• 2 years ago
00:00 Research you put on Saturday's matchup big matchup
00:02 So it should be for me, you know
00:05 Play everything's coming to a full circle
00:08 Being healthy last time I played in the big 10 championship game wasn't gets Purdue's against Iowa
00:13 Just like this will come to Saturday, you know, and I still wasn't healthy that game so big matchup, you know
00:19 I was as always, you know had a strong defense
00:22 So we definitely have to prepare really well for their defense and what they have to bring
00:26 I know their best plan the team is hurt
00:29 from
00:30 what I know
00:31 you know, so
00:33 you know, I'm praying for him, but you know, that's a
00:36 Something that we don't have to worry about, you know, because he's a really good player
00:40 But it's huge, you know back to three times. This will be our third time to big 10 championship in three years
00:47 It's been a heck of a journey. So, you know, I'm super excited to get to Indy
00:51 But first, you know, we just had to take care of work this week and go from there
00:57 Thank You Blake as a reminder if you would like to ask a question
01:00 Please raise your hand in the chat window. Our first question today goes to Larry Lage
01:05 Larry you can unmute and ask
01:13 Sorry about that
01:20 Blake hello. Can you share your emotions on having coach Harbaugh back on the sidelines Saturday?
01:27 Yeah, no, I'm super excited to have coach Harbaugh back
01:30 It's been a it's been a long three games, but it's been a good three games as well
01:34 And I know, you know just having his enthusiasm back is his pregame speeches
01:39 Just having his presence back on the sideline. Well, we'll go a long way, you know, so
01:44 It's been it's been a tough three weeks, but we've uh, you know, we've we still been winning
01:49 We've been able to take care of business by having them back on the sideline
01:53 For the Big Ten Championship game will mean a lot, you know, so I'm super excited to have coach you back
01:58 You know, it's gonna be great it's gonna be like a reunion
02:02 Our next question goes to Adam Rittenberg
02:08 It Blake just along those lines
02:11 What are some of the things about what coach Harbaugh does on game days that maybe we don't know that you guys have experienced that?
02:16 Obviously you now you get a chance to have that again for such a big game
02:20 You know something I look forward to is just hearing his pregame speech, you know, it kind of
02:25 Gets the hair sticking up on my arms, you know gets me ready to run through a wall, you know
02:31 So I've definitely missed hearing that but honestly just is
02:34 His presence, you know, what do you what he brings to the table, you know the way he operates
02:39 You know, so I guess those would be the two main things but just him being back in general was a bonus for us
02:46 I know the players are fired up. I'm fired up. I know he's super fired up, you know, so
02:51 But I definitely know it is pretty game speech man. I absolutely love
02:57 Our next question is for Faygo Franklin
03:03 Hey Blake this season, what are you learning about yourself as you continue to evolve into an impressive elite player?
03:16 You know, I continuously learn a lot about myself, but you know this year for me something I learned about myself is just like
03:24 You know, I just have to be where my feet are
03:28 And cherish each and every moment, you know for me hasn't really been about learning
03:33 You know, what can I do better on the field but more so just cherishing each and every moment, you know
03:38 Because I've been blessed, you know to be
03:42 At such a prestigious school like University of Michigan and have the best fan base and you know
03:48 So this last year, you know me coming back
03:50 I really just wanted to grow in that aspect of just making sure I'm where my feet are cherishing every moment
03:56 You know taking advantage of every opportunity that comes my way
03:58 You know and I feel like I've done that, you know, it's been a great senior year
04:03 I have a bunch of great memories, you know, I didn't think about the NFL year, you know
04:10 I kind of just focused on the moment embrace the moment and love the moment, you know, so
04:15 That's what I would say where I you know, seeing growth and what I've done this year
04:20 Our next question comes from Angelique Changeless
04:25 Blake a year ago you were about to have knee surgery you missed this game. What what was that?
04:32 What was your mindset like a year ago and when you had to miss this game?
04:36 It was tough, you know, I don't know if missing the Big Ten championship game was tough or being on the sidelines at a TCU game
04:44 It was tough. You know, I remember I just got out of surgery
04:48 I was in California laid up in the hotel bed
04:52 My dad and you know, just watching the game through a screen, you know, I couldn't do nothing but cheer
04:58 You know and think about what I saw, you know through the camera, you know through the TV and it was tough
05:04 You know, it was very emotional
05:06 I
05:08 wanted to be there so bad, but you know everything happens for a reason and
05:12 Look at me now, you know, I'm getting ready. I'm getting prepared for
05:17 You know Andy right now and it's gonna be a heck of a time come Saturday
05:22 We've got time for one or two more for Blake our next question comes from mellow Williams
05:30 Yes
05:32 Yes Blake congratulations on winning the Big Ten East
05:38 What do you feel is the biggest key for what do you feel is the biggest key for the offense going against Iowa's number?
05:45 seven defense
05:47 Yeah, you know
05:49 Stick to our roots, you know saying I don't think we should have to change anything
05:53 You know, I don't believe in it, you know, I believe when something is working, you know, you stick to it
05:59 You may be sharpening up a little bit change a couple things here and there
06:02 But I think we just have to stick to our identity, you know, I'm saying we have to play Michigan football
06:07 You know, obviously I was a heck of a defense, you know, they've always been a heck of a defense
06:12 I remember when we played played them last year. We had to go to Iowa, you know, they were great
06:17 Yeah, it's Jack Campbell and you know, you name it. Cooper. Did he you know, they still had all those players so
06:22 You know going against the tough defense, you know, you just have to prepare for it, you know
06:28 And that's what we're going to continue to do. But um, you know, just be ourselves man, you know
06:33 Don't don't change anything at all. Just prepare a little more and uh, you know come Saturday, you know, hopefully we should be sure that
06:40 Our last question for Blake will come from Aaron McMahon
06:44 Well, I've given everything that's gone on this year. What would winning a Big Ten championship mean to you?
06:51 It would almost mean everything to me, you know, you know the win against
06:58 Let me rewind at the beginning of the year, you know, I promised all these things, you know, I'm saying and you know
07:03 I promised the Ohio State I promised to go to Big Ten championship and this and that and you know, we're doing it, you know, so
07:09 Winning the Big Ten championship would mean a lot but I wouldn't say it means everything
07:15 Let me tell you that it would mean a lot though, you know, because we've been through a lot, you know, we've
07:19 Been through called all types of names, you know, we've been
07:24 People don't think we're good at football because of this and that and just so much going on
07:28 You know coach gets suspended for three games and linebacker coach gets fired
07:33 Just you know, so many things again thrown at you. But what do we do? We stand to talk, you know
07:39 We stood tall we came together even more and I didn't think this team could come together even more than we already were
07:44 you know, this is a tight-knit team right here, so
07:47 You know, we've handled it in a mature way
07:52 So, you know winning this big ten championship would mean a lot, you know, but uh, you know
07:57 I like speaking things into existence. So after we won the Big Ten championship, you know, we still have a lot to prove
08:02 You know, but I believe our team is great and we're going to get some great team in Iowa
08:07 So it should be a great matchup and I'm super excited about it
