• 2 years ago
THE DUARTES are XL bully breeders hailing from California. Parents Wayne and Johanna share their home with their three kids; Sherlene, Selena and Samuel, as well as their beloved breeding bullies; Hussle, Choko and Athena. They pride themselves on being a family focused breeder and their business social media pages are plastered with photos and videos of their tiny children interacting with their large, powerful dogs. Wayne admits: “bullies are very strong, and in the hands of the wrong person just like any dog they can do damage," but asserts that his own dogs are harmless. The family have encountered a lot of judgement online with people saying bullies are “dangerous animals bred to kill” and “I wouldn’t trust one like that around my kids for all the tea in China”. Wayne responds: “I trust my dog to take care of my kid more than I would a human being," and expresses his controversial theory that many of the XL bully attacks that make the news are “probably not pure breed bullies, it’s probably just a mix”. With the recent UK breed ban hot on everyone's minds, the family worry about the future of the breed and advocate for keeping it legal. They’ve already convinced Wayne’s dad who was initially sceptical, and the Duartes won’t stop trying to persuade the masses that the bully breed are really just gentle giants.

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00:00 People say we're bad parents.
00:02 Letting exiled bullies around our kids.
00:06 Dangerous animals bred to kill.
00:10 If somebody had been a victim of an exiled bully attack, what would you say to them?
00:18 Tina, up. Choco, up.
00:25 My name's Wayne.
00:29 My name is Joanna.
00:30 And we're exiled bully breeders.
00:32 We have three kids.
00:34 Charlene, 14.
00:35 Selena, 7.
00:36 Samuel, 5.
00:38 We also have three American bullies.
00:40 Choco, Puzzle, and Athena.
00:43 I would describe my family as unique.
00:45 We're definitely not your average family.
00:47 Why do you say you have a unique family?
00:49 Well, we have a lot of dogs.
00:51 So we got our first exiled bully, Choco, in 2019.
00:56 A year later, we got Luna.
00:58 As soon as she became of age to breed, that's when we had our first littering.
01:02 So I first heard about the breed on Instagram.
01:08 I was going through my feed.
01:09 A chocolate puppy popped up on my feed.
01:13 I showed my wife, "I want this puppy."
01:16 She's like, "Oh, you know, maybe you could wait."
01:19 I was like, "I don't think I could wait."
01:21 A few days later, Choco was with us.
01:24 My initial thoughts on the breed was just they were big, big monsters.
01:29 Big dogs.
01:30 I did sort of think about it.
01:33 It's like, "All right, my son is just two, and I'm going to bring a dog that in a couple months is going to outweigh him."
01:41 That was like my only concern.
01:44 But once he was here, Choco, that was the complete of our family.
01:48 Sit down. Sit down.
01:50 Come on, Tommy. Lay down.
01:58 Do you like the dogs? Yeah? What do you do with the dogs?
02:02 Play with them.
02:03 What do your friends think?
02:06 That they're big.
02:07 Well, none of my friends have really met them in person, just like pictures, but they said, like, "Yeah, the dog is scary."
02:14 People say we're bad parents for letting ex-cell bullies around our kids.
02:19 Bullies are very strong, and in the hands of the wrong person, just like any dog, they could do damage.
02:26 If someone were to tell me, like, "Oh, you're being an irresponsible parent by having those dogs around your kids."
02:32 Drop it. Drop it.
02:37 Drop it. Drop it.
02:40 You know, say I trust my dog to take care of my kid, then I would do a human being.
02:47 Drop it. Drop it.
02:53 Go on, drop it.
02:56 Go on, give him the ball.
03:00 Hey, Choco.
03:01 Go on, give him the ball.
03:02 A baby's feet.
03:05 Sit. Sit.
03:08 Now he can't.
03:11 Like that?
03:14 Yeah.
03:15 The little girl is like, "He's doing that."
03:22 We started posting on social media in 2019.
03:25 We try to post content that shows our kids and our dogs interacting.
03:30 The responses we have gotten on social media are positive.
03:35 And others are like, negative.
03:38 Can I grab my phone?
03:39 Yeah, go ahead.
03:40 Sammy, my phone, please.
03:42 Go back to the room.
03:45 The dog owners who flex their aggressive dogs are some of the most pathetic faces there are.
03:51 I love dogs, but wouldn't trust my toddler or young kid around one like that for all the tea in China.
03:58 Dangerous animals bred to kill.
04:00 These dogs have killed five kids in the UK in 2022.
04:05 In the UK, they banned the American Bully breed.
04:07 There's other things out there that are harming children, and they're not being banned.
04:11 So why ban a breed that's being controlled by a bad owner?
04:14 I feel like the people riding it are pathetic.
04:18 I just laugh because I think that they don't know us.
04:21 They don't know our dogs.
04:22 Your whole aspect will change.
04:24 It's just a matter of getting to know our dogs.
04:27 Stop it!
04:29 If somebody had been a victim of an ex-home bully attack, what would you say to them?
04:34 I feel like they're being called bullies, but they're probably not even a bully.
04:41 That's my big theory, is maybe these attacks aren't even purebred bullies.
04:46 It's probably just a mix.
04:48 That was a big one.
04:53 S&S Hustle.
04:55 Gonna be three.
04:57 He's excited.
04:59 Hustles, the peak weight was 127.
05:03 Hello, mijo.
05:04 How's everybody?
05:05 Good, good.
05:06 How's Choco?
05:07 Choco!
05:08 Hi, baby!
05:11 Good boy, good boy, Choco.
05:14 Yeah, my dad was skeptical.
05:16 I remember one time he told me, he's like, "You know, these dogs are known for being aggressive, for attacking kids."
05:22 Come on.
05:24 Up.
05:25 Up.
05:26 Up.
05:27 Stay.
05:28 Stay.
05:29 Up.
05:30 Stay.
05:31 Stay.
05:32 And yeah, I mean, it would bother me hearing it.
05:35 Sit, boy.
05:36 Sit.
05:37 Lay down.
05:38 Lay down.
05:39 Good boy.
05:40 Good boy.
05:41 To be honest, on the beginning I thought I was unsafe.
05:47 I heard about these dogs, they attack kids.
05:54 They were mean.
05:57 And no, you're not mean.
05:59 You're nice.
06:01 Ready to see the pups?
06:03 Ready, absolutely.
06:04 Let's go.
06:05 He's going to be picking out one of the pups off the litter from Hustle and Athena.
06:13 I like everyone, but Special something for me that one.
06:18 This one here?
06:19 Yeah.
06:20 Hey.
06:22 You and I, we're going to be very good friends.
06:26 You are so nice to me.
06:29 That's cute.
06:30 I was going to say he's like me, but no.
06:32 I'm not that cute.
06:34 This puppy here actually caught my eye from the beginning.
06:37 Very stocky.
06:38 He's going to have a huge head.
06:40 He already knows he's going to come with me.
06:43 Changing his perception on the breed is very, very big for me.
06:49 It's always good to have his back on anything that I do, especially, you know, this project.
06:55 Thank you.
06:56 My pup.
06:57 When we have gone to the park, we do tend to clear the park out.
07:01 So there was an occasion where we all went to the park, you know, as a family.
07:06 Upon arrival, we thought, you know, everything's cool.
07:09 As we got closer, we saw people getting up and started just walking away.
07:13 And, you know, I just overheard someone say, "Oh my God, those are some scary dogs," you know, as they were leaving.
07:20 Are any of your friends scary dogs?
07:22 No.
07:24 No, I'm scared of their dogs.
07:26 I'm scared of chihuahuas.
07:28 Everybody talks bad about the bullies, but nobody mentions about chihuahuas.
07:32 My mom got bit by a chihuahua at my aunt's house.
07:36 No one said anything.
07:37 Imagine, that would have been choco.
07:39 I hope to change the perception by continuing what I'm posting, my family interacting with the dogs.
07:48 If somebody was judging us for owning XL bullies, you know, we guarantee anyone that we bring you to the dog and you're going to fall in love.
07:58 What are your hopes for your future as a breeder?
08:01 There will be more dogs, bigger property for dogs.
08:07 Bigger property for more dogs.
08:08 Our dogs and our kids to roam free.
08:10 Yeah.
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