• 2 years ago
An angry wish brings a family's Christmas ornaments to life, unleashing havoc on Christmas Eve. | dG1fSzl4UGYwRm9lMk0
00:00 I want what every parent wants a picture-perfect holiday. Yeah, right
00:04 We're here to visit grandpa not be on our phones
00:07 Are you gonna be finished with that anytime soon? Please tell me I'm adopted family
00:12 Ever hear that rules are made to be broken
00:15 If you all wish to break family tradition
00:18 Then I wish I wish to forget this family Wow
00:28 For God's sake probably a power surge
00:55 You wish came true no ball in the house
00:59 We have to do something to get our family back I wish my family were together and safe
01:12 Crochet this
01:18 Oh you boy
01:24 You
01:26 (chimes)
01:28 (whooshing)
