• 2 years ago
Small screen vengeance is theirs! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most deserved small-screen character deaths during the 2010s. If it wasn’t obvious already, expect some major spoilers ahead.


00:00 The last thing you're ever going to see is a Stark smiling down at you as you die.
00:05 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most deserved small-screen
00:09 character deaths during the 2010s.
00:10 If it wasn't obvious already, expect some major spoilers ahead.
00:14 It's time.
00:16 #10.
00:18 Tamara, Once Upon a Time
00:19 Well, we're not in the Enchanted Forest.
00:23 This is Neverland.
00:24 Murder, kidnapping, plotting to destroy all of Storybrooke.
00:28 You name it.
00:29 Tamara was probably guilty of it at some point.
00:31 But for what it's worth, she spends her final moments truly sorry for all the pain she's
00:35 caused.
00:36 Not that Rumpelstiltskin, aka Mr. Gold, seems to care.
00:39 Rather than accepting her apology, he reaches into Tamara's chest and quite literally breaks
00:43 her heart.
00:44 "Can you forgive me?"
00:45 "No."
00:46 It's a ghastly way to go out, and yet it's hard not to feel a little vindicated at the
00:52 same time.
00:53 After all, Tamara chose her path a very long time ago, and it was never going to end with
00:57 a happily ever after.
00:58 "But you told Greg and Tamara that magic was bad.
01:01 That you'd help them destroy it.
01:03 Why?"
01:04 #9.
01:05 Charles Pike, The 100
01:06 "If we're gonna survive this, we need to stand together."
01:09 "Now you say that."
01:12 Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
01:14 Especially if that woman is named Octavia Blake.
01:16 Then again, Pike totally had it coming.
01:18 His first mistake was killing Octavia's beloved Lincoln, and his second was thinking she'd
01:22 ever forgive him.
01:23 In reality, she only kept the xenophobic general around to help fight the corrupt AI Ally.
01:28 Then, once he'd fulfilled his purpose, she promptly put a blade through his gut.
01:34 There's no warning, no grand speech, and no final fight.
01:37 Pike's murder almost feels anticlimactic, and in a way, that makes it even crueler.
01:41 Either way, the message is loud and clear.
01:43 Don't get on Octavia's bad side.
01:50 #8.
01:55 Grant Ward, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
02:05 As an undercover HYDRA operative who infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D.'s elite squad, Ward's betrayal
02:09 wasn't just jaw-dropping, it was personal.
02:11 Thankfully, he got his comeuppance in due time, mostly via a drawn-out slugfest with
02:15 his former boss, Phil Coulson.
02:21 Each and every one of these blows is downright painful to watch, not just because it's
02:25 a fistfight for the fate of S.H.I.E.L.D., but because Coulson's battling someone he
02:28 once considered a friend.
02:30 A friend that's now way past the point of redemption.
02:39 In the end, Coulson's killing blow only channels one feeling, and it's not remorse.
02:43 It's pure, blood-stained retribution.
02:45 #7.
02:46 Oliver Saxon, aka the Brain Surgeon, Dexter
02:56 Over the years, Dexter Morgan has killed people in all sorts of dementedly creative ways.
03:01 But in the series finale, all he needed was a pen.
03:03 Dexter's a reasonable guy, though.
03:04 He warns Saxon about his imminent death, and even lets the so-called Brain Surgeon make
03:08 the first move.
03:09 Regardless, this is Dexter's game to win.
03:17 With a few quick moves, he fulfills his promise, leaving Saxon a bleeding corpse on the floor.
03:22 Poetically, the last thing the Brain Surgeon ever sees is the face of the one guy he could
03:25 never beat.
03:26 Hey, say what you will about Dexter's methods, but at least he's a man of his word.
03:31 #6.
03:33 Frat Boys, American Horror Story, Coven
03:35 As a general rule of thumb, it's best to avoid messing with vengeful young witches,
03:39 and nights like this are precisely the reason why, when a group of college players do unspeakable
03:45 things to Madison's unconscious body, she decides to personally dole out justice.
03:50 To her, that looks a lot like capital punishment.
03:59 Flipping a bus like a toy car is a bit dramatic, but if the screams are any indication, you've
04:04 got the job done.
04:05 Madison certainly thinks so.
04:06 Without so much as a word, she turns her heel and marches away.
04:09 Her flippancy says it all.
04:11 These college bros won't live to hurt anyone ever again.
04:17 #5.
04:18 Gemma Taylor-Morrow, Sons of Anarchy
04:20 From the moment Gemma walks in the front door, her time is up.
04:29 She knows it.
04:30 Jax knows it.
04:31 And most of all, the audience knows it.
04:32 In a way, her death felt inevitable as soon as she killed her daughter-in-law, Tara.
04:39 It's only fitting that Jax, Gemma's son and Tara's widow, gets to finish her off.
04:47 But that doesn't make the goodbye any easier to swallow.
04:49 The only silver lining is that Jax honors his mother's last request to die in the flower
04:53 garden.
04:56 And yet, by the time Gemma's body finally hits the ground, we bet there's not a single
05:05 dry eye left, either on screen or at home.
05:08 #4.
05:09 High Commander Winslow, The Handmaid's Tale
05:13 High-ranking official or not, anyone who tries to force themselves onto June is asking for
05:16 it.
05:17 Commander Winslow thinks a little roughhousing will put her in her place, but it does the
05:21 exact opposite.
05:22 June fights, struggles, and resists until, finally, she picks up a pen.
05:26 From there, let's just say she proves exactly why the pen is mightier than the sword.
05:35 Somehow though, that's not even the end of it.
05:37 Despite Winslow's begging, June uses a heavy statue to put him to bed, permanently.
05:41 Is it grisly?
05:42 Yes, absolutely.
05:43 However, that part's easy to forget when you're caught up in the thrill of June reclaiming
05:47 her bodily autonomy.
05:49 #3.
05:50 The Hunters, The Walking Dead
05:58 Despite taking place in the zombie apocalypse, the only ones eating human flesh here are
06:02 Gareth and his lackeys.
06:03 That's right, these "Hunters" are cannibals, and they sure aren't shy about it.
06:07 Luckily, neither is Rick when it comes to giving them their just desserts.
06:10 Ever the showman, he lures Gareth's squad into a church and then shows them their maker
06:14 in exceedingly bloody fashion.
06:17 It's not quick, it's not painless, and it's not pretty.
06:22 In fact, it's so brutal, Glenn and Maggie can barely stomach watching at all.
06:26 But considering just how many people the Hunters turned into meals, this is still getting off
06:30 easy.
06:31 #2.
06:32 Jack Welker and his gang, Breaking Bad
06:35 There's a whole lot of reasons to hate Jack, Todd, and the rest of the crew.
06:43 They killed Hank, they tortured Jesse, they murdered Andrea, the list goes on and on.
06:48 It took a while, but in Breaking Bad's final episode, Jack's team finally got what they
06:52 deserved.
06:53 In this case, that meant death by a jury-rigged machine gun in Walt's trunk.
06:57 It's a moment that practically deserves a standing ovation, and yet it somehow gets
07:01 even better.
07:02 After the machine gun clears the way, Jesse gets to finish Todd, Walt gets to finish Jack,
07:06 and all is right in the world.
07:07 Suffice it to say, Breaking Bad really did go out with a bang.
07:10 "Is he gone?"
07:12 "Yeah, it's done.
07:14 He's gone.
07:15 They're all gone."
07:20 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
07:23 about our latest videos.
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07:34 #1.
07:36 The Fray's "Game of Thrones"
07:42 The Fray family had wealth, influence, and an army.
07:45 Arya Stark, on the other hand?
07:46 She only had a list.
07:47 But clearly, that's all she needed to bake Walder Fray some humble pie.
07:50 Oh, and the secret ingredient?
07:51 It's his own sons.
07:52 He doesn't live long enough to dwell on that fact, though.
07:55 "My name is Arya Stark.
07:56 I want you to know that."
07:58 Nothing may ever truly make up for the horror of the Red Wedding, but this comes pretty
08:02 damn close.
08:03 In hindsight, the sixth season of Game of Thrones had a lot of vengeance going around.
08:07 In episode before Walder Fray's death, Sansa got to watch Ramsay Bolton as he was literally
08:11 thrown to the hounds.
08:12 "You haven't fed them in seven days.
08:13 You said it yourself."
08:14 Evidently, no one does revenge quite like the Starks.
08:20 What's the most vindicating character death you've ever seen?
08:22 Let us know if it made our list in the comments below.
08:25 "It's over, Ward."
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08:36 See you next time.
08:46 (upbeat music)