• 2 years ago
Sheeleys FC-170: Ran with 10 psi in the tires. Not an overly fast run
00:00 Wow.
00:01 Have you guys ever been completely straight up?
00:04 You were looking straight to the moon.
00:05 One time I was straight to the dirt and then I was off.
00:08 [laughter]
00:10 What did you think about that?
00:12 It was amazing.
00:14 I feel great now it's over.
00:16 Man, she hit hard sometimes there.
00:19 Wow, I was like, whoa.
00:21 It was just unbelievable, unbelievable.
00:24 She did so well driving.
00:27 Wow, I'm lost for words.
00:29 [music]
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