• 2 years ago


00:00 You know, once a year, a grandpappy should spend the day with his own flesh and fur.
00:05 Say, you're a sorry sight, Tommy boy.
00:08 You look kinda sissified.
00:12 You been sick, huh? Huh?
00:14 What kind of cat are you?
00:15 Lying there watching TV and eating popcorn with a mouse?
00:19 You're setting cats back 50 years, boy.
00:22 We gotta toughen you up, son.
00:23 Get you ready for the future.
00:26 One of these days, a cat's gonna be present.
00:29 And that cat's gonna be you.
00:31 Follow me, Tommy? Huh? Huh?
00:32 Catch my drift? Huh? Huh?
00:33 Oh, what am I gonna do with him?
00:36 I got it!
00:39 Yeah!
00:40 A survival trip.
00:41 I'm gonna toughen you up, boy.
00:43 And you're going too, kiddo.
00:47 All right, here we are in survival country.
00:55 You go in a pussy cat, and you come out a roaring, clawing tiger.
00:59 Now, let's check our survival gear.
01:03 Shovel.
01:04 Freemastat.
01:05 Socks.
01:06 Mouse.
01:07 Listen up, mouse, this here's a survival trip.
01:10 And the one that's gotta survive is you.
01:12 Now, we're counting to 100, and then we're coming after you.
01:17 One, two, three, 99, 100.
01:24 Okay, sonny boy, let's track down that mouse.
01:38 You go north to northeast, I'll go south to southwest,
01:41 and we'll outflank his flanks.
01:43 That little mousey ain't got a chance.
01:46 I can smell fear a mile away.
01:51 [ROARING]
01:54 Apparently that bear can smell fear too.
02:02 [ROARING]
02:06 Mouse tracks.
02:18 That little mousey's a goner.
02:20 Kapoot! Finito!
02:22 [ROARING]
02:23 Shh! Lookie here, sonny.
02:37 African elephant tracks.
02:39 Them's the ones with the big ears, you know, not the little ears.
02:43 The ones with the little ears, them's Indian elephants.
02:46 You follow me, son?
02:47 Hey, now, that's funny.
02:49 There shouldn't be no elephants around here.
02:51 [ROARING]
02:55 Definitely African elephants.
03:05 Uh, did either of you see an elephant around here?
03:08 It just escaped from the circus.
03:10 He went that-a-way.
03:11 I told you there shouldn't be any elephants around here.
03:20 You see, son?
03:22 This here is what we call a Bengal tiger track.
03:25 Now, of course, everybody knows there's no Bengal tigers around these parts.
03:31 I hope.
03:32 Uh, did you see a Bengal tiger around here?
03:44 Thanks, pal.
03:48 That tiger's mean.
03:49 Real mean.
03:51 I told you there shouldn't be no Bengal tigers around these parts.
03:55 This trap will also work on mice.
03:58 [ROARING]
04:01 In addition to catching tigers and mice,
04:10 it'll also catch two stupid cats and two stupid circus keepers.
04:15 You follow me, sonny?
04:16 Huh? Huh? Huh?
04:18 Sonny boy, this here mouse trap never fails.
04:23 This here trap was first used by the Boonecatch Indians back in 1526.
04:28 You just pull on this here rope and whammo!
04:31 Mouse waffles!
04:33 You follow me, sonny? Huh?
04:34 You catch my drift? Huh? Huh?
04:35 You see where I'm coming from, huh?
04:37 Clark, I think I spy our poor unsuspecting prey now.
04:41 [SNIFFING]
04:47 [CHOMPING]
04:49 Now, I merely pull like so.
04:52 [GRUNTING]
04:54 Now I'm mad.
04:59 That really gives me a hairball.
05:01 It always worked before.
05:03 Step aside, shorty.
05:05 Give me a hand, sonny boy.
05:07 [GRUNTING]
05:09 [MEOWING]
05:11 Here, hold this rope.
05:14 Now, when I say "pull"...