• 2 years ago
00:00 [ Background noise ]
00:15 >> Okay, and JJ will be joining us shortly.
00:19 So, Coach, we're going to begin with an opening statement from you,
00:22 and then we will go to questions from the media.
00:25 >> Okay, just incredible feeling, great thrill of victory, great thrill of winning,
00:33 wonderful, wonderful feeling of winning.
00:36 It's what our team had planned for, hoped for, worked for, most importantly,
00:44 and they stayed with it the, you know, the entire time.
00:47 It was an incredible, incredible performance, and we're just going to enjoy this one.
00:54 We're going to enjoy this one for a few days.
00:58 Team will have a week off, but, you know, our mind will get on a one-track mind to move
01:06 on in the playoffs and find out who we're going to play, and then, you know,
01:11 the team still has more goals to accomplish.
01:14 >> Please raise your hand, and we'll get a microphone to you right here.
01:22 >> Hey, Coach, your defense, a few turnovers today.
01:24 Can you talk about the overall effort, including that guy to the left of you right now?
01:30 >> Just a playmaker.
01:31 When a play has to be made, when the magic needs to happen, you know, Mikey makes it happen.
01:38 It's been game after game, you know, especially down the stretch here.
01:42 You know, these final four games, it's just been a stalwart.
01:50 You know, and sometimes, you know, he intercepts.
01:52 He makes the big hit.
01:54 He makes the big hit in the fumble, caused fumble.
01:59 Just an incredible player, and he does it by always being in the right place
02:06 where he's supposed to be, playing the right technique at all times,
02:11 leading other guys to do the exact same thing, but he also does it as a superior athlete,
02:18 and you know, when that combination comes together, superior athlete and a guy
02:23 that does everything right, you know, it's fun to watch, and glorious wing,
02:31 glorious defensive performance, and just tremendous lights out.
02:35 Three and outs, I think were maybe four on the game.
02:41 Then first, you know, one first down and out, you know, incredible.
02:46 Shutout, how many turnovers were there, three?
02:49 Three plus the four fourth down stops, and that's like seven turnovers,
02:55 and giving the ball to the offense in great position, and so just spectacular.
03:02 Blake, congratulations on tying the Michigan all-time scoring record for touchdowns,
03:09 and congratulations to Mikey, MVP.
03:13 >> Congratulations to you, Coach.
03:14 Welcome back.
03:16 >> Well, appreciate it.
03:16 >> Felt great having you back.
03:17 >> I never left.
03:18 >> Never left, but it was great having you presence on the side.
03:21 >> Question right here in front, Mike.
03:22 >> If Jim and Blake and Mikey, if you could all talk about what the significance,
03:29 I guess it's the first time three outright championships in the big ten.
03:33 Talk about that significance, if each of you could.
03:36 >> Blake, we'll start with you.
03:37 >> Start with me?
03:38 You know, it feels great, you know, I didn't know we were the first, you know, three and out,
03:45 but you know, to have three back-to-back-to-back big ten championships,
03:48 you know, it's a wonderful feeling.
03:50 You know, we've kind of changed the narrative, you know, how people look at Michigan, you know,
03:56 and so, you know, back-to-back-to-back, you know, it feels great, but like I always say,
04:00 like you know, like Kobe Bryant said, you know, the job's not finished, you know,
04:03 we set these goals at the beginning of the season, and we hold ourselves to such a high standard,
04:09 you know, we must accomplish those goals, you know, and today was a great stepping stone,
04:13 but like Coach said, you know, we're going to enjoy this one.
04:14 We're going to enjoy this one, and you know, and then we'll get back to the drawing page,
04:20 but you know, it means a lot to go back-to-back-to-back.
04:23 >> Mikey?
04:24 >> You know, it just feels great, like, you know, guys like me and Blake,
04:28 like this is what we came back for, you know, to have this success with this team, you know,
04:32 like the brotherhood that this team has is one that, you know,
04:35 I wouldn't give it up for anything in the world, and you know, this team's, you know,
04:40 going down in history, and you know, the way we go about our goals is you put everything
04:44 into the next goal, and you know, there's work to, there's more work to put in,
04:48 there's more ways to get better, but you know, like Coach is probably going to say it,
04:52 I'm going to say it first before he says, you know, the worm has turned around here.
04:55 >> I was just about to say that.
04:57 >> Yeah. But, you know, Blake just said it as well, like, you know, the narrative's changed,
05:02 but you know, for some odd reason, you know, people look at Michigan, they'll say, you know,
05:06 we don't, you know, play whoever, you know, we don't deserve to be where, you know,
05:10 wherever we are, but you know, as we say, the only people, the only things
05:14 that matter is what happens inside of Schoenbecker Hall.
05:16 >> Jim, do you want to?
05:17 >> Yeah, you took the words out of my mouth.
05:19 I mean, you know, really, you know, look at this whole group, and you know, JJ, Blake, Mikey,
05:26 you know, so many others, just the worm has turned, and these are the guys, I mean,
05:34 these Michigan football players, when you look back at the history of Michigan football,
05:38 you know, wrote the book on getting the worm to turn.
05:42 The, and a worm's pretty slippery, you know, that thing can start wiggling back and forth
05:48 and turning back on you, but I mean, these guys also, I mean, they put a hook in it.
05:52 The hook got put in the worm, and they've written the book on how to do it.
05:58 It wasn't that long ago to, you know, we were saying, I mean, we're going to do this,
06:04 or we're going to die trying, and you know, they just give everything they got.
06:08 That's all we ask them, is to give it their very best,
06:11 but I mean, they give everything they have on a daily basis, and I can't,
06:17 am I going to pull guys back?
06:19 I never have to talk them in, you know, the amount of guys that were, you know,
06:24 playing through something tonight, playing with something, could have easily taken a knee,
06:29 didn't, you know, they just, I heard Mike B. say it the other day,
06:33 I mean, something just really resonated with me.
06:35 I mean, I'm, you know, just ready to go out there and die, you know.
06:39 We never ask them to do that.
06:40 Just go out and give it your very best, and give us everything you got,
06:45 and every guy on this team does it that way, and not just on game days.
06:51 It's every day.
06:52 How does it feel to you, JJ?
06:54 >> It feels great, obviously, you know, to be back and do it again,
06:59 just like Blake, Mikey, and Coach hit on.
07:01 You know, this was one of our goals, and it just feels great to accomplish it, but, you know,
07:06 the way I'm feeling personally is I need to get better, we need to get better as offense,
07:10 and really focus in on the little things, and, you know,
07:12 it's going to be a great month of preparation.
07:13 >> Right here in front.
07:15 >> Jim, and any of the players you want to answer, but could you kind of sum up your thoughts,
07:20 feelings, being on stage, watching the commissioner hand you guys the Big Ten Championship trophy?
07:24 >> Coach?
07:25 >> Oh, yeah, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
07:27 Just a wonderful feeling of winning, great thrill of victory.
07:32 Yeah, that's, I mean, how many more people can we get up here on the stage?
07:38 You know, they said it was pretty fortified, so keep bringing them up, and, you know,
07:42 it's where we wanted to be, it's what we hope for, what we worked so hard for,
07:50 and then it happened, you know, it's like kind of pinch yourself,
07:57 but yeah, the way our defense was playing, you know, the gutty performance,
08:02 another gritty one by our offense, and then the special teams, you know,
08:08 James Turner kicking the four field goals, Samaj Morgan with the big punt return, just so good.
08:15 You never know exactly who's going to be the guy, you know, who's going to make the play.
08:20 I mean, these three, they do it every week, but there's always somebody else that, you know,
08:27 gets in there as well.
08:28 Kenneth Grant had a dominating game, so did Mason Graham and Chris Jenkins, Cam Good,
08:38 those interior guys, the edge guys were incredible, but these three every week,
08:42 it's every week, these are the three guys, and then it's, you know,
08:47 always a multitude of other guys that step up and make the magic happen.
08:55 Back here in the back.
08:57 Hey, Coach, Kyle with Sports Report Media.
08:59 How special is this for you, especially in the town, your name's up there on the stadium,
09:04 but also you earned the title captain come back here. How special is this for these guys and for you tonight?
09:09 It's the most special.
09:14 I've gotten to the point in my life where, I don't know when this happened, I mean, it was a while ago,
09:23 a couple decades ago, where it's just, it's not about me, it had plenty of success,
09:30 but, you know, that your players can know what it's like to be a champion,
09:37 that their families can know what it's like to be a champion, you know, for my wife, you know, my kids,
09:44 to have their dad be a champion, for my parents to have their son be a champion,
09:49 that's the great thrill. Friends, and most especially, you know, my kids,
09:57 you know, just, they know what it's like to, their dad's a champion, and mostly the players,
10:03 you know, that they get to feel what it's like to be a champion, and that's a beautiful, wonderful thing.
10:11 Right here, right in front.
10:15 A couple questions here. First for Blake, I mean, have you heard from any former Michigan players at all
10:20 after tying the record, and for Jim, at what point did you realize that Blake tying and potentially breaking
10:27 this career-rushing record was a possibility?
10:30 Blake?
10:31 No, I haven't heard from any former, you know, running backs. I mean, Coach Hart, obviously, you know, that's my guy,
10:39 but in terms of like Anthony Thomas or anyone, no, I haven't. I haven't even checked my phone, you know,
10:45 so, you know, I definitely might, but, you know, it feels great, you know, just being up there with the greats,
10:51 you know, the greats, you know, that's something I wanted to do when I came here.
10:55 Obviously, I wanted to be a great football player, but I just wanted to, honestly, just leave an impact
11:00 on and off the field, just be a great person, you know, and I feel like I've done that, you know,
11:04 but there's obviously more to do, but, you know, I haven't heard from anyone.
11:10 Coach?
11:11 I just think just how proud James Corham has to be.
11:18 You know, he's such a great man, such a good friend, and everything that he poured in to Blake,
11:26 the discipline, the work ethic, the toughness, you know, blessed from mom, dad, and God with the DNA,
11:37 but, yeah, that's kind of where my mind goes.
11:42 I mean, what would it be like to be Blake's dad, you know, and JJ's dad, you know, Jim McCarthy,
11:49 you know, Carlo and Ray Sammerstil, you know, I mean, gosh, you guys have made your parents
11:57 so incredibly proud.
12:00 Before this, did you think Blake had a chance at the NBA record?
12:04 Did you think Blake had a chance at the record?
12:06 Question.
12:09 Yeah, there's nothing I don't think Blake can do, you know, no matter, you know,
12:15 what people tell you you can't do, you know, you just go back and think of all the things
12:21 that you have done to get you this far.
12:23 So, you know, that's the way these guys were raised by their parents, and I get to watch it daily,
12:31 weekly, monthly, yearly with these guys.
12:34 I mean, pretty much everything I said about them, you know, is now everybody knows,
12:41 and that's such a sweet thing, just really sweet and good.
12:46 For the record, I hosted Blake as a recruit.
12:50 He did.
12:51 He did.
12:53 Okay, over here.
12:54 Who was your host?
12:56 It was me, right?
12:57 It was you.
12:58 We went to the movies.
12:59 Went to the movies.
13:01 I can't – I don't remember.
13:02 Actually –
13:03 We were at that bouncy place, too.
13:05 We were at the bouncy place.
13:06 Yeah.
13:07 I don't know if that's still there anymore.
13:08 But, don't breathe.
13:11 Don't breathe.
13:12 That's what it was.
13:13 With the blind guy.
13:15 The blind guy, the Army guy.
13:16 That's right.
13:18 For the transcriptionist, that was Mikey.
13:20 So, go ahead, over here.
13:22 For Jim, and if a player wants to answer, too, you've been up here three times now
13:27 and you always talk about the next step and what's next.
13:29 Does it feel any different now, this third time, and what comes next?
13:34 Do you feel you're better prepared or whatever?
13:36 I guess we'll start with you.
13:38 That's for me?
13:39 Yep.
13:40 Oh, man.
13:41 I don't have a great answer for that.
13:42 You guys got a good answer for that?
13:43 JJ?
13:46 In my eyes, I look at it as, you know, acts like you've been there before.
13:50 Coach Arbaugh always hits on that.
13:52 Just like scoring your first touchdown like you scored your 100.
13:55 And I feel like, you know, we scored our 100 today just being able here.
13:59 To go out there and, you know, win for a third time, it's just like we've been
14:03 here before and we're ready to move on and get better.
14:06 If I was to say, just to add, I mean, you know, to me it feels 10 out of 10 happy.
14:12 You know, like it did last year and like it did in '21.
14:20 The – I can't remember, where was it?
14:23 Oh, yeah.
14:24 After the '21 – after the '21 game, I mean, I lost my wallet.
14:33 And I'm on my way to see Colston Loveland.
14:36 I'm going to make a home visit to see him.
14:39 And I was kind of bummed I lost my wallet.
14:41 But then I woke up and we're Big Ten champions.
14:47 You know, that – I don't care about my wallet.
14:50 You know?
14:52 And that's how I woke up last year.
14:54 You know, that's when it really sinks in to me.
14:57 So it'll probably really sink in tomorrow when I wake up.
14:59 I mean, if I lose my wallet, my phone, whatever it is.
15:03 I mean, we're Big Ten champions.
15:06 It's an amazing feeling.
15:07 10 out of 10.
15:08 10 out of 10 happy.
15:10 Right here.
15:12 For Jim and for the players, you know, I saw Zach Zinnegan wheeled out of the
15:16 tunnel and then going to see him go up on crutches for the coin toss.
15:20 I just – I'd love to get reaction from all four of you of his presence there
15:24 today, how much that meant to you.
15:26 Mikey, you want to start with you?
15:27 You know, yeah, Zach's a big piece of this team.
15:31 You know, he's not a "woe is me" guy, even though, you know, he's hurt right
15:34 now, but, you know, he's still going to lead.
15:37 It felt great to have him out there.
15:38 It felt great to see him.
15:40 And, you know, I know, you know, me as a captain, you know, a lot of the guys
15:43 would probably say it as well, like, you know, that's somebody that, you know,
15:45 guys on this team turn to.
15:47 His words mean a lot.
15:49 And, you know, his actions speak for itself.
15:51 JJ?
15:53 Yeah, just like Mikey said, you know, just his presence in general, being a
15:56 leader on our team, does so much for us because he just, you know, enlivens all
16:00 of us to go out there and do our best and play for him.
16:03 And when Coach made this game, you know, for him, we were doing it for him, it
16:07 just brought another level of urgency and, you know, motivation to go out there
16:10 and do it for him.
16:12 Blake?
16:13 Yeah, seeing my guy Zach out there meant a lot, you know, because he didn't have
16:17 to, you know, he just got out of surgery last week.
16:19 You know, I bet you he was still in pain, you know, but he did it for the team,
16:23 you know, and so therefore we did it for him.
16:25 You know, so just seeing him go out there on the coin toss, on crutches, you
16:29 know, on the sideline, like I said, just his presence, just everything he brings
16:34 to the team, like he doesn't have to say much, just him being there, you know,
16:37 means a lot.
16:38 And I definitely miss my guy on the field, you know, but like I said, like I told
16:42 him, like, it's just a minor setback, man, like you're going to come back better
16:45 than ever.
16:46 And I truly believe that, but, you know, Zach's one of the guys that came back,
16:50 you know, just like Mikey, just like myself, you know, for what we call
16:53 unfinished business, you know, and he's still here, you know, he's still here
16:57 and he's with the team and, you know, he still brings a lot to the team, you
17:01 know, even though he might not be able to be on the field pulling and blocking
17:04 and, you know, protecting JJ and myself, but, you know, his presence, it means a
17:10 lot to us and he's still there, he's still on the ride and, you know, I'm
17:14 blessed to have Zach.
17:16 Coach, anything to add?
17:17 Yeah, I would just add, you know, it's incredible just how he was, I mean, after
17:24 he got hurt and the whole team lined up and I've seen it, I've seen it go one of
17:29 two ways, I mean, you just, you rally around your teammate or the other thing
17:33 is, I mean, just incredible sadness and worry, you know, I've seen a teammate
17:40 get seriously hurt in high school and in college and in pro ball, you know, it's
17:47 just, it's sad, it's, but I mean, and he was in great pain, too, I know what it's
17:53 like to have a bone broken because they rub together, you know, until they can
17:58 get it really stabilized and isolated and get some kind of, you know, pain
18:04 medication in you, those bones are rubbing together, that's a pain you have
18:10 never felt before, just how tough and stoic he was and signal to his team and
18:19 what he said at the hospital was he was going to make it here, you know, hey, if
18:24 it's possible, you know, we'd love to bring that to life and he was here, you
18:30 know, just like he said, yesterday was a super long day for him with the flight
18:35 and, you know, moving around and everything and, yeah, the team wanted to
18:44 dedicate the game to him, what do we got to do when we dedicate a game to
18:47 somebody? Got to win it. Got to win it. Got to win it. And they did and, you know,
18:51 they wanted him to accept the trophy at the podium, so just to see all those
18:56 things come to life is beautiful. We'll take a couple more, raise your hands
19:01 please, right back here. I guess this would be for anybody who wants to answer
19:06 it, but earlier Coach Harbaugh had said it wasn't that long ago where he said
19:12 we're gonna try real hard or we're gonna die trying to be up on this stage,
19:17 three years in a row now, I mean, can you put into words what the journey has been
19:22 like over the last three years with the fight and coming together and all the
19:28 joy? JJ, we'll start with you. It's been beautiful, you know, just tremendous
19:33 blessing to be able to be a part of it, you know, through all the ups and downs,
19:37 through all the peaks and valleys, you know, there's nobody I'd rather go to war
19:41 with every single day than these guys right here and be led by anybody else
19:46 but Coach Harbaugh and it's just been so much fun, you know, so many valuable
19:50 learning lessons just about life, just about, you know, being a better man, came
19:54 from all the three years, so, you know, I'm just extremely honored to be a part of
20:00 it and, you know, I can't wait to see where it goes.
20:02 Mikey? You know, this team is just constantly maturing, you know, getting
20:08 better as men every single day and, you know, it's been a process but it's been
20:12 a very great process, a learning process, learning experience, you know, and I
20:17 don't think that you could paint a better picture but the picture also
20:19 isn't done being painted, you know, I can't wait to, you know, continue this
20:23 journey with these guys and, you know, Coach says he can't have it any better
20:27 than any, he has it better than nobody when it comes to players and, you know, as
20:31 a player I don't think, you know, I could have any better than a coach like Coach
20:34 Harbaugh, you know, who loves us, you know, as his sons and, you know, when you have a
20:39 coach who, you know, loves you in that way, you're able to as a player then love,
20:43 you know, your coach as well as love your players with that, you know, it's where
20:46 direct reflections of how Coach Harbaugh treats us. We'll take a couple more right here.
20:50 This question is for Blake. Just with you personally, your journey to get here last
20:56 year, your absence and then of course being the touchdown king for tonight, so
21:00 just kind of talk about that journey and trying to face the adversity and get
21:03 through that to be back here tonight. It was a beautiful journey, a journey that
21:07 taught me a lot of things about myself, you know, I remember on December 2nd last
21:12 year, you know, I was going into surgery, you know, it's probably around this time,
21:17 you know, California time, but, you know, going just how a whole 365 can change, you
21:23 know what I'm saying, so it was a beautiful journey, you know, I went through some
21:26 trials and tribulations, I found myself again and I became a better man on and
21:31 off the field, but to be back out here, you know, with my guys, you know, it felt
21:38 great, you know, it felt great and, you know, it's been a heck of a journey, but
21:42 the journey is not over and, you know, I'm super excited to see what this next
21:47 month has to offer, this next game has to offer, because I know it's going to be
21:51 glorious, I know it's going to be great, but to summarize everything, you know,
21:56 what I've been through from last year to now, it's been beautiful, you know, and I
22:01 wouldn't change nothing in the world for it. Yeah, I would just add, you know, JJ
22:07 McCarthy, I would, said it before, I mean, I would follow him to hell and back and
22:14 again tonight, he made throws, the one throw he made and then it got called
22:22 back for a holding call and some other great throws and uncharacteristically
22:27 we had some drops and uncharacteristically we had, you know, some
22:32 protection issues, but and that things that we'll work on and definitely Zach,
22:39 you know, was mixed and, you know, just, but I mean, never hung his head, never like
22:45 got on anybody, you know, just he's just got this just demeanor and the more you
22:53 hit him, the more, you know, the more he's just motivated to come back, which
22:57 is amazing. Plus, he's 20 years old and look at some of the, I think he's the
23:03 best quarterback in the country. Some will argue, but I mean, he's got to be
23:08 the youngest of the best. I mean, see some other guys that are, you know,
23:12 reclassified and been around for forever, but he is, he's just a kid.
23:18 He's a 20-year-old kid doing the things that he's done and the record he has
23:24 is speaks for itself, but the things you don't see behind the scenes, you see the
23:30 talent, but, you know, just the, you know, the toughness and the dedication, you
23:35 know, that he has for the team is unmatched. And Mikey, you know, we've been
23:41 talking about, you know, I think I mentioned it, my brother, we watched the
23:46 Maryland game together and he was blown away by Mikey and how he played and gave
23:54 me a line spike to give to Mikey, which I did, and a gift from my brother. And then
24:01 after the Ohio State game, he told me how much he's shooting up the draft boards.
24:06 But what they don't, all don't know is what Mikey will bring to your team, you
24:11 know, from a leadership standpoint. It's a smile, it's infectious, you know, it's
24:17 the accountability, you know, that he holds himself to and holds others to, you
24:23 know, is it's just so, so elite. And Blake, you know Blake, and I think you
24:32 know, I mean, how good of a player he is, but he's that good of a person as well.
24:38 On and off the field, I mean, he's rock-solid of a guy. I remember being
24:46 around guys like myself, you know, you make mistakes when you're that age.
24:50 And he's never made a mistake, he's never said, you know, a negative word.
24:55 It's the most positive, hardest-working, you know, best guy, you know, that
25:02 anybody, anybody could coach. So this is a thumbnail sketch. When I say I got a,
25:09 it's like a walk in a park coaching these guys, you know, and who could
25:13 possibly have it better than I do? You know, the answer to that is nobody,
25:18 because the kind of people they are. I'll tell you this, I wouldn't
25:23 want to play for anyone else, coach. I love you, coach. Nobody. Love you guys.
25:29 We're gonna take one more, coach, right here. This one's for Blake and JJ. Jim, just a
25:35 few minutes ago alluded, you know, maybe some things on offense that you might
25:38 want to work on or look for. How do you feel and rate your performance this game,
25:41 and do you feel that you left any meat on the bone as an offense? Blake, we'll
25:45 start with you. Yeah, you know, first of all, you know, Iowa has a good defense. You
25:49 know, let's not act like, you know, really fourth and defense and seventh
25:52 and scoring or seventh. They're up there. Or vice versa, right? It's fourth and
25:57 defense, seventh and scoring, or fourth and scoring, seventh and defense. That's a dang
26:01 good defense. Good, great defense. You know, now we made some mistakes, you know
26:05 what I'm saying? I wish I would have ran a little better. You know, we had dropped
26:09 passes, you know, pass pro. So there's just all things, you know, we can clean up, you
26:14 know what I'm saying? But we have a month now. We have a month to get guys healthy. We
26:18 have a month to watch a lot of film. We have a month to practice a lot, you know.
26:22 So we have time. You know, we can't waste our time, but we have time, you know. So
26:27 today's performance, it wasn't our best, but there's nothing better than winning.
26:31 You know, it got the job done. Like I said, shout out to the defense, you
26:35 know, special teams, you know. But like I said, Iowa's defense was good, you know,
26:40 but we have things to clean up. JJ. Yeah, Blake just said it all, you know. He
26:46 couldn't have said it any better, but you know, me personally, I just need to do
26:50 better at, you know, you know, staying in the pocket, not moving too early, and you
26:55 know, trusting my receivers downfield all the time. And you know, back to the
26:59 drawing board, like Blake said, that was a great defense and can't wait to learn
27:02 from a great defense. And you know, we'll get better from it and, you know, continue
27:07 to tighten things down and make us, you know, the most dominant offense we could
27:10 be. JJ, you didn't make a mistake out there. There wasn't one play where you
27:16 made a mistake. That Husky throw, I won't back. Maybe the one you, maybe the one
27:22 you could have run on when you threw to Roman. Yeah. On the incompletion, but I
27:25 mean, that was it. I mean, that was near perfect performance. Appreciate that,
27:30 coach. And Blake, that goal line run from the six-yard line, that was a great run.
27:36 Appreciate it, coach. That was the best six-yard run I've ever seen. All right.
27:41 Appreciate you guys. Have a great weekend.
