• 2 years ago
Frasier - Just A Firefighter - Freddy (Jack Cutmore-Scott) teases Frasier (Kelsey Grammer) about a comment trivializing Freddy's profession as a firefighter.


00:00 -Good morning. -Hey.
00:01 -What are you up to?
00:02 -Oh, I'm making my chili
00:03 for the guys at the station tonight,
00:04 but, uh, I got to double the recipe,
00:07 which is, you know, tough, 'cause I'm just a firefighter, so...
00:11 Uh, Dad, help me out.
00:12 What is 2 times 4 again?
00:15 I just -- [ Sighs ]
00:17 -You were a mathlete.
00:19 You know it's 8.
00:21 -Right. 8.
00:22 The one that looks like a snowman.
00:24 -Here's your chili pot.
00:25 -Oh, thanks, Eve. It's, uh --
00:28 Uh, Eve, why does this smell like baby lotion?
00:32 -Huh.
00:33 Old family recipe.
00:36 Also, I took some really cute photos
00:38 of John dressed up as a lobster.
00:39 -You got to stop.
00:42 Oh, my God. That is insanely cute.
00:44 -Five-alarm chili.
00:45 You know, since you already have most of the ingredients,
00:47 why don't you consider making chili's
00:49 more sophisticated French cousin, the cassoulet,
00:53 where the bean truly shines?
00:56 -I don't know, Dad. Sounds kind of tricky.
00:58 You think I can handle that, since I'm just a firefighter?
01:00 -Oh, God.
01:01 You know, I have great respect for firefighters.
01:03 -But?
01:04 -However...
01:06 I have always wondered why you narrowed your choices
01:09 down to just this one,
01:11 given that you have so many gifts.
01:12 -I use all my gifts --
01:14 mental, physical, sartorial.
01:16 That's right.
01:17 I designed this shirt.
01:19 See the stitching?
01:20 -No.
01:21 -Exactly.
01:22 [ Laughter ]
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