Love your local - The Real Ale Corner pub, Chatsworth Rd Brampton.
00:00 Pubs have been a cornerstone of our local communities for centuries, offering a place
00:11 for people to meet together and socialise, as well as providing thousands of jobs and
00:16 a cornerstone of the local economy.
00:18 Here we go behind the bar to meet the people who run our pubs and say why it's important
00:22 for you to love your local.
00:24 Laura and I are the owners here at the Real El Corner in Chesterfield.
00:29 This is Derbyshire's oldest micro pub, first set up in 2009 and believed to be the second
00:35 oldest micro pub in the country.
00:36 Have you got any future plans?
00:39 Yeah so one of the things that we're looking to do is we've got a lot of followers, people
00:44 who drop in, they've come for the Brampton Mile, they've been to see us, they like the
00:47 beers but they can't get them where they live if they're not local.
00:51 So one of the things we're doing now is relaunching our online shop so that we can supply the
00:58 local beers and some of the less local ones to people all around the country.
01:02 What kind of beers do you sell?
01:04 So we've got a pretty big range now of real ale, craft, we try and do some bottles of
01:12 cider, we've got decent wine spirits, all sorts of stuff.
01:16 So it's a real mix of the local breweries but also some of the stuff you can't get anywhere
01:21 else around here.
01:23 We took this on six months ago having moved up here from a different part of the country
01:28 so we've tried to bring some of the great beers from around the UK with us so that people
01:33 get to enjoy them up here as well.