• 2 years ago
Charity Shop Girl Jen Graham chatting with reporter Elaine Hammond at the Guild Care charity shop in Hove
00:00 So when you're looking at clothes are you looking at labels? Do you look for labels? Or just things you like?
00:06 I look for things that I like, yes. I mean I do, there's some things that I avoid for quality reasons.
00:12 You know, I might think that's not going to last very long if it's like very fast fashion brands.
00:18 I do tend to look for things like Biela, Winsor, you know more of like good, like things like that's Hobbs.
00:26 And if that brand is going to last, it's very good. And it's only £9.50.
00:33 So when I look at that I would think what would I wear with that and I could wear it in the spring/summer with just some like ballet boots,
00:39 jumper underneath in winter, tights, jacket, could wear it for work, could wear it to go from day to night.
00:46 So it's actually a versatile choice then isn't it?
00:48 Yes, and I'm always looking at that, I'm always looking for ideas of how I can get a lot of wear out of something.
00:55 Yes, yeah.
00:56 Rather than just jumping in and going, oh I like it.
01:00 Gym stuff, I have gym wear, which again is an expensive thing.
01:07 What I like about these shops is how everything is in its own place.
01:11 Yes.
01:12 I mean I do like a rummage but I also do like trying to shop like this as well.
01:16 I like it when they organise it in sizes because I know some don't believe in doing that and I think why?
01:21 You only want your size that you've got don't you?
01:23 I think that by not organising it in size you're putting people off because they just think I'm not going through all of that.
01:29 Yeah.
01:30 Whereas I think it would be easier if they, it's so much easier when they size order it.
01:35 That's cool.
01:37 I've got some crowning jewellery now.
01:41 I've got some jewellery here.
01:44 So you find some surprises I guess as well.
01:48 Yes, I always do.
01:49 That's the other thing isn't it? You can find something different.
01:52 Yes, and they always say don't forget to get these baskets down and rummage in these baskets because you never know what you're going to find in there.
02:01 And sometimes your best find of the day is going to be in one of these baskets.
02:06 Yes, I saw your advice to sort of go through all the items to feel.
02:10 You've got to go high and low.
02:12 Yeah.
02:13 You've got to look up at your hat.
02:14 Yeah.
02:15 My biggest tactic is always you've got to be prepared to rummage because that's how you're going to find.
02:20 Yeah.
02:21 And again if you're not a rummager and you're a first time charity shopper then just have a little list and then you can come in and go straight for coats or tops depending on what you need.
