• 2 years ago
These unhealthy snacks are best enjoyed in moderation. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most calorie-dense and nutrient-deficient snacks.


00:00 Why is your neck so greasy?
00:01 I fell asleep eating a Hot Pocket.
00:03 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most calorie-dense
00:07 and nutrient-deficient snacks.
00:09 Give me the Twix.
00:10 They're all gone.
00:11 Twix!
00:12 Number 20.
00:13 Ritz Bitz Cheese Sandwich Crackers Anything bite-sized may seem like it's healthier
00:24 for you, but that unfortunately isn't the case.
00:27 Ritz Bitz Cheese Sandwich Crackers are the perfect example of this.
00:30 Despite being tiny, each portion contains around 150 mg of sodium.
00:34 Additionally, the chances of feeling satisfied after only one serving are slim and can lead
00:38 to people eating more than the recommended amount.
00:40 While the filling is technically real cheese, the amount is so minute that you don't get
00:44 the same amount of protein you would from just eating the dairy product on its own.
00:48 We would suggest just having cheese and crackers on their own so that you can get both the
00:51 vitamins and the great taste.
00:59 Number 19.
01:00 Cheetos Puffs It ain't easy being cheesy.
01:03 This treat, despite being delicious, is not without its health detriments.
01:07 One serving contains 160 calories, but it's hard to keep just one serving, and that same
01:12 serving contains almost 300 mg of sodium alone, so you can only imagine how much is in multiple
01:17 bowls of the snack.
01:22 Additionally, both puffed and crunchy Cheetos contain an ingredient called Yellow 6, which
01:28 is the dye that gives the brand its signature orange color.
01:31 This dye, when eaten in large amounts, can also have adverse effects on one's health.
01:46 Number 18.
01:47 Snyder's Hot Buffalo Wing Pretzel Pieces The whole point of a snack is to be able to
01:51 tide yourself over between meals without spoiling your appetite.
01:54 However, when said morsels are lacking in certain nutrients, then all you're accomplishing
01:59 is taking in extra nutritional units.
02:01 One example of this is Snyder's pretzel pieces, specifically the buffalo wing flavor.
02:14 While they seem filling, they have less than a gram of fiber and only a couple of grams
02:17 of protein, meaning it will take more to feel satisfied.
02:20 There's also few vitamins, giving the food no extra nutritional value beyond providing
02:24 energy.
02:29 Empty food like this won't help quell the hunger, and can accidentally result in eating
02:33 more than originally planned.
02:35 Number 17.
02:37 Veggie Straws Chips made from vegetables sound too good
02:39 to be true, and unfortunately, they are.
02:42 While classic potato chips are derived from the root vegetable, veggie straws centered
02:45 their branding around using healthier produce such as spinach and tomatoes.
02:49 However, the truth is that these chips are made by grinding the plants into a powder
02:52 or paste, which severely reduces the vitamin content.
02:55 They're also fried, which lowers the nutritional value even further.
02:59 So while they may have a lower fat content than regular chips, you aren't getting the
03:02 level of the nutrients and minerals that would normally come with eating greens.
03:06 In fact, we'd recommend skipping the straws entirely and eating raw veggies instead.
03:11 Number 16.
03:13 Cheez-Its While Cheez-Its do have a significant amount
03:15 of calcium due to the cheese found within them, they still aren't the healthiest choice
03:19 to make when it comes to picking something to graze on.
03:27 They may not contain too many additives, beyond those that extend shelf life, but that doesn't
03:31 automatically make them good for you.
03:33 Eating these won't do much for you other than increase your calorie intake, as they're
03:36 easy to accidentally binge on.
03:44 They're devoid of any nutrients other than calcium and have a high salt content to boot.
03:49 When choosing something to eat, it's important to opt for something that will make you feel
03:52 full quickly and for a long period of time.
03:54 Cheez-Its, while tasting great, aren't able to fulfill those requirements.
04:03 Number 15.
04:04 Orville Redenbacher's Pour Over Movie Theater Butter Popcorn
04:07 Popcorn is a classic comfort food, and it does have the potential to be a healthy option.
04:11 However, one ingredient completely changes that - butter.
04:19 While popcorn by itself only has about 4 grams of fat, melted butter has at least 80, which
04:24 is about 20 times more than the snack on its own.
04:26 Orville Redenbacher's Pour Over Movie Theater Butter Popcorn also falls victim to this.
04:31 Besides the butter and soybean oil, the kernels themselves are coated in palm oil, which add
04:35 to the overall fat content.
04:37 The small serving size makes it easy to overindulge, which can lead to the added intake of butter
04:41 and salt.
04:42 We'd advise sticking to air-popped corn on its own.
04:48 Number 14.
04:50 Nutri-Grain Strawberry Bars
04:51 Sometimes, when you're in a rush before work or school, all you have time to do is grab
04:54 something quick before heading out.
05:02 Nutri-grain fruit bars may seem like the quickest and most filling option.
05:05 However, the unfortunate truth is that the amount of fiber is negligible, meaning that
05:09 you're more likely to still feel hungry after consuming it.
05:12 Additionally, while the nutrition information doesn't seem too bad, a look at the ingredients
05:17 list reveals a much different story.
05:19 Each bar is full of additives and several different types of sugar, making this more
05:23 dessert than snack.
05:24 Another option for those rushed moments is to opt for a piece of fruit.
05:27 While it may contain fructose, it's at least coming from a natural source.
05:34 Number 13.
05:35 Townhouse Flatbread Crisps Sea Salt and Olive Oil
05:37 While the name and overall look of Townhouse's flatbread crisps may give off a healthy vibe,
05:42 each component of the crisp has its own potential adverse health effects.
05:45 The crackers themselves are made with refined flour, which has a higher carbohydrate content
05:50 than its natural counterparts.
05:51 Sea salt is less processed than other variants, but contains less iodine, which is vital in
05:56 maintaining good health.
05:57 There is also a chance of it being contaminated with microplastics.
06:00 Additionally, olive oil has high amounts of fatty acids, especially compared to other
06:04 vegetable-based oils.
06:05 Besides olive, the crackers are also made with soybean oil, which is also very rich.
06:10 So while the concept behind this cracker is good, the execution is left to be desired.
06:18 Number 12.
06:19 Chex Mix Bold Party Blend It can be easy to assume that Chex Mix would
06:23 be healthier due to it containing a variety of healthier options, such as rye chips and
06:27 nuts.
06:28 Unfortunately, like other savory foods, it contains a high level of sodium.
06:36 The Bold Party Blend in particular has almost a quarter of the recommended salt intake in
06:39 just one cup.
06:40 There are also several types of oil used when making the product, which adds to the overall
06:44 unhealthiness.
06:45 It can also be easy to unintentionally overeat due to the small portion size.
06:49 While Classic Trail Mix can also have its unhealthy components, we propose opting for
06:53 that, as it at least contains a higher protein content.
06:57 Number 11.
06:58 Twix We know that chocolate bars have never really
07:00 been considered healthy, but Twix manages to take it to a whole new level.
07:04 Just one helping contains a significant amount of sucrose, much more than one would expect
07:08 from such a small bar.
07:09 This is most likely due to the caramel found within it, which is composed of several types
07:13 of fructose.
07:14 That combined with the chocolate makes for a dangerously good and excessively sweet treat.
07:21 It also has a whopping 12 grams of fat in two bars, seven of which are saturated.
07:25 If you're craving that chocolatey taste, then we suggest just having a piece of dark
07:28 chocolate.
07:29 It's delicious and is healthier than other kinds of candy.
07:32 Number 10.
07:34 Snack Pack Pudding Despite these cups being described as snack
07:36 packs, we would suggest saving these for dessert and nothing more.
07:40 Not only are they not filling, they are incredibly unhealthy.
07:47 Pudding is already unhealthy, and that's before all the additives that come with the
07:50 mass-produced version.
07:51 The brand's vanilla pudding comes with yellow 5 and 6, the latter of which has been found
07:55 to potentially cause tumors in humans.
07:57 The excessive amount of fructose doesn't help its case either.
07:59 While the cholesterol contents of the treat are low, that doesn't offset the negative
08:03 effects.
08:04 If you're hankering for a sweet and creamy treat, then yogurt will satisfy that craving
08:07 while also providing probiotics and calcium.
08:16 Number 9.
08:17 Lay's Classic Chips Potato chips are a classic, with different
08:21 variants from all over the world.
08:22 Unfortunately, they're also some of the least healthy things to consume.
08:25 Lay's in particular have several flavors that, while delicious, are practically nutritionally
08:29 empty.
08:38 The sodium levels in particular are shocking.
08:40 For comparison, one helping of the original flavor may only have 160 calories, but it
08:45 will also have almost 400 milligrams of salt.
08:48 Unfortunately, it isn't just the classic chips that are bad for you.
08:51 Other iconic flavors, like barbecue, are also problematic.
08:54 Even their corn-related options aren't safe.
08:56 The chili cheese variant of Fritos are made with the same caramel coloring found in some
09:00 sodas, which can be detrimental to one's health.
09:03 Number 8.
09:04 Swiss Rolls These cakes may seem small, but they pack
09:07 a huge punch.
09:08 For example, if someone is eating about 2,000 calories per day, then having just one package
09:12 of Swiss Rolls would equate to more than 10% of that caloric amount.
09:15 While it doesn't seem like much at first, an extra 280 calories can make or break one's
09:20 diet.
09:21 On top of that, over 100 of those 280 derive from fat, making it even unhealthier.
09:26 The first two ingredients being sugar and corn syrup is the cherry on top.
09:29 The only energy you'd get from eating one is from the rush that would immediately follow.
09:33 For the same amount of metabolic energy, you could have a much more filling and enriching
09:37 treat.
09:38 Number 7.
09:39 Nutella When it first came on the scene, Nutella was
09:41 branded as another option for a breakfast spread, like peanut butter or jam.
09:45 It has also been sold as a dip for other snacks, such as pretzels and tiny breadsticks.
09:50 However, despite being touted as a potentially healthy option, a quick look into the ingredients
09:54 proves otherwise.
09:56 One of the primary components in the spread is palm oil, which can lead to heightened
10:00 cholesterol levels and increase the risk of some heart-related issues.
10:08 Most of the calories come from the glucose in the product.
10:11 The company was even taken to court for falsely labeling it as nutritious.
10:18 While a healthy chocolate spread does sound like a dream, it's clear that Nutella isn't
10:22 it.
10:23 If his diet crashes and burns into a giant pile of Nutella, I'm the one he's going
10:28 to blame.
10:29 Number 6.
10:30 Oreos The recipe for Oreos has changed over the
10:32 years, but unfortunately, it hasn't made them any healthier.
10:35 They were originally made with lard, and while they did eventually phase that out, they instead
10:39 turned to canola and palm oil.
10:40 While they're more nutritionally sound than lard, they can still cause cholesterol levels
10:44 to rise.
10:45 Additionally, due to the cookies being vegan, there is a slight misconception that they're
10:49 a healthy option.
10:50 While they may not contain any animal products, they still have a high fructose corn syrup,
10:57 which can eventually lead to adverse health effects if eaten too often.
11:00 While the company has gone out of their way to improve, it's important to remember that
11:03 it's still a dessert food and should only be eaten in moderation.
11:17 Number 5.
11:18 Drake's Fruit Pies Just because something claims to be made with
11:21 fruit doesn't automatically make it a better option.
11:28 While produce does come with a natural amount of fructose, Drake's took things a step
11:32 further with their fruit pies.
11:34 Each dessert comes with several different types of sugar within it, including two different
11:37 types of corn syrup, totaling up to 13 added grams of the substance.
11:40 While it does add to the delicious taste, that much unnatural sweetness can lead to
11:44 health complications down the line, including diabetes and tooth decay.
11:48 So while it may seem you're getting a serving of apples or cherries, you're really just
11:51 getting pure sucrose, making it a better option to eat the fruit on its own.
11:59 Number 4.
12:00 Nutty Buddy Every aspect of a Nutty Buddy is delicious,
12:03 but not so nutritious.
12:05 Composed of chocolate, peanut butter, and wafer cookies, these delicacies make for a
12:09 great dessert.
12:10 However, these are definitely best eaten in moderation.
12:12 While the bars feel lighter due to the wafers, each one consists of three different kinds
12:16 of fat, bringing the total up to 18 grams per portion.
12:19 Chocolate, while having some minute health benefits, is rich in lactose and has been
12:23 found to lead to obesity if eaten in high amounts over a long period of time.
12:27 All in all, the different ingredients end up coming together to make up nearly 40% of
12:31 your daily sugar amount.
12:33 Number 3.
12:34 Hot Pockets The main issue about Hot Pockets derives from
12:37 the filling within.
12:38 While they do have plenty of protein, the meat has been processed, meaning that it has
12:41 been altered to enhance both the longevity and the taste.
12:45 However, while processing meat helps the product, it can also be a carcinogen for humans.
12:53 As if that weren't enough, they're also loaded with salt, with each serving containing
12:56 over 650 milligrams and over 3,000 calories, it would make more sense to prepare a healthy
13:01 side to go with it and treat it as part of a meal.
13:06 Number 2.
13:08 Pop Tarts A Pop Tart is essentially like having dessert
13:10 for breakfast.
13:11 While that sounds amazing, it isn't ideal health-wise.
13:14 It's probably no surprise that sugar is the most overwhelming component, from dextrose
13:18 to multiple types of corn syrup.
13:19 Effectively, you're starting off the day at over half the recommended sugar intake.
13:23 While it will help give you a spike of energy, beyond that, they don't contain enough nutrients
13:27 to sustain it.
13:30 It's also important to note that the filling isn't made with fruit, which Kellogg's
13:33 had to state on their packaging after being called out in 2006.
13:36 This means that all of the sweetness was added in, and that little to none of it is derived
13:40 from a natural source.
13:45 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
13:50 about our latest videos.
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14:01 Number 1.
14:02 Twinkies While Twinkies are undoubtedly iconic within
14:07 pop culture, they are truly the antithesis of a healthy snack.
14:10 The cakes are practically devoid of any nutrients such as calcium.
14:13 While they lack vitamins, they make up for it with pure sugar, over 30 grams of it per
14:17 serving.
14:18 There's also 35 milligrams of cholesterol.
14:20 The daily cholesterol limit is 300 milligrams, and ingesting too much over a long period
14:24 of time can eventually lead to certain cardiovascular conditions.
14:28 The lack of fiber in Twinkies results in the fructose overloading your system, which could
14:32 cause your blood sugar to rise.
14:33 While having a sweet treat every once in a while, doing so often enough could eventually
14:37 lead to further complications, including damage to the nerves and eyes.
14:46 Which unhealthy snack is your favorite to indulge in?
14:49 Let us know in the comments below!
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