52 pajamas back down, everything.
01:22:54 And then I sit on the toilet and she's like, sit with me.
01:22:56 I'm like, no, I've done that too many times.
01:22:58 I'm not gonna do that, honey.
01:22:59 It's time for bed.
01:23:00 You have to go poop and we have to go right to bed.
01:23:02 And I go sit on the couch in her room and wait.
01:23:05 And then she goes and gets the stool,
01:23:06 pants around her ankles and waddles it over.
01:23:09 And she goes, come on, daddy.
01:23:11 And I'm like, all right, this will make it go faster.
01:23:13 Then I gotta sit there and she kinda leans on me
01:23:15 and I tickle her back and you hear it coming out.
01:23:18 And that's not fun for me.
01:23:20 - Yeah, daddy, that's tough.
01:23:25 I love you.
01:23:26 - It is a nice moment, not the smell.
01:23:29 But yes, kids and shit, dude, it's just a weird deal.
01:23:32 - Kids and shit.
01:23:33 - My kids are in a phase right now
01:23:34 of just loving shit right now too.
01:23:35 Like loving talking about peeing and pooping.
01:23:37 They think it's the funniest thing in the world.
01:23:38 - I don't think I'd know what I'd do
01:23:39 if they diarrhea in the water.
01:23:43 - It's a mess.
01:23:45 It's a mess.
01:23:46 They wanna joke about it.
01:23:47 Oh, I pooped on daddy's head
01:23:48 and they're in the back laughing.
01:23:50 - Y'all wanna see some poop.
01:23:53 - Yeah, the wind got in big trouble.
01:23:56 Got in big trouble.
01:23:57 Mommy's putting the hammer down on poop right now.
01:23:59 No more potty talk.
01:24:00 She got some chips taken away from her yesterday.
01:24:02 The world was ending.
01:24:04 Just like this show.
01:24:05 - It's your punishment.
01:24:08 - The Cleveland steamer right on the chest.
01:24:12 - Yeah, we got anything else, boys?
01:24:14 - That was all the ads and all the segments.
01:24:16 - Good.
01:24:17 - Fun time.
01:24:18 - Fun time.
01:24:19 - Just the boys being boys.
01:24:21 - Hanging out, living the dream.
01:24:22 - Anything, yeah.
01:24:24 Anybody got anything else?
01:24:26 - If you wanna--
01:24:27 - Oh, Survivor.
01:24:28 It's kind of hard to talk about
01:24:29 'cause you guys, we haven't watched.
01:24:30 We're recording on Monday.
01:24:31 The Monday episode is obviously not out yet.
01:24:34 So I don't wanna give any spoilers.
01:24:37 - Is the finale this week or will the finale be next week?
01:24:39 - No, so the finale is Wednesday.
01:24:41 So as you're listening tomorrow night,
01:24:43 the finale is Wednesday at 7 p.m.
01:24:46 And then we're going to be live streaming
01:24:49 the reunion of it all,
01:24:50 where everybody will know who the winner is
01:24:53 because they're breaking it all the way down.
01:24:55 And then there's a final three
01:24:56 that goes into essentially the live stream.
01:24:59 So nobody knows who won.
01:25:00 Nobody knows any of that stuff.
01:25:01 But all of that is, you haven't seen it, binge it.
01:25:04 Finale comes out Wednesday.
01:25:07 Stream right after that.
01:25:08 Live stream reunion led by Kelly Keegs.
01:25:10 I think it will be very interesting.
01:25:12 - Yeah, in the live stream.
01:25:14 We will find out in real time who wins.
01:25:17 - Are all the participants gonna be in the same place?
01:25:20 - Yeah, all 14.
01:25:21 - So you guys, you gotta fly somewhere.
01:25:22 - The jury, the finalists, like recapping all of it.
01:25:25 - You gotta fly somewhere on whatever the reunion is.
01:25:28 - Yeah, I'll be, yeah, that's why I'm leaving on Wednesday.
01:25:30 Yeah, it's in Chicago.
01:25:31 - Gotcha.
01:25:32 - Who are you most excited to see, either butt head?
01:25:36 Who are you personally most excited to see
01:25:37 and who are you excited for them to see each other
01:25:40 now that they've seen the final cut of everything?
01:25:42 - I think this one's been out there.
01:25:44 So I think Kirk and Che,
01:25:48 because there's some things that you now learn
01:25:50 that Che did in the show that I think will be good.
01:25:54 I think--
01:25:55 - Like Jerry and Dave will be--
01:25:56 - Jerry and Dave.
01:25:58 And also, I think there'll be some New York, Chicago vibes.
01:26:03 Some New York versus Chicago.
01:26:06 The leaders being KFC, Big Cat.
01:26:08 I think there could be some New York, Chicago vibes
01:26:10 out there.
01:26:11 That's what I'm interested in.
01:26:13 - What about Nate and Jeff DeLow?
01:26:15 - Potentially.
01:26:19 Nate has--
01:26:20 - That was like a younger brother argument.
01:26:22 It's like, all right, let's just--
01:26:22 - Yeah, Nate's more of like, it's more of like,
01:26:24 all of his stuff is more of in the,
01:26:28 for the love of the game versus actual stuff,
01:26:33 in my opinion, what I think.
01:26:34 Oh, and then also, I also think Big Cat and Dave as well.
01:26:37 'Cause Dave's the one who got Big Cat.
01:26:39 Big Cat now came back around, took a lot of the win
01:26:44 and credit for Jerry getting Dave out,
01:26:46 which I think plays into a big schematic,
01:26:49 a big web of stuff that hopefully
01:26:51 gets brought up on Wednesday night.
01:26:54 - Oh, that'll be fun to watch.
01:26:56 Pretty good.
01:26:56 - Yeah, I mean, Rico's very much, yeah.
01:27:02 I mean, Rico can't not be in the content.
01:27:04 So he's there.
01:27:06 The old Junkyard Dog will be alive and well,
01:27:09 leading all the way up to the stream.
01:27:11 And then Kirk, now seeing him and Kirk,
01:27:13 know with all the Chase stuff and everything else,
01:27:16 I think it will get interesting for sure, for sure.
01:27:19 But no spoilers for the fellas.
01:27:23 Thank you, big hugs, tiny kisses.
01:27:25 Subscribe, leave comments, do all the fun stuff.
01:27:27 We will see you--
01:27:28 - Buy our merch.
01:27:29 - Buy our merch.
01:27:30 We will see you next week.
01:27:31 (upbeat music)
01:27:33 (upbeat music)
01:27:36 [BLANK_AUDIO]
